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Why are so many men and women…

In the richest country in the history of the world…

So worried about retiring?

I mean, this is America.

How did the idea of a dream retirement…

Become a waking nightmare for so many?

The Wall Street Journal reports:


Forbes says:


And CNBC claims:


My name is Ian King…

And today, I want to show you a simple solution to this devastating crisis.

A strategy designed not only to protect your retirement…

But to help you reach all your retirement goals — faster than you might ever
think possible.

To get started…

I’d like to ask you three intriguing questions.


How close would you be to reaching all your retirement goals…

If you could fill your portfolio with opportunities that beat the S&P 500 over
five years…

With gains 10 times … 13 times … even 42 times better than the benchmark index?

As you’ll see in a moment…

I’m talking stocks with the potential to turn an average retirement account
(about $100,000, according to data from Synchrony Bank)…

Into as much as $1.2 million — in just five years.

See — too many investors cut themselves off from achieving the really big gains
in their retirement accounts…

Because they follow well-meaning advice that practically forces them to settle
for mediocre returns.


What would your retirement account look like…

If you never had to worry about it being ravaged by stock market crashes?

Think about that.

The last crash stripped $6 trillion in market value in less than a week …
torching retirement accounts across the nation.

So imagine what it could mean if you never had to worry about a market crash
ever again?

OK, last one…

What if you could do all this … and put yourself securely on the path to your
dream retirement…

Starting with just 20 minutes?

Not once a day … once a week … or even once a month…

But just 20 minutes, once a year.

Well, as you’re about to see…

It’s actually pretty simple.

It won’t require any drastic changes.

You won’t need any special equipment or software.

You can get started right where you are … with what you already have.



I call it the 20-Minute Retirement Solution.

In the next few minutes, I will show you:

✔ Exactly how my 20-Minute Retirement Solution works.

✔ Why you’ll only need 20 minutes, once a year, to make this work.

✔ And how easy it is to start putting my solution to work for you today — to
help accelerate all your retirement plans.

I can tell you — this is going to look a lot different than what you might

Because my 20-Minute Retirement Solution flies in the face of just about
everything most people have been told about saving for retirement.

I’ll also share what I consider the worst retirement advice — ever.

It does nothing to protect your money — while offering little in return.

Yet every year, millions of investors are duped into plowing trillions of
dollars into it…

Without realizing it could cost them their future.

You’ll see exactly what this horrible advice is … and a simple way to avoid
falling into its trap.

And you’re going to want to stick around for this entire presentation…



It’s the heart of my 20-Minute Retirement Solution … a simple blueprint modeled
on the same money-management tactics used by billionaire investors, hedge funds
and investment banks...

Redesigned to help put you on the path to reaching your retirement goals —
faster than you might ever think possible…

Even when the market’s going down.

Don’t worry — this is not about anything overly risky.

There’s always risk in any strategy.

And the last thing you want to do is take on even more risk … especially when
you’re saving for retirement.

So, let me put any worries to rest right here and now…

What you’re about to see is not about buying on margin … trading options … penny
stocks … or any other risky investment.

It’s really just a simple “tweak” to what you may already be doing…

But it’s this simple tweak that will make all the difference.

If all this sounds too good to be true — let me say…

You’re right to be skeptical.

In fact, I was a little skeptical myself, at first.

But when I started putting all the pieces of the retirement puzzle together…

And saw the potential with my own eyes…

Well, let me put it like this…

I don’t know where you are in your retirement planning…

Or how much you need to reach your “magic number” — the amount you’ll need for
your dream retirement…

But I do know — that my 20-Minute Retirement Solution can help get you on the

So you can go from where you are…

To where you need to be…

And do it much faster than you might think possible.

Now before I get into the details of the 20-Minute Retirement Solution…

Let me tell you a little more about myself … and why I’m sharing this with you

You might look at me and think: Who’s this guy to tell me about retirement?


I got into the world of finance when I was 19 — working for Merrill Lynch.

By the time I turned 25, I was managing a group of 20 traders...

I then put my trading skills to work for myself … as head trader for a top hedge
fund called Peahi Capital.

I was there for the market crash of 2008 to 2009.

