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Performance-driven digital strategies
Strategy Design Development Implementation

Web Design
Digital Marketing
Custom Development

 * NAME*


How Awesome Can We Be For You?



“My business had a website before, which was just okay, but after The Web Guys
developed my website, my business just exploded.”

Scott P., Northeast RV Rentals, LLC


“The Web Guys did an awesome job. I am very, very happy with them! The site
really did increase my business, too!”

Rita S., DeWeese Design Salon Inc.


“They go well over and beyond their call of duty. The account management team is
awesome. They make time to answer my questions and solve my problems…”

John B., Drain Genie Plumbing Services


“I would highly recommend them to anyone. Their customization is great as they
would always accommodate to my needs…”

Kenneth G., Tub Tile & Tops


“The Web Guys do a stellar job. They’re responsive, professional, and offer
solutions to everything we inquire about in a matter of minutes…”

Rodney C., Lawn Plus LLC


“The Web Guys have provided the best quality of work I’ve ever had and they’re
very personable, trustworthy, and reliable. I’d definitely recommend them…”

Gary E., Indy Renovation


“The Web Guys are super duper! They are very creative, do fantastic work, and I
am extremely pleased with them! They did an outstanding job…”

Fred G., Window Depot of Chattanooga


“I have had a great experience with The Web Guys. They have been taking care of
our websites for at least two years, and they have been very useful and quick to

Melissa O., 101 RV Rentals


“I’ve been very happy with The Web Guys ever since we started a business
relationship with them. They’re punctual and have great attention to detail…”

Jeff M., East Coast RV Rentals LLC


“I would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone in the future.
Anyone requiring web assistance for a business will not be disappointed…”

Greg B., Auto Specialty of Lafayette, Inc.


“When it came time to build a website, The Web Guys took on the task with
dedication and great ideas. They made sure we understood everything at every

Stephanie G., Dealers Auto Auction of the Southwest


“The Web Guys did an amazing job for me. They built a website and promoted it
for me in ways that made me feel like I made a great investment…”

Keith Q., Fun Unlimited, LLC


“We originally designed our own page for our company, but ever since we switched
over to having the Web Guys do it, we’ve seen a tremendous increase in daily

Brian L., Hidden Harbor Marina


“The Web Guys always meet, and usually exceed, my expectations. It always turns
out better than I anticipated…”

Drew K., Joe’s Auto Sales East


“We now get leads daily, and it’s all due to what
The Web Guys has done for us!”

Carla J., GVC Mortgage


“I did a lot of research in looking for a provider of website design and SEO
optimization. I chose The Web Guys, and I’m happy to say that they’ve definitely
lived up to their reputation.”

Steve K., Prime Lawn & Landscape

People Love Us!


Coding &


Meet our tribe of driven, knowledgeable and passionate people with a humble and
collaborative spirit. We listen, think, advise and lead our clients on a path to
dominate. It’s that simple.




I’m an ambitious and driven sales entrepreneur from Zionsville, IN. Graduating
from Purdue University in 2007 (Boiler Up!), I moved to Indy shortly thereafter
to cut my teeth in the business world.

I quickly found the corporate lifestyle unappealing and joined The Web Guys,
where I’ve happily been ever since. I’ve spent more than 12 years helping grow
our agency into a digital marketing power house, serving as Sales Executive,
Digital Strategist, Director of Sales and currently General Manager. The most
rewarding aspect for me is building relationships with phenomenal people on a
daily basis, while providing a service that truly impacts and improves the lives
of our partners.

Facts About Me: Professional entrepreneur and Under Armour wearer. Proud dad of
Alexandra “Alex”, Jackson “Jack”, and best-good-boy “Kash”. Trashy reality TV
aficionado, sports-lover, and bourbon-drinker. Best dad jokes in all the land!”


Director of Web Development

I grew up in western Pennsylvania (God’s Country) and moved to Indiana for
school. After a number of years here I married my beautiful wife, and we’re now
parents to three crazy and wonderful kiddos. My favorite activities include
cycling, hunting, playing almost any sport, and most of all spending time with
my wife and kids.

Some of the best things about working at The Web Guys are seeing our clients
succeed and building relationships with them. Also, I eat cake in a bowl filled
with cold milk. It will change your life.


Director of Digital Strategy

After working at The Web Guys for 13+ years, some of the most rewarding aspects
of my job are the family-like culture we’ve created, the positive impact we
continue to make for our client’s businesses, and the integrity with which we
treat each of our respected customers.

