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The Signals Research Suite is a complete, integrated data capture, processing &
analysis SaaS software for scientific research. Capture, manage, and share
experiment data, notes and research findings in a secure and accessible
environment built on the foundation of Signals Research Platform.

Check out the latest improvements.

23.5 June 2023 (Update to E3 in November 2023) -
What’s New
This version 23.5 release of Signals brings improvements to Signals Research
Suite through Signals VitroVivo and Inventa, Inventory and Materials. We have
continued to work on our ongoing beta capabilities for Worksheets and Internal
Data Sources and added a new beta capability around HELM monomers. Finally, we
have also fixed a number of small bugs.

The following improvements are available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud.
Certain features may only be available with appropriate licensing and/or with
enablement by an administrator.

 * Fundamentals
 * * –  Tooltip to display names for long content in the side pane
 * VitroVivo
 * * –  Revised and improved data model for in vivo applications
   * –  New Sequence File Generator App for creating sample run lists for LC/MS
 * Inventa
 * * –  External Data Sources
   * –  SAR Layout Permissions
   * –  Append structures to measurement tables
   * –  Clone measurement types
 * Chemistry
 * * –  Copy structure(s) as formats other than CDX, CDXML
   * –  HELM Monomer editor (beta)
 * Worksheets
 * * –  Improved administration view for editing and previewing Worksheet
   * –  Integer fields will show a warning if number not in specified range
   * –  Integer fields will not allow entry if number not in specified range
   * –  Date/Time fields will show a warning if number matching a certain time
     relative to the time of entry
   * –  Date/Time fields will not allow entry if number matching a certain time
     relative to the time of entry
 * Inventory
 * * –  Variable Measure Property
   * –  Attachments for Containers and Locations
 * Materials
 * * –  Hide empty fields
   * –  Option to expand the canvas of chemical materials
 * Administration
 * * –  Select next level content in Configuration Transfer of Admin Defined
   * –  Updates to Inventory Admin Role, Inventory Admin System Group
 * Integrations & APIs
 * * –  Multiple API Keys per tenant
   * –  Internal Data Sources (beta)
   * –  Limiting moles/solvent ratio
   * –  Enter, update or clear a value for a Timestamp field in Worksheets
   * –  Reopen Experiments, ADOs, Parallel Experiments
   * –  API endpoint to Refresh External Lists

We also fixed several small bugs in this release. Details of the enhancements
are described below.

Administrators should note that we have changed the way that the Inventory
Administrators have access to Inventory functionality in System Configuration.
We have added an Inventory Admin System Group, to which all users with the
Inventory Admin Role are automatically assigned. The Inventory Admin role will
now also be permanently assigned relevant privileges for the management of
Inventory including all Container and Location related privileges. If
Administrators would prefer that current users with the Inventory Admin role do
not have all of these privileges, they should create a new Role for these users
and assign the desired privileges.

Administrators should note that we will be updating the Concentration field in
the Materials Library and Variable Measures using the measure called “Count” to
be a COUNT measure instead of an INTEGER. The entered values will not be
affected. Any use of the external APIs using this field may need to be updated

Administrators are recommended to subscribe to the channels within our support
news site found at
which contains more information about releases and other pertinent product

This content is anticipated for release on our Production E3 environments, and
for Private Cloud customers on our deferred release schedule, in November 2023.

Further Details

The following improvements are available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud.
Certain features may only be available with appropriate licensing and/or with
enablement by an administrator.


Full content names exceeding the width of the side contents pane can now be
reviewed with a simple hover over tooltip.


The data model for in vivo applications has been revised and improved to support
design and execution of advanced animal studies involving multiple treatment
cohorts. This new data model will now support creation of study cohorts (e.g.,
Male or Female cohorts, Wild Type or Transgenic cohorts) and associated
treatment groups.

Users can now have access to the new Sequence File Generator App in the In Vivo
Apps section. This App will help users to create a run list of samples for LC/MS
Instruments from existing plate designs.


Administrators can now connect External Data Sources, allowing them to leverage
SQL queries to directly import data for mapping and indexing.

Users can now specify the privileges on shared SAR Layouts: Read, Write, or Full
Control. Those with Read privileges and view and use a SAR Layout, but cannot
modify its settings. Write privileges grant the ability to edit, and Full
Controls adds the ability to share and delete a layout.

Users now have the option to append structures to measurement tables retrieved
via Global Search. A column of structures can be applied to both Parent and
Detail level measurement types, and the settings saved with the query.

Administrators can now clone measurement types. Cloned measurement types will
inherit all the attributes and secondary mappings as the original measurement


Users have additional formats available for the Copy as function for chemically
defined items. Selected structures may now be copied as HELM, HELM (Natural
Monomers), SMILES, MOL V3000, MOL V2000, InChI, InChI Key, or SLN.


The Variable Measure Property is a new field type that is available to
Administrators in Inventory and Materials (batch/lots as well as
compound/assets). It allows Administrators to choose which unit families the
users are able to select from:

The list shows the family units as well as the conversions to the end users when
entering values into properties using these property types:

Containers and Locations have a new field type of Attached file that can be used
to upload documents. Admins can create the properties in the Inventory
Containers or Locations Properties:

Administrators will need to add the property to the Container or Location type:

Existing Container/Locations will have the new field available upon edit. Users
will see a note at the top of the screen identifying the new property:

When users create new Containers/Locations, the property is available to have a
document uploaded:


In the Material Properties tab of a Container in Inventory, there is a filter
option in the right top corner. This will hide any empty rows in the Material
Properties tab when toggled on:


In the Materials Library, in the Compound/Asset page there is the same filter
option to hide empty rows:


Users can now also enlarge the canvas for any chemical Material. The properties
will still be on the page after expansion in both view and edit modes.


Configuration transfer of Admin Defined Objects now allows selection of the
individual settings for Activation, Auto Numbering, Templates and others. By
default the Auto Numbering setting is deselected and all other settings are

The Inventory Admin role has been enhanced to facilitate access to the
capabilities required. Users who are assigned the Inventory Admin role are
automatically added to the new System Group called Inventory Administrators.
They will also have some relevant privileges such as configure System, Inventory
App and Manage System Templates automatically assigned. Only System Admins or
Inventory Admins can activate or deactivate Inventory.

