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 * May 24, 2023—KB5026446 (OS Build 22621.1778) Preview
 * May 9, 2023—KB5026372 (OS Build 22621.1702)
 * April 25, 2023—KB5025305 (OS Build 22621.1635) Preview
 * April 11, 2023—KB5025239 (OS Build 22621.1555)
 * March 28, 2023—KB5023778 (OS Build 22621.1485) Preview
 * March 14, 2023—KB5023706 (OS Build 22621.1413)
 * February 28, 2023—KB5022913 (OS Build 22621.1344) Preview
 * February 14, 2023—KB5022845 (OS Build 22621.1265)
 * January 26, 2023—KB5022360 (OS Build 22621.1194) Preview
 * January 10, 2023—KB5022303 (OS Build 22621.1105)
 * December 13, 2022—KB5021255 (OS Build 22621.963)
 * November 29, 2022—KB5020044 (OS Build 22621.900) Preview
 * November 8, 2022—KB5019980 (OS Build 22621.819)
 * October 25, 2022—KB5018496 (OS Build 22621.755) Preview
 * October 18, 2022—KB5019509 (OS Build 22621.675) Out-of-band
 * October 11, 2022—KB5018427 (OS Build 22621.674)
 * September 30, 2022—KB5017389 (OS Build 22621.608) Preview

Windows 11, version 21H2
 * Windows 11, version 21H2
 * April 9, 2024—KB5036894 (OS Build 22000.2899)
 * March 12, 2024—KB5035854 (OS Build 22000.2836)
 * February 13, 2024—KB5034766 (OS Build 22000.2777)
 * January 9, 2024—KB5034121 (OS Build 22000.2713)
 * December 12, 2023—KB5033369 (OS Build 22000.2652)
 * November 14, 2023—KB5032192 (OS Build 22000.2600)
 * October 10, 2023—KB5031358 (OS Build 22000.2538)
 * September 26, 2023—KB5030301 (OS Build 22000.2482) Preview
 * September 12, 2023—KB5030217 (OS Build 22000.2416)
 * August 22, 2023—KB5029332 (OS Build 22000.2360) Preview
 * August 8, 2023—KB5029253 (OS Build 22000.2295)
 * July 25, 2023—KB5028245 (OS Build 22000.2245) Preview
 * July 11, 2023—KB5028182 (OS Build 22000.2176)
 * June 28, 2023—KB5027292 (OS Build 22000.2124) Preview
 * June 13, 2023—KB5027223 (OS Build 22000.2057)
 * May 23, 2023—KB5026436 (OS Build 22000.2003) Preview
 * May 9, 2023—KB5026368 (OS Build 22000.1936)
 * April 25, 2023—KB5025298 (OS Build 22000.1880) Preview
 * April 11, 2023—KB5025224 (OS Build 22000.1817)
 * March 28, 2023—KB5023774 (OS Build 22000.1761) Preview
 * March 14, 2023—KB5023698 (OS Build 22000.1696)
 * February 21, 2023—KB5022905 (OS Build 22000.1641) Preview
 * February 14, 2023—KB5022836 (OS Build 22000.1574)
 * January 19, 2023—KB5019274 (OS Build 22000.1516) Preview
 * January 10, 2023—KB5022287 (OS Build 22000.1455)
 * December 13, 2022—KB5021234 (OS Build 22000.1335)
 * November 15, 2022—KB5019157 (OS Build 22000.1281) Preview
 * November 8, 2022—KB5019961 (OS Build 22000.1219)
 * October 25, 2022—KB5018483 (OS Build 22000.1165) Preview
 * October 17, 2022—KB5020387 (OS Build 22000.1100) Out-of-band
 * October 11, 2022—KB5018418 (OS Build 22000.1098)
 * September 20, 2022—KB5017383 (OS Build 22000.1042) Preview
 * September 13, 2022—KB5017328 (OS Build 22000.978)
 * August 25, 2022—KB5016691 (OS Build 22000.918) Preview
 * August 9, 2022—KB5016629 (OS Build 22000.856)
 * July 21, 2022—KB5015882 (OS Build 22000.832) Preview
 * July 12, 2022—KB5015814 (OS Build 22000.795)
 * June 23, 2022—KB5014668 (OS Build 22000.778) Preview
 * June 20, 2022—KB5016138 (OS Build 22000.740) Out-of-band
 * June 14, 2022—KB5014697 (OS Build 22000.739)
 * May 24, 2022—KB5014019 (OS Build 22000.708) Preview
 * May 10, 2022—KB5013943 (OS Build 22000.675)
 * April 25, 2022—KB5012643 (OS Build 22000.652) Preview
 * April 12, 2022—KB5012592 (OS Build 22000.613)
 * March 28, 2022—KB5011563 (OS Build 22000.593) Preview
 * March 8, 2022—KB5011493 (OS Build 22000.556)
 * February 15, 2022—KB5010414 (OS Build 22000.527) Preview
 * February 8, 2022—KB5010386 (OS Build 22000.493)
 * January 25, 2022—KB5008353 (OS Build 22000.469) Preview
 * January 17, 2022—KB5010795 (OS Build 22000.438) Out-of-band
 * January 11, 2022—KB5009566 (OS Build 22000.434)
 * December 14, 2021—KB5008215 (OS Build 22000.376)
 * November 22, 2021—KB5007262 (OS Build 22000.348) Preview
 * November 9, 2021—KB5007215 (OS Build 22000.318)
 * October 21, 2021—KB5006746 (OS Build 22000.282) Preview
 * October 12, 2021—KB5006674 (OS Build 22000.258)

