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Effective URL: https://www.editorskeys.com/en-ca
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Submission: On May 18 via api from DE — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

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            <span class="popover__choice-label">Heard &amp; McDonald Islands (AUD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Honduras (HNL L) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Hong Kong SAR (HKD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HU" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Hungary (HUF Ft) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Iceland (ISK kr) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">India (INR ₹) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IR" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Iran (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IQ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Iraq (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Ireland (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Isle of Man (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IL" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Israel (ILS ₪) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IT" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Italy (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Jamaica (JMD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JP" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Japan (JPY ¥) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Jersey (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JO" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Jordan (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KZ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Kazakhstan (KZT 〒) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KI" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Kiribati (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="XK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Kosovo (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KW" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Kuwait (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KG" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Laos (LAK ₭) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LV" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Latvia (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LB" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Lebanon (LBP ل.ل) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LI" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Liechtenstein (CHF CHF) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LT" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Lithuania (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LU" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Luxembourg (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MO" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Macao SAR (MOP P) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MY" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Malaysia (MYR RM) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MV" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Maldives (MVR MVR) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MT" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Malta (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MQ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Martinique (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MX" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Mexico (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MD" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Moldova (MDL L) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MC" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Monaco (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Mongolia (MNT ₮) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ME" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Montenegro (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Montserrat (XCD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NR" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Nauru (AUD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NP" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Nepal (NPR ₨) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NL" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Netherlands (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Netherlands Antilles (ANG ƒ) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NC" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">New Caledonia (XPF Fr) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NZ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">New Zealand (NZD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NI" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Nicaragua (NIO C$) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NU" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Niue (NZD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NF" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Norfolk Island (AUD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KP" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">North Korea (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">North Macedonia (MKD ден) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NO" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Norway (NOK kr) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="OM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Oman (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Pakistan (PKR ₨) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Palestinian Territories (ILS ₪) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Panama (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PG" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Papua New Guinea (PGK K) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PY" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Paraguay (PYG ₲) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Peru (PEN S/.) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PH" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Philippines (PHP ₱) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Pitcairn Islands (NZD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PL" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Poland (PLN zł) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PT" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Portugal (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="QA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Qatar (QAR ر.ق) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="RE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Réunion (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="RO" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Romania (RON Lei) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="WS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Samoa (WST T) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">San Marino (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="RS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Serbia (RSD РСД) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SG" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Singapore (SGD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SX" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Slovakia (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SI" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Slovenia (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SB" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Solomon Islands (SBD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KR" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">South Korea (KRW ₩) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SS" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">South Sudan (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ES" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Spain (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Sri Lanka (LKR ₨) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BL" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Barthélemy (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KN" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LC" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Lucia (XCD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MF" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Martin (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="PM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="VC" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (XCD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SD" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Sudan (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SR" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Suriname (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Sweden (SEK kr) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CH" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Switzerland (CHF CHF) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SY" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Syria (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TW" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Taiwan (TWD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TJ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TH" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Thailand (THB ฿) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TL" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Timor-Leste (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TK" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Tokelau (NZD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TO" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Tonga (TOP T$) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TT" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Trinidad &amp; Tobago (TTD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TR" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Türkiye (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Turkmenistan (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TC" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TV" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Tuvalu (AUD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="UM" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="UA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Ukraine (UAH ₴) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">United Arab Emirates (AED د.إ) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GB" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">United Kingdom (GBP £) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="US" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">United States (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="UY" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Uruguay (UYU $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="UZ" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Uzbekistan (UZS ) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="VU" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Vanuatu (VUV Vt) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="VA" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Vatican City (EUR €) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="VE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Venezuela (USD $) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="WF" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Wallis &amp; Futuna (XPF Fr) </span>
          </button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="YE" class="popover__choice-item">
            <span class="popover__choice-label">Yemen (YER ﷼) </span>

