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Submitted URL: http://redpillmastery.com/
Effective URL: https://www.getflowops.com/
Submission: On January 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.getflowops.com/
Submission: On January 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOMName: paymentForm —
<form id="paymentForm" name="paymentForm" class="ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-email" novalidate="novalidate">
<h3 class="tpl-6__checkout__title mb-sm-24 mb-16">Checkout</h3>
<h4 class="tpl-6__checkout__subtitle mb-sm-20 mb-16">Contact</h4>
<div class="row mobile-display">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-12">
<div class="form-group d-flex flex-column">
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required="" spellcheck="false" value="" autocomplete="given-name">
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<div class="col-sm-6 col-12">
<div class="form-group d-flex flex-column">
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required="" spellcheck="false" value="" autocomplete="family-name">
<label for="lname" class="order-1">Last Name</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-12">
<div class="form-group d-flex flex-column">
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name="email" ng-model="order.customer.email" required="" spellcheck="false" value="" autocomplete="email">
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<div class="col-sm-6 col-12">
<!-- ngIf: checkoutState.product.properties.phone_number_field -->
<h4 class="tpl-6__checkout__subtitle mt-sm-20 mb-16">Payment Options</h4>
<div class="mb-sm-24 mb-16">
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<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<span>Flow Ops All-Access Membership</span>
<small class="text-muted">Then $347.00 monthly</small>
<div class="col-auto">
<div class="float-right text-right">
<div class="mb-sm-24 mb-16">
<div class="custom-control custom-radio">
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<label for="product-option-808667" class="custom-control-label w-100">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<span>Flow Ops LITE Membership</span>
<small class="text-muted">Then $197.00 monthly</small>
<div class="col-auto">
<div class="float-right text-right">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<h4 class="tpl-6__checkout__subtitle mt-sm-20 mb-16">Coupon Code</h4>
<div class="tpl-6__coupon mb-sm-24 mb-16">
<div class="row align-items-sm-center">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-12">
<div class="form-group mb-sm-0">
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<div class="col-sm-auto col-12 px-8">
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disabled="disabled">Apply coupon code</button><!-- end ngIf: coupon_message.text == '' -->
<!-- ngIf: coupon_message.text !== '' -->
<div class="col-sm col-12 px-8 mt-sm-0 mt-8">
<!-- ngIf: coupon_message.text !== '' -->
<h4 class="tpl-6__checkout__subtitle mt-sm-20 mb-16">Payment Methods</h4>
<div id="payments" class="tpl-6__payment mb-sm-34 mb-24 mx-sm-0 mx-n16 p-sm-24 p-16">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-auto col-12 order-sm-1 mt-sm-0 mt-16 order-3 ml-20 pr-0">
<div class="custom-control custom-radio m-0">
<input type="radio" id="creditCardRadio" name="paymentMethods" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#cards:not(.show)" class="custom-control-input" ng-click="setPaymentType('cc_processor')" aria-expanded="true" checked="">
<label class="custom-control-label d-flex align-items-center" for="creditCardRadio">
<div class="payment-method-label"><img class="sampay-icon" src="https://d2n844f18s487r.cloudfront.net/modules/frontend/img/payment/sampay-wallet.svg" alt="SamPay Wallet"><span>Card & More</span></div>
<div id="cards" class="col-12 collapse order-sm-4 order-3 show " data-parent="#payments">
<div class="payment-element-container">
<div class="payment-form cc-processor-form sampay-processor-form" ng-show="processor_selection == 'cc_processor'">
<!-- ngIf: renderingPaymentElement -->
<!-- ngIf: !renderingPaymentElement -->
<div ng-if="!renderingPaymentElement" class="ng-scope">
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title="Secure payment input frame"
style="border: none !important; margin: -4px; padding: 0px !important; width: calc(100% + 8px); min-width: 100% !important; overflow: hidden !important; display: block !important; user-select: none !important; transform: translate(0px) !important; color-scheme: light only !important; height: 229.969px; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.4s ease 0.1s;"></iframe>
</div><!-- end ngIf: !renderingPaymentElement -->
<h4 class="tpl-6__checkout__subtitle mt-sm-20 mb-16">Order Summary</h4>
<div id="order-summary-widget" box-loading="contextRefresh">
<div id="product-list" class="box">
<!-- ngRepeat: invoiceItem in checkoutContext.order.invoice.items -->
<div class="product-item ng-scope" ng-repeat="invoiceItem in checkoutContext.order.invoice.items">
<div class="product-label-col">
<span class="product-item-name ng-binding">Flow Ops All-Access Membership</span>
<!-- ngIf: subscriptionsByProductId[invoiceItem.product_id] -->
