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NEXT LIVE EVENT - 10th & 11th FEBRUARY 2024
This Event Has Passed
tickets Are only $47

Includes a Hard Copy of The Best-Selling Book "Australian Real Estate Investing
Made Simple"
Fully Catered Lunch For 2 Days
Click Here To Reserve Your Seat Now!


Had a strategy session with Konrad today where I had the opportunity to have my
property portfolio reviewed and had some insights into growing my portfolio to
get to where I want to be come retirement. Valuable to say the least, I've been
following this content for a while and glad to see it's still possible to have
access to unbiased quality content!
Read more
Soli Haddad

28 days ago
Glad to have attended the 2 day event as it was very informative. Would
personally recommend the VIP option as it allows opportunity for like-minded
people to discuss ideas. Very thankful as Konrad's in depth knowledge of the
Melbourne demographic and areas has guided us on our initial property journey.
Keep going Konrad. The books, YouTube and seminar have all been beyond
expectation and we look forward to investing according to your formula. Will
look forward to the Advance seminar.
Read more
Su Cheong

2 months ago
Getting great value and insights from this agency’s events without any
commitment to buy! Good courses with insightful operators and the chance to
connect direct to industry experts. Will be going here first each time I have
the chance to buy.
Read more

2 months ago
I recently attended a 2 days workshop with investors prime real estate. I
consider it to be my best decision so far in my property investment journey.
Konrad Bobilak is a genius who has given me so many new perspectives in Property
investment. He has a complete team of highly skilled professionals to look after
every aspect of property investment. I read his both books and they're so
detailed and informative that anyone can understand and use it for making smart
and profitable choices. Highly recommended!!!
Read more
Vineet Mittal

2 months ago
I went along to the Investors Prime Real Estate 2-day live weekend event as a
VIP and it was hands down the best property investment seminar I have ever been
to, highly recommended.
Read more
Andres Toledo

2 months ago
Attended both the real estate investing summit and the 2 day course. Very
informative and it was money well spent. Konrad and team possess a wealth of
knowledge with years of experience. They were extremely professional courses.
Highly recommended!
Read more
Ken Grech

2 months ago
If you would like to start your journey in properties, you came to the right
place and professionals.
Read more
Leonardo Dantas

5 months ago
Thank you konrad and your team for providing such a Great seminar with excellent
knowledge of real estate and finance highly recommended course. And thank you
for writing such great books on the Australian market
Read more
Bilal Ghoussaini

5 months ago
Being reading the book in 2015, attend the event two days. Learning a lot
insights that normally you won’t learn from the normal real estate agents or
normal financial advisors. Years later I apply the theory and now got multiple
properties portfolio. Recommend to read the book, attend the event and join the
Read more
Thomas Tang

5 months ago
Incredible learning experience. Definitely worth going and I strongly recommend
Read more
Nikola M.

5 months ago


Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

Konrad Bobilak
Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia



This is NOT a Pitch Fest event where speakers will sell their products off
stage. In fact there is nothing you can buy over the weekend so you don’t need
to bring your credit card…




On the 1st Day you’ll discover advanced property investing strategies and learn
specific real estate finance and due diligence methodology that will give you
the confidence and skills to start building your property portfolio as soon as
you leave the event.

Insights on how to understand property cycles, state by state, and exactly how
to hone in, with laser-like precision, on Melbourne’s Hot Spots in 2024 and

Learn how to identify the exact type of properties, i.e. house and land,
townhouses or apartments to target in these areas, and why…

You will learn how to potentially slash years and tens of thousands of dollars
off your current 30 year Principal and Interest home loan.

You will learn how to best structure your first investment property acquisition,
wherein you maximize your tax deductions, and tap into the power of leverage.

You will learn how to beat the banks at their own game by understanding the
exact formulas that the banks use to work out how much money you can borrow -
Debt Servicing Ratio (DSR).

You will learn 18 Powerful Ways to ‘Super-Charge’ your borrowing capacity that
will enable you to buy more property than you ever thought possible.

You will learn the ‘19 Crucial Questions’ to ask in order to choose the best
Mortgage Broker in the industry.

You will learn the ‘12 Most Common And Deadly Property Finance Mistakes and How
You Can Avoid Them’.

You will learn and understand the importance of balancing your property
portfolio between Cash-Flow Positive properties and Negatively-Geared growth

You will learn how to get 1% plus discounts off your standard variable loan
rate, saving thousands of dollars in unnecessary interest payments and wiping
years off your loans…plus much, much more.


The 5 Ways that You Can Buy Property with NO MONEY DOWN include:

10% Deposit rebate from the developer at the settlement of the property.

10% Gifted deposit from the developer when buying property.

Long Term Settlement, Off-The-Plan and settling on the Valuation, not the
Contract Price.

Residential Lending plus Personal Loans in order to obtain 100 percent Finance.

Equity Partners and Joint Ventures (JV’s).




Gainsborough House
Level 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,
St Kilda VIC 3182

Dates: 10th & 11th February
Sat Registration: 8.30 am
Sat & Sun Start: 9.00 am
Sat & Sun End: 6.30 pm

Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

Konrad Bobilak Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia

Dear Fellow Property Investors,

If you’re someone who dreams about owning a large residential Investment
Property Portfolio which will enable you to potentially attain Financial
Independence then this will be the MOST IMPORTANT letter that you’ll ever read,
and the most important 2 day live event that you can attend!

I know that you may be skeptical about this claim, and if you’re anything like
me 20 years ago, chances are you’re the person who scratches their head in
frustration and wonders how other people seem to make a fortune in the property
market, when you’re left out in no man’s land floundering…and that’s why this
will be the most important letter you’ll ever read, that will enable you to take
advantage of a very unique educational opportunity!

You’re about to discover a PROVEN Step-By-Step Real-Estate Investing System that
is easy to follow and makes so much sense I promise you that by the end of
reading this letter you’ll be wondering why nobody has told you about it before.
In-fact, you’ll be mad at everyone around you that has been putting doubts into
your mind about the possibility of you owning millions of dollars in property –
I know, like you, I have been there myself.

One thing that I must stress is that this is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, and I
guarantee that you will NOT become a millionaire overnight by following this

I am not going to insult your intelligence or make unrealistic claims.

