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Jake Bramante


A little Throwback Thursday cuz we’re feeling nostalgic for dry trails

Sinopah Mountain reflecting in Two Medicine Lake

Not sure if it gets any better than a crisp, fall morning in the Two Medicine
area of Glacier National Park when Two Medicine Lake is glass. Sinopah Mountain
stands tall at the head of the lake, reflecting in the mirror at its feet. Today
wasn’t for reflection, however, we had our eyes to the heavens as we were
planning on climbing Never Laughs Mountain and Mt Ellsworth.

As we headed out on the South Shore Trail, another park visitor was coming back
down the trail. She said that she saw a huge bull moose just up the trail and
didn’t feel comfortable going around it. We at least wanted to see it (at a
distance of course), so we volunteered to go with her to be in a group. I know,
so generous of us.

She was headed to Paradise Point as that’s where she saw him, so we walked down
that spur about 30 yards and there he was, just standing in the trees. He was a
huge, mature bull and, after observing his unwillingness to leave the trailside,
we recommended that she choose a different hike that day.

For us, however, we returned to the South Shore trail and continued past the
marshy areas and forest where the leaves were changing in the wonderful hues of
oranges, yellows, and purples.

There are a couple of routes up to Never Laughs and, based upon Blake Passmore’s
Climb Glacier National Park Vol 2 book (you can pick it up at his store), we
were looking for the old, abandoned Buttercup Park Trail. We found it, as
described, just before the bridge going over Paradise Creek (easily missed if
you weren’t actively looking for it).

We hopped on the “trail”, now an overgrown shadow of its former self. Some
moments we felt like we were cruising and knew where we were while the next
minute, downfall and overgrowth had us bushwhacking around and looking for it
again. Eventually it petered out and we navigated between forest and small

I knew that there was a decent game trail above the shrubbery, so we found a
good avalanche chute/meadow area and turned our feet uphill. After a bit of
heavy breathing, we found the game trail and worked our way further up and south
along Never Laughs Mountain. The views looking over at the long ridge of Mt
Rockwell and Sinopah Mountain were jaw-dropping. Below, we spotted a cow moose
feeding in the wetlands along the meandering Paradise Creek.

Scores of migrating songbirds kept us company as we climbed up to the fields of
shale at the base of the cliffs. A few pikas “eeeeped!” at us as we worked our
way around to the chute that would take us up to the ridgeline just north of the

We found the chute and began slowly stepping up alongside the soft scree slope
that gave way to picking our way through boulders and outcroppings until we
reached the ridgeline. Views across Aster Park over to Appistoki Peak and up to
Mt Ellsworth greeted us as we crested. We picked our way up along the ridge to
the summit of Never Laughs Mountain and sat down for some lunch enjoying the
panoramic views and swatting at a few summit bugs. The end of September is a
great time for migrating raptors and we saw quite a few Sharp-shinned Hawks and
Golden Eagles. While we ate lunch a Northern Harrier floated by just underneath

After consuming some calories, we continued south along the ridge, dropping down
onto the large plates of rock that gave way to smaller boulders and softer rock
as we climbed up the western flanks of Mt. Ellsworth. After gaining almost 1,000
feet, we wrapped around the south side of the summit and picked our way up to
the small platform that is the summit of Mt. Ellsworth. We signed the registry
while enjoying unobstructed, panoramic views. The red rock of the surrounding
peaks (including the one we were on) is so magical.

View looking down at Never Laughs Mountain from Mt. Ellsworth

We still had plenty of ground left to cover, so we continued east down the
mountain and wrapped our way north. Looking back at the cliffy, north face of
Mt. Ellsworth, we saw a mountain goat navigating the terrain. We climbed the
slow, long incline up to the knob that sits between Mt Henry and Appistokie
Peak. I thought I could get cute and skirt the knob and save some elevation
gain/loss. Instead, I just made that elevation gain/loss more difficult.

Back on track, we arrived at the knob looking down around 1,500 feet to the
Appistoki Creek Drainage. This part of the route receives more traffic, so there
was a pretty well established climber’s trail where we hopped our way down to
the saddle below Appistoki Peak. The steep, grassy descent from the saddle is
deceptively hard on tired legs, but we worked our way down past a large herd of
bighorn sheep. These were females and younger males, but it didn’t take long to
find the large rams further down the diminutive Appistoki Creek.

This creek turned into some delightful cascades as it dropped down through a few
cliff sections. It took a bit of route finding, jumping the creek a couple of
times, to find safe and easy passage down to where things level out. We
continued down the creek a bit further than we should have, resulting in a
little bit of elevation gain to get to the Scenic Point Trail (technically the
Mt. Henry Trail). Once on that, we were able to make great time as we dropped
back down to the Scenic Point Trailhead and then walked the road back to our

Such a lovely climb. We love connecting summits along ridgelines and the Two
Medicine area is a great place to do that. Of course the red rocks and
ridiculous views all day long, coupled with animals and beautiful sunshine made
it one for the books. If you’re interested, make sure you pick up Blake’s book.
You can download my GPX track here (with the route corrected where I tried to
outsmart myself). Remember that this is a climb, not a trail, so route-finding
skills, a level of fitness, and experience climbing summits in Glacier National
Park is a must.


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January 5, 2023
aster park, bighorn sheep, glacier, hike, moose, mountain goat, paradise point,
two medicine, two medicine lake


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