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Through the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority’s (NJTPA) Complete
Streets Technical Assistance Program, Sustainable Jersey is collaborating with
the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers University to
provide free technical assistance to municipalities to advance Complete Streets

The program is made possible through the NJTPA with federal funding from the
U.S. Department of Transportation. No direct funding to municipalities is
provided. Participants are selected through a competitive application process.
Eligible applicants include municipal governments within the NJTPA's 13-county
region comprised of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth,
Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren counties.

Complete Streets are designed for all users, all modes of transportation, and
all ability levels. They balance the needs of drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists,
transit riders, emergency responders, and goods movement based on local context.
In 2020, The NJTPA created this 3-minute Streets for Everyone video to explain
the benefits of Complete Streets in New Jersey. Click on the image below to
watch the video.

Video file available upon request by contacting info@sustainablejersey.com


Read the Application Information Packet for a detailed program overview and
application instructions. Review the Frequently Asked Questions page to see if
your question has already been answered before submitting. When you are ready to
start putting together your proposal, access the online application form and
watch the brief How to Apply video.

Application Due: February 2, 2024 at 11:59pm

Access Online Application


The Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program helps municipalities bring
together key stakeholders to explore a local safety concern. It provides problem
definition and assists in delivering alternative concepts using a collaborative
approach to address a need. The program identifies next steps toward
facilitating local problem-solving. Since every municipality has different
needs, the program provides technical assistance to help advance Complete
Streets by documenting existing conditions, exploring opportunities for
improvement, and providing recommendations. Technical assistance may include:

 * Bicycle Corridor or Network Plan: This focus area helps identify specific
   routes and road treatments to improve bicycling infrastructure.
 * Corridor/Neighborhood Complete Streets Assessment:  This focus area helps
   assess Complete Streets needs and opportunities for a small corridor or
   neighborhood. It includes a Walkable Community Workshop on a corridor up to a
   half-mile long to identify potential pedestrian and bicycle improvements.
 * Complete and Green Streets Policy: A training workshop will be available to
   all selected municipalities on how to create or update a Complete and Green
   Streets policy or ordinance.

Some projects may include conceptual renderings and temporary demonstrations to
illustrate potential roadway improvements.



A webinar to assist municipalities in identifying potential projects for
technical assistance and highlight how other New Jersey communities have used
this program to address local issues was held on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. The

 * Provided a review of the specific types of technical assistance available
 * Provided examples of the scale and scope of problems that can be addressed
   through this program
 * Identified additional resources municipalities can use to develop a
   successful program application
 * Described how to apply and how project applications will be evaluated

View the Recording


For a detailed overview of the technical assistance opportunity download the
Application Information Packet and watch the brief How to Apply Video.

Online Application Deadline: Friday, February 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Access Online Application



Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to see if your question
has already been answered.

For questions regarding the online portal only: Email Kaitlyn Vollmer at
grants@SustainableJersey.com or call 609-771-3198

For project related questions contact: Email Anne Heasly at heaslya@tcnj.edu and
Peter Bilton at pbilton@njtpa.org. 

All answered questions will be posted on the FAQ page.

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