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 * Home
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   Lab Equipment
    * Orbital Shakers
    * Rocking Shaker
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    * Shaking Water Bath
    * Lab Mixer / Rotator
    * Western Blot Machine
   Electrophoresis & Blotting
    * Acrylamides & Catalysts
    * Agarose
    * Blot Boxes
    * Blotting Products
    * Combs
    * DNA Ladders
    * Dyes & Stains
    * Horizontal Electrophoresis
    * Running Buffers
    * Vertical Electrophoresis
   DNA Extraction
    * Bacterial DNA Kits
    * Blood Extraction
    * Buccal Swab Kits
    * Circulating Cell-Free DNA/RNA Kits
    * Clean Up/Extraction Kits
    * Cultured Cells Extraction
    * DNA Extraction Chemicals
    * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction Kits
    * DNA Soil Kits
    * dNTP Removal & Desalting
    * Epigenetics
    * Fecal DNA Kits
    * Genomic DNA Plant Kits
    * Genomic DNA Yeast Kits
    * Isolate Kits
    * Plasmid Kits
    * Replacement Columns & Collection Tubes
    * Tissue Extraction
    * Viral DNA Extractions Kits
   RNA Extraction
    * Circulating Cell-Free DNA/RNA Kits
    * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction Kits
    * Isolate Kits
    * miRNA Kits
    * RNA Extraction Chemicals
    * Total RNA Bacteria Kits
    * Total RNA Blood Kits
    * Total RNA Cultured Cell Kits
    * Total RNA Plant Kits
    * Total RNA Tissue Kits
    * Viral DNA/RNA Isolation
    * Yeast RNA Isolation Kits
    * RNA Columns And Collection Tubes
   BETA Radiation Protection
    * Shields
    * Storage Containers
    * Waste Containers
    * BETA Radiation Work Station
   Lab Accessories
    * Glove Box Holders
    * Kimwipe Holders
    * Pipet Holders
    * SaniQuik 5% Bleach Solution
    * Ultra-Fine Sharpies
   Ultra Pure Water
    * Cell Culture Grade Water
    * DEPC Water
    * Molecular Biology Grade Water
    * PCR Water
   Lab Animal Products
    * Micro-Injection Molds for Zebrafish
    * Mouse Holders & Accessories
    * Rat Holders & Accessories
   Culture Media
    * Agars
    * Antibiotics
    * Broths
    * Cell Culture Flasks & Accessories
    * Dry Culture Media
    * Reagents
    * Tryptone
    * Yeast Extract
   PCR Products
    * Clean Up/Extraction Kits
    * PCR Water
    * Sephadex Columns
    * 3-Channel Flow Cells
    * Convertible Flow Cells
    * Peristaltic Pumps
    * Saliva Collection
    * Smoking Cessation
    * Buccal Swab
   Recombinant Proteins
    * Human Proteins
    * Mouse Proteins
    * Rat Proteins
   Protein Purification & Dialysis
    * Immunohistochemistry
    * Mini Flex Tubes
    * Midi Flex Tubes
    * Maxi Flex Tubes
    * Mega Flex Tubes
    * Protein Extraction
    * Protein Solubilization
    * Reagents for Electroelution
    * Recombinant Proteins
    * RNA Extraction