GET /en-ca/search

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POST /localization

<form action="/localization" method="POST"><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PUT"><input name="source" type="hidden" value="geolocation_selector"><input name="return_to" type="hidden" value="/en-ca"><label class="locale-selectors__label"
    id="country_code_label" for="country_code"><span>Country/region</span><select id="country_code" class="locale-selectors__selector" name="country_code">
      <option value="AF">Afghanistan (AFN ؋)</option>
      <option value="AX">Åland Islands (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="AL">Albania (ALL)</option>
      <option value="AD">Andorra (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="AI">Anguilla (XCD $)</option>
      <option value="AG">Antigua &amp; Barbuda (XCD $)</option>
      <option value="AR">Argentina (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="AM">Armenia (AMD ֏)</option>
      <option value="AW">Aruba (AWG)</option>
      <option value="AU">Australia (AUD $)</option>
      <option value="AT">Austria (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="AZ">Azerbaijan (AZN ₼)</option>
      <option value="BS">Bahamas (BSD $)</option>
      <option value="BH">Bahrain (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="BD">Bangladesh (BDT ৳)</option>
      <option value="BB">Barbados (BBD $)</option>
      <option value="BY">Belarus (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="BE">Belgium (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="BZ">Belize (BZD $)</option>
      <option value="BM">Bermuda (USD $)</option>
      <option value="BT">Bhutan (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="BO">Bolivia (BOB Bs)</option>
      <option value="BA">Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina (BAM KM)</option>
      <option value="BV">Bouvet Island (NOK kr)</option>
      <option value="BR">Brazil (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="IO">British Indian Ocean Territory (USD $)</option>
      <option value="VG">British Virgin Islands (USD $)</option>
      <option value="BN">Brunei (BND $)</option>
      <option value="BG">Bulgaria (BGN)</option>
      <option value="KH">Cambodia (KHR ៛)</option>
      <option value="CA">Canada (CAD $)</option>
      <option value="KY">Cayman Islands (KYD $)</option>
      <option value="CL">Chile (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="CN">China (CNY ¥)</option>
      <option value="CX">Christmas Island (AUD $)</option>
      <option value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AUD $)</option>
      <option value="CO">Colombia (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="CK">Cook Islands (NZD $)</option>
      <option value="CR">Costa Rica (CRC ₡)</option>
      <option value="HR">Croatia (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="CU">Cuba (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="CW">Curaçao (ANG)</option>
      <option value="CY">Cyprus (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="CZ">Czechia (CZK Kč)</option>
      <option value="DK">Denmark (DKK kr)</option>
      <option value="DM">Dominica (XCD $)</option>
      <option value="DO">Dominican Republic (DOP $)</option>
      <option value="EC">Ecuador (USD $)</option>
      <option value="SV">El Salvador (USD $)</option>
      <option value="EE">Estonia (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="FK">Falkland Islands (FKP £)</option>
      <option value="FO">Faroe Islands (DKK kr)</option>
      <option value="FJ">Fiji (FJD $)</option>
      <option value="FI">Finland (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="FR">France (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="GF">French Guiana (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="PF">French Polynesia (XPF CFPF)</option>
      <option value="TF">French Southern Territories (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="GE">Georgia (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="DE">Germany (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="GI">Gibraltar (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="GR">Greece (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="GL">Greenland (DKK kr)</option>
      <option value="GD">Grenada (XCD $)</option>
      <option value="GP">Guadeloupe (EUR €)</option>
      <option value="GT">Guatemala (GTQ Q)</option>
      <option value="GG">Guernsey (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="GY">Guyana (GYD $)</option>
      <option value="HT">Haiti (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="HM">Heard &amp; McDonald Islands (AUD $)</option>
      <option value="HN">Honduras (HNL L)</option>
      <option value="HK">Hong Kong SAR (HKD HK$)</option>
      <option value="HU">Hungary (HUF Ft)</option>
      <option value="IS">Iceland (ISK kr)</option>
      <option value="IN">India (INR ₹)</option>
      <option value="IR">Iran (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="IQ">Iraq (GBP £)</option>
      <option value="IE">Ireland (EUR €)</option>
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      <option value="WF">Wallis &amp; Futuna (XPF CFPF)</option>
      <option value="YE">Yemen (YER)</option>

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 * Keyboards
   Audio Keyboards
    * Steinberg Cubase
    * Avid Pro Tools
    * Adobe Audition
    * Ableton Live
    * FL Studio
    * Logic Pro
    * Presonus Studio One
    * Propellerhead Reason
    * Bitwig Studio
    * Hindenberg
   Video Editing Keyboards
    * Adobe Premiere Pro
    * Adobe After Effects
    * Avid Media Composer
    * Davinci Resolve
    * Edius
    * Final Cut Pro
    * Livestream
    * Lumafusion
    * Quantel
    * LUTS for video editing
   3D | Design | Photo
    * 3DS Studio
    * Adobe Illustrator
    * Adobe Lightroom
    * Adobe Photoshop
    * Cinema 4D
   Gaming Keyboards
    * Flight Simulator X
    * Flight Simulator 2020
   Standard Keyboards
    * MacOS Standard Backlit Keyboard
    * PC Standard Backlit Keyboard
    * Large Type Keyboard
   Premiere Gal Edition
   Backlit Wireless Premiere Keyboard
   Mac Keyboard Covers
   Protection and Shortcuts in one
 * Mac Keyboard Covers
   Audio Editing Covers
    * Avid Pro Tools
    * Designed for Steinberg Cubase
    * Adobe Audition
    * Ableton Live
    * Logic Pro
    * Presonus Studio One
    * Propellerhead Reason
    * Garageband
    * Djay
    * RekordBox
    * Serato
    * Traktor Pro
    * MacBook Pro Leather Case
   Video Editing Covers
    * After Effects
    * Avid Media Composer
    * Adobe Premiere Pro
    * Davinci Resolve
    * Final Cut Pro
    * iMovie
    * Lumafusion
    * MacBook Pro Leather Case
   Photo | Design Covers
    * Adobe Photoshop
    * Adobe Lightroom
    * Adobe Illustrator
    * Xcode
    * Vi and VIM
    * MacBook Pro Leather Case
   Clear & Language Covers
    * MacBook 14" and 16" Clear Cover
    * MacBook M1 with TouchbBar
    * Various Clear iMac and MacBook Covers
    * Clear Cover for Backlit Keyboard
    * ASL Sign Language Cover

