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Goldfinch on a SunflowerUploaded by: melvil
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 1920x1080

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Points: +14

Forest DwellingUploaded by: Alexandra66
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 3840x1922

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Points: +13

Plain and FancyUploaded by: Ippy
Date Uploaded: 5/21/22
Resolution: 1600x1200

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Points: +13

Autumn Well WishesUploaded by: wollo
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1600x1100

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Points: +7

A red roseUploaded by: Alexandra66
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 1920x1200

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Points: +10

Seychelles IslandsUploaded by: melvil
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1920x1080

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Points: +4

Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 3957x3054

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Delicate PastelUploaded by: grandma_gingerbread
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1024x768

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Points: +6

Fishing By A Covered BridgeUploaded by: wollo
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1600x1100

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Tollymore Forest ParkUploaded by: abinandan27
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 5389x2965

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▱▱ Patiently waits ▱▱Uploaded by: Twinkle_Star
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1920x1200

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Zion National ParkUploaded by: emma999
Date Uploaded: 5/21/22
Resolution: 3840x2400

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Cucumber Waterfall, PennsylvaniaUploaded by: Dennis52
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 3000x2000

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Points: +5

Beauty in Royal BlueUploaded by: Lamamake
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 1170x907

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KoalaUploaded by: aussie48
Date Uploaded: 5/10/22
Resolution: 2000x1333

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Points: +4

Lotus FlowerUploaded by: Gordon173
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 2048x1280

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Points: +7

HorsesUploaded by: Gordon173
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 6144x3840

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German ShepherdUploaded by: aussie48
Date Uploaded: 5/19/22
Resolution: 3000x2091

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Points: +5

Delicate ParfaitUploaded by: grandma_gingerbread
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 1024x768

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Points: +5

Red retro car Chrysler 1946Uploaded by: abinandan27
Date Uploaded: 5/20/22
Resolution: 1920x1080

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Points: +6

Date Uploaded: 5/17/22
Resolution: 1200x831

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Points: +1

Sunset in LatviaUploaded by: gundega
Date Uploaded: 5/20/22
Resolution: 1440x900

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Points: +3

Isle Of Skye - ScotlandUploaded by: Scotman
Date Uploaded: 5/20/22
Resolution: 2048x1365

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Points: +6

Spring in NetherlandsUploaded by: gundega
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1440x900

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Points: +2

Autumn parkUploaded by: entcoff
Date Uploaded: 5/22/22
Resolution: 1920x1275

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Points: +6

Glasgow River TravelUploaded by: Scotman
Date Uploaded: 5/13/22
Resolution: 3648x2736

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Points: +3

ღUploaded by: entcoff
Date Uploaded: 5/19/22
Resolution: 1920x1280

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Fantasy dragonUploaded by: Alhana
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 2560x1440

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Points: +2

Glacier Canyon, Tattenhall, SwitzerlandUploaded by: Ippy
Date Uploaded: 5/18/22
Resolution: 1920x1080

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Points: +1

great landscapeUploaded by: quadral
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 1443x1080

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Points: +5

Exotic flowerUploaded by: emma999
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 2987x2711

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Points: +5

HYUNDAI KONA N-LINE:::my car.....Uploaded by: quadral
Date Uploaded: 5/23/22
Resolution: 3976x2535

Downloads: 5
Comments: 4
Favorited: 1
Points: +1


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