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2001:19f0:5001:4f7:5400:4ff:fe36:ca89  Public Scan

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Submission: On May 31 via api from US — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

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has: media, poll of embedis: reply of sensitivelanguage: ISO-taalcodefrom:
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datumin: all of library is onderdeel van het decentrale sociale netwerk Mastodon.

A server for PHP programmers & friends. Join us for discussions on the PHP
programming language, frameworks, packages, tools, open source, tech, life, and


PHP Community @phpc


actieve gebruikers


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Gedecentraliseerde sociale media mogelijk gemaakt door Mastodon


PHP Community @phpc




Welcome to the PHP community on Mastodon! We provide a place for PHP programmers
& friends to discuss topics related to the PHP programming language, frameworks,
packages, tools, open source, tech, life, and more. First and foremost, we're
about building community, and that doesn't always involve technical discussion,
so feel free to go off-topic and have fun.


WHO'S BEHIND THIS? is a PHP Commmunity Foundation project. PHP Community Foundation
created for the public benefit of the PHP community.



Thank you for your willingness to help! We appreciate it. Here are some areas we
could use your help:

 * Contribute financially by donating through the Open Collective
 * Volunteer as a moderator—get to know our community first! A moderator is a
   position of trust, so we need to know you're legit and planning to stick
 * Server administration—we manage our own infrastructure, and we’d love to have
   your help. Just like being a moderator is a position of trust, so is working
   on our infrastructure. Hang out, take part in the community, and build trust
   before asking for access to the servers.



> If you believe anyone is in physical danger or doing something that is against
> the law, please notify appropriate emergency services first by calling the
> relevant local authorities.

The instance is primarily meant for the PHP community and surrounding tech, but
posts are not required to be on-topic. As long as it doesn't break the rules,
feel free to talk about whatever you want.

Please remember that being on this server is a privilege, and not a right.

The following guidelines are not a legal document, and final interpretation is
up to the administration of; they are here to provide you with an
insight into our content moderation policies.

These policies apply to: posts, profile information and bio, as well as account
handles, on

This is a living document, and updates to it will be made if necessary.

 1. The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and
    may result in account suspension upon repeated violations:
    1. Advertising of off-topic material for the PHP instance.
    2. Advertising more than once per hour of on-topic material without
       appropriate Content Warning.
    3. More than one automated post per hour or four per day, excluding posts
       with a visibility of "unlisted" or "followers only".
    4. Accounts that are primarily intended to post automated messages, unless
       they are marked "This is a bot account" in account settings and all posts
       have a visibility of "unlisted" or "followers only."
    5. Persistent trolling, and posts to test the limits of moderation
    6. Promotion of scams (including cryptocurrency and NFTs) or known
       misinformation/disinformation campaigns, such as anti-vaccination or
       climate denial.
 2. The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and
    will result in a temporary account suspension, and revocation of access to
    the service
    1. Nudity, pornography, and sexually explicit content, including artistic
       depictions, without an appropriate Content Warning
    2. Gore and extremely graphic violence, including artistic depictions,
       without an appropriate Content Warning
 3. The following types of content will be removed from the public timeline, and
    may result in account suspension and revocation of access to the service:
    1. Racism or advocation of racism
    2. Sexism or advocation of sexism
    3. Discrimination against gender and sexual minorities, or advocation
       thereof Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism
    4. Incitement of violence against individuals or groups
 4. The following types of content are explicitly disallowed and will result in
    immediate and permanent revocation of access to the service:
    1. Sexual depictions of children
    2. Content illegal in Germany and/or France, such as holocaust denial or
       Nazi symbolism
    3. Conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism
 5. Any conduct intended to stalk or harass other users, or to impede other
    users from utilising the service, or to degrade the performance of the
    service, or to harass other users, or to incite other users to perform any
    of the aforementioned actions, is also disallowed, and subject to punishment
    up to and including revocation of access to the service. This includes, but
    is not limited to, the following behaviours:
    1. Continuing to engage in conversation with a user that has specifically
       requested for said engagement with that user to cease and desist,
       regardless of platform-specific privacy tools employed
    2. Aggregating, posting, and/or disseminating a person's demographic,
       personal, or private data without express permission (informally called
       doxing or dropping dox)
    3. Inciting users to engage another user in continued interaction or
       discussion after a user has requested for said engagement with that user
       to cease and desist (informally called brigading or dogpiling)

