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It has been quite a while since the last blog post; some of you may be unaware
of the many things that have happened since then. Unfortunately, we have made
the decision that this blog is going to be discontinued. The blog holds a
special place in the hearts of Everybody Edits (EE) fans, so it is very sad to
see it end. Perhaps one day a new blog will be created to continue sharing news
about our beloved franchise. But this blog, the original, is coming to an end.
In this blog post, I would like to inform you about everything that has happened
since the last blog post and why we are choosing to be silent until the release
of the new Everybody Edits game.

In the last update, Xenonetix announced that he was stepping down as owner and
left a parting gift of Everybody Edits Offline (EEO), a place where you can play
and create Everybody Edits worlds in single-player. This is still available to
download below if you fancy a boost of nostalgia. If you weren’t able to
download your worlds from the original EE in time, then you can download them
from the archive here: https://forums.everybodyedits.com/viewtopic.php?id=47348.

Since then, Satanya has been the owner of the game. At the end of 2020, she made
this post: https://forums.everybodyedits.com/viewtopic.php?id=47330 to introduce
herself and the new team. We initially hosted a logo contest, sought feedback to
help design the new moderation system, and featured interviews with some of the
new staff – all as a way of keeping the community entertained while you wait for
news about EE’s sequel.

A sequel/reboot to Everybody Edits has been something that has been promised for
quite a while. Originally, this was simply a port to HTML5 after the
announcement that Flash would be discontinued. Under the previous ownership, it
was changed to be a successor called Everybody Edits Universe (EEU). However, in
February 2021, Satanya announced that EEU would be discontinued in favour of
starting fresh after it was decided that it would be easier to restart than to
attempt to use the code from EEU. You can read more about why this decision was
made here: https://forums.everybodyedits.com/viewtopic.php?id=47408.

The new game is going to be called Everybody Edits! (EE!) and is currently in
development. A key advantage of the new team is that Satanya brings financial
backing to the project and the new staff who worked on the game were/are paid
professionals – rather than passionate volunteers as had been the case

After this, progress on the new game was going well. However, one significant
change that was made is that we decided to switch from vector graphics, as seen
in EEU, back to pixel art – which we felt was more faithful to the original
game. You can read about the details of this here:

At this point, the development of Everybody Edits! had managed to escape the
impact of Covid-19. However, after April, our team became increasingly impacted
by this and progress began to slow down.

Despite progress being slower, development was still coming along at a healthy
pace. However, this came to an end as tensions between Ukraine and Russia grew
and war broke out. As explained in this post:
https://forums.everybodyedits.com/viewtopic.php?id=47726, a significant
proportion of our team were from Ukraine or Russia. This essentially brought
development to a halt with only very little progress being made here and there.
We did not feel it was fair to immediately look for new talent as we wanted to
give everyone a fair chance to return to their jobs if they wanted/were able to.
Unfortunately and understandably, none of our team who were living in Ukraine or
Russia has been able to return to the project.

After all of this, there are 2 reasons why we have decided to shut down this
blog. First of all, we hadn’t been posting to it anyway. The blog got neglected
when our new team took over and we’re now at a point where we don’t have much
news to share, besides bad news. We are currently looking for new programmers
and artists but this will not be a quick process- though we are hopeful things
will improve in 2023. The second reason is that we have decided that we want to
remain silent about the game completely until the game is ready for marketing
and is near release. This may not be for quite a while.

If you would like more information about why we have chosen to go silent about
development progress then you can read about that here:

In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who has ever enjoyed Everybody
Edits or is patiently waiting for the new game. We know that EE has a special
place in the hearts of many people and we are hoping that EE!, once released,
will be worthy of sharing a name with the original in the eyes of as many people
as possible.

If you would like to be notified when the new game is near to release, I would
recommend joining the official EE! Discord server:
https://discord.gg/2kZYX6bFZq. As part of our decision to be silent until the
game is near release, this server has been switched to read-only. However, if
you tuck the server away at the bottom of your list of servers and turn
notifications on, then we will be sure to send out an @everyone ping as soon as
we are ready to come back and hype everyone up for the game again!

But until then, please remain patient and respectful to everyone, and we hope to
see you in Everybody Edits!



