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Submission: On April 04 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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                      <h3 style="font-size: 20px">
                        <a href="labels.aspx">Barcode &amp; Product Labels of All Kinds!</a>
                      <p> We are label experts, and we tie it all together for you… All different types of labels, label printers, applicators, and everything you want to know about barcodes, retail labels, hang tags, and much more.
                        <a href="labels.aspx">READ MORE...</a>
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                        <a href="printing.aspx">Custom Printing</a>
                      <p> We do all types of business and promotional printing, so you can simplify your life and work with just one supplier. You'll get better consistency and customer service! <a href="printing.aspx">READ MORE...</a>
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                        <a href="promo.aspx">Custom Promotional Products</a>
                      <p> Promotional Products are extremely effective for marketing and growing your brand awareness. But they should also be fun to work with, fun to hand out – and fun to purchase. <a href="promo.aspx">READ MORE...</a>
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                <h1> Simplify Your Business by working with Verified</h1>
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              <h2 style="margin-top: -10px!important;"> We are your one-stop supplier for all types of Printing, Labels, Promotional Products, Corporate Apparel and Uniforms </h2>
              <ul class="navlist">
                <li>We will beat all your existing prices, so there’s no added cost in working with us. We call this our <a href="services-gcr.aspx">Guaranteed Cost Reduction Program</a></li>
                <li>You get a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so there’s no risk in working with us.</li>
                <li>Save even more money with our <a href="services-vra.aspx">Volume Rebate Agreement.</a>
                <li>Our advanced software gives you a Custom Internet Store for your Company, this is the best way to manage all your supplies across your entire company.</li>
              <p> We design, produce, distribute and manage all types of printing, labels and promotional logo products. Our broad product line, combined with our advanced software system, allows us to guarantee that our clients save both time and
                money. </p>
              <h3> We guarantee you will save significant time and money with our Print Management Program:</h3>
              <div class="row" style="margin-top: -15px">
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                  <ul class="navlist">
                    <li>Single-source Responsibility</li>
                    <li>Consolidated Price Reductions</li>
                    <li>Streamlined Supplies Management</li>
                <div class="col-md-6">
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                    <li>Reduced Procurement Costs</li>
                    <li>Superior Customer Service</li>
              <p> Our broad product line, combined with our advanced software system, allows us to guarantee that our clients save both time and money. And it also allows us to build a strong relationship with our clients, learn about their business,
                and ensure that working with us is an enjoyable experience. </p>
              <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                  <h3> How We Do It </h3>
                  <p> Think of all the different printed items your company purchases throughout the year. Add in your promotional logo products and corporate apparel. Combined, many companies spend over 1% of total sales revenue on designing,
                    purchasing and managing these products. That’s serious money, even for smaller companies. </p>
                  <ul class="navlist">
                    <li>Make a decision to work with us, and we’ll guarantee to save you both time and money. </li>
                    <li>We build you a custom internet storefront so you can do business electronically, throughout your entire company.</li>
                    <li>We put it all in writing for you to see, before you sign up. </li>
                  <h3 id="emailform"> Why You’ll Enjoy Working With Us </h3>
                  <p> We treat you like an important client - even on your smallest orders - because we understand the value of our long-term relationship. </p>
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                  <li class="labelsnav" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"><a href="../qvchsnlabels/" style="color: #f0f0f0;">HSN Barcode Labels, order</a></li>
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                  <li><a href="../labels-bar.aspx">Barcode Scanning Equipment</a></li>
                  <li><a href="../labels-barquality.aspx">Barcode Quality Verification</a></li>
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            <h3> Other Sites</h3>
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              <a href="" class="footerlinks">Employee Rewards Programs</a>
              <a href="" class="footerlinks">Custom Online Company
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   * Custom Online Company Store
   * Order QVC/HSN Barcode Labels

 * About Us
   * About Verified
   * Why Use Verified
   * Our Team
 * Products
   * Our Products
   * Labels
   * Printing
   * Promotions
   * Under Armour Apparel Line
   * NIKE Apparel Line
 * Services
   * Our Services
   * Cost Reduction
   * Supplies Management
   * Volume Rebate
   * Employee Rewards Programs
 * Company Stores
 * Knowledge Center
 * Testimonials

× We Are Open... how can we help you?

