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Science Users Information  >  Observing Facilities  >  La Silla Facilities
  24 Apr 2024
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 * La Silla Facilities
 * * Emergency Procedures
   * Call for Proposals
     * Offered Instruments
     * Recent Changes
     * Foreseen Changes
     * Overheads
     * Instruments Summary
   * La Silla News
   * Contact Information
   * La Silla Telescopes Overview
     * NTT
     * ESO 3.6-meter
     * National and Project Telescopes
   * La Silla Instrumentation
     * EFOSC2
     * SOFI
     * HARPS
     * NIRPS
     * Visitor Instrument
   * Decommissioned Instruments
   * Site Information and Logistics
     * Important Facts
     * Emergency Procedures
       Procedimientos de Emergencia
     * Communications
     * Transportation Schedule
       Informatíon de Transporte
   * La Silla Astroclimatology
     * La Silla Site Information
     * Observing Conditions
     * Weather Information
     * Seeing Information
     * Atmospheric Extinction
     * La Silla Meteo Monitor
     * La Silla Sky Monitor
   * La Silla Science Operations
     * Staff
     * La Silla Visitor Guidelines
     * At the Telescope
     * Astronomical Tools
     * Computing @ La Silla
     * Hints, Tips and FAQ
     * Backup Targets
     * ToO Trigger
     * ToO Policies
     * Internal Pages


La Silla, in the southern part of the Atacama desert, 600 km north of Santiago
de Chile and at an altitude of 2400 metres is the home of ESO's original
observing site.

Here ESO operates two major telescopes: the 3.6m telescope, and the New
Technology Telescope (NTT). They are equipped with state of the art instruments
either built completely by ESO or by external consortia, with substantial
contribution by ESO.

La Silla Observatory is hosting regularly Visitor Instruments that are attached
to a telescope, for the duration of a run of observation and then is removed
from the telescope.

La Silla also hosts national telescopes, such as the 2.2-m Max-Planck telescope,
1.2-m Swiss Telescope and the 1.5-m Danish Telescope.


UPDATE October 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, visitor runs until end of 2020 have been
converted into "designated visitor mode" (dVM). Instructions for dVM
observers are given at the following page:

 Designated Visitor Information

During their run, observers can interact with the telescope/instrument
operator on a remote session, which is described at the following page:

 LOEM Instructions


End of Mission Report News

You will receive an email after your run with a one time password.



In all Emergencies, dial 4444 from any phoning station,
or use beeper (93) code 00
Read the Emergency Procedures

more news


 * La Silla Paranal Observatory
 * La Silla Wiki
 * Paranal Facilities
 * Visitor Guidelines
 * Visitor Instrument
 * EFOSC2 Setup Form
 * Sky Quality Meter (SQM)


 * Contact Overview
 * Paranal Contact List:
 * La Silla Contact List
 * APEX Contact List


 * Please read the details about Visiting the La Silla Paranal Observatory sites
 * Read more about La Silla and its History

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