The loves of my life are my husband, our two sons and our pit bull pups! My
favorite activities include live music, trivia, spontaneous dance parties,
anything true crime, house renovations (or more accurately, watching shows about
other people doing house renovations), trying new craft beers & cocktails,
traveling, and most of all – spending time with my little family.


Senior Digital Strategist

Hi, my name is Haley Teague! I enjoy hiking with my pups, taking long walks
through the TJ Maxx candle aisle, cooking, and traveling with my husband. When I
am not spending my time with those activities, you can find me working on my
goal of someday owning a cow sanctuary (but that is a different story). I love
the digital marketing industry because it is always changing. It is awesome
knowing that things are constantly evolving and people are continuously coming
up with new techniques and resources.



Roger Laurendeau is a successful marketing entrepreneur and past corporate
executive who has led dozens of digital marketing projects, budgets, teams, and
strategies. The representative investments associated with Laurendeau’s
engagements measure in the tens of millions of dollars.

Laurendeau earned an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2001, going to
school evenings and weekends while working a 60 hour work week. He got his start
in online marketing in 2000 when he became the Director of eBusiness at ADESA
Inc. (now KAR on the NYSE). He served ADESA from 2000 to 2007, playing a key
role in the delivery of multimillion dollar platforms like Toyota and Lexus
Dealer Direct, GMAC SmartAuction (Canada), ADESA’s DealerBlock and LiveBlock
systems, and ADESA Market Guide. Roger deciphers the language and power of “IT”
to turn it into marketing and sales prowess for businesses.

In 2007, he founded The Web Guys; it serves companies through a multitude of
digital marketing services. The company succeeds due to its loyal customers and
wonderful employees.


Senior Web Design Specialist

After obtaining a BFA in visual communications at Ball State, I found myself
entering the web design industry. I love that my career allows me to learn
something new every day, and using my design skills to help others succeed is a
great feeling.

When I’m off the clock, I enjoy spending my time making fine art, baking,
exercising, and being outdoors. If I’m not exploring a hobby, then I’m out
spending time with my husband, friends, and family. I’m also a mom to the best
cats in the world – Mocha & Cocoa!


Senior Digital Strategist

I was originally born and raised in Russiaville, Indiana, which is about an hour
north of Indianapolis. I attended Ball State University (CHIRP CHIRP) where I
majored in Marketing with a Minor in Digital Publishing (graphic design). Upon
graduation in 2017, I moved to Indianapolis and have been here ever since.

I have experience working in sports marketing/management, automotive marketing,
event marketing, social media marketing, and more which makes me very well
rounded. In my free time I like to visit new restaurants and breweries with my
fiance, spend time with my friends and family, play golf and basketball, or do
fun things with our miniature dachshund. I love being active and staying busy,
but I’m no stranger to a weekend filled with Netflix and movie binging on the


Digital Strategist

I grew up in Holland, MI but found myself moving to Indianapolis, IN for school
and especially the scenery (Michigan’s lakes have nothing on Indiana’s corn
fields). I am a recent graduate of Butler University (Go Dawgs!) with a BA in
Strategic Communication and a concentration in Sociology.

When I’m not in the office, you can find me at a restaurant, exploring the
outdoors, or Photoshopping my face into photos with famous celebrities. My
favorite part about the digital marketing industry is the constant need to learn
and adapt to new developments in the field, making every day a new and exciting


Digital Strategist

I grew up in Santa Claus IN, home of Holiday World & Jay Cutler. I have a very
large family (9 siblings, 15 nieces/nephews, 2 great nieces/nephews, and 30+
cousins). I attended Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis where I
received a Marketing Degree. Right after graduation I went on to work in the
corporate world for over 3 years where I quickly learned that was not the
lifestyle for me. I am very excited to start my career here at The Web Guys and
learn all the tools of the trade.

My favorite activities include; playing with my 2 dogs (Luna and Kota), reading,
listening to True Crime podcasts or watching True Crime documentaries, boating,
creating a “honey-do” list for my husband, and renovating/updating a camper we
recently purchased!


Digital Strategist

After graduating from Millikin University (Decatur, IL) with a BS in digital
media marketing & a minor in design thinking, I moved to Indianapolis to pursue
my career – it’s safe to say that I was ready to trade the cornfields for the
city! In my free time, I enjoy discovering new restaurants, breweries, and
coffee shops, spending way too much time in Target, and being outdoors
(preferably with dogs).

Digital marketing excites me because it is constantly evolving and providing
something new each day. I’m eager for my journey at The Web Guys to grow my
digital marketing skills and find my expertise, as well as provide superior
services to clients!