Because of our deep integration within multiple critical industries, we are
deemed an essential business supplier and allowed to remain open throughout this


See our top selection of PPE - Personal Protective Equipment – Products and
Kits: click here

We are your one-stop supplier for all types of Printing, Labels,
Promotional Products, Corporate Apparel and Uniforms



We are label experts, and we tie it all together for you… All different types of
labels, label printers, applicators, and everything you want to know about
barcodes, retail labels, hang tags, and much more.


We do all types of business and promotional printing, so you can simplify your
life and work with just one supplier. You'll get better consistency and customer


Promotional Products are extremely effective for marketing and growing your
brand awareness. But they should also be fun to work with, fun to hand out – and
fun to purchase.



 * We will beat all your existing prices, so there’s no added cost in working
   with us. We call this our Guaranteed Cost Reduction Program
 * You get a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so there’s no risk in working with us.
 * Save even more money with our Volume Rebate Agreement.
 * Our advanced software gives you a Custom Internet Store for your Company,
   this is the best way to manage all your supplies across your entire company.

We design, produce, distribute and manage all types of printing, labels and
promotional logo products. Our broad product line, combined with our advanced
software system, allows us to guarantee that our clients save both time and


 * Single-source Responsibility
 * Consolidated Price Reductions
 * Streamlined Supplies Management

 * Reduced Procurement Costs
 * Superior Customer Service

Our broad product line, combined with our advanced software system, allows us to
guarantee that our clients save both time and money. And it also allows us to
build a strong relationship with our clients, learn about their business, and
ensure that working with us is an enjoyable experience.


Think of all the different printed items your company purchases throughout the
year. Add in your promotional logo products and corporate apparel. Combined,
many companies spend over 1% of total sales revenue on designing, purchasing and
managing these products. That’s serious money, even for smaller companies.

 * Make a decision to work with us, and we’ll guarantee to save you both time
   and money.
 * We build you a custom internet storefront so you can do business
   electronically, throughout your entire company.
 * We put it all in writing for you to see, before you sign up.


We treat you like an important client - even on your smallest orders - because
we understand the value of our long-term relationship.

Contact Our Friendly Customer Service Staff for Quick Service
Name Name is Required
Email Email is Required Enter Valid Email
Phone Phone is Required



 * QVC Barcode Labels, order
 * HSN Barcode Labels, order
 * Color & Specialty Labels
 * Retail Barcode Labels & Tags
 * Stock Labels & Printer Ribbons
 * Label Printers & Labeling Equipment
 * Barcode Scanning Equipment
 * Barcode Quality Verification
 * Equipment ID Labels
 * Jewelry Labels and Tags


 * Full-Color Printing & Marketing Materials
 * Catalogs, Booklets & Magazines
 * Presentation Folders & Binders
 * Direct Mail
 * Business Forms
 * Form-Label Combinations
 * Point-of-Sale Packaging, Cards & Boxes
 * Business Cards & Stationery


 * Logo Apparel, Shirts & Hats
 * Custom T-shirts
 * Pens, Office & Desk Items
 * Marketing Products & Giveaways
 * Search Our Catalog of Over 800,000 Logo Items
 * Under Armour Apparel Line
 * NIKE Apparel Line
 * Digital Marketing Campaigns
 * PPE Products and Kits



We've created dedicated websites for things that we're extra super awesome at!
Please check these out, for a more in-depth explanation of how we can help your


Take a look


Take a look


Take a look


Take a look




About Us

Knowledge Center

Sign in to your Account

Contact Us

Make Payment


Barcode & Product Labels

Custom Printing

Custom Promotional Products

Custom Online Company Store

Employee Rewards Programs


Equipment ID Labels

Employee Rewards Programs

Custom Online Company Store

Jewelry Labels And Tags

Order QVC/HSN Barcode Labels


7905 Hopi Place Tampa, FL 33634
Phones: 813-290-7721 or 800-764-6110

© 2022 Verified Label, Print & Promotions, Inc.