But here is the reality check…

“Bricks and Slaughter”, the 60 Minutes report by journalist Tom Steinfort
focused on a “nightmare” scenario outlined by Digital Finance Analytics
principal Martin North. It predicted;

> “…two-fifths of your home’s worth [would be] wiped out in just 12 months – 40
> per cent in a year”…and that was just the beginning…

Now remember, that was back in 2018…it’s now 2024 and for the record we have had
the biggest property bull run since 1989.

In fact;

> The Australian Residential property market returned an unbelievable 22.4% for
> the year-on-year in January 2022!

Making their highest annual rate of growth since June 1989, according to

But let’s remember that old saying that 'the Media will NEVER let the facts get
in the way of a good story’.

And the best stories are always negative!

As they say…. BAD NEWS SELLS!

Here are just a few headlines and failed predictions of the inevitable
Doom-and-Gloom Armageddon!

No wonder the Australian public, to a large extent, are completely confused,
disillusioned and end up sitting on the sidelines…

And I don’t blame them, as it’s very had to work out WHO TO LISTEN TO and WHO TO
TRUST, especially when most, so called ‘Academic Experts’, Journalists and even
the Banks, keep warning us of the inevitability of the Property Bubble Bursting
and the Australian Property Market Crashing!

No wonder the average punter is confused and paralysed! Look, if that’s you,
then let me put you at ease...


It seems that the feeling most people get when setting out to buy investment
real estate is of disorientation; they feel lost, overwhelmed, apprehensive and
scared about throwing their life savings into a large purchase that they have no
real idea about (as to whether it is good or bad).

Here are some typical mental “hurdles” that stop people from investing in
investment property...

They are afraid of blowing their life savings just in case the Australian
property market does end up crashing

They fear their lack of knowledge will lead them to make a mistake and buy the
wrong type of property

They fear that their peers or relatives might think badly of them being money

They fear putting their other assets at risk if they over-borrow and overextend
themselves financially

They fear what would happen if they cannot make the loan repayments, if and
when, the banks change the rules or interest rates go up

They fear that they will not be able to find a suitable tenant for their
investment property or the tenant will damage their investment property

They fear that there is an overwhelming amount of new information to learn.

These mental “hurdles” are real, and if not addressed will indeed stop you from
building the wealth that you and your family deserve.

Now, here is the scary and eye-opening fact; during all the scaremongering,
doom-and-gloom failed predictions, guess what actually happened?

Well nothing! Except that all the broke academics and self-proclaimed property
experts got things wrong!


And yes, I must admit that 2023 was a test of resilience for housing values and
financial stability more broadly.

The performance of the housing market has been stress tested under the pressure
of climbing interest rates, stretched affordability and the transition of many
mortgage holders from low fixed rates, to high variable-rate loans.

Home values were not only resilient under these conditions, but reached new
record highs.

But there was definitely no sign of Armageddon or any type of ‘Blood Bath’ in

In fact, many of Melbourne’s top eastern and bayside suburbs stubbornly defied
the odds, and performed quite well, with many hitting double digit growth in
2023, according the latest ‘Best of the Best’ December 2023 Report from Core

Now I don’t know about you, but I am happy with a 13.2% annual capital growth
appreciation in Murrumbeena…

And guess what, to further negate these doomsdayers, not only did the Melbourne
property market refused to crash in 2023, but rental yields surged at an
unprecedented levels, in ‘Key Suburbs’, due to a chronic shortage of new stock -
and over 1000 developers going bust over the last three years, as a result of
the Dan Andrews imposed Covid-19 lockdowns (send him a thank you now for saving
our lives from the nasty Bat virus when you get a chance!) …

But it gets worse, much, much worse!... You see, during the last 3 years, when
the largely uninformed media was prophesying that the bottom would fall out from
the entire Australian Property Market, the opposite occurred! (how dare-it?) See
the November 2023 CoreLogic figures below;

And for Melbourne, the latest CoreLogic datas show us, what I have been already
teaching on my YouTube channel and live events;

The best time to get into the Melbourne property was back at the end of 2022!

But, hey, what do I know? It’s not like I have written a book on Real Estate

Wait! Actually, I have!

The saddest part of all of this is that every-day hard-working Australians are
being robbed of achieving these extraordinary results, as they end up listening
to the scaremongering media and sitting on the sidelines, not taking part in the
Australian Residential Property Market, which has been experiencing the biggest
single property boom in the last 30 years! forwards to March 2024...


These are the following reasons why NOW is the Perfect Storm!

Inflation is starting to finally starting to decline;

New figures show inflation has slowed to a two-year low of 4.3% leading many to
speculate there will be no need for further interest rate rises.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures for November, show inflation is down
from 4.9% in October. This is down from a peak of 8.4% in December 2022.

The Commonwealth Bank is tipping a drop in interest rates of nearly 1 percentage
point by the second half of 2024.

CBA chief economist Stephen Halmarick, believes cuts will start in September
2024, dropping rates to 3.6%. He also predicts a further 75 basis point drop in
2025 when inflation sits within the Reserve Bank of Australia’s target of 2% to
3%. This, he says, will bring the cash rate back to 2.85%.

“Markets have shifted to our view that the global monetary policy tightening
cycle is at an end and that 2024 will see interest rate cuts from some of the
major central banks, especially the US Federal Reserve and the RBA,” Halmarick

Halmarick says the pace of global inflation began to slow in mid-2023 and he
expects that to happen even further this year.

In November 2023 the RBA’s Statement on Monetary Policy predicted that the level
of inflation would fall to 4% by June 2024.

Melbourne homeowners are holding back from listing properties, resulting in
almost a 30 percent drop in the number of homes for sale in some regions year on

House hunters have fewer properties to choose from as falling property prices
prompt vendors to rethink plans and some to delay selling until the market

Buyers in Melbourne’s north-east have seen the biggest drop in homes on offer,
as new listings in January – properties marketed for 30 days or less – were down
28.2 percent year on year. This fall was closely followed by the inner south,
where new listings dropped by 28.1 percent.

The inner region was down 21.9 percent, the outer east 19.7 percent, and the
west 15.4 percent.

New listings were down more than 10 percent across Melbourne, but the number of
homes hitting the market on the Mornington Peninsula rose 3.3 percent.

