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       * Other Mechanical Accessories
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     * Smart Products
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     * Distance/Proximity
     * Temperature
     * Gas Sensor
     * pH/Turbidity/Flow
     * Accelero/Gyro
     * Force/Flex/Load
     * Pressure/Touch
     * Biomedical Sensors
     * Light/Colour/Camera
     * Current/Voltage
     * Magnetic/Vibration
     * Other Sensors
   * Motors & Mechanical
     * Humanoids/Robots
     * DC Motors
     * BO Motors
     * Gear Motors
     * Servo Motors/Controllers
     * Stepper Motors/Controllers
     * Gears, Belts & Pulleys
     * Motor Wheels & Chassis
     * Motor Drivers
     * Pumps & SOVs
     * DC Fans
   * Raspberry Pi
     * Boards
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       * Jetson Nano Boards
       * Jetson Nano Accessories
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     * TFT
     * OLED
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     * e-Ink
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   * Batteries & Power Supply
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       * Orange LiPo Batteries
       * BONKA LiPo Batteries
       * Other LiPo Batteries
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       * SMD
       * Through-Hole LEDs
     * Potentiometer
       * Pot
       * Slide
       * Preset
     * Basic Components
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       * Oscillators
       * Diodes
       * Transistors
       * Capacitors
       * Inductors
     * Switches
       * DPDT
       * SPDT
       * SPST
       * Slides
       * Joystick & Keypads
       * Push Buttons
       * Toggle Switches
     * Integrated Circuits
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       * Motor Driver IC
       * CD4X IC Series
       * 74HC IC Series
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       * Speakers
       * Microphones
       * Amplifiers
     * Wires and Connectors
       * Power Connectors/Jack
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       * Berg Strip
       * Single Strand Wires
       * Terminal Blocks
       * Quads
       * Others
     * Prototyping Boards
       * Breadboards
       * Vero Boards
     * Buzzers & Sirens
       * Buzzers
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   * Electronic Modules
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       * 12V Relays
       * Solid State Relays
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       * Microphones
       * Amplifiers
   * Drones/UAV
     * DIY Drones Kits
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     * Controllers
     * Frames
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     * Drone Propellers
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     * Other Accessories
   * 3D Printers/Pens
     * 3D Pens
     * DIY 3D Printers
     * Filaments
     * Mechanical Accessories
       * Nozzles
       * Smooth Rod
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       * Fans
       * Extruders & Heat Blocks
       * Timing Belt & Pulley
       * Lead Screws & Nuts
       * Limit Switches
       * Fasteners & Screws
       * Bearings
       * Other Mechanical Accessories
     * Electronic Accessories
       * Heat Bed & Controller
       * Display for 3D Printer
       * Thermistor
       * Spares
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     * Current/Voltage
     * Magnetic/Vibration
     * Other Sensors
   * Motors & Mechanical
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     * DC Motors
     * BO Motors
     * Gear Motors
     * Servo Motors/Controllers
     * Stepper Motors/Controllers
     * Gears, Belts & Pulleys
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   * Raspberry Pi
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   * Development Boards
     * BBC Micro:Bit
       * Boards
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       * Kits
       * Accessories
     * Beagle Bone
       * Boards
       * Cases
     * Witty Fox
       * Boards
       * Sensors
       * Li-Ion Batteries
     * M5Stack
     * Other SBC
     * Nvidia
       * Jetson Nano Boards
       * Jetson Nano Accessories
     * Teensy
     * 8051, ARM, PIC, AVR
       * Boards
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       * Data Converters
   * Displays
     * LCD
     * TFT
     * OLED
     * 7 Segment
     * e-Ink
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     * Accessories
   * Batteries & Power Supply
     * Lipo Batteries
       * Orange LiPo Batteries
       * BONKA LiPo Batteries
       * Other LiPo Batteries
     * Li-Ion Batteries
     * Other Batteries
     * Battery Chargers
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     * Buck/Boost
   * Cables
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     * USB Cable
     * Ethernet
     * Heat Shrinks
   * Tools & Instruments
     * Soldering
       * Soldering Irons
       * Soldering Stations
       * Soldering Leads
       * Soldering Bits
       * Desoldering Pumps
       * Soldering Stands
       * Flux & Sponge
       * Soldering Elements
       * Soldering Kits
       * Soldering Accessories
     * Glue Guns & Adesives
     * Hand Tools
       * Pliers/Nippers/Strippers/Cutters
       * Screwdrivers
       * Tweezers
     * Multimeters
     * Oscilloscope & Signal Generators
     * Clamp Meters
     * Function Generators
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   * Jetson Nano
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   * BBC Micro:Bit
   * Raspberry Pi
   * Beagle Bone
   * Seeed Studio
   * BONKA LiPo Batteries