As 2020 draws to a close, we’re very pleased to launch Everybody Edits Offline!
Thanks especially to LuciferX and Seb135 for delivering this epic version of the
game, so people can continue to play Everybody Edits into 2021, and thanks also
to Capasha for providing an amazing tool to download all your favourite worlds,
as well as all your own worlds as well! Not only that, EE Offline is Open Source
for all of those programmers out there that wish to customise it further!
Without further ado, here is Everybody Edits Offline (and the files are safe
regardless of what browsers may claim):

Everybody Edits Offline (EXE)
Everybody Edits Offline (SWF)
EE Offline Open Source
EE Worlds To Offline


Thank you to everyone who has Opted In to Everybody Edits Universe so far!
Apologies for the delays on inviting some of you (with hundreds to get
through!), and you will be invited if you’ve Opted In, even if your invite is
received after Everybody Edits shuts down. That being said, there are a lot of
accounts with fake emails, so please make sure to contact
staff@everybodyedits.com if you need to update your email. Apologies also to all
of those people we were unable to link the accounts of if you had a Facebook,
ArmorGames, or Kongregate account you wished to link, but if you have contacted
us by email, we will send an EE Universe Invite to you for your account using
the email provided.

After all the Opt-Ins have been handled, we may also be sending invites out to
everyone who ever got the Postman Smiley by signing up for the EE Newsletter all
those years ago. If you still wish to Opt In after the game shuts down, please
email us, and we’ll try to get you into EE Universe!


As we come to the end of the Flash generation, I have some big news to share
with all of you. Firstly, I want to thank each and every one of you for playing
Everybody Edits over the years, and it was a great pleasure to be part of such a
wonderfully creative community.

With that being said, it is time for me, Xenonetix, to move on, and the end of
2020 is the end of an era. I’ll still be around, working in a slightly different
capacity, but I am passing the game on to Satanya, who has many big plans for
the future, and will be keeping many of our same ideas moving forward. She has
the resources to make this game succeed in more ways than I personally ever
could, and she’s just as passionate about Everybody Edits, if not moreso, than I
am. We really share a lot of the same visions for the future, and I truly
believe she can bring about a better game with more frequent and regular updates
as we move forward!


Thank you to everyone who has ever supported us, whether it be through the game
itself, through Patreon, or through purchases of merchandise. Thanks to your
generosity, the game was able to continue and thrive right up until the very end
of Flash’s lifespan. We will be shutting down the Patreon at the end of
December, and the Everybody Edits Merchandise will be disappearing in January,
so if you wish to get your own merchandise for this generation of the game, now
may be your final chance!

Everybody Edits itself will be shutting down at Midnight UTC at the end of
Wednesday 30th December, but we have done all we can to help preserve your work
and creations over the years, and we hope you enjoy EE Offline, and join us in
EE Universe!

Satanya will be posting her own statements soon, but believe me when I say she
has an amazing team. She has been part of the community since 2010, same as I
have, and I truly think she will be able to create a fun and incredible
experience for this community moving forward, along with the power to grow it
exponentially, so I hope you will all join us in the excitement we have for the

I would also like to give a shout-out to RavaTroll, who worked so hard creating
music for EE Universe. You can access his album on Bandcamp!

Thank you all again – It’s been a pleasure, and see you in-game!

~ Xenonetix & The Everybody Edits Staff Team ~

December 26, 2020Xenonetix 7 Comments


Hi Everybody!

The time draws near for the Closed Beta of Everybody Edits Universe! The first
invites are very likely to be sent out this month, so we thought it was about
time we gave players an idea of what to expect from this early development

Firstly, please remember that everything is subject to change, and nothing is
final. We’ll be making adjustments based on your feedback over the coming

Staff and Patrons will be the first people invited to the game. Following this,
we’ll be sending out emails and Kongregate inbox messages to approximately 50
people at a time out of the massive 1350 of you who have opted in to play EE
Universe! Naturally, we know people want to get playing the game sooner rather
than later, but we have to invite people on a first-come, first-serve basis,
based on when accounts have clicked “Opt In” in Everybody Edits. Please be
patient with us over the coming weeks, as if you have opted in, you will get
your turn! It just may come a few days later than others. We’ll certainly try to
get everyone in within a month.

> Important point of note though – We do not plan on storing emails or
> passwords. If you wish to play Everybody Edits Universe, you will require
> either a Google account or Facebook account. We will be introducing more login
> options as time goes on, including on Kongregate and Apple ID.

With that out of the way, what can you expect from the start of Closed Beta EEU?
Well, right now, there are gravity arrows and dots, coins, transparent blocks
(for the minimap), and up to 46 blocks to build with. Naturally, we plan to add
content periodically as time goes on, and ByteArray is currently working on
getting at least Edit Zones working ready for the Closed Beta Launch! In
addition, we hope to have Portals very early on, and Beta players can help us
test and tweak EEU’s physics!