Integrations & APIs

Admins can now generate Multiple API Keys per tenant to allow different API
users to perform specific integrations. The maximum currently allowed per tenant
is 10 API keys.

We have extended the GET/stoichiometry/{eid} endpoint to return the Limiting
Moles/Solvent Ratio from ChemDraw Documents.

The PATCH/worksheet/{eid} endpoint has been enhanced to allow patch of a
Timestamp property into a Worksheet. The request allows the developer to request
that the value be “now” upon which it takes the current server time, or “clear”
whereby the field value is removed.

We have added a new endpoint to allow a developer to reopen an Experiment,
parallel Experiment or Admin Defined Object. The new endpoint
POST/entities/{eid}/reviews/reopen will allow an experiment or similar object to
be Reopened from Closed, Voided or In Review states.

We have added and enhanced endpoints to allow programmatic refresh of an
External List. The endpoint POST/attributes/{eid}/refresh is an asynchronous
endpoint which will queue the refresh of an External List. The status of the
refresh is available via the endpoint GET/attributes/{eid}.

The following capabilities are in beta and are only available to users and
administrators of Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud upon
request. Please contact your account representative or our support team if you
would like access to the following features. They are unavailable as part of
Signals Notebook Individual Edition.


Signals Notebook now includes native support for Hierarchical Editing Language
for Macromolecules (HELM). This open format lets users represent complex and
larger biopolymer modalities in a simpler format while maintaining all atom
representation. To utilize the new feature, a Signals Notebook System Admin must
activate any of three out-of-the-box HELM Monomer libraries. The configuration
of these libraries is in a new section of Signals Configuration.

The libraries included in this release are the Natural Monomers, the Pistoia
Alliance Monomers, and the Signals Monomers. System admins may choose to
activate any of these libraries and change the sort order of the libraries. In
this release, custom monomer libraries cannot be created, and no monomers may be
added to any of the system HELM Monomer libraries.

New permissions are available, though only the management of Libraries is
relevant for this release.

Access to the Monomer Libraries is dependent on Security Policy and Group
Association Settings.

Once at least one HELM Monomer Library is activated, users with access will be
able to access the HELM editor in any ChemDraw Canvas. This tool will enable
users to add biopolymer building blocks one by one as well as enter a text
string in several formats to quickly add a HELM structure to the canvas. Users
may also quickly replace a monomer in an existing biopolymer. Users can toggle
through different libraries and different monomer types to make their preferred
selection. In this release, the Favorites tab will only store selections within
the user’s local browser storage.


We have improved the editing experience for Worksheet Templates. The button to
add new fields is now more prominent and the administrator can now easily
navigate between the Editor mode and Preview modes by accessing the two tabs.
This allows the admin to define new fields, stay in the “Try It Out” mode to
better iterate on their design.

Integer and date/time fields can now be set to enforce conditional entry.
Integer fields can be set to only allow values above or below a given value, or
values within or outside of a given range. The fields can also be set to allow
values out of range but display the fields with a warning. Date/time fields can
also be set with a condition, to prevent values, or to allow values out of range
while providing a warning. Date/time value conditions are set relative to the
time/date of data entry by the end user.

Integrations & APIs

Fields from internal entities can now be mapped into an Internal Data Source for
use in ADTs similar to how fields for external sources can be mapped. This
functionality has been expanded from just Materials and Samples to include:
Experiments, ADOs, Tasks, Requests, Parallel Experiments, Notebooks, and
Inventory Containers, and Locations.

A new “Internal Data Source” can now be created with admin defined fields. The
admin can select from a list of available data types. The list of properties
available for mapping is automatically filtered based on the selected data type.

Once the Data Source is defined, it can be used in ADT templates (including
templates with formulations) similarly to how External Data Sources can
currently be utilized.

When creating a table template the “External Data Source” option will now be a
“Data Source” option and include Internal Data Sources. Key field identified
with Key icon and automatically added to the template. Additional mapped columns
can be manually added.

This differs from existing External Data Source behavior as currently all mapped
External Data Source Columns are added automatically. The IDS requires that you
manually add the columns as not all of them will consistently be needed. Mapping
behavior is consistent with existing External Data Source functionality.

For the end user, the behavior of the Internal Data Source reference is very
similar to the existing External Data Source behavior. Selecting the field
brings up a pre-filtered search modal similar to what is available in QuickAdd.
Mapped columns automatically populate in a manner consistent with what is
available for External Data Sources

23.4 May 2023 (Update to E3 in November 2023) +
What’s New
This version 23.4 release of Signals brings improvements to Signals VitroVivo,
Signals Inventa, integrated admin defined tables, Inventory, and some new
administrative controls. We have released formerly beta capabilities around
Material Tables, Sample Statuses and Inventory Decrements to all systems and
these capabilities no longer need to be requested to be available. We have
continued to work on our ongoing beta on Worksheets and added a new beta
capabilities around Internal Data Sources and BLAST searching. Finally, we have
also fixed a number of small bugs.

The following improvements are available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud.
Certain features may only be available with appropriate licensing and/or with
enablement by an administrator.

 * Fundamentals
 * * –  Updated Help Center
 * VitroVivo Apps
 * * –  New transformations captured in the Calculations Explorer (filtered rows
     and excluded columns)
   * –  SPR Data import now supports files larger than 500MB and multiple files
 * Inventa
 * * –  Additional locking parameters for Publish Measurement App workflows
   * –  Share options for SAR Layouts
 * Admin Defined Tables
 * * –  Improved handling of timeouts when calling multiple rows in a connected
     External Data Source
 * Materials Tables
 * * –  Bulk registration (available to all systems)
   * –  Bulk edit (available to all systems)
 * Samples
 * * –  Statuses for Samples (available to all systems)
 * Worksheets (beta)
 * * –  Timestamp Field type allows end user to enter “Now”
   * –  Fields can be required to have a value before signing
   * –  Number and Number with Unit fields will show a warning if number not in
     specified range
   * –  Number and Number with Unit fields will not allow entry if number not in
     specified range
 * Inventory
 * * –  Decrement Inventory containers from stoichiometry table (available to
     all systems)
   * –  Revert experiments using Inventory Decrements in stoichiometry tables
     (available to all systems)
   * –  Warn users when deleting an element or an experiment with linked
     containers and deprecated amounts (available to all systems)
   * –  Additions to Total Amount in containers
   * –  Switch containers in stoichiometry table (available to all systems)
   * –  Updates to Switch containers in stoichiometry table
 * Materials
 * * –  Freeze column headers on Batch page
 * Search
 * * –  Biological Sequence search (beta)
 * Administration
 * * –  Product license assignment at user level
   * –  Enable users to more readily find other users with differing email
   * –  Limit end user sharing to only allow increasing access to user who
     already have View
   * –  Change default to not transfer Starting Number for object Autonumbering
     when transferring configuration
   * –  Prevent users from creating, editing or deleting comments
 * Integrations & APIs
 * * –  Internal Data Sources (beta)
   * –  External Notifications on Export to ZIP/PDF
   * –  PATCH Plates
   * –  Bulk change Status of Samples