As other hedge funds were dropping over 50% ... and investors were panicking to
get out of the markets as fast as possible…

I kept my head — and saw the opportunity amid the panic.

Instead of losing 50% — like most other funds…

My hedge fund gained a best annual return of 261%...

By the time I was 35 … I was able to parlay my investing skills into an early

I turned my back on Wall Street and walked away.

I’ve been very fortunate.

That’s why, a few years ago, I decided it was time to do something different
with my life.

To give back, so to speak, to others…

Today, I’m the investment director for an independent financial research firm in
Palm Beach.

I chose to work with this prestigious group, because it’s given me the chance to
help regular Americans successfully navigate the stock market… and live out
their financial dreams — whatever they may be.

Folks like James Brooks, from Atlanta, GA… who wrote in to tell me:


And Noah Billings, out of Boca Raton, FL. He reached out to tell me:


Bill Johnson from out in San Diego emailed me to say:


I can’t tell you how rewarding that feels … knowing my work is helping Main
Street Americans make their financial dreams come true.


Since I started working at this research firm…

I’ve also had the chance to see the real face of America’s retirement crisis.

These are the words of real people, who’ve reached out to our company about
their own challenges:

School teacher Jeannette O’Hara told me:

Anita Huxley is a 66-year-old physician.

She wrote to tell me that she’s still working full time, because:

Gail Montmartre is a retired pastor … and after dedicating her life to God, and
her community, told me:

That’s just a small sample of the many messages we get every day.

This is the real face of America’s retirement crisis.

It took a lot of courage for these folks to reach out and share their personal

I feel humbled and honored by the trust they’ve placed in my team and me.

And their words helped motivate me to create my 20-Minute Retirement Solution…

My way to give back … to help folks like these get their retirement goals on the
right track…

With a simple, easy-to-follow and effective strategy.



Together with my team…

I applied everything I learned from my years building my former hedge fund — a
fund that soared to a best annual gain of 261% during the 2008 financial crisis.

I broke down exactly what was holding folks back from reaching their dream

My team and I dove deep into the research…

We took apart the entire retirement industrial complex…

Looking at what was working, and what wasn’t…

Here are the real reasons I think so many are struggling.

Believe it or not…

Even during the longest and greatest bull market in history…

Most Americans completely missed out.

The entire bull market — from 2009 until early 2020 — simply passed most people

According to reports in Bloomberg…

The average guy sitting at home, trading online in his brokerage account…

Averaged only about 1.9% a year — during the entire bull market…

And that was before the pandemic crash wiped out $6 trillion in market value.

At 1.9% a year…

It would take that average guy 38 years just to double his nest egg.

Thirty-eight years.

Do you have 38 years to reach retirement?

Of course not. Unless you’re 25 years old … nobody does.

And I believe there are two main reasons why so many missed out.

The first…

Mutual funds.

✔ Fact: Retirement accounts have more than $9.9 TRILLION invested in mutual

✔ Fact: There are more than 8,000 mutual funds trading in the United States.

✔ Fact: The vast majority of mutual funds cannot beat the market ... or even
match it.

Every year, the S&P Dow Jones Indices release what they call the “Scorecard” —
research that compares the performance of all actively managed mutual funds.

According to the most recent Scorecard…

Eighty-five percent of mutual funds do worse than the overall market.

Can you believe these guys actually get paid for what they do?

I think it’s outrageous.

Basically, what that number really means is…

That five out of every six professional money managers…

People who’ve studied and dedicated their lives to making money in the market…


And according to data from Kiplinger: the top 10 large-cap mutual funds
delivered average five-year returns of around 27%.

Not too bad…

But when you add in sales loads and fees — that figure can get chopped down even

And as mutual funds continuously disappoint investors…

It forces many into what I consider…

The worst retirement investment I’ve ever heard of.

“Invest in a passive index fund.”

Forbes magazine ran a story headlined:


John Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group, said that:

That’s pretty confident. Of course, Bogle invented the passive index fund back
in 1976 … so he may have some bias in his opinions.

Even Warren Buffett advised:

Now, there are a lot of great things to say about Mr. Buffett…

But if he’d only invested in an index fund when he first started — I doubt we’d
ever have heard of the Oracle from Omaha.