The total number of homes for sale was also down in most Melbourne regions
except in the northwest and west of the city, where numbers were up 13.9 percent
and 8.2 percent respectively. In the Mornington Peninsula, they were up 27.8

Melbourne rents have rocketed to record highs, jumping as much as 20 percent in
a year in Key Suburbs, and prompting fears of homelessness and housing stress
for low-income households. 

In fact, there has never been a tougher time to be a renter in Melbourne, where
vacancy rates are just 1.4 percent and rents have hit record highs.

Earlier this month, PropTrack released data showing that rental prices across
Australia rose 11.5% in the 2023 calendar year, led by the combined capital
cities (13.2%).

Across the whole of 2023, Perth (20%), Melbourne (18.3%), and Sydney (16.7%)
topped capital city rental growth, with Adelaide (12.5%) and Brisbane (9.1%)
trailing closely behind:

Record low vacancy rates in Melbourne are creating a headache for tenants but
great news for landlords who are capitalising on the opportunity and are
witnessing their rental sky-rocket in the last 2 to 3 years to record high

National rental vacancy rates rose slightly in December, up 0.05 percentage
points (ppt) to 1.12%. However, they declined 0.13 ppt over 2023.

Separate data from SQM Research compiled by Justin Fabo at Antipodean Macro
shows that residential rental vacancy rates declined in Australia to new lows in
Sydney and Melbourne, and are zipped tight everywhere:

As shown in the above PropTrack tables, vacancy rates have tightened
significantly and rents risen the most aggressively across the five major
capital cities.

Record high Migration into Australia has been one of the main key drivers
responsible for driving property prices up. Australia’s net overseas migration
rose by a record 518,000 in 2022-23, which was around 200,000 higher than the
previous record high in 2008:

The tidal wave of overseas migrants that have arrived since borders reopened has
directly juiced rental demand and price growth.

Record Low Dwelling Completions across Australia has created a massive gap
between a chronic lack of supply and demand, thus further putting pressure on
the capital growth of properties across the nation.

Given that Australia’s population is forecast to grow at a historically rapid
rate in 2024, as new home construction is falling, rental vacancy rates will
remain tight and rental inflation high.

So, in summary, despite the ‘Doom and Gloom’ portrayed by the media, we have the
following factors that make this a perfect buying opportunity for savvy,
educated, and market-ready property investors;

We have record levels of foreigners coming to Melbourne to live and buy
property, record high rental increases in key suburbs, combined record low
vacancy rates of 1.2 percent, coupled with a low volume of current stock
available for sale, some 30 percent less than the same time last year.

To further aggravate the situation, there is a record low volume of a future
stock in the pipeline, as developers and builders keep shelving future projects
indefinitely, due to uncertainty in the ever-escalating cost of materials,
critically low number of skilled labour, and the risk associated with entering
into fixed contracts for off-the-plan sales, not knowing if there is going to be
any profit upon completion of new projects.

Plus, it is highly probable that we are approaching the peak of the interest
rate cycle, and as soon as Australian inflation is under control, which we are
close to achieving, the RBA will start to cut interest rates to their recent low

This will be great news for property investors as their investment properties
will soon become cash-flow neutral and then positive!

All these factors have contributed to a unique situation wherein savvy educated
and market-ready investors have taken advantage of the prevailing circumstances
and are going in hard, negotiating deals, and securing investment properties at
the very bottom of the Melbourne property cycle…

I’ll get straight to the point…

The best time to BUY from a ‘market timing’ perspective was December 2022…

Where I picked the bottom of the Melbourne property market back in November 2022
and told everyone who listened via my YouTube Channel, Webinars, and my 2-day
live events that ‘that this is it boys and girls, buy now!’

In fact, I believe, that many property investors who are currently staying out
of the property market will look back retrospectively and realize that November
and December 2022 were in fact the lowest and most opportune times to enter the
Melbourne property market from a ‘Market Timing Perspective’…

The second-best time to buy is Now in 2024 - whilst the Melbourne property
market is still subdued and trending sideways!

Don’t say 2 years from now that I didn’t tell you so…

But here is the main thing to remember, the residential property market is
driven to a large extent by emotional and often irrational owner-occupiers, not
investors. And these individuals don’t care where we are in the property cycle
clock, or what return they are getting on their property, they are moving there
for emotional reasons, i.e. jobs, children’s schools, community, etc.

Here is the unbreakable formula that determines the level of capital growth in
an area;

High Capital growth is always determined by strong demand by the right
demographic (high income earning), combined with scarcity of stock (i.e. St.
Kilda, Elwood, Kew, Brighton, Elsternwick, Toorak etc.)

The reverse of this true for low-capital growth.

Low Capital growth is always determined by strong demand by the unfavourable
(low income earning) demographic, combined with unlimited supply of stock! i.e.
Point Cook, Truganina, Tairneit, Melton, Berwick, Pakenham, etc.

So what’s my prediction for the next 2 to 3 years as we enter the decline of the
National Property Cycle Clock?

Well, it will be no different than the last 3 years, wherein there will be an
apparent transfer effect, seeing the redistribution of wealth from the
uneducated to educated property investors.

Educated property investors, who possess the right skillset, to conduct unbiased
due-diligence and market research, will identify undervalued properties and snap
them up…at a discount.

Conversely, uneducated individuals and newbie property investors, who lack any
skills or ability to conduct unbiased due-diligence and market research, will be
influenced by the largely uniformed (and predominantly broke) media
commentators, who maintain that the market will crash by 40% plus and that
‘Property Armageddon’ is just around the corner.

At the end of the day, you will have to make up your own mind on the outcome of
the Australian Property Market, and whether or not it is ‘safe’ to invest.

Invariably, some will go the way of Chicken Little, assuming ‘the sky [or
market] is falling’, catastrophising their way to quiet desperation.

Others will proceed with caution, evaluating the true situation, recognising the
excellent prospects before them.

Personally, I advise you to pause and be wary of the hysteria – it has been the
source of regret for so many Australians, who, after realising their lost
opportunities, have now been forced to swap their old mantra for a disheartening
new one; “If only”.

So instead, do this: go out, buy a helmet, and the next time ‘The Oracle’
hollers that the sky is falling, look up, look down, and realise, it’s just an

So let me ask you a question, do you have the skills and knowledge to correctly
identify the very best long term capital growth areas in Melbourne right now?

And yet despite these favourable market conditions…


That’s why so many people suffer years of grief and regret from missing out on
property booms… They let fear be the dominant driver.

