heatandcool.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://heatandcool.com/
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Submission: On May 17 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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GET /search

<form class="search-form search-bar__form" action="/search" method="get" role="search">
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POST /contact#ContactFooter

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 * Goodman 3 Ton up to 15.2 SEER2 High-Efficiency Multi-position ECM Air Handler
   Central Air Conditioner System
   Goodman 3 Ton up to 15.2 SEER2 High-Efficiency Multi-position ECM Air Handler
   Central Air Conditioner System
   Regular price
   Sale price
   Regular price $4,200.00
   Unit price /per 
   Sale Sold out
 * 3.5 Ton Goodman up to 14.3 SEER2 Energy Efficient Multi-Position Multi-Speed
   ECM Air Handler with TXV Central Air Conditioner System
   3.5 Ton Goodman up to 14.3 SEER2 Energy Efficient Multi-Position Multi-Speed
   ECM Air Handler with TXV Central Air Conditioner System
   Regular price
   Sale price
   Regular price $4,097.00
   Unit price /per 
   Sale Sold out
 * 2 Ton Goodman up to 14.3 SEER2 Energy Efficient Multi-Position Multi-Speed
   ECM Air Handler with TXV Central Air Conditioner System
   2 Ton Goodman up to 14.3 SEER2 Energy Efficient Multi-Position Multi-Speed
   ECM Air Handler with TXV Central Air Conditioner System
   Regular price
   Sale price
   Regular price $3,263.00
   Unit price /per 
   Sale Sold out
 * 5 Ton Cooling - Goodman Air Conditioner + Coil System - 13.4 SEER2 – 24.5"
   Coil Width Horizontal Installation
   5 Ton Cooling - Goodman Air Conditioner + Coil System - 13.4 SEER2 – 24.5"
   Coil Width Horizontal Installation
   Regular price
   Sale price
   Regular price $3,589.00
   Unit price /per 
   Sale Sold out

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