Passive index funds are composed of all the stocks on a particular index … such
as the 500 stocks on the S&P 500.

They’re designed to make the market “easy” for the Average Joe … by taking all
the guesswork out of investing.

Do you want easy?

Or do you want to retire some day?

Because the idea of hitching your retirement to a massive index fund like the
S&P 500 … may be the worst investment idea ever.

It leaves you vulnerable to massive downturns…

While offering relatively little in the way of gains.

Yet, by 2020, over 50% of all the investments in U.S. stock mutual funds were in
these “passive index funds.”

That’s a potential $5 trillion of retirement money wrapped up in these

The problem is…

When things turned bad — these “passive” investors quickly become “active” —
stampeding to the exits … selling out en masse…

In fact, in the first four months of 2020…

Investors pulled $22 billion from this index fund…

An incredibly active outflow of money from a supposedly passive S&P 500 Index

And as all these passive investors panicked and began redeeming shares…

The only way for the funds to cover these redemptions is to sell out their

Which helped make the downturn deeper and uglier.


These passive index funds are NOT good investments for anybody ... especially if
you’re saving for retirement.

But the worst thing about investing in the S&P…

Is that it’s forcing index investors to leave a TON of money on the table.

Because many of the biggest stocks this year were NOT in the S&P 500.

For instance…

If you were invested in an S&P 500 Index fund…

You missed out on stocks such as Zoom…

Which ran up 603%.

You also missed out on biotech company Moderna…

Which is up 263%.

And Tesla…

Which is up 395% in 2020.

And on top of that…

Most index investors don’t realize that the S&P 500 is not a static, stable

Stocks are being added and removed from it all the time.

In fact, I’ve seen research that predicts half of all the S&P 500 stocks will be
replaced over the next 10 years.

Why is that a bad thing for index investors?

Because, according to research from Wharton finance professor Dr. Jeremy Siegel,
published in 2017…

Eighty-two percent of stocks that are removed from the S&P 500 go on to
outperform the stock that replaced them.

Meaning, if you’re an index investor — you’re missing out on all those gains.

That means a potential 250 stocks could be replaced over the next 10 years.

That’s potentially a LOT of money you’ll never see.

After all my research…

I concluded there was only one way for Americans to truly build their own
retirement fortunes…

Ignore all the advice … the mutual funds … the index funds…

And create your own, personal “retirement index.”

Which is exactly what my 20-Minute Retirement Solution could do for you.

You don’t need to invest in 500 stocks … or even 100…

That might work if you have 30 years until retirement…

But if you’re close enough to retirement to be worried about getting there…

Then you only need five stocks in your personal retirement index to help reach
your goals.

Now, there’s a very specific reason I chose five stocks.

I’ll show you exactly why in a moment.





I’m going to show you a few top-performing historical stock charts…

With five years’ worth of results, up to October 6, 2020.

I chose that date…

Because that five-year time frame includes two of the worst downturns in years:
the trade war crash of 2018 … and the pandemic crash in early 2020.

And I want you to see how the right stocks can not only make you rich…

But can let you keep more of your money during, and after, a downturn.

Take note: The black line you’ll see is how the S&P 500 performed in that same
five-year period … up just around 70%.

I’m talking stocks such as cloud computer company Five9 … which cranked out
five-year gains of 3,494%...

That’s 50 times more money than the S&P delivered — in the same time.

Business software firm Paycom rocketed 789% over the past five years…

That’s over 11 times more money than you’d made from the S&P.

Shares of medical device firm Penumbra were up an impressive 380%...

Over five times more money than the S&P 500.

Tech outfit Veeva Systems — up 1,065% ...

More than 15 times more money than the S&P.

Education company Chegg Inc. is up 934%...

Over 13 times more money than you’d make investing in the S&P 500.

In up markets and down … the right five stocks can perform miracles.

Of course, the key word here is finding the “right” stocks…

And in looking back like this … it’s always good to remember that hindsight is

But look…

According to my research, the average reitrement account is about $100,000.

Now, you may have more … you may have less…

But for now…

Let’s say you have $100,000 in your retirement account.