Every account will start with a 50×50, a 100×100, and a 150×150 world for free
to build in! We won’t have a shop from the start, but we do plan on allowing
people to purchase at least new worlds if you wish using the Energy System
present in the game. Accounts will have Jewels and Stardust compensation from
EE, and this will display to you in-game, but even though they can’t be spent
initially, we’ll provide things for you to spend these on when we introduce the
shop system at some point during the Closed Beta period!

The Smiley Customizer won’t initially be available, although we do have plenty
of accessories planned and created for when it is. Here are some of the items
that will be added:

That’s not to say you won’t be able to change smileys. We have some base smileys
present in-game already, and you’ll be able to switch between them freely until
we add the Smiley Customizer!

The User Interface is fleshed out a bit at this point – The username list pops
out, and chat works as an overlay. We welcome your feedback on these features
too! There are a few chat commands, and we plan for “/bgcolor” to work from the

During the Closed Beta period, we expect to add the following to the game:

 * Smiley Customizer
 * Shop System
 * Smiley Accessories
 * Switches & On/Off Systems
 * More Blocks
 * Backgrounds
 * Liquid(s)
 * Music Zones
 * Vision Zones
 * Magic Coins

Some things probably won’t be added until the Open Beta begins, including:

 * Daily Featured Levels
 * Time Trial Archive & Leaderboards
 * Level Publishing
 * Decorations
 * Hazards
 * Alternative Minimap Display Options
 * Jewel Purchase System
 * Auras & Aura Unlock System
 * Membership Subscription Services

During Open Beta itself, we have even more planned, including:

 * Effects & Effect Zones
 * Camera Zones
 * Auto-Tiled Blocks
 * Movable Blocks
 * Crumbling Blocks
 * Collectible Keys
 * In-World Shopping Systems
 * Building Contests
 * Leaderboard Contests
 * Extra Game Modes

There’ll be far more, so we look forward to you joining us in making Everybody
Edits Universe an epic game for everybody to play!

See you in EEU!

~ Xenonetix ~

September 9, 2019Xenonetix 16 Comments


Hi Everybody!

Just a small update today, but in preparation for big things to come!

We’ve added the ability to download (almost) any Everybody Edits level you want!
The new Download Button can be found next to the ‘Like’ and ‘Fav’ buttons for
you to be able to download levels you wish to play offline!

Now, this is in advance of us launching Everybody Edits Offline before EE shuts
down, which developer Cercul1 is working on. As such, when we launch EEO, the
intent is that you’ll be able to just double-click these files to play them, and
away you go!

EE Offline is effectively a ‘reduced’ version of Everybody Edits. There will be
no chat, no usernames, no name list, no shop, and no lobby. That being said, the
levels we do plan on including in EE Offline are all the Campaign Levels (and
their Time Trials), including seasonal ones, so you will be able to play all of
those to your heart’s content!

One of the primary benefits of playing this version of the game is that you’ll
be able to play with any items and smileys currently in the game, all fully
unlocked, and you can still build levels, edit any you load, and save them to
your drive, if you wish to do so. These files aren’t locked in any way, so you
can share them with friends if you want them to play your creations!

We plan to launch EE Offline in June. This update today marks what will most
likely be the final ‘content’ update for Everybody Edits, in terms of adding any
new items or functionality to the game. We still plan on releasing at least one
more campaign soon, and the Campaign Team are working hard to make it a helluva
final campaign to remember.

See you in-game!

~ Xenonetix ~

April 20, 2019Xenonetix 7 Comments


Hi Everybody,

On Saturday, March 23rd, 2019, multiple files were unfortunately released
containing information on almost every Everybody Edits account from July 9th,
2010 to January 5th, 2019. We wish to address this leak, explain who is and is
not affected, and what has been done to avoid such incidents in future.

There are 4 types of Everybody Edits accounts:

 * Main Site Accounts (SimpleIDs)
 * Facebook Accounts
 * Kongregate Accounts
 * ArmorGames Accounts

Thankfully, all Kongregate and ArmorGames accounts are safe. The only
information we ever stored from these accounts were IDs to link Everybody Edits
to their respective sites. As far as we are aware, Kongregate has not received
any similar breaches, meaning no information has been released regarding any of
these accounts. However, ArmorGames recently released their own statement.

Sadly, some Facebook accounts have been affected. Facebook IDs are stored, and
the names (and only the names, not emails) are taken from the Facebook Profiles
associated. As such, the information released included the real names of most of
our Facebook users, and, in some cases, the ability to view Facebook profiles
associated with the accounts.