<div ng-if="subscriptionsByProductId[invoiceItem.product_id]" class="ng-scope">
<span class="price-item-detail">
<span class="ng-binding">Then $347.00 monthly</span>
</div><!-- end ngIf: subscriptionsByProductId[invoiceItem.product_id] -->
<!-- ngIf: invoiceItem.type === 'bump' -->
<div class="product-price-col float-right text-right">
<!-- ngIf: invoiceItem.quantity > 1 --><span class="unit-amount ng-binding">$347.00</span>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: invoiceItem in checkoutContext.order.invoice.items -->
<div id="summary-totals" class="box">
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<div class="invoice-label-col">
<span class="invoice-item-label">Subtotal:</span>
<div class="invoice-amount-col float-right text-right">
<span class="invoice-item-amount ng-binding">$347.00</span>
<div class="invoice-item tax-row ng-hide" ng-show="checkoutContext.order.invoice.tax !== 0">
<div class="invoice-label-col">
<span class="invoice-item-label">Tax:</span>
<div class="invoice-amount-col float-right text-right">
<span class="invoice-item-amount ng-binding">$0.00</span>
<div class="invoice-item shipping-row ng-hide" ng-show="checkoutContext.order.invoice.shipping !== 0">
<div class="invoice-label-col">
<span class="invoice-item-label">Shipping:</span>
<div class="invoice-amount-col float-right text-right">
<span class="invoice-item-amount ng-binding">$0.00</span>
<div class="invoice-item discount-row ng-hide" ng-show="checkoutContext.order.invoice.discount !== 0">
<div class="invoice-label-col">
<span class="invoice-item-label">Discounts:</span>
<div class="invoice-amount-col float-right text-right">
<span class="invoice-item-amount ng-binding">-$0.00</span>
<div class="invoice-item total-row">
<div class="invoice-label-col">
<span class="invoice-item-label">Total:</span>
<div class="invoice-amount-col float-right text-right">
<span class="invoice-item-amount ng-binding" id="total">$347.00 </span>
<div class="tpl-6__order text-center pt-sm-30 py-24">
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var recaptchaCallback = function(response) {
window.recaptchaResponse = response;
var onloadCallback = function() {
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'callback': recaptchaCallback,
'size': 'invisible'
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const sleepUntil = async (f, timeoutMs) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timeWas = new Date();
const wait = setInterval(function() {
if (f()) {
} else if (new Date() - timeWas > timeoutMs) { // Timeout
}, 20);
function fetchToken() {
return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
try {
await sleepUntil(() => window.recaptchaResponse, 60000);
} catch {
reject('reCAPTCHA timeout exceeded!');
<!-- ngIf: processor_selection !== 'digital_wallet' --><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary mx-auto mb-sm-12 mb-20 w-100 main-cta ng-scope" id="placeOrder" name="placeOrder" ng-click="placeOrder('izdojg4bNs5Xu2jCS5ybzQ6R')"
ng-disabled="shippingCountryIsRestricted || isProcessingOrder" ng-if="processor_selection !== 'digital_wallet'"> Purchase Memebership </button><!-- end ngIf: processor_selection !== 'digital_wallet' -->
<div id="payment-request-button" class="mx-auto mb-sm-12 mb-20 ng-hide" ng-show="processor_selection === 'digital_wallet'"></div>
Text Content
The Training and Movement System That's Worked for Hundreds (When Nothing Else Worked...) JOIN THE COMMUNITY BECOMING STRONG, PAIN-FREE, STRESS RESILIENT, AND BREATHING FREELY Get Access to Flow Ops (Or Flow Ops Lite) BREATHING MECHANICS Learn about the mechanics and chemistry of breathing, how it affects our stress and anxiety levels, and what you can do to develop a healthy, deep, diaphragmatic breathing pattern that keeps you oxygenated, and signals to your body that it's safe to be relaxed. POSTURAL ALIGNMENT Learn how modern training methods have failed at creating posture and biomechanics that are native and natural to our human bodies, and what you can do instead to have a strong, stable, posturally aligned body that holds itself up with ease, and moves with fluid efficiency NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION Modern life is full of stimulation that puts our nervous system in a state of 'sympathetic fight-or-flight'... we're chronically stressed without even realizing how stressed we are. You'll learn how to regulate your nervous system tone with both direct and indirect work that will condition yourself to be comfortable and secure, even when under pressure. THE SIMPLEST, MOST COHESIVE WAY TO DECREASE PAIN, REDUCE STRESS, AND EXPERIENCE AN ALIGNED, EASEFUL PHYSICAL EXISTENCE, TAUGHT STEP BY STEP: Get Access to Flow Ops (Or Flow Ops Lite) I TRIED EVERYTHING... AND NONE OF IT WORKED UNTIL I FOUND THIS: My name is Eric - I'm the founder of the Flow Ops Movement System, a method that's now helped hundreds of people get out of pain, experience more freedom in their bodies, reduce stress and anxiety, and breathe more freely - even when nothing else worked for these people in the past. I know a LOT about methods that don't work - I spent over a decade studying fitness, trying to find the answers of why some of my clients simply weren't getting better. I did everything I was supposed to ; I took the certifications, watched Youtube videos, read the books, went to the seminars, scoured forums and seminars - doing everything that I could to figure out why some people responded really well to my training... while others would inevitably get back into pain, or experience the same problems over and over again. Even 'functional fitness' systems didn't seem to actually produce the long-term results that I wanted for my clients. I was frustrated, and more than that, I felt responsible for the well-being of my clients who had put their faith in me as their trainer. That all changed when I finally learned the missing piece - the one bit of information that made me realize why nothing else had worked long term in the first place... I studied from dozens of functional fitness trainers, biomechanics specialists, breathing coaches, anatomy experts, literally everything that I could get my hands on. I started to get clues about our evolutionary mechanics, how the human body CAME TO BE the human body, how it operated as an integrated unit, how things like breathing 'technique" and our stress levels (nervous systems) all played a bigger role than I'd ever been taught in my mainstream fitness education. This made me realize something profound: THERE'S A RIGHT WAY AND WRONG WAY THAT HUMANS ARE DESIGNED TO MOVE. OUR STRUCTURE STACKS Our skeletons, connective tissues, organs - basically our entire bodies are designed and organized in a way that is supposed to create an even distribution of pressure and support. When we don't know or understand that alignment, and when our posture suffers, we end up with excessive compression in certain joints and put undue strain on the tissues of our bodies. We can learn this natural spinal posture by understanding how to position our skull, ribcage, shoulders, and pelvis relative to one another, creating a natural, decompressed spinal length. Learn how with Flow ops OUR STRUCTURE SUPPORTS When we learn how our posture is supposed to stack and we start to reinforce it with the right exercises, our structure starts to supports our bodies and our movement reflexively. The "fascia" or connective tissue in our bodies supports the right type of muscular activation, and we feel ourselves get strong, and effortlessly engaged in the RIGHT ways. Sign Up Today IT'S ALL CONNECTED The biggest a-ha moment for me as a trainer was that mainstream fitness trains the body NOT as a whole unit, but as a system of parts. "Leg day", "back day", "chest day", as if you could isolate a part of the body without it having an effect on the entire system... When you train your body like a bunch of parts... it fasll aPART. When you start training the body as a whole system - accounting for muscle, bone alignment, breathing mechanics, nervous system activation, and more... your body starts to synchronize as a whole unit. Access the Platform Get Access to Flow Ops (Or Flow Ops Lite) When I started learning these principles and started applying them to myself and my clients, that's when the testimonials REALLY started coming in. It was a game changer and a total shock to see how different it was from how I'd been taught to do things with my clients in the gym, lifting weights, etc... I dropped ALL of that, and because I was getting better results than ever, I realized that there was... If you've never done it before you might have doubts... but client after client have come to me after trying EVERYTHING ELSE, and are shocked to find that these principles, although deceptively simple, finally start to line their bodies up, bring ease to their tissues, decompression to their joints, and relaxation to their overly stressed nervous systems. DON'T JUST TAKE IT FROM ME THOUGH... WE HAVE RECEIPTS Get Access to Flow Ops (Or Flow Ops Lite) EVERYTHING INCLUDED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP... 6 Full Months of powerful, progressive programming, with every movement, set, and rep accounted for (with options for 30, 60, or 90 minutes per day to account for peoples' varying schedules) so that you know exactly what to do, what to expect, and how to progress. While the program lasts 6 months to transform your body for life many people experience instant relief and feelings of improved, decompressed posture as soon as they finish their first session. $999 value Nurturing and engaging the community while providing high level support is the aim of the Flow Ops Membership - Further coaching Q&A and networking is done in the Private Discord Channels, where All-Access members even have access to monthly contests with prize packages worth hundreds of dollars. $197+/month value You can (and should) follow the SFOP Program just as it is for 6 months, and have everything you need to totally transform your body. For those that want to go even deeper into the practices, or enhance their lifestyle to support their training and recovery, there are 7 bonus courses and follow-along workout programs that will amplify your understanding and application of how the human body is meant to move and function. $1,487 value "The devil is in the details" so they say- and this is absolutely true of posture and alignment work. While the video courses break down meticulous detail the exact