And you invested it into in the S&P 500 five years ago.

Well, your $100,000 nest egg grew by $70,000.

That’s pretty good…

Especially when you consider that time frame included two major downturns.

Now, look at this…

If — five years ago — you’d spread out your $100,000 into the five stocks I just
showed you...

Just $20,000 into each one…

You could’ve made:

 * $698,800 on shares of Five9
 * $157,700 on Paycom
 * $76,000 on Penumbra
 * $213,000 on Veeva
 * $186,700 on Chegg


Had you invested in just these five stocks…

You would’ve earned a five-year profit of more than $1.2 million.

That’s 19 times more money for your retirement — in just five years.

Heck — just one of these stocks could’ve totally transformed your retirement.

And remember — the gains you just saw included the recent pandemic crash…

Yet, even during that dark downturn — stocks like these could have insulated
your retirement portfolio from the worst.



This simple fact is at the heart of my 20-Minute Retirement Solution.

In just a minute…

I’ll give you the chance to see the details on my top 5 retirement stocks right

Why five stocks?

Why not 12? Or three?

The answer is simple.

I take my inspiration from the most successful investors in the markets.

I learned a long time ago that if you really want to know what’s going on…

Watch what people do … and not what they say.

Especially in the stock market.

See, while superstar investors such as Buffett have been telling Americans to
invest in passive index funds…

They’ve been concentrating their money into a relatively small handful of

For instance, in Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway…

The top 5 stocks in his portfolio are worth nearly four times as much as all his
other holdings combined.

Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square holds just 10 stocks … but he’s concentrated most
of his fund into the top 5 — which are worth about six times more than the other
half of his fund.

And the top 5 holdings of The Blackstone Group — one of the largest money
managers in the world — is worth more than the rest of the entire portfolio.

So, I simply used this billionaire’s strategy … watched what they were doing …
and not what they were saying...

To create a small, private retirement index of only five stocks.

Now — before we go any further — I need to say one thing.

In telling you about the five stocks in my 20-Minute Retirement Solution…

I’m NOT saying to run out and move ALL your money into these shares.

It’s natural to get excited about the possibilities…

Just don’t get too excited.

So, don’t go selling your house, your car and your dog to invest in these five

Be practical. Be prudent.

Each stock I’ve chosen for my 20-Minute Retirement Solution strategy is selected
to give you the best chance at exceptional growth…

And insulate you from the gut-wrenching crashes we’ve had to endure every few
years or so.

But if you’re saving for retirement…

I feel you’d be best served by making this part of a diversified and balanced

Because I look for companies that can outperform the overall market by at least
five times or better … even during a downturn…

But these are not the only way to build wealth.

I just needed to get that out of the way, before we go any further.

So, with that said…

Let me show you how I’m able to zero in on these powerhouse stocks.

To help me pinpoint what I consider the best opportunities…

I created a personal checklist.

It’s not infallible…

But after 25 years on the front lines of Wall Street…

I’ve honed my research down to the five most essential factors every stock must
have before I even consider investing in it.



Profit Factor No. 1: World-Changing Trends — I’m looking for stocks with
tipping-point innovations … world-changing technologies that will have an impact
across all industries.

Let’s take a look at electric car maker Tesla. I could see the company was on
the verge of exploding higher — and it did. In just over a year, we closed out
gains of 552% on the first half of shares in 11 months … and 919% on the second
half just two months later.

Profit Factor No. 2: Price Acceleration — I like to make sure a stock is going
up before getting in. If the stock’s not moving, people aren’t excited about it
yet — so there’s no need to wait around. As I just showed you — even in down
markets, there are always companies going higher.

Profit Factor No. 3: Timing — Admittedly, this is the most difficult part of
investing, but it’s also the core of my strategy. Nothing goes straight up.
There are always pullbacks. So I wait for the right opportunities to get into a
stock — when others are selling. When there’s a temporary dip in the price … we
can jump in before momentum shifts and sends shares shooting higher again.

Profit Factor No. 4: Market Cap — I typically look for mid- and large-cap stocks
that are poised to grow at an exponential rate. These are companies with a
market cap in the $2 billion to $10 billion range for midcaps … and over $10
billion for large caps. Stocks in this range have already a proven track record
of growth — and are more likely to attract large institutional investors — which
could potentially increase the price acceleration.