We also fixed several small bugs in this release. Details of the enhancements
are described below.

The following OnDemand videos for Signals Notebook Administrators are now

 * Create mandatory content within templates Rel.May 2023
 * Inventory - Customizing Container Label Templates Rel.May 2023

Administrators should note that we will be updating the Concentration field in
the Materials Library and Variable Measures using the measure called “Count” to
be a COUNT measure instead of an INTEGER. The entered values will not be
affected. Any use of the external APIs using this field may need to be updated

Administrators should note that we are changing the way that the Inventory
Administrators have access to Inventory functionality in System Configuration.
We will be adding an Inventory Admin System Group, to which all users with the
Inventory Admin Role will be automatically assigned. The Inventory Admin role
will also be permanently assigned relevant privileges for the management of
Inventory including all Container and Location related privileges. If
Administrators would prefer that current users with the Inventory Admin role do
not have all of these privileges, they should create a new Role for these users
and assign the desired privileges. This change will be available in a future

Administrators and end users should note that we have updated the URLs used to
access Signals. If you use a bookmark that does not have the “/elements” suffix,
such as or, then this URL will now go
to a homepage that allows access to multiple Signals products. To go directly to
your Signals Notebook please update your bookmark to append “/elements” onto the
end of your URL, such as

Administrators and users should note that we will now purge old notifications,
both end user notifications available under the bell icon, and External
Notifications enabled via the administration console SNConfig. Notifications
will now only be stored for 6 months. This change is implemented in this

Administrators are recommended to subscribe to the channels within our support
news site found at
which contains more information about releases and other pertinent product

This content is anticipated for release on our Production E3 environments, and
for Private Cloud customers on our deferred release schedule, in November 2023.

Further Details

The following improvements are available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud.
Certain features may only be available with appropriate licensing and/or with
enablement by an administrator.


All users now have access to the redesigned Help Center. The content has been
expanded to support Signals Research Suite.

VitroVivo Apps

Two additional Spotfire transformations are now captured in the Calculations
Explorer templates: Filtered Rows and Excluded Columns. To include
transformations the user must enable the ‘Include transformations’ toggle
accessible when selecting the table in the Create Template area.

SPR Data Import now supports files multiple files for Biacore (.blr files and
Insight exported .json files) and Carterra instruments. Data files larger than
500MB are also now supported for all instrument types.


Users can now lock the additional parameters in the Publish Measurements app
when added to a Workflow. Notably, the individual mapping assignments and
publish data method can be locked providing Workflow creators with more control
over the publication process.

Users can choose to share a SAR table layout with one or more Groups or keep the
layout private. Private layouts cannot be viewed or modified by other users.

Admin Defined Tables

We have updated the method that we use to load rows into an admin defined table,
when the rows are sourced from an external database via a lookup ID. The lookups
are now sent in batches, which alleviates timeout issues with larger sets of ID

Materials Tables

Materials tables enabled for registration will now be capable of bulk
registration, bulk editing, and CSV upload. These capabilities, previously
available under our beta released capabilities, are now available to all


Sample Statuses, the ability to transition samples from one status to another,
and associated privileges, in now available to all systems.


The use of decrements from linked containers in the stoichiometry table is now
available to all systems. This includes all associated capabilities including
the ability to decrement Inventory containers from the stoichiometry table, to
prevent reversion of experiments with decremented amounts in stoichiometry
tables and to warn users when deleting an element or an experiment with linked
containers and deprecated amounts.

The Batch and Containers pages now show a total number of containers available
followed by the number of disposed containers, reported under the Total
Container Amount:

A hover over window appears for a given compound that contains the Total
Container Amount:

The ability to switch containers is now available to all systems. If no value is
typed into the Inventory Decrement column, users will not get a warning. When
users switch containers the name of the Material from the stoichiometry table
will be at the top of the window. If the name of the Material name is blank,
users will see the Material ID instead.

The column header will freeze to allow users to scroll longer lists of


When users scroll vertically on the batch page, the headers will now remain


The users page now supports product license assignment at the user level.
License assignments can be set on the main user page, on the create and edit
user pages, as well as with the bulk update. This revised Users page is only
available on tenants with appropriate licensing.

We have added a new privilege “Broad User Search” to enable users to more
readily find other users with differing email domains by first and last name
instead of requiring the full email address.

This functionality will be available for user searching throughout Signals for
example in Sharing and addition of reviewers.

Administrators can now also allow a more limited sharing option for end users
via a “Read Dependent Share” privilege. Users with this “Read Dependent Share”
privilege will be only be able to share content with other users who already
have View access via the security policy.

If a user has been granted access via sharing and then loses View access to the
entity via security policy, the sharing user only has the option to remove
access via sharing and cannot grant further access or alter the level of access
via sharing.

The Configuration transfer of Experiments, Notebooks, Parallel Experiments,
Requests and Admin Defined Objects will now not transfer the Starting Number for
the object Autonumbering by default. For Experiments, Notebooks, Requests, and
Parallel Experiments, the setting can be enabled by the administrator if desired
on import.

We have also added a new privilege to allow administrators to control if end
user can create, edit and delete Comments. If a user does not have the
“Add/Edit/Delete Comments” privilege they can still see existing comments but
cannot write new comments, or edit or delete existing ones.