These provisions notwithstanding, the administration of the service reserves the
right to revoke any user's access permissions, at any time, for any reason,
except as limited by law.




First, a few notes on how cross-instance moderation works:

 1. If a remote user is reported from our instance, the report is immediately
    forwarded to the home of the remote user.
 2. Suspension of a remote user only makes them invisible from, and unable to
    react to, users on our instance.
 3. Any moderation actions we take with regard to a remote user are not relayed
    back to that user’s home instance.
 4. Our view of remote users does not include any information (email, IP
    address, etc.) that would allow us to proactively block that user from
    interacting with our instance outside the context of the account they’re
    currently on.

With that said, if user A on our instance reports user B on another instance for
harassment/hate speech or similar-tier offences, moderators can and should take
proactive action comparable to if the harassment had been directed at a user on
our instance, even if the reported user has had no interactions with our
instance (including follows in either direction). So if the remote user’s feed
is exclusively hate speech, suspend that user.


Moderators are not obligated, as part of their role, to actively seek out
accounts or posts that break our rules or would result in a report. Moderators,
like any user of our instance, can use reporting functionality for bad actors
that they see during their own use of the platform, and can even take moderation
actions directly without going through the report system if they see something
sufficiently egregious, though in those cases moderators should post in Discord
with what they've done as an audit trail on top of the one built into Mastodon.

With that said, moderators’ primary duty is to assist in resolving reports made
by other users in a timely and consistent manner. This means that the role of a
moderator is primarily reactive rather than proactive, and we’re knowingly
making the tradeoff of catching things quickly to balance workload on a
fully-volunteer moderation staff.


This section contains a set of guidelines on how to best use this instance. They
include suggestions for when to use Content Warnings. (Mostly copied from

We ask users on to keep the following guidelines in mind, in order
to foster a considerate and accessible atmosphere. Forgetting about them is not
as serious as breaking the instance rules, but repeated malicious unwillingness
to follow the best practices will be considered just like breaking a rule.

 * Use content warnings liberally, especially for topics that are potentially
   disturbing or controversial, or that make life harder for people struggling
   with addiction or trauma, but also for spoilers.
 * Set the right language for your posts. By default Mastodon will use the
   interface language to attach to your posts, but if you (for example) have set
   that to English, and you post in German, then the posts will have "English"
   attached to them, and translations don’t work.
 * Add descriptions to images and videos.
 * Provide credit for creative works that are not your own.
 * Don't be a reply guy – uninvited comments about another user’s personal
   choices, lifestyle, or family are strongly discouraged and may be considered
 * In discussions, please remain civil, do not insult the people you’re talking
   to. Don’t escalate.



To report harassment, click the three vertical dots (⋮) on a user's profile and
select "Report @user." For urgent concerns, you may contact us at



Your continued used of implies your agreement to our policies. If
you disagree with our policies, please discontinue use of our services.

We fully subscribe to and comply with the Mastodon Server Covenant. A number of
instance blocks are implemented to comply with the principles of the covenant
and to prevent our users from being exposed to content that does not comply with
our instance rules.


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ZoekenOpenbare tijdlijnen


Wanneer je een account op deze server hebt, kun je inloggen om mensen of
hashtags te volgen, op berichten te reageren of om deze te delen. Wanneer je een
account op een andere server hebt, kun je daar inloggen en daar ook interactie
met mensen op deze server hebben.




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