Profit factor No. 5: The X-Factor — I like to look for companies in a variety of
sectors with the potential for substantial growth … and with something I like to
call the “X-factor” — that certain something a company possesses, that’s being
overlooked by both Main Street and Wall Street … but is set to light the fuse on
a massive explosion in price.

These Five Profit Factors are my guides to selecting the five stocks for your
personal retirement index.

What can happen when a stock possesses all five of my Profit Factors?

Well, let’s look a handful of examples.

Now, keep in mind — these are not my recommendations.

I’m using these as historic examples of the power of my Profit Factors…

And what can happen to share prices when a stock has all five factors going for

My Five Profit Factors could have pointed me to potential opportunities in
stocks such as…

Medical equipment firm Masimo Corp., which ran 522%...

That’s seven times more money for your retirement than the S&P 500.

Decking manufacturer Trex Company — up 687% in five years…

Nearly ten times more money than investing in the S&P.

Medical device maker Insulet gained 702%...

Almost ten times more money than from the S&P.

Shares of home health care company Amedisys jumped 572%...

That’s over eight times more money for retirement than the S&P 500.

Shares of online auto auctioneer Copart handed investors gains of 533%...

Nearly eight times more money than the S&P.

While a $100,000 investment in the S&P Index fund would’ve made you
approximately $70,000 over five years…

Spreading out your $100,000 across these five stocks would’ve earned you a
five-year profit of more than $603,000…



As you’ll see in a moment…

These five factors have consistently pointed me to stocks capable of handing you
triple-digit gains … sometimes in a matter of months (such as Tesla), not years.

This capacity for rapid, consistent price movement … over months, and even

Is how you can best protect your portfolio from any downturn…

While enjoying gains exponentially bigger than anything the S&P 500 could do for

If you’d like to see for yourself what my five-stock retirement index can do for

I have some exciting news.

For the first time…

I’m sharing my 20-Minute Retirement Solution.

I’m going to be showing it to a small handful of individuals…

And I’m inviting you to join me.

Let me show you exactly how my 20-Minute Retirement Solution works … and how it
could help you put your retirement on the fast track…

Starting with just 20 minutes … once a year.

To get you started off right — the first thing I want you to have is my special
briefing called The 20-Minute Retirement Solution — 5 Stocks for a Wealthy

Inside, you’ll find…

My complete research into each of the five stocks in my five-stock retirement

I’m recommending these stocks because they each hold the potential to produce
gains at least five times greater than the S&P 500 in the next five years.

Should you choose to follow my research…

Here’s what you can expect…

Read my report about my 20-Minute Retirement Solution (you could have it in your
hands in as little as 15 minutes from now).

If what I say makes sense to you … purchase the shares for your account.

You get to decide how many shares you want to buy.

Remember, investing always carries risk … and you should never bet the farm on
any strategy.

But I’d bet you already knew that — but just in case, I’m mentioning it again

Once you have these five stocks in the account…

That’s it.

Go fishing. Take a long walk. Relax in the backyard…

Whatever you like to do…

Because with the 20-Minute Retirement Solution — there’s nothing else for you to



Then, 12 months from now — we’ll come back and take a look at our shares…

Review any actions to be taken…

Assess the performance of each one…

And decide whether to hold them, or move onto a different opportunity.

It should only take about 20 minutes to read my annual update, and make any
suggested moves.

That’s all there is to it.

That’s why I call it the 20-Minute Retirement Solution.

Twenty minutes, once a year. And you’re all set.

Of course, if anything comes up that requires immediate attention — you’ll
receive a quick update from me…

But basically, there’s nothing more for you to do.

You don’t have to monitor anything, or keep track of any action.

Once you own the stocks…

Your work is done until the next year.

It couldn’t be simpler.

I’ve specifically chosen these five stocks because they do not NEED constant

These are companies that meet all my five Profit Factors … so they offer the
potential for huge annual gains…

And because they all pass my critical investing criteria…

I believe they can withstand just about anything the market can throw at them…

Standing up against even the worst downturns — like we saw in the beginning of

No tracking stocks on your own, deciphering arcane charts or trying to read
complicated balance sheets…

My team and I have done all the hard work for you.