 * Applications
   Animal Holders
    * Basic Agarose
    * Micro-Injection Molds for Zebrafish
    * Mouse Holders & Accessories
    * Rat Holders & Accessories
   Cell Culture
    * 10X Sterile PBS
    * Agars
    * Antibiotics
    * Broths
    * Cell Culture Grade Water
    * Cell Culture Reagents
    * DNA Extraction from Cultured Cells
    * RNA Extraction from Cultured Cells
    * Pipet Holders/ Serological Racks
    * Recombinant Proteins
    * Orbital Shakers
    * TUNAIR Shake Flasks
    * Tryptone
    * Yeast Extract
    * Rocking Shaker
   DNA Extraction
    * Circulating Cell-Free DNA/RNA Isolation
    * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction
    * DNA Extraction Chemicals
    * dNTP Removal & Desalting
    * Epigenetics
    * Genomic DNA from Bacteria
    * Genomic DNA from Blood
    * Genomic DNA from Buccal Swabs
    * Genomic DNA from Cultured Cells
    * Genomic DNA from Fecal Material
    * Genomic DNA from Plants
    * Genomic DNA from Soil
    * Genomic DNA from Tissue
    * Genomic DNA from Yeast
    * Isolate Kits
    * PCR Clean-Up/ Gel Extraction
    * Plasmid DNA from E.coli
    * Replacement Columns and Collection Tubes
    * Viral DNA/RNA Isolation
   RNA Extraction
    * Circulating Cell Free DNA/RNA Extraction
    * DEPC Water
    * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction
    * Isolate Kits
    * miRNA Isolation
    * RNA Extraction Chemicals
    * Total RNA from Bacteria
    * Total RNA from Blood
    * Total RNA from Cultured Cells
    * Total RNA from Plant
    * Total RNA from Tissue
    * Total RNA from Yeast & Fungus
    * Viral DNA/RNA Isolation
    * RNA Columns And Collection Tubes
   Electrophoresis & Blotting
    * Acrylamides & Catalysts
    * Agarose
    * Blot Boxes
    * Combs
    * DEPC Water
    * DNA Dyes & Stains
    * DNA Ladders
    * DNA Running Buffers
    * Horizontal Electrophoresis
    * Vertical Electrophoresis
    * Western Blotting
   Protein Science
    * Immunohistochemistry
    * Mini Flex Tubes
    * Midi Flex Tubes
    * Maxi Flex Tubes
    * Mega Flex Tubes
    * Protein Extraction
    * Protein Solubilization
    * Reagents for Electroelution
    * Recombinant Proteins
    * RNA Extraction
   Microbiology & Biofilms
    * Agars
    * Antibiotics
    * Bacterial DNA Kits
    * Broths
    * Flow Cells for Biofilms
    * Genomic DNA Yeast Kits
    * Microbiology Reagents
    * Total RNA Bacteria Kits
    * Tryptone
    * TUNAIR Shake Flasks
    * Yeast Extract
    * Yeast RNA Isolation Kits
   PCR Reagents
    * dNTP Removal & Desalting
    * PCR Clean-up
    * PCR Water
   BETA Radiation Protection
    * BETA-GARD Angled Shields
    * BETA-GARD Straight Shields
    * BETA-GARD Storage Containers
    * BETA-GARD Waste Containers
   Ultra Pure Water
    * Cell Culture Grade Water
    * DEPC Water
    * Molecular Biology Grade Water
    * PCR Water
   Lab Organization Products
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    * Glove Box Holders
    * Kimwipe Holders

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 * Acrylamides & Catalysts
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 * Blotting Products
 * Combs
 * DNA Ladders
 * Dyes & Stains
 * Horizontal Electrophoresis
 * Running Buffers
 * Vertical Electrophoresis

Link 1
DNA Extraction
 * Bacterial DNA Kits
 * Blood Extraction
 * Buccal Swab Kits
 * Circulating Cell-Free DNA/RNA Kits
 * Clean Up/Extraction Kits
 * Cultured Cells Extraction
 * DNA Extraction Chemicals
 * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction Kits
 * DNA Soil Kits
 * dNTP Removal & Desalting
 * Epigenetics
 * Fecal DNA Kits
 * Genomic DNA Plant Kits
 * Genomic DNA Yeast Kits
 * Isolate Kits
 * Plasmid Kits
 * Replacement Columns & Collection Tubes
 * Tissue Extraction
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Link 1
RNA Extraction
 * Circulating Cell-Free DNA/RNA Kits
 * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction Kits
 * Isolate Kits
 * miRNA Kits
 * RNA Extraction Chemicals
 * Total RNA Bacteria Kits
 * Total RNA Blood Kits
 * Total RNA Cultured Cell Kits
 * Total RNA Plant Kits
 * Total RNA Tissue Kits
 * Viral DNA/RNA Isolation
 * Yeast RNA Isolation Kits
 * RNA Columns And Collection Tubes

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BETA Radiation Protection
 * Shields
 * Storage Containers
 * Waste Containers
 * BETA Radiation Work Station

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Lab Accessories
 * Glove Box Holders
 * Kimwipe Holders
 * Pipet Holders
 * SaniQuik 5% Bleach Solution
 * Ultra-Fine Sharpies