Follow along…

Given the Australian property market is historically one the fastest ways to
become wealthy in this country, yet only a very small percentage of the
home-owners have managed to buy over 6 investment properties…

Here’s proof…

According to the latest figures from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) show
that 71.6% of Australian property investors own just 1 investment property.

And most everyday investors buy in their neighbourhood… or they buy because they
like the look of a property. In other words… they are emotional or sentimental
reasons for buying.

Smart savvy investors don’t play that game.

We want to show you how to capture maximum capital growth with rare
investor-friendly terms.

Okay, question time...


What’s that? You do? Good. Well, now you can…
Simply reserve your seat at the next Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend
Workshop in Melbourne, the dates are below;




Gainsborough House
Level 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,
St Kilda VIC 3182

Dates: 10th & 11th February
Sat Registration: 8.30 am
Sat & Sun Start: 9.00 am
Sat & Sun End: 6.30 pm

Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

Konrad Bobilak Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia

It’s time to enter the exciting world of property investing... Introducing


A LIVE 2 Day interactive event that is designed to teach you the ‘Blue-Print’ of
how to build and structure a multi-million-dollar property portfolio from
scratch that has the potential to replace your income and eventually free you
from work!

Now before we dive into how this exclusive training (and full-day bus field
trip) will exactly work… Do yourself a favour and read this information

Don’t just skim over it.

This is a personal invitation from me and the team which could make a MASSIVE
difference in your investing endeavours… and FAST!

First the facts:

This is not for everyone!

We can only teach 55 people, and you have to qualify via a phone call from one
of our property investing consultants first.

Don’t worry… There is no prejudice towards super educated investors or anything
like that… A complete rookie can qualify just as easily… But you do have to be
approved first.

However, just so you have an idea of what to expect, let me unpack this out for

Enough talk… time to show…



Before deciding to run this 2-day event, I had to make sure I partnered up with
the "Best-Of-The-Best" educators in the country.

People who not only talks the talk, but walks to walk as well!

And when it comes to knowing all the intricate elements of smart property
investing, there’s a few guys who are at the top of the list – head and
shoulders above anyone else…

Consisting of 2 days, over 14 hours of practical 'How To Do' content is
delivered by one of Australia’s foremost Real Estate experts and professionals;

Let me introduce you to the speaker lineup;

Speakers at the Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend


Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

View Bio »

Konrad Bobilak
Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

View Bio »

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia

View Bio »

Cameron Fisher

Cameron is the Managing Director of Changing Places Real Estate and he has many
qualifications that make him a top figure in the real estate market. These
qualifications include: fully licensed real estate agent, qualified valuer, over
3,000 successful (and dynamic) auctions, adviser to leading Institutions,
accountancy practices, and law firms.

Cameron’s services are used worldwide and his qualifications serve to
demonstrate his extraordinary skill set. In this incredibly competitive
industry, few can even compare to Cameron. His pioneering approach and upbeat
personality make him a perfect choice for those leasing, selling or buying.

The Australian premier of "The Money Game" only offered more proof that Cameron
Fisher is by far one of Australia’s elite entrepreneurs. He took on the
challenge of going against Australia’s best and conquered it with surgical
precision. Never was this more apparent than the challenge in which he was given
$10,000 and told to turn it into as much money as he could within 55 hours.
Using his impressive skill set, he turned the $10,000 into $65,466 within the 55

If you are a landlord, or buying or selling a property, then Cameron Fisher
should be the only name you are thinking of.

Konrad Bobilak

Konrad has educated well over 120,000 Australians on how to successfully build
and structure a multi-million dollar property portfolio from scratch that has
the potential to replace your income and eventually free you from work!

When it comes to building a property portfolio the "RIGHT WAY" you will know
you’re in the best hands. Konrad has extensive experience in Managed Funds, Risk
Insurance, Real Estate Sales, Commercial Lending, Residential Lending, and Asset
Finance, as well as being a Financier for one of the four major banks. In his
variety of roles, working predominantly with high net worth individuals, Konrad
has literally had a wealth of exposure to the unique mindset and financial
structures of truly successful people and investors. It is his experience and
insight that renders him a most astute investor himself, having personally built
a multi-million dollar property portfolio in Melbourne and Queensland over the
last decade; he truly practices what he preaches.

Konrad’s unique insights into ‘Wealth Psychology’ combined with a highly
specialized knowledge of the Finance and the Real Estate Industry in Australia,
have made him a sought after Real Estate and Finance ‘Key Note’ speaker and
successful real estate investor. Having taught tens of thousands of people in
Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, Konrad has had the unique opportunity of
sharing the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferris, and Randi
Zuckerberg in audiences of up to five thousand people. Konrad has also been a
regular contributor of articles to some of Australia’s leading published real
estate investing media.

Stephen McClatchie

As the Director of Loans Australia my vision is to create a company with the
systems and structures designed to ensure that clients make the most of their
finance situation to propel them forward. Having dealt with many investors and
business owners with complex financing structures I understand the importance of
setting up finance structures that can assist people to build a property
portfolio or asset base.

I specialise in showing people the most effective ways of mortgage structuring,
strategic financing, management and mortgage selection. My passion is to educate
people around finance so that the knowledge and know-how of clients is enhanced
over time.

Outside of my business I enjoy property investing and have developed my own
property portfolio over the last 15 years. I also enjoy spending time with my
family, participating in sports such as tennis and cricket, and supporting my
football team.



These 2 life-changing days are split into two separate days, with each day split
further into different segments. Each segment builds on the information
contained in the previous session.

Here’s a closer look;




The morning session of the workshop will be dedicated to what is perhaps the
most important essential ingredient in building wealth though property, being –
Investor Psychology. Based on the Pareto Principle, when it comes to property
investing, 80 per cent of the formula can be attributed to having cultivated the
correct mindset or Investor Psychology and the other 20 per cent can be
attributed to what I refer to as Specialised Knowledge.

Investor Psychology will mean different things to different people, especially
when it comes to the world of property investing, given that there are so many
approaches and strategies that exist in this realm of investing. Having said
that, it’s worth noting that there are some commonalities linking all these
investors, and their approach to property investing, and it has more to do with
what belief systems they adhere to and how they do things. As Wallace D Wattles
put it in his famous book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, the rich get rich by
“doing things in a certain way” not by doing ‘certain things’. In other words,
it’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it, and that’s what gets results.