Web Design Specialist

I grew up on the east side of Indianapolis in the small, one-stoplight town of
New Palestine. I attended IUPUI where I majored in Media Arts and Science.
During my time at the university, I focused on Web Development and Design as
well as Human Computer Interaction. I fell in love with higher-education, chose
a career path that allows me to never stop learning, and hope to enhance my
career with part-time teaching positions.

Outside of making the world a better place by creating beautiful interfaces that
bring strangers together, I enjoy quality time with my family and friends. Fun
comes in many forms, and I’m no stranger to partaking in a few of them. I enjoy
playing golf, surfing, skiing, biking, hiking, and anything game related. When
time and circumstances don’t permit the more active pursuits, I spend a fair
amount of time watching television and reading about stocks. If we’re being
honest, I relish the idle time as much as I do the more active.


Digital Strategist

I was born and raised in a small town in southern Illinois called Olney. Wanting
to leave the small town living behind, I landed in Indianapolis in late 2021. I
graduated with degrees in finance and marketing from the University of Southern
Indiana in Evansville, IN and began working in the marketing department for a
group of farm and home stores shortly after. While I enjoyed some parts of it,
after two and a half years I realized the farm and home store industry was not
for me and began working with The Web Guys in the spring of 2022 as a digital

A huge fan of all sports, you will often spot me sporting gear for my favorite
teams, the Indianapolis Colts and the St. Louis Cardinals. If I am not watching
a game, you can likely find me at a movie theater or a bowling alley with my
fiancé Jordan. I also love boating in the summers and spending time with
friends, family and our dog Charli.


Digital Strategist

I attended Anderson University and earned my bachelor’s degree in Dance Business
and Marketing. I have been dancing since I was 7, which is when I developed a
passion for the art. I developed a love for Digital Marketing while I was in
college. Since I graduated, I have held many different job titles, but I am most
excited to work as a Digital Strategist with The Web Guys. My world revolves
around my husband, Jeff, and my two dogs. I am an avid lover of all things
Marvel, and you are more likely to find me listening to a true crime podcast
than music these days.


Web Design Specialist

Born in the Philippines but raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, I graduated from
IUPUI with a degree in Computer Information Technology with a focus on Web &
Software Development as well as a minor in Chinese Studies. After working for
the IT department on campus until graduation, I wanted to step into the web
design & development industry and began working with The Web Guys in the summer
of 2022 as a Web Design Specialist.

Outside of work, you can find me having a Lord of the Rings marathon while
eating a bowl of spicy ramen. Big fan of travelling, meeting new people, and
discovering new music. My favorite things to do are drink iced coffee and read
Tiktok recommended books, brush up on my Mandarin by watching Chinese dramas,
and spend time with friends and family.


Digital Strategist

I was born and raised right here in Fishers, IN not too far from The Web Guys. I
attended Ball State University (Chirp Chirp) where I attained a bachelor’s
degree in Marketing as well as a minor in Fashion Merchandising. After
graduating I found myself at The Web Guys as a Digital Strategist where I
absolutely couldn’t be happier.

In my free time you can catch me playing fetch with my beloved pit bull, Luna. I
also love hiking, going dirt biking, trying different restaurants, hanging out
with friends and family, and watching my favorite teams, the Indiana Pacers and
the Indianapolis Colts.


Digital Strategist

I joined The Web Guys in 2019 and have loved learning and growing with the
company. The things I enjoy most about my work is creating relationships with
our clients, providing them with personalized service, and watching their
businesses thrive.

In my spare time, you will find me out adventuring in nature with my kids.
There’s never a dull moment with my two boys! We fill our time with camping,
paddling, hiking, biking, reading, and exploring. I’m also quite involved in my
community and enjoy volunteering with a variety of local organizations when I


Paid Media Specialist

After graduating from Butler University with BAs in Strategic Communications and
Sports Media, I decided to stay in the Indianapolis area and work at a marketing
agency specializing in clinical trial marketing. Since then, I have gained
agency experience primarily in account and project management and social media.
Loving the agency side of things but wanting to try something a little
different, I found a great fit for myself here at The Web Guys.

When I’m not at work, I still always try to keep myself busy. Some of my
favorite ways to do that are by exploring new restaurants and spots around Indy,
having movie marathons with my roommates (our favorites are Marvel and Harry
Potter movies), attending sporting events (primarily Butler basketball games –
Go Dawgs!), or reading a good book. I also never turn down a chance to travel or
go on an impromptu adventure!


