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Home > Catholic Encyclopedia > P > Archdiocese of Perugia


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Located in Umbria, Central Italy. The city is situated on a hill on the right of
the Tiber. The Gothic cathedral is of the fourteenth century, its façade being
yet unfinished; it contains paintings by Baroccio, Manni, and Signorelli; there
is a marble sarcophagus in which are the remains of Urban IV and Martin IV; in
the chapel del Santo Anello is preserved an onyx ring, which is said to have
been the marriage ring of Our Lady, and which was venerated first at Chiusi,
where it was stolen, and then taken to Perugia in the fifteenth century; in the
chapter library is preserved a codex of the Gospel of St. Luke, of the sixth
century. Other churches are: San Pietro dei Cassinesi, the church of a monastery
founded by St. Peter Vincioli about 1000; Sant' Ercolano, the high altar of
which is made of an ancient sarcophagus; Sant' Angelo, a round building, dating
from the sixth century; the Madonna della Luce, a graceful little temple by
Galeazzo Alessio; San Francesco del Prato, now the seat of the "Accademia" of
fine arts. The university, founded in 1320, has three faculties, and contains a
museum of Etruscan, Roman, and Christian antiquities, with many sculptures and
inscriptions, among the latter, the "Tabulæ Perusinæ", discovered in 1822. The
most notable ancient monuments of the town are the Porta Augusta; the tomb of
the Volumnii, which was discovered in 1840 by Vermiglioli; and the Etruscan

Perugia was among the most important cities of the Etruscans, with whom it took
part in the wars against Rome in 310 and 295 B.C., as also in the Samnite War.
The Perugian War (41 B.C.) is famous; the troops of Anthony were shut up here,
where they were compelled to surrender. During the Gothic War, Perugia suffered
various sieges, by the Byzantines in 537 and in 552, and by the Goths in 546 and
548. The Lombards at the time of their first incursion had taken possession of
the city, but in 592 it came again under the Byzantine power and was made the
seat of a dux. In 749 it was besieged by the Lombard King Rachis, who, however,
was persuaded by Pope Zacharias to raise the siege. Pepin gave the city to the
Holy See. From the beginning of the eleventh century, Perugia was established as
a free commune and was in struggles with the neighbouring cities of Umbria and
of Tuscany (Chiusi, 1012; Cortona, 1049; Assisi, 1054; Todi, 1056; Foligno, 1080
and 1090); it was governed by consuls (from 5 to 16). for whom were substituted
in 1303 the priori delle arti; after 1174 there was a podestà, and later a
capitano del popolo.

Perugia, friendly to Florence and faithful to the Holy See, was essentially a
Guelph city, and in the thirteenth century the popes established their residence
here for a long time; four of them were elected here (Honorius III, Honorius IV,
Celestine V, and Clement V). On the other hand, continuing its wars with
neighbouring cities (Spoleto, from 1324, was besieged for two years), Perugia
extended its sovereignty over the greater portion of Umbria, and over a part of
Tuscany. In 1375 it was among the first cities that revolted against Gregory IX
at the instance of the Florentines. Meanwhile, there had been formed two
parties: the Raspanti (the popular party) and the Beccarini (the party of the
nobles), and between them they had made it possible for Biondo Michelotti to
become lord of the city in 1390; he, however, was killed in 1393, and then Gian
Galeazzo Visconti took possession of the town; but in 1403 it became subject to
Boniface IX. Afterwards it fell into the power of Ladislao di Napoli; in 1416
the city was taken by Braccio da Montone, who was recognized as lord of Perugia
by Martin V. At his death in 1424 the nobles came into power, but contention
soon developed among them, and eventually the Baglioni made away with the Oddi
family. Finally, Gian Paolo Baglione became a tyrant of the city, making himself
detested by his cruelty and dissolute habits. He was reduced to order in 1506 by
Julius II; but fresh cruelties against his own relations led to his decapitation
by order of Leo X in 1520; Perugia then came once more into immediate dependency
upon the Holy See.