One of the most important aspects of building and structuring a large
residential property portfolio is to Start with the end in mind. That is, you
must have an exact strategy or Blue-Print that is concise and all-encompassing
before you start investing in property. Many investors get into a lot of trouble
because they simply never clearly articulated and mapped out a concise strategy
to begin with. Or they end up buying the wrong type of property, such as a
serviced apartment in Queensland, studio apartment with living areas less than
50 square meters, or an apartment in a high density development, and most likely
end up selling that property within 5 year, realising a small profit and in most
cases breaking even or a loss.

The first thing that you must appreciate is that you will go through 3
distinctive stages while you are building your property portfolio;

 1. The Acquisition and building stage;
 2. The Consolidation and refining stage,
 3. And the Harvesting stage;

These stages will vary from investor to investor, and will differ depending on
investors personal Risk Profile, and time horizon for investing, as well as the
amount of time, money or equity available.

In this segment of the event, you will gain a clear understanding of the
importance of developing a personalised investment plan, based on your unique
set of circumstances, and available resources.

During this segment of the event, you will also gain an understanding of the
importance of creating a Master-Plan blue-print, before you do anything else.
That is, your ability to clearly identify your outcome and ultimate goal for
building a large residential investment property portfolio.


This segment will be the dominant one for the day, and here you will learn that
Investors with the right psychology tend to use an Optimised Loan Structure,
which is one that allows the property investor to have maximum flexibility and
control over every single property that they control or own, either via direct
ownership or via a trust/company structure. That is, each property is set up as
a Stand Alone facility, that is, only one loan is taken against one property,
and hence none of the properties are cross collateralised, all consisting of a
variable true Line of Credit, with no mandatory repayments, and a
self-capitalising component built in with the loan, preferably with separate

Furthermore, during this segment you will learn why investors with the
right Investor Psychology tend to maximise the use of other people’s money, or
OPM, that is, they use the maximum Loan to Value Ratio, say 95% and are
comfortable paying Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) as they know that the most
important aspect of investing is in assessing the Return on Equity (ROE) not
Return on Asset (ROA).

Finally, you will learn why most successful property investors do not own any
assets in their own name, that is, they use Trusts and Corporate Trustees
to Control Assets rather than to Own Assets. And the rich NEVER risk their
homes. They pay for advice, surrounding themselves with successful advisors, and
are themselves Financially Literate. They focus all their efforts on
accumulating Growth Assets, using Good Debts, or tax deductible debts, while
avoiding taking on Bad Debts or consumer credit, which has no tax advantages to
secure assets that devalue over time.


“You’ve got to know your numbers!” - That’s probably one of the most common
pieces of advice you’ll hear from wealthy (and RICH) property investors. -
“You’ve got to know your numbers!” - And in this segment, you will learn how to
calculate cash-flow analysis via Property Investor Analysis Software.

The Property Investment Analysis (PIA) Program is an essential decision making
tool for all property investors. It will analyse capital growth, cash flow, and
tax implications for any investment property and provide instant feedback on
projected after-tax cost and rate of return. The software will compute cash flow
projections for up to 40 years and has facilities for changing more than 100
variables including property price, rent, capital growth, inflation, deposit and
loan type. The internal rate of return (IRR) and the cost-per-week are
recalculated automatically whenever a change is made.

In this segment of the Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend you will learn
why your ability to use sophisticated property cash-flow analysis tools such as
the Property Investment Analysis (PIA) Program will form a key determinant in
your ability to succeed in the property investing game.


Time to watch it in action! At this stage you’ve learnt A TONNE of information,
and now it’s time to look at how to piece it all together! In this segment of
the event, you will be taken through real life examples and learn you how to use
the Property Investment Analysis (PIA) Program in order to recognise the best
property that you should be focusing on, based on your income tax bracket, cash
flow, negative gearing benefits, depreciation schedules of different properties,
debt service ratios, and the cost associated of holding different types of

This unique segment of the workshop is designed to create an open learning
environment where you’ll walk away with specific knowledge of knowing exactly
which type of property is best for you. Most novice investors find this segment
of the event invaluable.


Now we’re REALLY rolling up the sleeves. They say, “You’ll make your money in
property when you BUY!” Meaning, if you buy right, the potential financial
windfall could be enormous for you – however, if you buy at the wrong time or
without proper due-diligence, you could be sitting on a lemon for a number of
years! It all comes down to the RESEARCH!

So…In the final segment you’ll learn a step-by-step and exact methodology that
is currently being used by successful property investors in order to scrutinise
various property opportunities. Once you understand the process of conducting
unbiased fundamental due-diligence the options for investment and suburbs of
choice will dramatically reduce. This section in itself is literally invaluable,
as you will learn how to discern between good and bad investment opportunities
like a seasoned pro, it’s actually worth coming to this live event just for this
section alone.

In this final segment for the day, you will learn the importance and implication
of an investor’s depth of knowledge of their chosen area of property investing
and the impact of this when it comes down to their level of success. Whether
it’s property options, property development, subdivisions, buy and hold,
flipping or renovations, the ultimate success will lie in the investor’s ‘grasp’
of the technical aspects of their strategy, in a given area of property,
together with their detail and due-diligence or feasibility studies leading up
to the deal.

The important aspect to appreciate here is that there is an immeasurable
difference between knowing the talk and walking the talk. There are literally
thousands of academics and theorists out there who possess the basic knowledge
of the how to structure and execute the deal, but very few who actually
implement the strategies. The difference lies in their lack of Investors
Psychology – that crucial element of the equation that actually makes the
investor take action. Without the why, the how is irrelevant, as there is no
execution, hence the investor doesn’t make any money.

In essence, knowledge is not power, as knowledge without action does not equate
to tangible results and money.

Which brings us to the most exciting part of the event, day 2, the live Bus
Property Due-Diligence Field trip.


If the answer is an astounding ‘Yes’, then Day 2 of the Real Estate Investing
Fast-Track Weekend is designed to help you gain the skill and awareness of how
to conduct unbiased due-diligence on suburbs in Melbourne which will enable you
to take your investing to the next level.

So here is the thing…

The most important aspects of buying an investment property is the future
capital growth potential component, followed by rental income, and finally the
tax benefits associated with the property.