MARCH 26, 2024—KB5035942 (OS BUILDS 22621.3374 AND 22631.3374) PREVIEW

Windows 11 version 22H2, all editions Windows 11 version 23H2, all editions

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Release Date:



OS Builds 22621.3374 and 22631.3374

IMPORTANT: New dates for the end of non-security updates for Windows 11, version

The new end date is June 24, 2025 for Windows 11, version 22H2 Enterprise,
Education, IoT Enterprise, and Enterprise multi-session editions. Home, Pro, Pro
Education, and Pro for Workstations editions of version 22H2 will receive
non-security preview updates until June, 26, 2024. 

After these dates, only cumulative monthly security updates will continue for
the supported editions of Windows 11, version 22H2. The initial date
communicated for this change was February 27, 2024. Based on user feedback, this
date has been changed so more customers can take advantage of our continuous

For information about Windows update terminology, see the article about
the types of Windows updates and the monthly quality update types. For an
overview of Windows 11, version 23H2, see its update history page.  

Note Follow @WindowsUpdate to find out when new content is published to the
Windows release health dashboard.      


Tip: The content is within collapsible sections. Click or tap the category name
to expand the section.


 * New! You can ask Copilot in Windows (in preview) for help ten times when you
   sign in to Windows using a local account. After that, you must sign in using
   a Microsoft account (MSA) or a Microsoft Entra ID account (formerly Azure
   Active Directory (Azure AD)). To sign in, use the link in the dialog that
   appears in Copilot in Windows. If you do not sign in, some Copilot features
   might not work. To learn more, see Welcome to Copilot in Windows and Manage
   Copilot in Windows.


 * New! This update adds more content to your lock screen. Sports, traffic, and
   finance content will appear along with weather. To turn on this feature, go
   to Settings > Personalization > Lockscreen.
   Note This feature might not be available to all users because it will roll
   out gradually.


 * This update addresses an issue that affects the Settings app. It stops
   responding when you use it to remove Bluetooth devices.


 * This update addresses an issue that affects USB audio. It fails on some
   processors. This occurs after you pause, play, or resume from sleep.


 * This update addresses an issue that affects the Combine taskbar buttons and
   hide labels setting. The app labels in the taskbar sometimes do not have the
   correct length, which cuts off the label text. This occurs when this setting
   is set to “When taskbar is full” or “Never.”


 * New! You can now use voice access with the following languages:
   * French (France, Canada)
   * German
   * Spanish (Spain, Mexico)
     When you turn on voice access for the first time, Windows will ask you to
     download a speech model. You might not find a speech model that matches
     your display language. You can still use voice access in English (US). You
     can always choose a different language from Settings > Language on the
     voice access bar.

