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FILE - Harvey Weinstein arrives at a Manhattan courthouse for jury deliberations
in his rape trial on Feb. 24, 2020, in New York. A New York appeals court
blasted Manhattan prosecutors Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021, for filling out
Weinstein’s rape trial last year with what one judge deemed “incredibly
prejudicial testimony” from women whose allegations weren’t part of the criminal
charges against him — a strategy that now has the potential to jeopardize the
disgraced movie mogul’s conviction. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

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By Michael R. Sisak
Published [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Published
3:35 PM HST, December 15, 2021
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NEW YORK (AP) — A New York appeals court blasted Manhattan prosecutors Wednesday
for filling out Harvey Weinstein’s rape trial last year with what one judge
deemed “incredibly prejudicial testimony” from women whose allegations weren’t
part of the criminal charges against him — a strategy that now has the potential
to jeopardize the disgraced movie mogul’s conviction.

Members of a five-judge panel in the state’s intermediate appeals court appeared
incensed with Judge James Burke’s decision to allow the witnesses and for
another ruling that cleared the way for prosecutors to confront Weinstein with
evidence about other misbehavior if he had testified.

Several judges on the panel appeared open to considering reversing Weinstein’s
conviction and ordering a new trial. A decision isn’t expected until January.

Judge Sallie Manzanet-Daniels was particularly vocal, saying that prosecutors
had piled on with “incredibly prejudicial” testimony from additional witnesses
and that socking away details about Weinstein’s behavior — in some cases boorish
but not sexual — amounted to overkill.

“Let’s inflame the jury’s heart by telling them that he beat up his brother
during a meeting. I just I don’t see how there is a balance there on that,”
Manzanet-Daniels said, challenging a lawyer from the Manhattan district
attorney’s office who implored the judges to uphold Weinstein’s conviction.

Weinstein, 69, was convicted in February 2020 of a criminal sex act for forcibly
performing oral sex on a TV and film production assistant in 2006 and rape in
the third degree for an attack on an aspiring actress in 2013. He was acquitted
of first-degree rape and two counts of predatory sexual assault stemming from
actor Annabella Sciorra’s allegations of a mid-1990s rape.

The verdict was a landmark in the #MeToo movement that was spawned by women
coming forward with allegations against Weinstein. He maintains his innocence
and contends that any sexual activity was consensual.

Burke, the Manhattan judge who presided over Weinstein’s trial, allowed
prosecutors to bolster their case with testimony from three women who alleged
Weinstein also violated them but whose claims did not lead to charges in the New
York case.

Rules on calling witnesses to testify about so-called “prior bad acts” vary by
state and was an issue in Bill Cosby’s successful appeal of his sexual assault
conviction in Pennsylvania. New York’s rules, shaped by a landmark decision in a
1901 poisoning case, are among the more restrictive.

Weinstein’s lawyers argued that extra testimony went beyond what’s normally
allowed — detailing motive, opportunity, intent or a common scheme or plan — and
essentially put the ex-studio boss on trial for crimes he wasn’t charged with
and hadn’t had an opportunity to defend himself against.

Burke’s ruling allowing prosecutors to use horror stories from Weinstein’s past
to attack his credibility worked to prevent him from taking the witness stand,
Weinstein lawyer Barry Kamins told the appellate panel.

“The jury was overwhelmed by such prejudicial, bad evidence,” Kamins argued.
“This was a trial of Harvey Weinstein’s character. The people were making him
out to be a bad person.”

Kamins also challenged Burke’s refusal to remove a juror who had written a novel
involving predatory older men, as well as his decision to allow prosecutors to
have an expert on victim behavior and rape myths testify while rejecting
testimony on similar subjects from defense experts.

Weinstein, sentenced to 23 years in state prison in New York, did not attend
Wednesday’s arguments. He was extradited to California earlier this year and is
jailed there while awaiting trial on charges he assaulted five women in Los
Angeles and Beverly Hills from 2004 to 2013.


Follow Michael Sisak on Twitter at twitter.com/mikesisak

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Reluctant pastor’s son to most-viewed preacher: Shooting puts new spotlight on
Joel OsteenThe pastor who leads the Houston megachurch where a woman opened fire
is known for his megawatt smile and popular brand of Christianity.AP News
Group 3


Hiker kills coyote with his bare hands after attack; tests confirm the animal
had rabiesRhode Island officials say a coyote killed by a hiker has tested
positive for rabies. Police say the hiker killed the coyote with his bare hands
on Friday after being bitten on the leg while walking in the woods in
Johnston.AP News
Group 3


Two Chinese fishermen die after chase with Taiwan’s Coast Guard, which alleges
trespassingTaiwan’s Coast Guard says two Chinese fishermen have drowned while
being chased by the coast guard off the coast of Taiwan’s Kinmen archipelago.AP
Group 3


Republican Michigan lawmaker loses staff and committee assignment after online
racist postA Republican lawmaker in Michigan has lost his committee assignment
and staff, days after posting an image of a racist ideology on social media.AP
Group 3


' ' '
' ' '

Usher’s Super Bowl encore? Marrying Jenn Goicoechea at Las Vegas chapelUsher and
longtime partner Jenn Goicoechea got married in Las Vegas just hours after the
R&B superstar’s headline appearance at the Super Bowl halftime show.AP News


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Doctors Stunned: 'Anti-Lazy' Drops Are Now Sold Without Rx(Buy Online While You
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Cardiologists: Overweight? Do This Before BedAdvertisement: Нealthy Guru
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Delayed Super Bowl celebration? Chiefs’ Hardman blacks out, didn’t know he made
game-ending catchMecole Hardman didn't immediately know he made the game-ending
touchdown catch in the Super Bowl to give the Kansas City Chiefs their second
straight championship.AP News


An arrest has been made in the theft of a Jackie Robinson statue later found
dismantled and burnedPolice say a 45-year-old man has been arrested in the theft
of a bronze Jackie Robinson statue found dismantled and burned in Kansas.AP News


South Carolina reserve freshman Jah suspended indefinitely for conduct
detrimental to teamSouth Carolina freshman reserve Sahnya Jah has been suspended
indefinitely for conduct detrimental to the team.AP News


What to know about a shooting at Joel Osteen’s megachurchPolice say two off-duty
officers working security at Lakewood Church, one of the largest megachurches in
the U.S., shot and killed the suspect.AP News


Furman football player Bryce Stanfield dies 2 days after collapsing during
workoutFurman defensive tackle Bryce Stanfield has died, two days after
collapsing during a workout at the school’s football stadium. He was 21 years
old.AP News



Expert Says This Drugstore "Dark Spot" Cream Is Actually Worth ItVibriance


Astronaut "Brain Hack" Silences Ringing EarsНealth-Gurus.
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Former professional wrestler William “Billy Jack” Haynes in custody in wife’s
death in OregonAuthorities say William Albert Haynes Jr. has been taken into
police custody in connection with the death of his wife in Portland, Oregon.AP


Three officers are shot in Washington, police say. The injuries don’t appear to
be life-threateningAuthorities says three police officers have been shot in
Washington and their injuries appear to be non-life-threatening.AP News



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