Integrations & APIs

External Notifications can now be triggered on the export of entities to PDFs
and/or ZIP files.

We have added a series of endpoints to our External APIs for the manipulation of
Plates. The GET/plates/{plateContainerID}/plates,
PATCH/plates/{plateContainerID}/plates/{id} and
PUT/plates/{plateContainerID}/plates/{id} allow developers to get individual
Plates, edit them or replace them.

The endpoint PATCH/samplesTables/{samplesTableId}/rows has also been enhanced to
allow for the bulk update of the Status of Samples.

The following capabilities are in beta and are only available to users and
administrators of Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud upon
request. Please contact your account representative or our support team if you
would like access to the following features. They are unavailable as part of
Signals Notebook Individual Edition.


Administrators can now define a new property of type TimeStamp. When this
property is added to a Worksheet the end user can enter the current date/time
with a single click. Once entered the value can be removed, or updated with a
new current timestamp.

Fields can also be defined as to require the end user to enter a value before a
singing event can occur. If the end user attempts to sign a Worksheet where the
fields are empty, the signing workflow will be prevented and the end user warned
that there are fields to complete.

Admins can now also define that fields of type Number and Number With Unit only
allow numbers within certain ranges to be entered. The admin can define that the
value is accepted but shown as a warning if out of range, or that the value
cannot be entered.


Users may search using biological sequences using the the new search field
“Biological Sequence”. The user may choose a substring, exact, blastn, or blastp
type of search. Match substring type finds an exact match of the user query
within a potentially larger sequence. Match exact finds sequences that match the
query exactly. Blast type searches will find regions of similarity between the
query and biological sequences in the system. Blastn is for DNA searches while
blastp is for protein searches. Blast type searches require at least 27
characters and will not allow unexpected characters for searching.

Integrations & APIs

Fields from internal entities can now be mapped into a Data Source for use in
ADTs similar to how fields for external sources can be mapped. This
functionality is currently limited to Materials and Samples.

A new “Internal Data Source” can now be created with admin defined fields. The
admin can select from a list of available data types. The list of properties
available for mapping is automatically filtered based on the selected data type.

Once the Data Source is defined, it can be used in ADT templates (including
templates with formulations) similarly to how External Data Sources can
currently be utilized.

When creating a table template the “External Data Source” option will now be a
“Data Source” option and include Internal Data Sources. Key field identified
with Key icon and automatically added to the template. Additional mapped columns
can be manually added.

This differs from existing External Data Source behavior as currently all mapped
External Data Source Columns are added automatically. The IDS requires that you
manually add the columns as not all of them will consistently be needed. Mapping
behavior is consistent with existing External Data Source functionality.

For the end user, the behavior of the Internal Data Source reference is very
similar to the existing External Data Source behavior. Selecting the field
brings up a pre-filtered search modal similar to what is available in QuickAdd.
Mapped columns automatically populate in a manner consistent with what is
available for External Data Sources.

23.3 March 2023 (Update to E3 in July 2023) +
What’s New
In this version 23.3 release we are excited to announce the release of SaaS
Signals Research Suite, a new offering with Signals Notebook, VitroVivo, and
Inventa combined into a single product. Signals Research Suite provides
comprehensive scientific data management and analytics supporting all R&D
activities. Learn more. Signals Research Suite is built on the same platform as
Signals Notebook, so any Signals Notebook users who are interested in seamlessly
upgrading their implementation to the Suite are encouraged to contact their
sales representative.

Further, this release brings changes to the Help, login home page and an app
launcher to navigate between applications. We have brought a series of
improvements to our Inventory capability and to the use of inventoried
containers for Materials. We have continued to work on our ongoing beta on
Worksheets and added a new beta capability around adding Statuses for Samples.
Finally, we have also fixed a number of small bugs.

The following improvements are available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud.

 * Usability
 * * –  Release locks on Microsoft Office desktop files
   * –  Email Notification for Shared Bookmarks/Queries
   * –  Home App
   * –  App Launcher

The following improvements are only available for users of Signals Notebook
Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud, Signals Research Suite Standard and
Signals Research Suite Private Cloud. Some capabilities may only be available
with appropriate licensing.

 * Usability
 * * –  Display of External List derived Attributes in tables show additional
     detail in hover over
 * Signals Inventa & Signals VitroVivo
 * * –  Updated Help Center
   * –  Signals Inventa dashboard & workflows
   * –  TIBCO Spotfire for Signals install
   * –  Administrative control of settings & user roles
 * Inventory
 * * –  Revert experiments using Inventory Decrements in stoichiometry tables
   * –  Switch containers in stoichiometry table (beta)
   * –  Total Amount in containers displayed in Materials, Display Total Amount
     of containers in Assets without Batches in Materials Library (available to
     all users)
   * –  Searching for Total Amounts in containers
 * Materials
 * * –  Show/Hide Disposed filter on all Containers pages
   * –  Disposed containers show with strikethrough on Containers page
 * Materials Table
 * * –  Registration from Materials Tables (available to all administrators)
   * –  Create child materials from the Materials Table (available to all
   * –  Creation of lots/batches with the Material Table (available to all
 * Samples
 * * –  Statuses for Samples (beta)
 * Administration
 * * –  Filtering for Worksheet locking events in Admin Audit trail
   * –  Configuration transfer of Field Locking reasons
 * Integrations & APIs
 * * –  GET Field Locking reasons for use in editing locked Worksheet fields
   * –  PATCH Worksheets with locked fields
   * –  POST/PATCH containers includes home location
   * –  Update Sample Status
   * –  GET/POST/PATCH multi-value attributes lists sourced from External lists
 * Worksheets (beta)
 * * –  Indication that a locked field has been previously edited
   * –  Return to Locked field to continue editing
   * –  Print Worksheets

We also fixed several small bugs in this release. Details of the enhancements
are described below.

The following OnDemand videos for Signals Notebook End Users are now available

 * Advanced Search in Signals Notebook
 * ELN Archive Deeper Dive

Administrators should note that the capability to define reasons for changing
locked fields used in Worksheets, which was described in the previous (23.2)
update, was erroneously described as being in beta and only available on
request. This capability is actually available to all administrators albeit has
no utility without enablement of the Worksheets capability.