 * New! You can now use all voice access features on multiple displays. These
   include number and grid overlays that, in the past, you could only use on the
   primary display. While you are using the grid overlay on a screen, you can
   quickly switch to another display. To do that, use the alphabet or NATO
   phonetic in your command. For example, “B” or “Bravo” are both valid for the
   display that is assigned that letter.
   You can also use the “mouse grid” command to quickly move your mouse to a
   specific point on a display. For example, in the screenshot below, the
   command will be, “mouse grid A 114.” Finally, you can use the drag and drop
   feature to move files, apps, and documents from one display to another.

 * New! This update introducesvoice shortcuts or custom commands. You can use
   them to create your own commands in the supported English dialects. To start,
   say “what can I say” and click the “Voice shortcuts” tab on the left panel.
   You can also use the command “show voice shortcuts” to open the Voice
   shortcuts page. Click Create new shortcut. Use your voice or other input to
   create a command. Give it a name and select one or more actions. After you
   fill in the necessary information, click Create. Your command is now ready to
   use. To view all the voice shortcuts you have created, go to the command help
   page or use the voice command, “show voice shortcuts.”


 * New! You can now listen to a preview of the ten natural voices before you
   download them. See the Narrator section of the September 2023 update for the
   list. These voices use modern, on-device text-to-speech. Once you download
   them, they work without an internet connection. However, to listen to a
   preview, you need an internet connection. To add and use one of the natural
   voices, follow the steps below.

 1. To open Narrator settings, press the WIN+CTRL+N hotkey.

 2. Under Narrator’s voice, select Add, which is next to Add natural voices.

 3. Select the voice you want to install. You can install all voices, but you
    must install them one at a time.

 4. The preview will play automatically as you browse the list.

 5. If you like the preview, click Download and Install. The new voice downloads
    and is ready for use in a few minutes, depending on your internet download

 6. In Narrator settings, select your preferred voice from the menu in
    Narrator’s voice > Choose a voice.

 * New! This update adds a new keyboard command to move between the images on a
   screen. Now, you can use the keys G or Shift+G to move forward or backward
   between images in Scan mode (Narrator key+space bar).

 * New! This update improves Narrator’s detection of text in images, which
   includes handwriting. It also improves the descriptions of images. To use
   this feature, you must have an active internet connection. You must also turn
   on the setting to get image descriptions in Narrator settings. To try this
   experience, select an image and press the Narrator key+CTRL+D.

 * New! In Microsoft Word, Narrator will announce the presence of bookmarks and
   draft or resolved comments. It also tells you if accessibility suggestions
   exist when it reads text in the file.

 * New! You can now use voice access to open applications, dictate text, and
   interact with elements on the screen. You can also use your voice to command
   Narrator. For example, you can tell it to, “speak faster,” “read next line,”
   and so on. To get started, search for “voice access” in Windows search and
   set it up.


 * New! This update changes the apps that appear in the Windows share window.
   The account you use to sign in affects the apps that are in “Share using.”
   For example, if you use a Microsoft account (MSA) to sign in, you will see
   Microsoft Teams (free). When you use a Microsoft Entra ID account (formerly
   Azure Active Directory) to sign in, your Microsoft Teams (work or school)
   contacts show instead.

 * New! The Windows share window now supports sharing with WhatsApp in the
   “Share using” section. If you do not have WhatsApp installed, you can install
   it from the Windows share window.


 * New! This update affects how Nearby Share turns on and off. You can use quick
   settings or the Settings app to turn on Nearby Share. If you do and Wi-Fi and
   Bluetooth are off, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth will turn on to make Nearby Share work
   as you expect. If you turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, Nearby Share turns off as

 * New! This update improves Nearby Share transfer speed for users on the same
   network. Before, users had to be on the same private network. Now, users must
   be on the same public or private network. You can use quick settings to turn
   on Nearby Share. Right-click a local file in File Explorer and choose
   “Share.” Then choose to share to a device listed in Nearby Share in the
   Windows share window.