When choosing a suitable investment property, care must be taken to make sure
the property passes strict due-diligence selection criteria based on the
principles which enable investors to identify properties that have a good chance
of delivering consistent capital growth performance.

If we take Melbourne as an example, certain inner city suburbs in key areas have
consistently outperformed other areas over a long period of time, in terms of
capital growth.

As can be seen by the map below, based on the sales history of Melbourne suburbs
sourced from the Valuer’s General Office, not all suburbs in Melbourne (within
the 10km or 20km) performed equally between the period of 1986 to 2006.

Current data from the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA), and the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows, despite the volatility of the
European and US markets, Australian residential property in all the major
capital cities has demonstrated a level of resilience that has managed to defy
the expectations of the “doom and gloomers” for over three decades.

The table below from CoreLogic Australia depicts median house and unit values
for the past 30 years, across the major capital cities in Australia.

Despite the recent international stock market volatility, and the
crypto-currency meltdown, according to CoreLogic Australia, median house and
unit values for the past 30 years have increased by a staggering 382 percent.

This can be further broken down into an increase of 453 percent capital growth
for houses, and an increase of 307 percent for capital growth for units.

But despite the median price rises over the long-term, there have been a number
of market corrections and negative growth in the short term, given the cyclical
nature of the Australian property market. In fact, CoreLogic Australia has found
that there have been six cycles of growth and decline between the years 1992 and

Hence, it is important to stress that there is a level of market volatility in
the property market as well, and it is important to stress that property
investing has always been looked at as a long-term investment horizon rather
than a short-term one.

It’s hard to imagine strong house price growth at a time when real estate values
are falling in most capital cities, but the numbers tell a different story.

One of property’s most popular sayings, that house prices double every 10 years,
is more accurate than you might think.

Despite real estate values falling this year in most cities, a MoneysaverHQ
analysis of 40 years of Real Estate Institute of Australia data has found that a
majority of state capitals have indeed doubled every decade.

But it hasn’t been a smooth ride, often marked by many years of little growth
and then short boom periods.

Since the REIA data series began in 1980, the numbers have been impressive:

 * Sydney median house prices have doubled four times, up from $64,800 to $1.06
   million — a 1,536 percent gain.
 * Melbourne prices also doubled four times over, up from $40,800 to $796,500,
   and now to over $1.01 million.
 * Brisbane also doubled four times, from $34,500 to $530,000.
 * Adelaide didn’t quite get there, doubling at least three times from $36,300
   to $475,000, and it was a similar story for Perth — up from $41,500 to
 * Canberra has performed the best of all capitals, doubling almost five times
   from $39,700 to $665,000.
 * Smaller cities Hobart and Darwin don’t have REIA records dating back to 1980,
   but have both doubled at least twice since the late 1980s.

Hobart’s median house price has climbed from $88,000 to $502,800 since 1991, and
Darwin is up from $87,500 to $493,800 since 1987.

This has been evident in the latest released data from the Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS) showing the combined value of all residential properties in
Australia has passed the $10 trillion dollar mark for the first time in history,
to a new high of $10.2 trillion in the March 2022 quarter.

And interestingly enough, what no one mentions in the media, is that this
increase to $10.2 trillion came from a low of $5.1 trillion in 2014, meaning
that our market has doubled in value in less than 7 years!


The suburb has had capital growth of at least 10 per cent over the last 10 years
(RP Data)

The suburb has experienced low vacancy rates of 2.5 per cent or less (REIV)

The property is located close to the CBD, infrastructure, transport, shops, and

The suburb has had positive population of growth of at least 1 per cent (ABS)
The suburb has a rental yield of at least 4 per cent per year (REIV)

The property has a land component representing at least 50% of the value of the
property (Based on Bank Valuation)

Chances are if your property ticks the above 6 points, you are on the right
track, however, there are still many more due-diligence points that you will
learn about during the second day of this amazing event.




Gainsborough House
Level 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,
St Kilda VIC 3182

Dates: 10th & 11th February
Sat Registration: 8.30 am
Sat & Sun Start: 9.00 am
Sat & Sun End: 6.30 pm

Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

Konrad Bobilak Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia


Property Development 1


211 Oriel Rd, Heidelberg West, Victoria
FROM: $695,000
4 Townhouses
2, 3 & 4 Bed
$695,000 - $845,000

Property Development 2


9 Anderson St, Pascoe Vale South, Victoria
FROM: $799,950
19 townhouses
3 Bed
$799,950 - $1,190,000

Property Development 3


2 Newington Pde, Chelsea, Victoria
FROM: $1,065,000
6 townhouses
2 bed
$1,065,000 - $1,145,000

Property Development 4


14 Tranmere Ave, Carnegie, Victoria
PRICED: $1,200,000
5 townhouses
3 bED

Property Development 5


3/343 Williamstown Rd, Port melbourne, Victoria
PRICED: $1,425,000
7 townhouses
3 Bed


Glad you asked…

Originally, the 2 Day Real Estate Investing Fast-Track Weekend was to be made
available for $1,995.00, considering the top level education and mentoring

Even at that price, it’s an absolute bargain in anyone’s language – and worth
every cent!

Not to mention, many people have paid TWICE that much for similar events with
other companies.

In fact, if we look at the ROI (Return on Investment) you could make by putting
this training into action, it could EASILY be worth $20,000 in the short term,
and more than likely, hundreds of thousands of dollars (maybe even millions)
over a lifetime… So we could easily charge $2,000 or even $5,000 for this truly
life-changing education, and you’ll still be laughing all the way to the bank.


Our intension isn’t to make it as easy as possible for you to enter this
exciting world of property investing. So in a temporary moment of, some would
say, insanity! – We’re letting you attend for $47!

And get this…

So what’s included in your ticket?

Well, apart from the million-dollar hands-on intimate training, and first-class
bus tour, you’ll also get a FREE Hard copy of my book ‘Australian Real Estate
Investing Made Simple’ valued at $39.95 plus a complimentary personalised
property investment strategy session by one of our senior property consultants
valued at $297.


Includes a Hard Copy of The Best-Selling Book "Australian Real Estate Investing
Made Simple"
Fully Catered Lunch For 2 Days
Click Here To REserve Your Seat Now!
You’ll walk away with a step-by-step blueprint (design to suit YOUR situation)
so you can feel safely confident on what path to follow.


Still sitting on the fence?