Administrators and users should also note that due to a change in our Chemical
Drawing capability, Chemical Drawings will not load in versions of Safari older
than 16.3. We strongly recommend that all users always use the most up to date
version of their browser.

Administrators should note that we are changing the way that the Inventory
Administrators have access to Inventory functionality in System Configuration.
We will be adding an Inventory Admin System Group, to which all users with the
Inventory Admin Role will be automatically assigned. The Inventory Admin role
will also be permanently assigned relevant privileges for the management of
Inventory including all Container and Location related privileges. If
Administrators would prefer that current users with the Inventory Admin role do
not have all of these privileges, they should create a new Role for these users
and assign the desired privileges. This change will be available in a future

Administrators and end users should note that we will be updating the URLs used
to access Signals Notebook in a future release. If you use a bookmark that does
not have the “/elements” suffix, such as or, then this URL will soon
go to a homepage that allows access to multiple Signals products. To go directly
to your Signals Notebook please update your bookmark to append “/elements” onto
the end of your URL, such as

Administrators and users should note that we will soon be purging old
notifications, both end user notifications available under the bell icon, and
External Notifications enabled via the administration console SNConfig.
Notifications will now only be stored for 6 months. This change will be
implemented in a future release.

Administrators are recommended to subscribe to the channels within our support
news site found at
which contains more information about releases and other pertinent product

This content is anticipated for release on our Production E3 environments, and
for Private Cloud customers on our deferred release schedule, in July 2023.

Further Details


Users can now override any locks that exist on the editing of Microsoft Office
documents when opening to edit in Microsoft Office Desktop. The user is informed
if a lock exists and who owns the lock.

Overriding the lock will take control of editing the document, if the user with
the previous lock is still working their changes will no longer be recorded. The
lock override is recorded in the History as a discrete event.

Users are now able to receive an email notification when a search query is
shared with them by turning on the email notification option for “When someone
shares an item with me” in their notification settings.

The user will receive an email notification with a link to the search.

A New Home App allows easy access to subscriptions, tools, and other items to
explore. The Home App will show applications available to you. Users can also
navigate between Apps, and to the Home App by using the App Launcher accessible
to the right of their username.

The following improvements are only available to users and administrators of
Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud, Signals Research
Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud. Some capabilities may
only be available with appropriate licensing.


Users will now be able to see additional detail for values from External List
derived Attributes in tables with a hover over. This will apply to single-select
and multiselect fields and will be available for ADTs, Materials, Samples,
Tasks, Stoich tables, Worksheets, and Inventory Locations and Containers.

Signals Inventa and Signals VitroVivo

The Help Center has been redesigned with expanded content to support Signals
Research Suite.

Users now have a dedicated dashboard for their Inventa Projects and Analyses.

The dashboard is backed by the new system object, Inventa Analysis. An example
Inventa Analysis is provided out-of-the-box.

A dedicated smartfolder allows users to easily search through their entire
Inventa Analysis collection.

Users can create a new Inventa Analysis by launching any of the Inventa
applications from the dashboard or from the Add New button.

The Inventa Analysis contains an interactive preview of associated compounds
that is linked to the SAR Analysis app inside of Signals Inventa.

Visualizations can be directly exported from Spotfire for Signals into the
Inventa Analysis object. This allows users to capture visualizations at a
snapshot in time. Visualizations inside the Inventa Analysis support

Within Spotfire for Signals, users can browse and open existing Inventa

Users can now install TIBCO Spotfire for Signals from the Home App by clicking
the install link under tools and following the instructions.

Administrators now have settings to manage Signals Research Suite. Inventa
settings are found on the Signals Configuration Home Page and additional
settings are found on the PerkinElmer Signals Apps page within TIBCO Spotfire
for Signals.

Administrators can control which user groups have the privilege for managing
VitroVivo and Inventa by setting privileges within Users Roles page in Signals


The ability to display Total Amounts of Materials in Containers, at the
Material, Asset/Lot and Container levels, is now available to all users.

Users can now search for results via the Total Amounts of Materials in
containers. The search filters are easily found by typing “ REPORT” into the Add
filter option to see the 3 Amount Available search options, to search via Total
Mass, Volume or Count. The filter can be further refined by defining ranges or
other conditions similar to other numerical filters, or combined with other
filters to narrow down results. The Total Amount filter is available from both
Materials and Inventory searches.

The results returned can include both the Material in addition to the individual
Batch/Lots if additional filters are not applied.


Disposed Containers can optionally hidden, or shown again, on all Containers

Container pages are now displayed on all Material Libraries, both those with and
without Batch/Lots. Disposed containers are shown with strikethrough on the
Containers page.

Disposed containers are also shown with a strike through when the corresponding
batch is expanded:

Materials Tables

The ability to enable registration functions from the Materials Table is now
available to all administrators.

Enabling this option will expose capabilities for end users to Register
Materials, Lots/Batches and Child Materials directly from Materials Tables as
previously available under our beta released capabilities.


We have added an Action filter for the field locking events in the Admin Audit
trail to facilitate administrators identifying changes to locked fields in

The Field Locking reasons can now also be transferred between tenants via
Export/Import of the Configuration.

Integrations & APIs

We have added a new endpoint GET/worksheet/settings/unlock/reasons to allow
retrieval of the Field Locking reasons. The endpoint PATCH/worksheet/{eid} has
also been updated to allow the reason ID to be used when editing a locked field.

We have also updated the POST/inventory/containers and
PATCH/inventory/containers/{containerId} endpoints to allow definition of the
Home Location of containers.

The Status of Samples can be updated programmatically via the new endpoint

The recent extension to allow multiple values in Attribute Lists derived from
External List sources is now supported via our public APIs. Relevant endpoints,
for Tables, Samples etc. now allow the retrieval and updating of such properties
with multiple values.

The following capabilities are in beta and are only available to users and
administrators of Signals Notebook Standard, Signals Notebook Private Cloud,
Signals Research Suite Standard and Signals Research Suite Private Cloud upon
request. Please contact your account representative or our support team if you
would like access to the following features. They are unavailable as part of
Signals Notebook Individual Edition.