 * New! You can now give your device a more friendly name to identify it when
   sharing. Go to Settings > System > Nearby sharing. There, you can rename your


 * New! This update helps you to learn about the Cast feature and discover when
   it is available; see the examples in the list below. To cast means to send
   content that is on your device’s screen to a nearby PC, TV, or other external
   displays. This happens wirelessly.
   * You might often switch between windows to complete a task or use Snap
     Assist to organize your screen space. When you multitask like this, a
     notification will suggest that you use Cast.
   * The Cast flyout menu in quick settings gives you more help to find nearby
     displays, fix connections, and more.


 * New! This update adds suggestions to  Snap Layouts.  They help you to
   instantly snap multiple app windows together.

 * New! You can hover over the minimize or maximize button of an app (WIN+Z) to
   open the layout box. When you do, app icons will display various layout
   options. Use them to help you to choose the best layout option.


 * New! This update adds dedicated mode for Windows 365 Boot. When you sign in
   on your company-owned device, doing that also signs you in to your Windows
   365 Cloud PC. This occurs using passwordless authentication, like Windows
   Hello for Business.

 * New! This new dedicated mode also provides the fast account switcher
   experience. With it, you can quickly switch profiles and sign in. You can
   also personalize the experience for your username and password. This includes
   choosing a custom display picture for the lock screen, storing your username,
   and more.

 * New! A company can customize what users see on the screen when they sign in
   to Windows 365 Boot. In shared mode, you can add company branding from
   Microsoft Intune.

 * New! This update adds a fail fast mechanism for Windows 365 Boot. It helps
   while you are signing in to your Cloud PC. Thesmart logic tells you to
   address network issues or complete app setup so that Windows 365 Boot does
   not fail.

 * New! You can now manage the settings of your physical (local) PC from your
   Cloud PC. Windows 365 Boot makes it easy to directly access and manage sound,
   display, and other device settings.


 * New! It is now easier for Windows 365 Switch to disconnect. You can use your
   local PC to disconnect from your Cloud PC. Go to Local PC > Task view.
   Right-click the Cloud PC button and select Disconnect. This update also adds
   tooltips to the Cloud PC Start menu. They appear on the options for
   disconnecting and signing out and help you to learn how each one works.

 * New! This update adds desktop indicators for Windows 365 Switch.You will see
   the term “Cloud PC” and “Local PC” on the desktop indicator when you switch
   between them.

 * New! The time to connect to Windows 365 Frontline Cloud PC from Windows 365
   Switch might be long. While you wait, the screen will show you the connection
   status and the timeout indicator for the Cloud PC. If there is an error, use
   the new copy button on the error screen to copy the correlation ID. This
   helps to address the issue faster.


Note: To view the list of addressed issues, click or tap the OS name to expand
the collapsible section.


Important: Use EKB KB5027397 to update to Windows 11, version 23H2.

This non-security update includes quality improvements. Key changes include:

 * This build includes all the improvements in Windows 11, version 22H2.

 * No additional issues are documented for this release.


This non-security update includes quality improvements. When you install this

 * New!  This update affects Windows Hello for Business. IT admins can now use
   mobile device management (MDM) to turn off the prompt that appears when users
   sign in to an Entra-joined machine. To do this, they can turn on the
   “DisablePostLogonProvisioning” policy setting. After a user signs in,
   provisioning is off for Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices.

 * New! This update improves the Remote Desktop Session Host. You can now set up
   its “clipboard redirection” policy to work in a single direction from the
   local computer to the remote computer. You can also reverse that order.

 * New! This update adds search highlights to the taskbar search box for the
   European Economic Area. To learn more, see Windows Search providers.
   Note This feature might not be available to all users because it will roll
   out gradually.

 * This update supports daylight saving time (DST) changes in Greenland. To
   learn more, see Greenland 2023 time zone update now available.

 * This update supports DST changes in Kazakhstan. To learn more, see Interim
   guidance for Kazakhstan time zone changes 2024.

 * This update supports DST changes in Samoa. To learn more, see Interim
   guidance for Samoa DST changes 2021.

