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star Today's Must See Shows

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The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Former President Donald Trump's shortlist for his Vice President has been
finalized, and Kristi Noem is NOT on it
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon proclaimed that '"no one" will shut him up as
he was ordered to report to prison for refusing to testify before Congress.
 * 14 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump gets rocked over his legal consequences with a devastating voter
shift from people who were previously Trump supporters for the next election,
giving President Biden a slight gain in election polls. John Iadarola and
Francesca Fiorentini
 * 7 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump's official selection to be vetted for his Vice President slot is
reportedly finalized with eight Republican names, leaving other top Trump
supporters Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vivek Ramaswamy and Kristi Noem in
the dust. John Ia
 * 7 minutes

Sign Now
12,547 signatures
Pass Paid Family Leave [UPDATED]

Paid family and medical leave would give the primary caregiver 12 weeks off
after the birth of their child. The United States is the only developed country
in the world that doesn’t have this law. Right now, moms are not allowed to take
a single day off after they deliver.

84% of Americans want this legislation passed, including over three-quarters of
Republicans and Democrats. Congress – give American parents a break!

Do we have a democracy if 84% of Americans can’t get what they want? Do we have
a decent, humane country if we make mothers go back to work a day after they
deliver? Right now, only 24% of Americans have access to paid family and medical
leave in private industry. It’s time to deliver for all parents after they
deliver for all of us.

We're going to unify people across the political spectrum to get this passed
because 84% of Americans support this legislation.

This petition was updated.

· Opens 10/28/21 - 3/13/38

We can only create hope with your support.
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The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
AIPAC seems to have gotten between the the allyship of Mondaire Jones and Jamaal
 * 11 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has become "like a
Palestinian" because he criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Haaretz is reporting that the IDF created a massive influence campaign to target
Black Americans and progressive groups in the United States.
 * 13 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Reports say Israel used a U.S.-made munition to strike a U.N. school in Gaza.
 * 13 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Tim Scott struggled to defend his vote against federal protections to
 * 11 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon proclaimed that '"no one" will shut him up as
he was ordered to report to prison for refusing to testify before Congress.
 * 14 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Former President Donald Trump's shortlist for his Vice President has been
finalized, and Kristi Noem is NOT on it
 * 12 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Republican Paul Gosar loses it completely as he reveals his new bill to put
Donald Trump's face on $500 bills and immediately gets ridiculed. John Iadarola
and Francesca Fiorentini break it down on The Damage Report.
 * 5 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Fox news hosts roast off-air staff for taking the full paternity leave allotted
for new fathers.
 * 7 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Republican Senators, including Tom Cotton, Mitch McConnell, Tim Scott and more,
vote against bill designed to protect access to contraceptives nationwide
despite reports proving majority of Republican voters are in favor of the
protections. John Iada
 * 3 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 5, 2024
Donald Trump endorsed candidate for North Carolina Governor and MAGA extremist,
Mark Robinson, gets exposed for his hateful attacks against women and heinous
comments in alarming new ad. John Iadarola and Sharon Reed break it down on The
Damage Repor
 * 6 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 4, 2024
Sports analyst Pat McAfee puts out an official apology for his rant, which he
claims was meant to be praise, about WNBA Indiana Fever star Caitlin Clark after
backlash immediately erupts. John Iadarola and Wosny Lambre break it down on The
Damage Rep
 * 8 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 4, 2024
Republican Nicole Malliotakis gets instantly stunned after her attempt to attack
Dr. Fauci over profiting off of the pandemic backfires spectacularly during a
chaotic House Select Subcommittee hearing, which Fox News host Jesse Watters
completely lie
 * 4 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
May 10, 2024
Donald Trump proves how terrified he is of RFK Jr flipping Republican votes from
him with a new post claiming he is more anti-vax than his competition in a
bizarre video he took of himself. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down
on The Damage R
 * 5 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
April 25, 2024
House Republicans in Arizona get rocked by their fellow Republicans with public
criticisms and committee punishment for voting to repeal the outrageous abortion
ban alongside Democrats. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.
 * 4 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
April 25, 2024
Donald Trump gets mocked by President Biden on the anniversary of Trump's
utterly insane and dangerous bleach injection comments to treat covid during
White House speech. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.
 * 6 minutes

• Live
The Damage Report
Friday 1:00 PM ET
• Live
Dr. Rashad Richey: Indisputable
Friday 2:30 PM ET
• Live
The Young Turks
Friday 6:00 PM ET
• Live
Bonus Episode
Friday 8:00 PM ET
• Live
The Damage Report
Monday 1:00 PM ET
• Live
Dr. Rashad Richey: Indisputable
Monday 2:30 PM ET
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The Young Turks
Monday 6:00 PM ET
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Bonus Episode
Monday 8:00 PM ET

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Voting Open
81 votes
Campaign Crimes
· Opens 5/24/24 - 12/17/39
Do you think the Minnesota Republican Party picked White because they think he’s
a criminal?