Okay, I’m going to attempt to take every single excuse away from you…

Especially the money excuse.

So, here’s the deal…

If after the end of DAY 1 you don’t feel you got your money’s worth, then let us
know at the end of the day, and I will happily reach into my pocket and give you
$47 cash – as a way of saying sorry that you felt we wasted your time, and you
can keep a copy of the book as well.

I've done so many of these types of events that I've lost count – and there has
NEVER been anyone EVER ask for their money back –

That’s how good this is!

So click on the link below right now to see if you qualify to be one of the
exclusive 55 investors who join us on this incredible 2-Day experience…




Gainsborough House
Level 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,
St Kilda VIC 3182

Dates: 10th & 11th February
Sat Registration: 8.30 am
Sat & Sun Start: 9.00 am
Sat & Sun End: 6.30 pm

Cameron Fisher
Director Changing Places Real Estate

Konrad Bobilak Director of Investors Prime Real Estate

Stephen McClatchie
Director Loans Australia

So who is this ideally for?



You are wanting to understand the very best loans that are available for you and
how to best structure your finances in order to repay your home in record time,
often in under 10 years. During this event you will learn why it’s crucial to
set up the correct loan structures before you buy your very first investment
property, and how to use the banks money at no cost in order to reduce the
amount of interest that is being charged on your home loan.

This will cut years off your home loan and save you tens of thousands of dollars
in interest payments over the life of the loan. You will also learn how to build
equity in your property faster than you thought possible, and how to best
structure your first investment property purchase correctly.


And you're wanting to buy your very first investment property, and are unsure on
how to best structure your loans.

During this event you will learn the best way to optimise your property
portfolio structure from day one, revealing many little known loan structuring
techniques that maximise your borrowing capacity, whilst maximising flexibility,
future access to equity, as well as being tax effective and minimising risk.


And have secured between 1 and 5 investment properties, but have hit a financial
‘brick wall’ and are maxed out, or just unsure of how to go to the next level of

During this event you will learn how to beat the banks at their own game by
understanding the ‘exact formulas’ that the banks use to work out how much money
you can borrow, the Debt Servicing Ratio (DSR).


Strictly Limited Places Available! (Only 55 Investors Allowed)

Let me remind you of the URGENCY here…

This page will be seen by over 11,000 aspiring investors who are equally as keen
and motivated as you…
However, we have space for 55 people ONLY – You’d better respond quick, or
there’s a very high risk you’ll miss out.
This is strictly a first-in-first served basis, so if you want get a head start
on all the other THOUSANDS of property investors out there, then click the
button below to see if you qualify…


What I must warn you about is the dangerous emotional cancer of procrastination.
I find when somebody knows that “x” is the right thing to do but requires them
doing something out of the ordinary, they play a game with themselves…. they set
everything aside to “think it over” or take care of “a little later”. Beware!!

I’ll tell you something, successful entrepreneurs do NOT engage in these mind
games and delays.

“Action” is the key my friend…

I hope you choose to do the right thing for yourself and your family… and that
your future becomes all that you want it to be and MORE!

And just imagine…in the near future, instead of getting up early and battling
the traffic, you wake up when you feel like it, with a smile on your face
because you know that you have achieved financial independence through your
property portfolio…


Keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing until now and pray that someday, a
rich Uncle remembers you in his Will… or that your numbers come up in next
week’s Lottery… Or spend months and years learning the property investment game
the long, hard (and sometime expensive) way through trial and error…

Take the BAND-AID approach and rip it off quickly in one go! Get all your
education and practical experience done in one 2-day intensive weekend!

Click on the link below and grab this opportunity with everything you have!

Commit to making it work knowing that you’ll be backed by the best education
available and the best team of qualified experts cheering for you and
encouraging you to succeed the whole way! This 2-day Real Estate Investing
Fast-Track Weekend will be nothing short of life changing for the lucky 55

Looking forward to meeting you on the weekend…

To your success,

P.S. This is possibly the best (and smartest) way for you to quickly take
advantage of Australia’s Property Investing market and discover everything you
need to know to grow a successful property portfolio fast!

P.P.S. You’ll get THOUSANDS of dollars of REAL WORLD value and experience over
this weekend - learning from some of Australia’s elite educators - PLUS a
spectacular “fly-on-the-wall” experience on Day 2 where you can
look-over-the-shoulder of a LIVE property assessment and due-diligence! - Be
sure to click the button and reserve your spot today!

P.P.P.S. Remember… SPOTS ARE LIMITED TO 55 Investors ONLY! This is strictly on a
first-in-first-served basis, so book your place now to avoid missing out.



Gainsborough House
Level 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,
St Kilda VIC 3182

Dates: 10th & 11th February
Sat Registration: 8.30 am
Sat & Sun Start: 9.00 am
Sat & Sun End: 6.30 pm


The Workshop was brilliant! The amount of information I got I think I can quite
easily save about 200k just from knowing what I’ve learnt today, I think that’s
why everyone has to go.

What key ideas and strategies did I learn from the workshop? top one was
interest only loans and how you can repay your mortgage in 10 years, and in some
cases under 2 years.

The other one was structuring your trusts to minimize your risk and the amount
of tax you pay and the final one was actually how to buy property without
spending any money, it was brilliant.

~ Pradyumna, Mooroolbark, VIC

Jenny – We’ve really enjoyed the day, it’s been really illustrative of what’s
available and there’s some good quality properties and the knowledge has been
tremendous coming from the team, Konrad, Craig and yourself and also Stephen

Fred– We certainly thought there were some very good ideas about how we could
invest out money and make quite a lot out of property, hopefully in the future.

Jenny – So it’s good to see, interesting to see an entrance in the market so
looking at the forward 500 thousand dollar up to 600 thousand dollar properties
which is great, so that’s a good entrance area that is doable for us and I guess
doable for the other people here, so it’s a great way to start and it’s nice to
have your hand held by people who’ve been there and done that and had a lot of
experience that they’ve had and want to share that so it’s been great.  Thank

~ Jenny & Fred, Mount Waverly VIC

Hi my name is Greta Lilley, I’m semi-retired and I used to own a big design
company, I do have a few investment properties but there is always more to
learn.  One of the messages today was “you don’t know what you don’t know” and
in different stages of your life you have to keep reviewing things and that is
why I am here today.

