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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, talks to
the media after a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, left,
and Frans Timmermans, of the center-left two party bloc of Labor Party and Green
Left, right, wait for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera
Bergkamp, two days after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in
The Hague, Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, waits
for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Far-right Dutch election winner Wilders wants to be prime minister, promises to
respect constitution
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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, talks to
the media after a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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1 of 3

Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, talks to
the media after a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, left,
and Frans Timmermans, of the center-left two party bloc of Labor Party and Green
Left, right, wait for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera
Bergkamp, two days after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in
The Hague, Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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2 of 3

Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, left,
and Frans Timmermans, of the center-left two party bloc of Labor Party and Green
Left, right, wait for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera
Bergkamp, two days after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in
The Hague, Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, waits
for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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3 of 3

Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right party PVV, or Party for Freedom, waits
for the start of a meeting with speaker of the House Vera Bergkamp, two days
after Wilders won the most votes in a general election, in The Hague,
Netherlands, Friday Nov. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

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Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Updated
1:37 AM HST, December 13, 2023
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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders, whose party
swept to a shock victory in last month’s Dutch general election, said Wednesday
he wants to be prime minister for “all Netherlanders,” and pledged that he will
ensure his policies adhere to the country’s constitution.

Wilders’ comments during a debate in parliament were aimed at easing fears among
potential coalition partners about his strident anti-Islam rhetoric and plans
including banning mosques, Islamic schools and the Quran.

After preliminary talks with party leaders over the last two weeks, Ronald
Plasterk, an official appointed by the Dutch parliament to investigate possible
ruling coalitions said Monday that Wilders should open negotiations with three
other parties on forming a new government.

Some potential coalition partners, and in particular Pieter Omtzigt who leads
the reformist New Social Contract party that won 20 seats at the Nov. 22
election, have expressed fears that some of Wilders’ election pledges breach the
Dutch constitution that enshrines liberties including the freedom of religion.

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“Sometimes I will have to withdraw proposals and I will do that,” Wilders said.
“I will show the Netherlands, the legislature, Mr. Otzigt’s party — anybody who
wants to hear it — that we will adapt our rules to the constitution and bring
our proposals in line with it.”

His words did not convince opposition lawmakers.

Frans Timmermans, the former European Union climate czar who now leads a
center-left alliance in parliament, told Wilders: “I consider your ideas a
threat to the democratic rule of law.”

Wilders’ party won 37 seats in the 150-seat lower house of the Dutch parliament
election, making it the biggest party and putting the veteran anti-Islam
lawmaker in line to lead talks on forming the next ruling coalition.

Plasterk, the “scout” who conducted preliminary talks with leaders, said that
Wilders should hold coalition talks with New Social Contract, the People’s Party
for Freedom and Democracy, or VVD, which was led by outgoing Prime Minister Mark
Rutte, and the Farmer Citizen Movement, or BBB.

He also acknowledged concerns about some of Wilders’ policies, saying that the
first stage of the coalition talks should be to investigate if the leaders can
agree “on a common baseline for guaranteeing the constitution, fundamental
rights and the democratic rule of law.”

Wilders said Wednesday he wants Plasterk, a former government minister with the
center-left Labor Party, to lead the next round of talks.

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Keep on reading

Live updates | Israeli strikes kill dozens in Gaza and Blinken arrives in
MideastHealth officials in the Gaza Strip say 113 bodies were brought to
hospitals in the last 24 hours alone.AP News
Group 3


Brawl between migrants and police in New York’s Times Square touches off
backlashNobody was seriously hurt, but the video of officers being pummeled has
prompted waves of public outrage.AP News
Group 3


Russia says former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has interviewed Vladimir
PutinThe Kremlin confirms that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been
interviewed by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.AP News
Group 3


Indian state passes uniform marriage legislation opposed by Muslims as a Hindu
code applied to allAn Indian state has approved an unprecedented uniform code
for marriage, divorce, adoption and inheritance for Hindus, Muslims and other
religious communities in the state.AP News
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' ' '
' ' '

A sniper killed a Florida bank robber as he held a knife to a hostage’s
throatAuthorities say a would-be bank robber in Florida took hostages after law
enforcement arrived and was killed by a sheriff’s sniper as he held a woman in a
headlock with a knife to her throat.AP News


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Americans Should Think Twice Before Buying From These 2 StoresIt's a bigger
problem than you think (the ugly truth)Advertisement: Online Shopping Tools

Advertisement: CHEVY SILVERADO

The All New Mind Blowing Chevy Silverado Is Finally Here (Take a
Look)Advertisement: CHEVY SILVERADO


More Republicans back spending on child care, saying it’s an economic issueMore
Republican lawmakers in states around the U.S. are getting behind the idea of
using taxpayer money to subsidize child care.AP News


Former rebel leader arrives in Haiti’s capital as protests against prime
minister gain momentumA former rebel leader has made a surprise appearance in
Haiti’s capital amid large protests across the country for the second
consecutive day, demanding the ouster of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.AP News


Republican bid to flip US Senate grows complicated as Montana primary gets
competitiveMontana Republican U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale plans to run for U.S.
Senate, upending a race in which many national GOP officials already coalesced
around a different candidate as they seek to unseat three-term Democrat U.S.AP


Legislative staffer suspended after confrontation with ‘Tennessee Three’ memberA
Tennessee legislative staffer has been placed on leave after Democratic state
Rep. Justin Jones said the staffer yelled at him in a hallway.AP News


Georgia Senate passes bill to revive oversight panel that critics say is aimed
at Trump prosecutionGeorgia’s Senate has passed a bill that would revive a new
commission that some Democrats say is aimed at disrupting Fulton County District
Fani Willis’ prosecution of former President Donald Trump.AP News



Revealed: The Gorgeous Outlander PHEV Release Is Here (& Affordable)Suggest-me


Target Shoppers Say This Drugstore Wrinkle Cream Is Actually Worth


Prince Harry’s visit to see King Charles III didn’t bring reconciliation with
WilliamPrince Harry flew more than 5,000 miles to see his father after King
Charles III was diagnosed with cancer.AP News


With a single word — ‘lover’ — Trump employs familiar playbook in tweaking his
investigatorsDonald Trump has repeatedly sought to deflect attention from
himself by making the personal lives of investigators ripe for derision and
ridicule.AP News



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