All you have to do is read my research, decide if you want to take action … and
sit back.

I can’t promise your dream retirement will magically become a reality…

But I can tell you that I truly believe that these five stocks could give you an
excellent start at making that happen.

Now, this valuable report is not available for sale anywhere online.

There’s only one way to claim your copy of The 20-Minute Retirement Solution.

And I want to share it with you now.

This is extremely important … so lean in.

I told you earlier about my career in the stock market…

And how I was able to use my trading skills to essentially leave Wall Street at
the age of 35.

But honestly — it took a lot of work to get to that point.

Unlike a lot Wall Street hotshots — I didn’t come from money.

I was raised by a single mom in a small town on the Jersey shore.

She worked very hard to make sure we never wanted for anything…

I always admired her grit, and her work ethic…

And I know that experience — of seeing how hard she was willing to work for our
family — helped to light a fire under me early in life.

The one thing I always had going for me was my mind — and when I learned I could
use it to make money — lots of it … well, there was no looking back.

Since I “retired” from Wall Street, I’ve been involved in a lot of different

I was an early investor in an electric vehicle company, long before anyone had
ever heard of Elon Musk. That business sold for $149 million.

I created a cryptocurrency investing course for Investopedia.

You may have even seen some of my many television appearances on CNBC, Fox News
or Yahoo Finance.

But there’s one project I’m particularly proud of.

See, one of the reasons I walked away from Wall Street…

I grew tired of making money for people who already had a ton of money.

I wanted to do more to help Main Street Americans build their own financial
future … not the fat cats who already had everything.

So not long ago, I set out on a new phase of my professional life…

Today, I’m investment director for Banyan Hill, an independent research firm
based in Palm Beach, Florida.

My team and I provide specialized market research to a special group of

Independent of Wall Street … and free from the spin of mainstream media…

Our work is tracked by people from some of the top investment firms in the world
… such as Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo and UBS.

Because we have no agenda — except for uncovering the best opportunities in the

And because we’re beholden to no one — except our readers…

Working with renowned financial publisher Banyan Hill Publishing…

I created a unique, premium research newsletter called Strategic Fortunes.

Strategic Fortunes gives you access to all my research … and all of the
investment opportunities I uncover each and every month.

I use the same market insights and stock-picking acumen that made my former
hedge fund so successful...

To deliver market-beating results for everyday investors.

I’ve built this newsletter into a finely tuned machine…

To help YOU unlock exceptional opportunities with under-the-radar stocks.

My 20-Minute Retirement Solution is reserved exclusively for readers of
Strategic Fortunes…

And I’m inviting you to become one of them today.


Strategic Fortunes is much more than the five stocks in your 20-Minute
Retirement Solution…

As a new member — you’ll have unlimited access to my entire model portfolio.

And I have to say — I’m quite proud of our performance.

Now, instead of just showing you some cherry-picked results of my biggest

I want to show you my entire model portfolio — my track record of performance …
past, present and future — and let you decide for yourself if I can deliver the
kinds of gains I’ve promised …

That’s 25 positions. And just five losers: -27% ... -29% ... -6% ... -25% ...
and -2.

But it’s the winners you might want to pay attention to…

The biggest pick of course is Tesla — we sold half that position for a 552% gain
in about a year … and then sold the second a month and a half later, for 919%

In addition to Tesla…

They closed out wins of 110% on the first half of our SolarEdge in 11 months …
and then about three months later — sold the second half for a gain of 223%.

We closed out an 88% win on Everbridge in a year … and 32% on Cray in two

And we’re sitting on 17 winners so far in open positions … including gains of
117% in five months … 148% in nine months … 102% in three months … and 151% in
14 months.

The average gain on all of Ian’s closed trade recommendations: 200%…

The average hold time: 277 days…

Or tripling your money, on every position so far — in just about nine and a half

Of course, the open positions can move in price — but this should give you an
idea of what you can look forward to when you join Strategic Fortunes.