 1. Home
 2. DIY Kits
 3. Raspberry Pi
 4. Raspberry Pi4 8GB Model B Ultimate Kit- Case, Power Adapter, Heatsink, Fan,
    HDMI Cable, Ethernet Cable, 32 GB SD Card, Sensors and Manual







Regular price Rs. 11,499
Sale price Rs. 11,499 Regular price Rs. 14,214
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 * The ultimate Raspberry Pi 4 kit will help beginners get started with the
   latest Raspberry Pi 4 model.
 * Roboraze has curated this Raspberry Pi 4 Model B kit keeping in mind all the
   necessary basic components that are highly essential for Raspberry Pi.
 * Robocraze is the authorized sellers of all Raspberry Pi products and buy the
   Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Ultimate Kit exclusively in India at best prices.

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Regular price Rs. 7,310
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Regular price Rs. 8,712
Sale price Rs. 8,712 Regular price Rs. 10,387
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Regular price Rs. 9,254
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The Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Model B Ultimate kit includes the following components:
Raspberry Pi4 8GB board, Pi case, Power Adapter, Heatsink, Fan, HDMI Cable,
Ethernet Cable, 32 GB SD Card, Sensors and Manual. This kit can be used to
replace your desktop PC. You can also set up a retro gaming Machine and build a
Minecraft gamer server, control a robot, build a Stop Motion Camera and many

Robocraze will always be available to solve your inquires over emails and be a
part of your journey on innovation. We have a strong Tech-Support team to answer
all your queries.

Note: Robocraze is the authorized sellers of Raspberry Pi products in India.
Therefore even if you are in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kerala, Mumbai or Pune, you
can buy Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB Ultimate Kit online from Robocraze at the comfort of
your homes.

Note: Weight of the Package: 500 grams (approx) and Dimensions (approx): 22 x 15
x 5cms


Raspberry Pi4 8GB x 1  Raspberry Pi 4 case x 1  Heatsink x 1  Cooling Fan  x 1 
HDMI to HDMI Cable x 1  HDMI to Micro HDMI Adapter x 1  32 GB Class-10 SD Card x
1  Ethernet Cable  x 1  Proximity IR Sensor x 1  Buzzer Module x 1  Cool
Stickers x 4



Oct 21, 2018
arduino projects
BO Wheel
DIY Kits
IR sensor
line follower
Proximity sensor


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 * D
   Durva D. Durva
   8 month(s) ago
   Probably the best kit of raspberry pi category
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * D
   darshan D. darshan
   8 month(s) ago
   Nice kit and at a good price
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * H
   harshal H. harshal
   8 month(s) ago
   One of the best invention of recent times. Just loved it.
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * B
   bhim B. bhim
   8 month(s) ago
   Worked well for me.
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * S
   soham S. soham
   8 month(s) ago
   All the items mentioned in the description were provided with excellent
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * R
   ranjan R. ranjan
   8 month(s) ago
   Great Kit
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * R
   ram R. ram
   8 month(s) ago
   I just completed building my retro gaming machine, it is working perfectly
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * R
   ranvijay R. ranvijay
   8 month(s) ago
   This kit is the best of the best for gamers
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * S
   suyog S. suyog
   8 month(s) ago
   Possibly the best raspberry pi kit available.
   Was this review helpful?  0  0
 * T
   Taimur T. Taimur
   2 year(s) ago
   good works well
   Was this review helpful?  0  0

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Sandeep in Bellary purchased a Extruder Kit Left Side MK8 Aluminum 3D Printer
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"Looks very good"
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good kitt
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"It's very good as expected!! Working perfectly!!"
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E3D V6 All Metal J-head with Fan for 1.75 mm filament 0.2 mm Nozzle Extruder for
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