The count of poll votes is not tabulated in real time; your vote has been
counted and will be included in the total shortly.
Plus Poll
Vote to see results Vote

 * VOTE: The Young Turks, The Damage Report, and Indisputable Nominated in the
   Shorty Awards
   April 16 2024
 * Exclusive for Members: 90s Style Design
   February 14 2024
 * Members Nominate: Turks and Jerks 2023
   December 13 2023
 * Note about Podcasts!
   December 1 2023
 * FREE Shipping International + Domestic
   November 26 2023



The Damage Report With John Iadarola
May 28, 2024
Right-wingers lose their minds over Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush for their
Memorial Day tweets after calling for more veteran support. John Iadarola breaks
it down on The Damage Report.
 * 6 minutes

The Young Turks
May 15, 2024
Mercedes factory in Alabama are voting on whether they will joining the United
Auto Workers.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
April 22, 2024
UAW Shawn Fain welcomed Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tenn. into the United
Auto Workers union.
 * 6 minutes

The Young Turks
April 17, 2024
The Supreme Court made a surprising ruling in favor of workers forced to
transfer jobs.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 5, 2024
Substack author Freddie Deboer joins TYT to discuss his controversial stance on
criminal justice reform.
 * 21 minutes

The Young Turks
June 5, 2024
Donald Trump's election subversion conspiracy case has been postponed
 * 5 minutes

Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
June 5, 2024
Ex-Prosecutor Settles Lawsuit Over Portrayal In Central Park 5 Netflix Series
 * 8 minutes

The Young Turks
June 4, 2024
Sen. Lindsey Graham said the average American would likely have not been charged
with the gun charges that President Joe Biden's son Hunter is facing.
 * 9 minutes


• Live
The Damage Report
Friday 1:00 PM ET
• Live
Dr. Rashad Richey: Indisputable
Friday 2:30 PM ET
• Live
The Young Turks
Friday 6:00 PM ET
• Live
Bonus Episode
Friday 8:00 PM ET
• Live
The Damage Report
Monday 1:00 PM ET
• Live
Dr. Rashad Richey: Indisputable
Monday 2:30 PM ET
• Live
The Young Turks
Monday 6:00 PM ET
• Live
Bonus Episode
Monday 8:00 PM ET


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The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Former President Donald Trump's shortlist for his Vice President has been
finalized, and Kristi Noem is NOT on it
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon proclaimed that '"no one" will shut him up as
he was ordered to report to prison for refusing to testify before Congress.
 * 14 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump gets rocked over his legal consequences with a devastating voter
shift from people who were previously Trump supporters for the next election,
giving President Biden a slight gain in election polls. John Iadarola and
Francesca Fiorentini
 * 7 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump's official selection to be vetted for his Vice President slot is
reportedly finalized with eight Republican names, leaving other top Trump
supporters Kari Lake, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vivek Ramaswamy and Kristi Noem in
the dust. John Ia
 * 7 minutes


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Voting Open
81 votes
Campaign Crimes
· Opens 5/24/24 - 12/17/39
Do you think the Minnesota Republican Party picked White because they think he’s
a criminal?

The count of poll votes is not tabulated in real time; your vote has been
counted and will be included in the total shortly.
Plus Poll
Vote to see results Vote

Sign Now
12,547 signatures
Pass Paid Family Leave [UPDATED]

Paid family and medical leave would give the primary caregiver 12 weeks off
after the birth of their child. The United States is the only developed country
in the world that doesn’t have this law. Right now, moms are not allowed to take
a single day off after they deliver.

84% of Americans want this legislation passed, including over three-quarters of
Republicans and Democrats. Congress – give American parents a break!

Do we have a democracy if 84% of Americans can’t get what they want? Do we have
a decent, humane country if we make mothers go back to work a day after they
deliver? Right now, only 24% of Americans have access to paid family and medical
leave in private industry. It’s time to deliver for all parents after they
deliver for all of us.

We're going to unify people across the political spectrum to get this passed
because 84% of Americans support this legislation.

This petition was updated.