I want to take a minute to show you what my research has been able to do for

Here are actual testimonials from folks I’ve helped on the road to achieving
their financial goals.

Strategic Fortunes is the only way to stay up to date with all my latest
research and recommendations for outstanding profits.

In addition to my 20-Minute Retirement Solution … including the five stocks in
your 20-Minute Retirement Solution report…

When you join Strategic Fortunes now, you’re entitled to all these exclusive

✔ My monthly Strategic Fortunes newsletter

This is the “meat and potatoes” of my service … important research updates
giving you detailed, fast-reading market analysis direct from me, delivered
right to your inbox.

You’ll get my personal write-up on each and every stock I recommend — typically,
you can expect to hear about a new stock every month — so you’ll see 12 new
stocks from me every year.

That’s 12 new stocks every year … on top of the five in your 20-Minute
Retirement Solution report.

✔ Access to the Strategic Fortunes model portfolio

You’ll be able to track each and every position quickly and easily online — a
constant, up-to-date scorecard of how our recommendations are performing.

This portfolio will contain EVERY stock that’s on my buy list — including the
five stocks in our retirement index.

✔ Weekly alerts and updates

I’ll update you on everything important happening in the markets … and how these
moves impact our current positions.

Whether it’s an important announcement or a potential market-moving event to
watch out
for, you’ll never be left in the dark.

✔ 24/7 access to our private members-only website

You’ll find everything that comes with your Strategic Fortunes subscription,
quick and easy — with just a few clicks of your mouse.

All the latest updates, portfolio, special reports and alerts — all on this
secure, encrypted website.


✔ Access to a dedicated customer care team

If you ever have a question … about your membership … the Strategic Fortunes
website … or accessing your subscription materials … you can reach out to our
dedicated customer care team for quick and courteous assistance.

All of this is yours, when you accept my invitation to join me, as a subscriber
to Strategic Fortunes.

That’s not all I have for you…

Every year, I regularly uncover exceptional opportunities for profits…

And when I do — I create a special research report for my readers.

These reports are maintained and collected in a special “vault” — a secure,
online archive — accessible only to our members.

Join Strategic Fortunes right now…

And you’ll enjoy unlimited access to my complete library of research reports.


5 Toxic Stocks to Dump Now — these are the five stocks you need to avoid now at
all costs — especially if you’re holding them in your retirement account.


Buy This Millennial App Now — this was one of the most popular online apps,
making a ton of money before the pandemic — and as the economy reopens, I expect
this stock to come roaring back.


The Driverless Car Race Is Here: Grab Over 100% Gains Now — the autonomous
vehicle revolution is a LOT closer than you might think. And this report details
what I think is the No. 1 opportunity to profit from the next great disruptive

How to Make a Fintech Fortune — as the economy springs back to life — small
businesses are going to need money to reopen.

And this company makes lending faster, easier and CHEAPER than the Big Banks.

The Company Leading the Big Data Money Boom — Big Data is a lot more than 1s and
0s … it’s about knowledge, and being able to use that knowledge to generate
profits — and this company is my pick for the top dog in the massive Big Data

The Company Leading the $12 Trillion 5G Revolution — 5G is going to change
everything — and this company is leading the charge in this communication


Each of these reports is valued at $199.

That’s $1,194 worth of my most important research…

And they’re all yours when you join Strategic Fortunes today.

With these new reports in your hands — plus your five stocks in the The
20-Minute Retirement Solution…



Let me tell you…

I’ve been very fortunate in my life.

I have had the chance to build real wealth and freedom for my family and myself.

And now, I’d like to give you the chance to create your own financial freedom…

And the retirement of your dreams.

Which is why I urge you to get started today — as in right now.

Strategic Fortunes gives you complete access to my research — including my
20-Minute Retirement Solution … and all my best investment ideas — uninterrupted
for the next year.

I’ve worked hard to make Strategic Fortunes into the kind of research service I
would want to read and follow myself…

With the kind of insights and reporting that can not only make you a better
investor … but a smarter, more informed one as well.

I think you’ll love it.

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join me today.

So I’ve intentionally kept the subscription fee for Strategic Fortunes at the
lowest level possible.

Normally, a one-year membership is just $199.