In 1534 Rodolfo Baglione set fire to the Apostolic palace, and the vicelegate
was slain; and no sooner had order been established after these events, than a
rebellion broke out on account of the tax on salt, which Paul III had increased
in 1540; Perugia declared itself a "city of Christ", and confided its keys to
the care of a crucifix. On 5 July, however, it was compelled to surrender to the
troops of Pierluigi Farnese and lost its freedom. Paul III built a fortress to
prevent further revolts of the Perugians, while Julius III restored to them the
greater part of their privileges. In the rebellion of 1848, the first act of the
Perugians was to demolish the tower of Paul III. In 1859 there was a provisional
Government established, but the Pontifical troops soon took possession of the
city, though they did not commit the acts of cruelty of which they have been
accused. Finally in 1860 General de Sonnaz took possession of the town in the
name of the King of Sardinia.

Blessed John of Perugia, one of the first companions of St. Francis, died in
1230. In the martyrologies are found the names of the martyrs Constantius
(Constantinus, whom some believe to have been a bishop), Florentius, and
Felicissimus, who died at Perugia. Under Decius one Decentius was bishop,
according to the tradition; but the first bishop of whom there is any certain
knowledge was St. Herculanus, killed by King Totila in 546; many admit there
were two bishops and saints of this name, of whom the first is said to have died
either in one of the great persecutions or under Julian the Apostate

St. Herculanus was succeeded by Joannes, who consecrated Pope Pelagius I (566);
Aventius (591); Laurentius (649); Benenatus (679); St. Asclepiodorus (about
700), whose relics were later taken to Metz; Conon (998) and Andreas (1033), who
had various controversies with the abbots of San Pietro; Joannes (1105), who
consecrated the monastery of Monte Corona; Vivianus, who was present at the
council of 1179; Giovanni (1206), who gave a convent to St. Francis; Salvio de'
Salvi (1231), a pious and learned prelate, who restored Santo Stefano, the
ancient cathedral; Francesco Poggi, O. Min. (1312), who built S. Domenico nuovo;
Andrea Bontempi (1339), a cardinal, and legate general of Umbria; Andrea
Giovanni Baglione (1434), who filled several convents with reformed religious;
Dionisio Vannucci (1482), who erected the altar of the chapel del Sacro Anello;
Giovanni Lopez (1492), a cardinal who enjoyed influence under Alexander VI;
Trilo Baglione (1501), deposed by Alexander VI for having taken up arms against
Cæsar Borgia and restored to his see by Julius II; Antonio Ferreri (1506), who
suspected by Julius II died in the Castle of S. Angelo in 1508; Cardinal
Agostino Spinola (1510), under whom the canons of the cathedral, who since the
twelfth century had lived according to the Rule of St. Augustine, were relieved
of that rule; Jacopo Simonetti (1535), a cardinal; Fulvio Corneo (1550),
reformer of the diocese and founder of the seminary; Ippolito Corneo (1553), who
established a house of reform, and a monastery for poor young men; Giulio
Oradini (1562), who founded a college for clerks; Napoleone Comitoli (1591), the
founder of other charitable institutions; M. Ant. Ausidei (1726), who
embellished the cathedral; Alessandro M. Odoardi (1776), a zealous prelate, who
discovered the body of St. Costanzo; Camillo Campanelli (1804), who took the
oath of allegiance to Napoleon; Carlo Filesio Cittadini (1818), who
distinguished himself by his firmness and prudence against the Provisional
Government of 1831, and by his generosity saved the city from pillage at that
time; Gioacchino Pecci (1846), who became Leo XIII, and who made Perugia an
archdiocese without suffragans.

The archdiocese has 199 parishes, with 100,900 inhabitants, 9 religious houses
of men, 21 of women, and 1 Catholic weekly publication.


CAPPELLETTI, Le Chiese d'Italia, V; VERMIGLIOLI, Bibliografia storico-perugina
(Perugia, 1823); BARLOTI, Storia di Perugia (Perugia, 1843); FABRETTI, Cronache
di Perugia (Turin, 1892); BONAZZI, Storie di Perugia (1875); Bullettino della
Soc. di Storia Patria per l'Umbria (Perugia, 1886).


APA citation. Benigni, U. (1911). Archdiocese of Perugia. In The Catholic
Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

MLA citation. Benigni, Umberto. "Archdiocese of Perugia." The Catholic
Encyclopedia. Vol. 11. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Douglas J. Potter.
Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. February 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D.,
Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address
is webmaster at newadvent.org. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I
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