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Ultra Pure Water
 * Cell Culture Grade Water
 * DEPC Water
 * Molecular Biology Grade Water
 * PCR Water

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Lab Animal Products
 * Micro-Injection Molds for Zebrafish
 * Mouse Holders & Accessories
 * Rat Holders & Accessories

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Culture Media
 * Agars
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 * Broths
 * Cell Culture Flasks & Accessories
 * Dry Culture Media
 * Reagents
 * Tryptone
 * Yeast Extract

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PCR Products
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 * PCR Water
 * Sephadex Columns

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 * 3-Channel Flow Cells
 * Convertible Flow Cells
 * Peristaltic Pumps

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 * Saliva Collection
 * Smoking Cessation
 * Buccal Swab

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Recombinant Proteins
 * Human Proteins
 * Mouse Proteins
 * Rat Proteins

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Protein Purification & Dialysis
 * Immunohistochemistry
 * Mini Flex Tubes
 * Midi Flex Tubes
 * Maxi Flex Tubes
 * Mega Flex Tubes
 * Protein Extraction
 * Protein Solubilization
 * Reagents for Electroelution
 * Recombinant Proteins
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Animal Holders
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 * Micro-Injection Molds for Zebrafish
 * Mouse Holders & Accessories
 * Rat Holders & Accessories

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 * Antibiotics
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 * Cell Culture Grade Water
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 * RNA Extraction from Cultured Cells
 * Pipet Holders/ Serological Racks
 * Recombinant Proteins
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 * TUNAIR Shake Flasks
 * Tryptone
 * Yeast Extract
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 * DNA-RNA-Protein Extraction
 * DNA Extraction Chemicals
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 * Epigenetics
 * Genomic DNA from Bacteria
 * Genomic DNA from Blood
 * Genomic DNA from Buccal Swabs
 * Genomic DNA from Cultured Cells
 * Genomic DNA from Fecal Material
 * Genomic DNA from Plants
 * Genomic DNA from Soil
 * Genomic DNA from Tissue
 * Genomic DNA from Yeast
 * Isolate Kits
 * PCR Clean-Up/ Gel Extraction
 * Plasmid DNA from E.coli
 * Replacement Columns and Collection Tubes
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 * DEPC Water
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 * Total RNA from Bacteria
 * Total RNA from Blood
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 * Total RNA from Plant
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 2. Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit


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Model Number IB47400

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4 preps (sample) - $29.23 USD 50 preps - $231.39 USD 100 preps - $416.26 USD 300
preps - $1,118.43 USD

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 * Item Description
 * Product Video
 * Specifications
 * Protocol
 * Technical Information

 * Sample Size: 200µl sample (plasma, serum, body fluid, or supernatant of viral
   infected cell cultures)
 * Operation Time: 40min or less
 * Elution Volume: 50µl
 * Free sample available upon request

The Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit was designed specifically for purification
of viral DNA/RNA from cell-free samples such as: serum, plasma, body fluids, and
the supernatant of viral infected cell cultures (COVID-19). DNA/RNA viruses are
lysed quickly and efficiently using the lysis buffer, which is a highly
concentrated solution of chaotropic salt. When combined with ethanol, the AD
Buffer creates an optimum condition for nucleic acid binding to the glass fiber
of the column. Contaminants such as salts, metabolites, and soluble
macromolecular cellular components are removed in the wash process. The nucleic
acids are eluted in RNase-Free water and are then ready for use in subsequent
reactions including Real-Time PCR, Automated Fluorescent DNA Sequencing, PCR,
and other enzymatic reactions. The detection limit for certain viruses depends
on the sensitivity of the individual PCR or RT-PCR assays.

The quality of the Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit is tested on a lot-to-lot
basis by isolating viral DNA/RNA from a 200µl plasma sample.

Certificate of Analysis:


Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit CofA - Lot#FG08501-G

Sample: Up to 200ul of – plasma, serum, body fluid, or the supernatant of viral
infected cell cultures.
Viral Nucleic Acid Kit Protocol

I can’t see any RNA, but I do see DNA. Is this a problem with concentrations?
Remember to use RNAse free centrifuge tubes, tips, and other tools, and always
wear disposable gloves during all of the extraction processes. The low
concentration samples can lead to not being able to see RNA on the gel. To check
the result, you can perform the “Reverse Transcription PCR.”


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