And that’s a fair price. Especially when you consider everything you’re getting.

But I want to do something special for you.

I want you to start to building your retirement fortune as soon as possible…

So, to make it even easier for you to join me today…

I’m cutting the price drastically.

I’ll knock 75% off the cost for a one-year membership if you join right now.

Just $47.

That’s a $150 savings … or about $0.12 a day.

That’s an incredible value.

There is a catch though…

I can only hold this price for the first 500 people who join me today.

I hope you’re one of them.

Just click the orange button below now … and you’ll be taken directly to our
supersecure, 256-bit encrypted order page.

Let’s review everything you’re getting for this one low price…

That’s $1,592 worth of invaluable investment research to kick-start your
retirement and get it back on the fast-track…

For only $47.

It’s easy to get started.

Click the orange button below now.

When you do, you’ll be taken directly to our secure order form.

Just leave your information, and you’re in.

Click the button now.

As I mentioned, I want you to be completely comfortable joining me today...

So let me take all the risk away from you … and put it on my shoulders.


Join Strategic Fortunes today … and take it for a no-risk, 12-month test-drive.

That’s right.

Accept my invitation now, and you can take one full year to review everything I
have to offer.

And I promise — I must exceed your highest expectations over the next 12 months
… or you don’t have to pay anything.

Here’s why I’m giving you this unprecedented guarantee.

I want to prove to you exactly what my five stocks in The 20-Minute Retirement
Solution can do for you … and your retirement account in just one year.

One year from now, I want you to open your account — take a look at the total

And then I want you to be brutally honest…

If my five retirement stocks haven’t outperformed the market … by at least five

Meaning, if the S&P 500 goes up 10% ... these stocks must have gone up 50% or

If not — then I want you to call my customer care team and demand your money

I want you to be 100% satisfied with your decision to join me.

And there is no substitute for performance.

So if I do not perform — you have every right to cut me lose.

In fact, I insist on it.

And you can keep all of your valuable research reports — including The 20-Minute
Retirement Solution — as my gift to you for trying out my service.

You can’t get any simpler (or better) than that.

All the pressure is on me. I must perform and exceed your expectations — or you
get your money back.

But I’m not concerned.

In fact, I’m confident that, as a new member of Strategic Fortunes, I’ll be able
to show you one moneymaking opportunity after another each and every month.

Now, picture this in your mind…

It’s 12 months from now…

You’ve invested in the five stocks I shared with you in The 20-Minute Retirement

You’ve checked on them from time to time…

But basically, you followed my suggestion — you set it and forget it.

So here it is — 12 months later.

You open your retirement account — and look at the total.

It’s more than you’ve earned in the previous five years. Maybe even the previous

You see how much you’ve made … in just 12 months…

You see the new total amount…

And for the first time in what seems like a long time — you take a deep breath …
let it out…

And feel a sense of calm come over you.

Years of worry and anxiety slip away — like having a great weight taken off your

There’s no longer any reason to worry about the future. You can sleep at night …
because you know all the plans and dreams you had are now on the road to coming

In short — you’ve achieved the one thing that evades many an investor…

Peace of mind.

All because you made one, simple decision today — to join me as a member of
Strategic Fortunes.

It’s easy to get started — just click the orange button below.



Together, that’s nearly $2,000 worth of market research — insights with the
potential to multiply even modest investments many, many times over…

All of it, yours, for only $47.

But don’t wait.

Only the first 500 people who join me today will get this price.

Take advantage of this opportunity while you can.

It's up to you now...

Lock in your place as a member of Strategic Fortunes today.

Click the orange button below now … and you’ll be taken directly to our
supersecure, 256-bit encrypted order page.

This could be the most important financial decision you ever make.

I truly believe that.

Take 12 full months to discover everything Strategic Fortunes can do for you.

And watch your retirement account start growing, month after month.

But again, you need to act fast.

Only the first 500 who respond today will be eligible for this incredible
discount ... and the entire $1,592 package.

Just click on the orange button below to get started right away…

You’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can review everything your
membership includes.

I’m Ian King.

Thank you very much for your time.

I look forward to welcoming you to Strategic Fortunes.

November 2020

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