joint angles and alignment to work towards (and the Self-Coaching Bonus Course shows you how to self assess by taking videos of yourself), there is truly no replacement for having a trained eye watch over you and guide you while you train. For All-Access Members, access 4 group coaching calls led by Eric where he can show you the nuances of the exercises and align your posture in real time. $1,056/month value TOTAL VALUE:$3,739 ALL-ACCESS MEMBERSHIP $347/MONTH Access to 6-Month SFOP Progressive Core Program Access to 7 Bonus Courses Access to Coaching Call Replay Vault with 100+ replays Access to Private Discord Community Server Access to Monthly Community Contests with up to $500+ in prizes Access to 4 weekly group coaching calls with guided workouts and personalized cueing/live Q&A LITE MEMBERSHIP $197/MONTH Access to 6-Month SFOP Progressive Core Program Access to 7 Bonus Courses Access to Coaching Call Replay Vault with 100+ replays Access to Private Discord LITE Community Server Access to Monthly Community Contests with up to $500+ in prizes Access to 4 weekly group coaching calls with guided workouts and personalized cueing/live Q&A ACCESS EVERY COURSE, WEEKLY GROUP COACHING, AND A PRIVATE COMMUNITY INSTANTLY Just fill out the form below, choose the membership option that works best for you and you'll unlock access to every video, every lesson, from every course (over $3,739 worth of content) INSTANTLY. You'll only be charged once today, and again every 30 days until you cancel your subscription GET FULL ACCESS NOW PS... Not ready for a full subscription? Click here to purchase the Flow Ops Intro Course for only $47 to get started on the work TODAY FAQ - YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED IS THIS PROGRAM GOOD FOR BEGINNERS? If you've NEVER exercised before, or if you've been training for years, the movements and posture cues in this program are designed for every body. They're designed from innate, universal human biomechanics, and will help anyone return to their natural movement baseline which is their birthright. WHY IS THIS A SUBSCRIPTION? CAN I BUY THE COURSES? We decided to offer this as a subscription to make all the learning materials and group coaching calls AS AFFORDABLE as possible. We wanted to give everyone an opportunity to get access to courses and coaching that would normally costs thousands of dollars- which is why we created a catalogue of all course materials in one central hub of education and coaching. WILL I BE ABLE TO GET 1-ON-1 COACHING IN THIS PROGRAM? The demand for 1-on-1 coaching with Eric has been so high, that he's had to stop accepting new clients; this program offers group coaching multiple times per week where people can dial in movements by joining the sessions. Combined with the extensive educational materials and self-coaching courses, this helps the community learn from each other, and gives people an opportunity to get high-level coaching without the high-level price tag! Coaching calls last 2 hours each, ensuring all students get ample time to ask questions and get coaching. WHAT LEVEL OF SUPPORT WILL I GET ACCESS TO? The program subscription includes many levels of support; in addition to all the educational materials, you'll have access to group coaching calls, and a private group community where you can post videos to get both community and coach feedback. If there are elements of the programs or execution of movement patterns that you don't understand, you'll ALWAYS have access to channels to ask questions for clarity on the subject. HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET RESULTS? The subscription service offers programs that get results in with options for 30, 60, or 90 minutes per day, while also giving options for advanced workouts and practices that can supercharge your results. You get back what you put in - but our 'minimal effective dose' combined with the day-to-day simple postural cues and resting positions will DRAMATICALLY change how your body feels and moves. WHAT TIMES ARE THE COACHING CALLS? The Current Semester has live coaching calls at Tuesday @ 3pm EST, Wednesday @ 3 pm EST, Thursday @ 3pm EST, and Friday @ 5 pm EST. As the course scales, more times will be added, and more coaches will join to assist to make sure everyone gets in-depth attention and coaching. IS THERE A REFUND POLICY? Due to issues with clients abusing the former refund policy, Flow Ops NO LONGER offers a refund option for those who invest in the membership. We reward and encourage those who are committed to engaging with the work and coaching calls. The only exception to the refund policy will be if you are ACCIDENTALLY RE-BILLED after cancelling your membership, and alert us within 3 days of the charge. Thank you for understanding. CHECKOUT CONTACT First Name Last Name Email Address PAYMENT OPTIONS Flow Ops All-Access Membership Then $347.00 monthly $347.00 Flow Ops LITE Membership Then $197.00 monthly $197.00 COUPON CODE Apply coupon code PAYMENT METHODS Card & More ORDER SUMMARY Flow Ops All-Access Membership Then $347.00 monthly $347.00 Subtotal: $347.00 Tax: $0.00 Shipping: $0.00 Discounts: -$0.00 Total: $347.00 Purchase Memebership © 2024 Flow Ops Memberships. All Rights Reserved. PROCESSING