If a user tries to revert a change to a ChemDraw Document where the reversion
would change the Decremented amount of a reagent, the reversion will now be
disallowed and the user presented with an error. This is to prevent accidental
inaccuracies in Inventory containers. Changes that do not require a change in
the Decremented amount are still allowed.

Users who have attached container to the stoichiometry table via Quick
Add/Search or type ahead now have a new “switch” icon in the Container ID field.

When clicked, the switch icon will present the user with a warning. If an amount
is present in the Inventory Decrement cell, that amount is deducted from the
currently selected container. To avoid this, users should update the Inventory
Decrement cell to be 0.

Once Confirmed, users will have the option to change the container to a
different container of the same material and batch/lot (if applicable).
Containers that are deleted, disposed or final disposed will not be in the
available list.

Once the new Container has been selected, the Reagent will be updated with the
associated Barcode and Container ID.


Locked fields now indicate when they have been changed since entering the
initial value. If the originally entered value has been updated, requiring the
author to enter a reason for the change, the lock symbol is now displayed in
blue to indicate that the field has changed at least once.

The Reason For Change dialog has been enhanced to allow the author to return to
the field to continue making changes, without locking the field but without
having to unlock the field again.

Worksheets are also now included when printing an Experiment to PDF.


Samples will now have a “Status”. The current Statuses are: Active which has the
same behavior as what is currently available for Samples, and two new “Read
Only” Statuses Closed and Canceled. Active samples can be Closed or Canceled.
Closed or Canceled samples can be reopened if any edits must be made. Once a
sample is canceled or closed, it cannot be edited, registered as a material,
content cannot be added, and new containers cannot be added. Closed or Canceled
samples can still be referenced in Tasks or referenced in the Quick-Add.

The Admin can limit which users are able to transition samples from one status
to another through 2 new privileges: “Close/Cancel Samples” and “Reopen

External Action triggers on Samples can now also be limited based on Sample
Status. For all existing external actions on Samples, the trigger options
default to showing the action in all sample statuses.

23.2 February 2023 (Update to E3 in July 2023) +
What’s New
This version 23.2 release of Signals Notebook brings additional capabilities for
our ongoing beta capabilities for Worksheets, Materials Tables, Inventory
Decrements and Amount Rollups. The prior beta capabilities around additional
chemically aware libraries is now available to all administrators. We have also
added the ability to use Externals Lists as multi-value attributes and for an
administrator to manage any active tokens for integrated products using a bearer
token exchange. Finally, we have also fixed a number of small bugs.

The following improvements are only available for users of Signals Notebook
Standard and Signals Notebook Private Cloud

 * Inventory
 * * –  Warn users when deleting an element or an experiment with linked
     containers and deprecated amounts (beta)
   * –  Display Total Amount of containers in Assets without Batches in
     Materials Library (beta)
 * Materials
 * * –  Additional Chemically Aware Libraries (available to all administrators)
 * Materials Table
 * * –  Bulk registration (beta)
   * –  Bulk edit (beta)
   * –  Upload from csv file (beta)
 * Administration
 * * –  View and Expire active Bearer Tokens
   * –  Define multivalue attributes for External Lists
 * Integrations & APIs
 * * –  Replace ChemDraw Document
   * –  Lookup total inventory amounts of materials
 * Worksheets (beta)
 * * –  List, multivalue list fields
   * –  Text field supporting multiple lines of entry
   * –  Lockable fields
   * –  Definition of reasons for changing locked fields

We also fixed several small bugs in this release. Details of the enhancements
are described below.

The following OnDemand videos for Signals Notebook Administrators are now

 * Building Hierarchical Attributes

The following OnDemand videos for Signals Notebook End Users are now available

 * Using Hierarchical Attributes on System Objects and Admin Defined Tables

Administrators should note that we are changing the way that the Inventory
Administrators have access to Inventory functionality in System Configuration.
We will be adding an Inventory Admin System Group, to which all users with the
Inventory Admin Role will be automatically assigned. The Inventory Admin role
will also be permanently assigned relevant privileges for the management of
Inventory including all Container and Location related privileges. If
Administrators would prefer that current users with the Inventory Admin role do
not have all of these privileges, they should create a new Role for these users
and assign the desired privileges. This change will be available in a future

Administrators and users should also note that due to an upcoming change in our
Chemical Drawing capability, Chemical Drawings will not load in versions of
Safari older than 16.3. We strongly recommend that all users always use the most
up to date version of their browser.

Administrators are recommended to subscribe to the channels within our support
news site found at
which contains more information about releases and other pertinent product

This content is anticipated for release on our Production E3 environments, and
for Private Cloud customers on our deferred release schedule, in July 2023.

Further Details

The following improvements are only available to users and administrators of
Signals Notebook Standard and Private Cloud and are unavailable as part of
Signals Notebook Individual Edition.


The additional Chemically Aware Libraries previously released in beta are now
available to all administrators.


Organizations who had enabled authentication for integrated applications via a
Bearer Token Exchange can now view the users with active Bearer Tokens. A
display of the active tokens per user per client (Application) is provided in
the Administrative page, SNConfig. The admin can choose to expire all short term
bearer tokens for a particular user, or for all short term tokens for all users
across all applications across all clients. All long or short term tokens for a
selected user and client can also be expired.

Administrators can also now allow multiselect for external list fields as can
currently be done for other list fields. As with internal references, the
additional information/properties for the external attribute appears in a
preview when the user hovers over the information (“i”) icon.

Integrations & APIs

We have added an endpoint PUT/chemicaldrawings/{eid}/reaction to allow
developers to replace the underlying .cdxml file in a ChemDraw Document element.
The existing .cdxml file can be downloaded via the
GET/chemicaldrawings/{eid}/reaction endpoint, modified with any desired changes
and replaced. This allows deletion, addition or editing of reagents and/or
products. Edits to existing reagents and/or products will in most cases results
in any end user entered data in the stoich tables being reapplied to the new

We have also added the new endpoint GET/materials/{eid}/report to allow
information on the total amount of material assets or batches in Inventory.