This leaves us with the Simple Accounts. Here is the personal information we do
not store:

 * Names
 * Dates of Birth
 * National Insurance/Social Security Numbers
 * Phone Numbers
 * Any information connected to looks, appearance and behaviour
 * Salary
 * Tax Information
 * Student Numbers
 * Ethnicity
 * Religion
 * Political Alignment Information
 * Medical History
 * Genetic Data
 * Any financial information, such as card details.

We did store:

 * Email Addresses
 * Passwords
 * IP Addresses
 * Date of Registration

Passwords are fully hashed/encrypted, and have not been leaked or
dehashed/decrypted in these documents. However, this whole endeavour is a good
lesson in how important it is to make sure: Your password should be different on
every site you have an account on. There are some individuals which have
searched for leaks from other sites where the email addresses in these documents
are listed, and have found passwords through those, trying them on Everybody
Edits accounts only to find it successfully logs them in. As such, we highly
recommend updating your password on Everybody Edits, and every few weeks after.

Most of the IP Addresses that were leaked are now outdated, as they were the
last known login IP addresses as of 5th January, 2019. Nevertheless, we
sincerely apologise that the IP Addresses were stored at all, and we have now
disabled collection of IP addresses. We are now only able to access your IP
address while you are logged on (which we rarely need to do anyway).

The IP Addresses (that were available) were released for both the Email
Addresses and the Facebook Accounts. As such, regrettably, the Facebook Accounts
are the most at risk here, if your IP Address hasn’t updated since you last
logged on prior to 5th January, 2019. As far as we are aware, there is no danger
of anyone accessing your Facebook account, but if someone out there really
wanted to track down your location for whatever reason, they may be able to find
out a good approximation of where you live via your real name and IP Address,
even though it’s rare that IP Addresses can pinpoint an exact location within a
zone. We realize this is scary, and we’re sorry it ever got to this stage, but,
if possible, if this does apply to you, we would advise using Virtual Private
Networks to hide your IP address in future.

The following is what we see when we view the stored account information. There
is no way for us (or anyone) to access the IP Address or the Password.

Let’s move on to how this breach occurred. On 5th January, 2019, we believe a
staff member at the time exported the entirety of this storage area from this

We do not know the reason the staff member in question chose to export this
information, and we don’t believe this staff member was involved in any of the
recent hacking. However, the export sends an email to the person logged in to
Player.IO with the exported information via a link to download the file(s). It
has been confirmed that anyone that knows how these files are formatted is able
to run a program going through every ‘DateTime’ within a certain period, and
access the file themselves, which is how we believe the hackers got hold of
these files. We have been in contact with Player.IO, which has now updated their
systems, so these exports can no longer be found as easily, by adding extra
completely random strings into the links. As such, we believe it is no longer
possible to access this information in this manner. I am also the sole
individual able to export these files now, and I have no intention, or need, to
do so.

Separate to this, the hackers appeared to have access to what is known as the
“BigDB”, where the “OnlineStatus” information is stored. Below is the
information we have, and the information was exported in a similar fashion as
above. As such, the hackers may have been able to access this export in a
similar manner if they didn’t have access themselves.

Previously, this information was kept with the IP Address for years, but this is
no longer the case, so it is now only possible for us to see your IP Address
while you’re logged in. I believe this includes if you have “Remember Me”
ticked, so you do not have to input your information on every login.

We have taken every precaution to make sure such an incident can never happen
again. Player.IO has successfully co-operated and transferred the game again to
a new Player.IO account I created, and all current members of staff have brand
new Player.IO accounts as well, just in case one of us was somehow compromised.
Our contact at Player.IO has confirmed that anyone that may previously have had
access through a development server is now locked out, so whatever access the
hackers once had is no longer possible.

Another possibility for how the hackers gained access was through ‘connections’,
which are the systems we use to authorize people. For example, there was once a
“Facebook” connection, which has now been deleted entirely, and we have updated
all of the access keys to all the connections, so only the current developers
are able to use them to change information.

We appreciate your patience and support through this whole ordeal. Please
contact staff@everybodyedits.com if you wish to have the email associated with
your account changed to a new one, and I will work over the next few days to get
as many of those updated as possible.

I am personally sorry any of this occurred, and we have done all we can to make
sure this can never ever happen again.

Chris Lamb
Owner of Everybody Edits
~ Xenonetix ~

March 28, 2019Xenonetix 9 Comments






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