The information that you get at this seminar is absolutely priceless and if you
follow the formula you can’t lose.

It’s a risk free way of doing things really if you follow the formula.  You have
to be set up and if you are set up you have to have the right team and this is
what give you access to the right people.  I’ve tried to get the right people
together on my own and it’s really difficult to find lawyers and accountants who
understand the whole process.

~ Greta, Melbourne, VIC

Hi my names Gagan from Cragieburn and it was a big pleasure to see you guys very
professional helping us to start investing in properties and stuff and I already
feel confident that we are as a first home buyer and stuff you know we have not
much knowledge but after attending two days session I feel more confident and I
know I’m around good people and a good team.

~ Gagan, Cragieburn, VIC

Hi my name is Tamara, I’m from Ivanhoe, Melbourne, Victoria and I attended the
event and I found it really helpful.  Mostly it is geared at people who are
looking to get started with the Fast Track system that’s is getting you towards
an investing position and most of the strategies were quite invaluable.

For something that is free of cost, it is an unbelievable investment.  Yes I
would recommend it and I already have recommended it to several people.

~ Tamara O’Dowd, Ivanhoe, Accountant

Hi my name is Michael, I am a carpenter who’s looking to get out of the building
industry and I’m from Glen Waverly. I wanted to get out of the construction
industry and I have a passion for finance, I'm wanting to get into the finance
industry and my partner bought Konrad’s book online and as a result of her
interaction with him I got a ticket to come to the event today.

(The Workshop) was a brilliant use of time, a lot of strategies I’m just
starting to realize that maybe not having a lot of money in your bank account,
you can still own property if you follow the key strategies that were provided
in todays seminar. For me it was about the strategy and realising about the
power of leverage. I guess for me it was from my background from my parents I
was always told to get the 30 year mortgage and now I’m realising that there are
other avenues that can open up the market and accelerate your growth and
expansion, very interesting stuff.

I would recommend this to anyone who has a keen interest in property.

~ Michael, Glen Waverley, VIC

My name is Kristina and I’m from East St Kilda, I’ve been involved in this
programme for this weekend and it’s been very exciting for everyone, very
informative and very initiative for the average person.

This property finance seminar has been very very informative for the average
person it opens up many opportunities, especially the concept of owning property
with very little up front contribution and the prospect of looking forward to
your retirement with you having accumulated quite a number of properties to
finance your retirement, that’s probably what was most appealing to me.

I would absolutely recommend this program to everyone out there, absolutely.

~ Kristina, East St Kilda VIC

Hi my names Wes, I’m from Narrie Warren South, Berrick Springs, the day today
has been really good, it’s been a lot more relaxing than yesterday. Yesterday we
took in a hell of a lot of knowledge and it’s definitely changed my thought on
property investment that’s for sure.
I’ve already started with my first property and realised that I’ve done
everything wrong so now I have to change all my structures and figure it all

That’s about it from me, it’s been a great day, enjoyed today as well.

~ Wes, Narrie Warren South, VIC

My name is Mick, I’m from Beaumuris, very informative weekend, has sort of
opened up a whole different mindset for me, my wife, my kids for financial
freedom for the future.

I think anyone who wants to get serious about a better lifestyle maybe not for
themselves but for their kids, absolutely.

~ Mick, Beaumaris, VIC

Hi, my name is Beata, I’m from Wyndam Vale, I came on to this event without
realising how much I didn’t know about investing properly and I’ve learnt so
much more I’ve leant how to maximise the money you borrow and I’ve learnt how to
make that money work for you to buy other properties.

I would defiantly recommend somebody else to come and attend this, in fact I’m
going to try and drag all the people I know to come and attend it because, you
don’t know what you don’t know until you know!

~ Beata, Wyndam Vale VI

Hi, my names Ray and I’m from Fitzroy, I’m a full time property investor and
I’ve just been to a 2 day property information weekend which I found extremely
rewarding and what I got out of it was that even though I have been full time
property investing for 15 years, there are strategies that I haven’t been
following and I realize to be more successful in what I’m doing like a ‘Nadal’
or a ‘Federer’ who all have coaches, I need to get a coach or a mentor as well.

I believe I have found the right people to be my mentor so that I can take it to
the next level so I would definitely recommend this program to anybody who is
looking at getting involved in property investment and anybody who is looking at
creating long term wealth and subsequently financial freedom.

~ Ray, Fitzroy VIC

Hi guys, my names Serita and I’m from New Zealand, I have currently moved to
Melbourne.  What can I say about the course, incredible.  The amount of
information you will learn is mind blowing.  I sat there and in was writing
everything down and then to be told afterwards that I was going to be getting a
USB with all the information already on it, I was like thank god!  Because the
amount of seminars I’ve gone to and missed information is just you know, too
much information was lost to be able to be told I would have that and able to
take it home was incredible.

The team here are very genuine, they want to help you.  I felt looked after the
whole weekend, I would be able to take away all the information and the USB
stick and come tomorrow which is Monday, I’m going to hit it hard, I’m going to
go over all my notes.  Konrad gave us his free book, I’m going to go over all my
notes then meet up with the team and start getting to get my own A team and the
A team will all be all Konrad’s team.

So what more can I say, you’ve got to come, it’s the best 2 days I’ve spent in
probably a good few years and the most laughs I had as well because the people
that who come are very like-minded and are very happy and positive so it’s a
good environment to be in, you won’t be disappointed.

~ Serita, Melbourne, VIC

My name’s Ian, I live in East Hawthorn, I’ve spent the weekend here at this
seminar and I thought it was fantastic. I really really enjoyed the presentation
by Steve McClatchie on finance, very very good and I recommend anyone to come to
this presentation for a weekend because you’ll thoroughly enjoy it, especially
if you are interested in real estate. It was brilliant.

Thank you.

My name is Julie, I’m an accountant, and I’m from Keysborough, South East
Melbourne.  I’m a beginner level investor in property and I think that this 2
days weekend is very worth the time investing and has changed my perspective in
investing in properties and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is
interested in property investing.

~ Julie, Keysborough VIC

Interested in learning more about property investing in Australia? Please visit
our main website for loads of free resources, articles,
videos and more to help you on your investing journey.

Copyright © 2024 | All Rights Reserved
Investors Prime Real Estate | Level 1/8-12 Alma Rd, St Kilda VIC 3182 | P: 1300
89 55 44