Web Design Project Coordinator

I grew up in Indiana and came from a very sports-oriented family. Throughout
high school, I played several sports including volleyball, soccer, and
basketball. I had the opportunity to continue my basketball career at Taylor
University where I graduated with a degree in Sports Management. I met my
husband at Taylor and we got married in 2018. After graduation I pursued a
career in marketing and a few years later found a love for web design and
development. My husband and I have moved seven times in the past five years and
have finally settled down near Indianapolis. I decided to continue my education
and further develop my skills in web design – I recently graduated with a second
degree in Digital Media and Web Technology.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two Australian
Shepherds, Willow and Maple. I love hiking and outdoor activities but if you
find me inside, I’ll either be binge watching my favorite tv shows or working on
the computer. I enjoy all things tech and I’m excited to be here with The Web
Guys to continue my career!


Graphic Designer

I grew up in the corn fields of Hoagland, Indiana; but have slowly found myself
moving closer and closer to the big city! I graduated from Ball State University
in 2019 with a BFA in Visual Communication. After graduation, I found myself in
Anderson, Fort Wayne, and now Carmel! I’ve spent most of my professional career
working with small businesses and nonprofits, helping them make larger impacts
on the community through design. I’m excited to continue using my skills to make
a difference as a Graphic Designer for The Web Guys.

I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember—always drawing on walls and
furniture as a child. Graphic design has been a way for me to balance creativity
with structure and use my skills to help others. Each client brings a new chance
to creative problem-solve, and I love a good puzzle. Whether it’s branding,
advertisements, illustrations, interactive displays, or more- I’m your gal!
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I believe
anything can be an adventure with the right attitude. I enjoy thrift stores,
farmers markets, live music, museums, car shows, board games, local events, and
late-night ice cream runs. When I’m not out and about in the city, I’m probably
snuggled on the couch with my senior cat, Xena Marie.


Junior WordPress Developer

I graduated from Indiana University in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in
informatics with minors in business, financial literacy, and marketing. After a
great four years in Bloomington, I am back in my hometown of Carmel, IN, working
for The Web Guys. I’m excited to put my education into practice and continue to
grow and advance my career as a Junior WordPress Developer.

Outside of the office, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing
golf and basketball, and rooting on my favorite sports teams, the Indianapolis
Colts and Michigan Wolverines. More recently, I’ve been on a traveling kick,
visiting many of the national parks out west and taking a trip to Hawaii. 


Paid Media Specialist

I was born and raised on the south side of Indianapolis, and I graduated from
IUPUI in 2020 with a major in Informatics, plus a minor in Japanese Studies.
I’ve always loved working with data and digital media, so I wanted to continue
growing my skills in the ever-changing landscape of the digital marketing
industry – which is what lead me to The Web Guys as a Paid Media Specialist.

Outside of work, I love to travel and spend time with my friends and family. In
my free time, you’ll probably find me reading a book (I usually finish 1-2 a
week), running, trying out new coffee shops, practicing/studying Japanese,
playing video games, or watching movies while cuddling with my dog, Dollie.


Paid Media Specialist

Born in New Orleans, grew up in North Carolina, and now working with The Web
Guys in Indiana, you could say I love moving around. I enjoy traveling to any
new place, whether it be a new town or country, and I’m always ready for an
adventure. I have a passion for photography, technology, and cars and love to
incorporate those things into my everyday life.

I’ve had a knack for digital marketing since I was in high school, starting my
own brands out of my dorm room to learn how to run Facebook Ads. Now I get the
chance to use what I’ve learned as a team member of The Web Guys. I’ll always
love a challenge and the ability to learn.


We work hard to maintain our Google Partner status, and we take great pride in
managing successful advertising campaigns of all sizes for our customers. Become
a valued client and experience The Web Guys premier level of service.


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Carmel, IN Location - (317) 805-4933
11550 N Meridian St, Ste 300 • Carmel, IN, 46032

Indianapolis, IN Location - (317) 659-6182
2201 E 46th St., Ste 134 • Indianapolis, IN, 46205

Ada, MI Location - (616) 426-6536
4764 Fulton St E, #202 • Ada, MI, 49301

Fort Wayne, IN Location - (260) 230-8664
118 W Columbia St Ste 401-E • Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Evansville, IN Location - (812) 515-5750
318 Main St #109 • Evansville, IN 47708

Scottsdale, AZ Location - (602) 613-2933
6991 E Camelback Rd Ste B101 • Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Sarasota, FL Location - (904) 326-3355
111 S. Pineapple Ave. Suite 1011 • Sarasota, FL 34236

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