 * Recording Equipment
    * SL150 USB Microphone
    * SL600 USB Microphone
   Vocal Booths and Stands
    * Vocal Booth Pro Head Unit
    * Vocal Booth Pro with Floor Stand
    * Vocal Booth Pro + Microphone Bundle
    * Microphone Stand
    * Desk Stand
    * SH-10 Headphones
    * Headphone Hanger
   Pop Filters & Accessories
    * Dual Layer Pop Filter
    * USB-C Multi Adapter
    * USB-C Cable
    * iPhone/iPad Mic Adapter
   SL600 Microphone
   The ultimate vocal microphone
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Starting with a custom sticker set, Editors Keys launched back in 2005 in
Norwich, England


Ecommerce Finalist at the Ecom Awards 2021.
Editors Keys was regognised for its product achievements


Editors Keys was a global top 10 finalist at the Shorty Awards in New York,
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Winner of the 'Best Keyboard Company' in 2018 by Corporate USA Today


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> I’m a long time fan of Editors Keys keyboards. Can’t wait to use the backlit
> keyboard, no more night time sessions in the studio fumbling around trying to
> find my shortcuts!”

Rik Simpson | Cold Plays, Grammy Award Winning Producer, Engineer, Mixer,
Musician & Writer.

> "The Editors Keys Keyboard was the best addition to my edit bay! It makes it
> so much more comfortable on my eyes to edit in a dark edit bay. I’m so glad
> someone finally designed a great keyboard for editors.”

John Zimmer | 7X Emmy Nominee and 3X Emmy Award Winning Editor at Chainsaw

> "The Ableton backlit keyboards are a great addition to our workflow. Every
> producers wants to spend the least amount of time figuring out shortcuts and
> these keyboards are a perfect solution to that, let's be honest, they just
> look really fucking cool in a studio setting!"

Vicetone - DJ Mags 'Top 100 DJs of all time.'

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 * Keyboards
    * Audio Keyboards
       * Steinberg Cubase
       * Avid Pro Tools
       * Adobe Audition
       * Ableton Live
       * FL Studio
       * Logic Pro
       * Presonus Studio One
       * Propellerhead Reason
       * Bitwig Studio
       * Hindenberg
    * Video Editing Keyboards
       * Adobe Premiere Pro
       * Adobe After Effects
       * Avid Media Composer
       * Davinci Resolve
       * Edius
       * Final Cut Pro
       * Livestream
       * Lumafusion
       * Quantel
       * LUTS for video editing
    * 3D | Design | Photo
       * 3DS Studio
       * Adobe Illustrator
       * Adobe Lightroom
       * Adobe Photoshop
       * Cinema 4D
    * Gaming Keyboards
       * Flight Simulator X
       * Flight Simulator 2020
    * Standard Keyboards
       * MacOS Standard Backlit Keyboard
       * PC Standard Backlit Keyboard
       * Large Type Keyboard
   Premiere Gal Edition
   Backlit Wireless Premiere Keyboard
   Mac Keyboard Covers
   Protection and Shortcuts in one
 * Mac Keyboard Covers
    * Audio Editing Covers
       * Avid Pro Tools
       * Designed for Steinberg Cubase
       * Adobe Audition
       * Ableton Live
       * Logic Pro
       * Presonus Studio One
       * Propellerhead Reason
       * Garageband
       * Djay
       * RekordBox
       * Serato
       * Traktor Pro
       * MacBook Pro Leather Case
    * Video Editing Covers
       * After Effects
       * Avid Media Composer
       * Adobe Premiere Pro
       * Davinci Resolve
       * Final Cut Pro
       * iMovie
       * Lumafusion
       * MacBook Pro Leather Case
    * Photo | Design Covers
       * Adobe Photoshop
       * Adobe Lightroom
       * Adobe Illustrator
       * Xcode
       * Vi and VIM
       * MacBook Pro Leather Case
    * Clear & Language Covers
       * MacBook 14" and 16" Clear Cover
       * MacBook M1 with TouchbBar
       * Various Clear iMac and MacBook Covers
       * Clear Cover for Backlit Keyboard
       * ASL Sign Language Cover

 * Recording Equipment
    * Microphones
       * SL150 USB Microphone
       * SL600 USB Microphone
    * Vocal Booths and Stands
       * Vocal Booth Pro Head Unit
       * Vocal Booth Pro with Floor Stand
       * Vocal Booth Pro + Microphone Bundle
       * Microphone Stand
       * Desk Stand
    * Headphones
       * SH-10 Headphones
       * Headphone Hanger
    * Pop Filters & Accessories
       * Dual Layer Pop Filter
       * USB-C Multi Adapter
       * USB-C Cable
       * iPhone/iPad Mic Adapter
   SL600 Microphone
   The ultimate vocal microphone
 * Apparel

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