· Opens 10/28/21 - 3/13/38

We can only create hope with your support.
Support this Community
 * VOTE: The Young Turks, The Damage Report, and Indisputable Nominated in the
   Shorty Awards
   April 16 2024
 * Exclusive for Members: 90s Style Design
   February 14 2024
 * Members Nominate: Turks and Jerks 2023
   December 13 2023
 * Note about Podcasts!
   December 1 2023
 * FREE Shipping International + Domestic
   November 26 2023











The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
AIPAC seems to have gotten between the the allyship of Mondaire Jones and Jamaal
 * 11 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has become "like a
Palestinian" because he criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Haaretz is reporting that the IDF created a massive influence campaign to target
Black Americans and progressive groups in the United States.
 * 13 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Reports say Israel used a U.S.-made munition to strike a U.N. school in Gaza.
 * 13 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Tim Scott struggled to defend his vote against federal protections to
 * 11 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon proclaimed that '"no one" will shut him up as
he was ordered to report to prison for refusing to testify before Congress.
 * 14 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Former President Donald Trump's shortlist for his Vice President has been
finalized, and Kristi Noem is NOT on it
 * 12 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Republican Paul Gosar loses it completely as he reveals his new bill to put
Donald Trump's face on $500 bills and immediately gets ridiculed. John Iadarola
and Francesca Fiorentini break it down on The Damage Report.
 * 5 minutes

The Young Turks
June 6, 2024
Fox news hosts roast off-air staff for taking the full paternity leave allotted
for new fathers.
 * 7 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 6, 2024
Republican Senators, including Tom Cotton, Mitch McConnell, Tim Scott and more,
vote against bill designed to protect access to contraceptives nationwide
despite reports proving majority of Republican voters are in favor of the
protections. John Iada
 * 3 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 5, 2024
Donald Trump endorsed candidate for North Carolina Governor and MAGA extremist,
Mark Robinson, gets exposed for his hateful attacks against women and heinous
comments in alarming new ad. John Iadarola and Sharon Reed break it down on The
Damage Repor
 * 6 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 4, 2024
Sports analyst Pat McAfee puts out an official apology for his rant, which he
claims was meant to be praise, about WNBA Indiana Fever star Caitlin Clark after
backlash immediately erupts. John Iadarola and Wosny Lambre break it down on The
Damage Rep
 * 8 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
June 4, 2024
Republican Nicole Malliotakis gets instantly stunned after her attempt to attack
Dr. Fauci over profiting off of the pandemic backfires spectacularly during a
chaotic House Select Subcommittee hearing, which Fox News host Jesse Watters
completely lie
 * 4 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
May 10, 2024
Donald Trump proves how terrified he is of RFK Jr flipping Republican votes from
him with a new post claiming he is more anti-vax than his competition in a
bizarre video he took of himself. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down
on The Damage R
 * 5 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
April 25, 2024
House Republicans in Arizona get rocked by their fellow Republicans with public
criticisms and committee punishment for voting to repeal the outrageous abortion
ban alongside Democrats. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.
 * 4 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
April 25, 2024
Donald Trump gets mocked by President Biden on the anniversary of Trump's
utterly insane and dangerous bleach injection comments to treat covid during
White House speech. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.
 * 6 minutes

The Damage Report With John Iadarola
May 28, 2024
Right-wingers lose their minds over Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush for their
Memorial Day tweets after calling for more veteran support. John Iadarola breaks
it down on The Damage Report.
 * 6 minutes

The Young Turks
May 15, 2024
Mercedes factory in Alabama are voting on whether they will joining the United
Auto Workers.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
April 22, 2024
UAW Shawn Fain welcomed Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tenn. into the United
Auto Workers union.
 * 6 minutes

The Young Turks
April 17, 2024
The Supreme Court made a surprising ruling in favor of workers forced to
transfer jobs.
 * 12 minutes

The Young Turks
June 5, 2024
Substack author Freddie Deboer joins TYT to discuss his controversial stance on
criminal justice reform.
 * 21 minutes

The Young Turks
June 5, 2024
Donald Trump's election subversion conspiracy case has been postponed
 * 5 minutes

Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
June 5, 2024
Ex-Prosecutor Settles Lawsuit Over Portrayal In Central Park 5 Netflix Series
 * 8 minutes

The Young Turks
June 4, 2024
Sen. Lindsey Graham said the average American would likely have not been charged
with the gun charges that President Joe Biden's son Hunter is facing.
 * 9 minutes

The Damage Report
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