The following capabilities are in beta and are only available to users and
administrators of Signals Notebook Standard or Private Cloud upon request.
Please contact your account representative or our support team if you would like
access to the following features. They are unavailable as part of Signals
Notebook Individual Edition.

Materials Tables

Materials Tables enabled for registration now support several actions in bulk. A
table can be populated with multiple rows of data prior to registration of each
item. Simply select all or some of the rows and utilize the bulk actions menu to

If any registration events fail in a bulk action, the user will be notified with
row level errors. These events can be filtered for inspection by clicking on the
ID column and selecting the type of error event. Mousing over the error icon
gives the user an indication of the type of error that occurred. In this
example, both rows are missing required fields.

Users may also edit existing items in bulk. Select the items to be edited and
then use the Bulk Actions Menu to Edit those rows. Copy and paste actions can be
used to quickly fill out a column of data. The user can close the edit mode from
the Bulk Actions menu or by navigating away from the table will move the table
out of the edit state.

Bulk actions include registration of new Materials as well as clearing or
deleting rows without IDs. Rows with IDs can be deleted in bulk as well.

Users may also import a CSV to populate the Material table. CSVs with IDs will
look up existing registered Materials while those without CSVs will populate the
rows for supported fields. If a field fails to map to the table or if the field
is not supported, the user will be notified and prompted to map or resolve the

Materials tables can be downloaded as a CSV and we have also added an ability to
copy selected rows to the clipboard with or without column headers or to copy
just the Material IDs themselves.


When users have linked containers and used the Inventory Decrement cell in the
Chemical Drawing and then choose to delete the Chemical Drawing or the
Experiment, a warning will show to let the user know that they may be making a
change to the Inventory container(s) that they did not desire to do:

Users can now display Total Amount of containers in Assets without Batches in
Materials Library.

Users can click the down arrow next to the totals to change the units if


Administrators can now add properties of type List and Multivalue List to
Worksheets. These lists are self contained within the Worksheet.

Administrators can also define that text fields can contain multiple rows of
data. Multi row text data can be designated as a Rich Text field in the property
dialog. Once added the end user can add more detailed textual descriptions into
such fields.

Administrators can also define that certain fields are locked once content has
been entered. In order to change the value, the end user must unlock the field,
make a change, and provide reasons to be recorded for the change. The
administrator can define a list of preconfigured reasons for the user to choose

23.1 January 2023 (Update to E3 in July 2023) +
What’s New
This version 23.1 release of Signals Notebook brings improvements to bookmarks
and the ability to get data into admin defined tables. Admins can now change the
understanding and display of aromatic compounds on import. We have continued to
make improvements to our ongoing Worksheets beta and have added new beta
features for Inventory around deprecating amounts and calculating total amounts
in Containers. Some of the existing beta capabilities for Materials are also now
on general release and available to all administrators. Finally, we have also
fixed a number of small bugs.

The following improvements are only available for users of Signals Notebook
Individual Edition, Signals Notebook Standard and Signals Notebook Private Cloud

 * Usability
 * * –  Share bookmarks

The following improvements are only available for users of Signals Notebook
Standard and Signals Notebook Private Cloud

 * Chemistry
 * * –  Convert mol or SMILES to aromatic or alternating single & double bonds
 * Admin Defined Tables
 * * –  Match columns on importing csv files
 * Inventory
 * * –  Scan Location Barcodes
   * –  Decrement Inventory containers from stoichiometry table (beta)
   * –  Total Amount in containers displayed in Materials (beta)
 * Materials
 * * –  Creation of lots/batches with the Material Table (beta)
   * –  Bulk export enhancements (available to all administrators)
   * –  Export of materials by ID (available to all administrators)
   * –  Bulk update of Materials (available to all administrators)
 * Integrations & APIs
 * * –  Convert export of mol files to aromatic or alternating single & double
     bond format
   * –  GET/Materials includes sequence field values for Primers
   * –  Endpoints for Worksheets
 * Worksheets (beta)
 * * –  Search of Worksheet properties
   * –  Number with unit fields

We also fixed several small bugs in this release. Details of the enhancements
are described below.

The following OnDemand videos for Signals Notebook End Users are now available

 * Adding to the Reagents Materials Library

Administrators should note we have updated our adherence to the SCIM standards.
The field “displayName” for the ResourceType Group is now be required.
Additionally the field “value” in the “members” multivalue attribute is also
required. Any calls to SCIM endpoints in our public APIs will now require these
values and will fail if the values are absent. Administrators should change
their API calls to incorporate these values if these values are not already

Administrators should note that as part of the new bulk export enhancements we
added a new Export Materials privilege. This privilege is enabled for the
Standard User and System Administrator roles only. System Administrators can
optionally add or remove this privilege from any role except the System
Administrators role. New tenants will not have this privilege enabled for the
Standard User role by default. This privilege was enabled in 22.10 but
erroneously left out of the What’s New for that version.

Administrators are recommended to subscribe to the channels within our support
news site found at
which contains more information about releases and other pertinent product

This content is anticipated for release on our Production E3 environments, and
for Private Cloud customers on our deferred release schedule, in July 2023.

Further Details


Users are now able to share bookmarked search queries with other users and
groups of users in their tenant. If a user has a query/bookmark they want to
share with other users or groups, they can select the “Share Search Query”
option now available on their bookmarks under the “Manage Bookmarks” page.

The user can then select the groups and users they wish to send the search

The receiving user gets a notification with a link to the search query in their
In-App notifications.

These notifications are currently In-App only and are not sent via email. They
can be activated or deactivated by selecting the “In-App” option for “When
someone shares an item with me” under the notification settings.

The receiving user can add the shared query to their own bookmarks by selecting
the link in the notification to bring up the shared search query and bookmarking
the search themselves.

The following improvements are only available to users and administrators of
Signals Notebook Standard and Private Cloud and are unavailable as part of
Signals Notebook Individual Edition.


Administrators can now define that chemical structures containing delocalized
rings, imported from mol or SMILES formats, can be converted from aromatic to
alternating single and double bond representation, or visa-versa. This setting
will be applied to structures pasted into a ChemDraw document that are in SMILES
or mol format, or when structures are imported via SDFile. The setting will not
apply to imported cdx or cdxml files.

