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Name: widget_contactPOST

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<form method="post" action="" class="pl_widget-mortgageCalc--form" data-uii="form:mortgage-calc">
  <div class="pl_mortgageCalc--price">
    <label>Price of Home ($)</label>
    <input type="text" name="price" tabindex="15" value="250,000">
  <div class="pl_mortgageCalc--downPayment">
    <label>Down Payment (%)</label>
    <input type="text" name="down" tabindex="16" value="20">
  <div class="pl_mortgageCalc--interest">
    <label>Interest Rate (%)</label>
    <input type="text" name="rate" tabindex="17" value="5">
  <div class="pl_mortgageCalc--loanTerm">
    <label>Loan Term (years)</label>
    <input type="text" name="term" tabindex="18" value="30">
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    <p>Source: Placester</p>

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MLS# 2344021
$225,0004 beds2 baths

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MLS# 2343471
$145,0003 beds1 bath


 * Hey there, happy Tuesday! We hope you all are having a great start to your
   week! There are a lot of moving parts when buying or selling a house.
   Although, we as agents, try to make it as simple and smooth as...

 * Homeowner Tips for the Summer Months.

 * How to win in a seller's market!

 * Buyer Tip: The Different Types of Home Loans

 * Hi There! It may feel like spring is still SO long away, and with the recent
   weather here in Kansas City, it feels 10x longer. However, like always, it’ll
   be here before we know it! No complaints from us of...

 * Where did the year go? It’s that time again to reflect on the past year and
   realize it went by quicker than you expected. It’s hard to get everything you
   want done in one year, no matter how many goals...

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Updated: 8th October, 2021 11:49 AM (UTC).

Updated: 8th October, 2021 10:16 AM (UTC).


 * > "We found the Arbuckle team to be very knowledgeable in all aspects of our
   > old home sale and purchase of our new home. They...
   > — Holly and Paul Schenk
   > Read more

 * > "We found the Arbuckle team to be very knowledgeable in all aspects of our
   > old home sale and purchase of our new home. They...
   > — Holly and Paul Schenk
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 * > "We found the Arbuckle team to be very knowledgeable in all aspects of our
   > old home sale and purchase of our new home. They...
   > — Holly and Paul Schenk
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