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 * July 04, 2023
 * Liza Kolesnikov

Breed Info Summary

Breed Suits: families with young children/older children, companionship

Shedding/Non-Shedding: Moderate

Size: Medium


According to records in the UK, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has been around since
about 1200 BC. Their status has developed over time, as in the UK the Cardigan
and Pembroke Corgis were eventually recognised as different breeds in 1934.
Corgis are an active and clever breed that were originally designed to herd
cattle, sheep, and horses. They are easy to teach and eager to learn. They come
in four distinct coat colours and markings and are good with children and other


Corgis can fit into almost any household, whether it's an apartment or a huge
home with a yard, due to their adaptable and loving nature. They do, however,
have a lot of energy for such a small dog. They require lots of walks and lively
playtime. You'll be shocked at how fast these short-legged puppies can run! They
make an excellent companion for humans who can meet the breed's requirements.
They are perfect for the active family, and should be socialised and trained
from a young age.

Pros and cons to consider


 * Smart
 * Very Sociable
 * Great companion dogs


 * May bark a lot
 * Can easily become overweight
 * Shedding

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