For example if the setting is changed to “Alternating Double/Single Bonds”,
pasted or imported SMILES strings or mol files that have an aromatic
representation will be converted to display in alternating single and double

Admin Defined Tables

Upload csv to ADTs has been improved to accept data in hidden ADT columns and
allow for mapping of columns if columns in the csv cannot be automatically
mapped to columns in the ADT.

Csv columns are mapped automatically based on column name, order and data type.
If the csv has columns that cannot be automatically, a modal pops up allowing
the user to manually map the unmapped columns.

If the user does not map all of the columns and opts to import the csv without
all columns mapped, only mapped columns will import.


Users can now scan the barcode of a location in addition to the name type ahead.
User can toggle between the barcode scan icon and the location icon to choose
which to select the location:

The scan of the location barcode is in all the workflows where the location is


Enhanced bulk export capabilities are now available to all systems without
request. This enables export of up to 5000 items from the Materials Smart
folder. There is now the ability to export by Asset or Batch. Previously users
were restricted to export of 50 items at the Asset level and the export included
all batches.

There is also a new option to export a CSV of Compounds or Reagents (SNB). This
export will include IDs and properties but will not include any chemistry data.

If the user leaves Signals Notebook during the export process they may retrieve
downloads from the Bulk Export section of the Materials Bulk Results, accessed
from the user menu. Note that a maximum of 50 results will be stored in the
system and results will be stored for only 60 days before being purged from the

The Export by ID feature is now available to all systems without request. Users
can submit a list of Material IDs for a given library to retrieve the download.

IDs must come from a single library but can include Asset or Batch ids for a
given library. Compounds and Reagents (SNB) libraries can be downloaded as an

Bulk update of materials is now available to all systems without request. The
update applies to a single type of Material per action and must include IDs that
map to existing materials. The user selects fields to update after including an
appropriately formatted CSV file. There is also an option to clear non-required
fields during the update.

Bulk updates will include reports under the Materials Bulk Results. A file can
be downloaded to understand why any updates were unsuccessful. Up to 50 results
will be saved in the system and all results older than 60 days will be
automatically purged.

Integrations & APIs

We have enhanced our API endpoints that allow export of structures in various
chemical formats to allow conversion to either aromatic or alternating single
and double bonds. The aromaticRepresentation parameter applies to endpoints such
as GET/stoichiometry/}eid}/{rowid}/structure. The parameter applies only when
exporting to mol or SMILES formats.

The GET/materials/{eid}/properties endpoint has been enhanced with a parameter
to include sequence information in the response. This enrichSequence parameter
will allow the sequence property type data to be included in the response from
libraries that utilize this property. This does not apply to when the sequence
is determined from adding a sequence based file.

We have also added a GET/worksheet and PATCH/worksheet endpoint. These endpoints
will be visible regardless if you have activated the Worksheets beta but will
not be usable without having done so.

The following capabilities are in beta and are only available to users and
administrators of Signals Notebook Standard or Private Cloud upon request.
Please contact your account representative or our support team if you would like
access to the following features. They are unavailable as part of Signals
Notebook Individual Edition.


Users will now be able to decrement amounts from Signals Inventory containers
from the stoichiometry table. Note: This functionality is not available in
Parallel Experiments.

Administrators will notice that the Inventory Decrement column is available in
the Chemistry Settings and hidden by default. The Clear value when element is
copy-pasted is permanently defaulted to be checked. Administrators can make
appropriate adjustments depending on if Signals Inventory is in use:

When users add Material or Sample containers to the Chemical Drawing, the
Inventory Decrement cell will be available. When users type an amount into the
Inventory Decrement cell, the amount will automatically be deducted from the
container. Users will see a green checkmark in the bottom of the table. If the
incorrect unit is used, the user will see a red x in the bottom of the table and
will need to correct the action for the correct decrement to be completed.

Previous to typing an amount into the Inventory Decrement cell, the container
had 0.5 g, the Current User was Unassigned and the Status was AVAILABLE:

After typing into the Inventory Decrements the container amount is updated, the
Current User is changed to the signed in user and the Status changes to “IN

If the decrement typed is larger than what Inventory has recorded, the user will
be able to complete the decrement, but the container will automatically have the
Status set to EXHAUSTED:

If the user deletes the row or the drawing and has a value in the Inventory
Decrement field, a warning will appear:

If the user closes the experiment but forgets to type a value into the Inventory
Decrement, they will get a warning. Users can continue and close the experiment
or cancel out and go back and update the amounts in the Inventory Decrements:

Users will also now see the Total Container Amount of a Material reported on the
Material’s details page. The total amount is reported as a sum based on the unit
type selected. For example, if the material has containers in both mass and
volume, the amount total will add all the mass containers and report it in
grams. The same is true of volume and the total will be reported in milliliters:

Count will be reported as a number with no units. The Total Amount per Lot or
Batch is reported in the Container Amount column on the Batch/Lot page:

Containers that are in the Exhausted, Disposed or Final Disposed status will not
be counted in the Amount Total. Containers in the Disposed or Final Disposed
Status will no longer show by default in the expanded container view:

To view disposed containers or to hide empty columns use the filter icon in the
top right corner of the table:


With the beta feature enabled it is possible to use Materials tables configured
for registration to also create batches/lots of an existing material. This is
possible for all Materials with Asset/Batch configuration, including Compounds
and Reagents (SNB). Admins must first enable a given Material Table for
registration or batch creation:

To create a new batch of any given material, users must first add a valid item
to an existing Materials table. The user will then see a new option to create a
batch/lot from the menu item next to the item ID.

A modal will then open and allow the user to enter metadata and specify the
number of batches to create.

Once completed, the batches will appear in the Materials Table with IDs. Note,
Compounds and Reagents (SNB) cannot be edited from the materials table. To
update values after creation the user will have to navigate to the individual
batch in the Materials Smart Folder.


We have enabled search on Worksheets. Worksheet elements can be retrieved via
searching for Type=Worksheet. Additionally the properties filled in within
worksheets can also be searched, each property is prefixed with “Worksheet”.

We have added a new property type for numbers with units. Administrators can now
define united number fields in Worksheets, whereby they select the property
type, select the measure type, such as mass, and can define a default unit, such
as grams.

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