 * This update supports daylight saving time (DST) changes in Palestine. To
   learn more, see Interim guidance for DST changes announced by Palestinian
   Authority for 2024, 2025.

 * This update affects MSIX applications. It helps their UI to localize
   correctly for all languages when you upgrade your OS.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the COM+ component. Some
   applications that depend on it stop responding.

 * This update addresses an issue that stops some apps and features from being
   available. This occurs after you upgrade to Windows 11.

 * This update addresses a deadlock issue in CloudAP. It occurs when different
   users sign in and sign out at the same time on virtual machines.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects a network resource. You cannot
   access it from a Remote Desktop session. This occurs when you turn on the
   Remote Credential Guard feature and the client is Windows 11, version 22H2 or

 * This update addresses an issue that affects Containers that you create or
   deploy. Their status does not progress past “ContainerCreating.”

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the time service. You can
   configure it using mobile device management (MDM) or a Group Policy Object
   (GPO). But the Windows Settings app does not match what you have configured.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects certain Neural Processing Units
   (NPU). They do not show in Task Manager.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the touch keyboard and the
   candidate window for the Japanese and Chinese Input Method Editors (IME).
   They do not show after you come out of Modern Standby. To learn more, see
   Microsoft Japanese IME and What is Modern Standby.

 * This update addresses an issue that occurs when you use LoadImage() to loada
   top-down bitmap. If the bitmap has a negative height, the image does not load
   and the function returns NULL.

 * This update makes Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) profiles up to
   date for some mobile operators.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects Notepad. It fails to print to
   certain Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) printers when you use a print
   support app.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application
   Control (WDAC). It prevents a stop error that occurs when you apply more than
   32 policies.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the existing AppLocker rule
   collection enforcement mode. It is not overwritten when rules merge with a
   collection that has no rules. This occurs when the enforcement mode is set to
   “Not Configured.”

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the Group Policy service. It
   fails after you use LGPO.exe to apply an audit policy to the system.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects Secure Launch. It does not run on
   some processors.

 * This update addresses a reliability issue. It affects a Virtual Remote App
   product when you use a custom shell to open it.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects some wireless earbuds. Bluetooth
   connections are not stable. This occurs on devices that have firmware from
   April 2023 and later.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects Transport Layer Security (TLS),
   version 1.3. It causes Azure App Services to fail. This occurs when the web
   server attempts to connect to a third-party Lightweight Directory Access
   Protocol (LDAP) server.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects dsamain.exe. When the Knowledge
   Consistency Checker (KCC) runs evaluations, it stops responding.

 * This update addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft Message Queue
   (MSMQ) PowerShell module. It does not load.

If you installed earlier updates, only the new updates contained in this package
will be downloaded and installed on your device.

WINDOWS 11 SERVICING STACK UPDATE - 22621.3364 AND 22631.3364

This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the
component that installs Windows updates. Servicing stack updates (SSU) ensure
that you have a robust and reliable servicing stack so that your devices can
receive and install Microsoft updates. 


Microsoft is not currently aware of any issues with this update.


Before installing this update

Microsoft combines the latest servicing stack update (SSU) for your operating
system with the latest cumulative update (LCU). For general information about
SSUs, see Servicing stack updates and Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently
Asked Questions.

Install this update

Release Channel


Next Step

Windows Update or Microsoft Update


Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. In the Optional updates
available area, you’ll find the link to download and install the update.

Windows Update for Business


None. These changes will be included in the next security update to this

Microsoft Update Catalog


To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update
Catalog website.

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)


You can import this update into WSUS manually. See the Microsoft Update
Catalog for instructions.

If you want to remove the LCU

To remove the LCU after installing the combined SSU and LCU package, use the
DISM/Remove-Package command line option with the LCU package name as the
argument. You can find the package name by using this command: DISM /online

Running Windows Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe) with the /uninstall
switch on the combined package will not work because the combined package
contains the SSU. You cannot remove the SSU from the system after installation.

File information

For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file
information for cumulative update 5035942.  

For a list of the files that are provided in the servicing stack update,
download the file information for the SSU - versions 22621.3364 and 22631.3364. 




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