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Submitted URL: https://elp.egonzehnder.com/q/NFNKPNPRGT
Effective URL: https://elp.egonzehnder.com/q/gen/base/run360/id/91052/user/8db89df23a3e560a2577db107397048a/pw/71650441
Submission: On November 15 via api from IE — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: formPOST https://elp.egonzehnder.com/q/gen/base/submit360/id/91052/user/8db89df23a3e560a2577db107397048a/pw/71650441/sect/1/lang/ENG

<form name="form" method="post" action="https://elp.egonzehnder.com/q/gen/base/submit360/id/91052/user/8db89df23a3e560a2577db107397048a/pw/71650441/sect/1/lang/ENG">
  <input type="hidden" name="JS_Enabled" value="1">
  <input type="hidden" name="Clock_Hidden" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="Multi_Rater" value="0">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    document.form.JS_Enabled.value = "1";
  <div id="survey-content">
    <div class="objectives_box">
      <div class="objectives_top">
      <div class="objectives_content"> 360° feedback provides a unique opportunity to find out how you perceive the way him/her work. The survey is the first stage in a development journey as its purpose is to help the individual understand what has
        made him/her successful in the past and how (s)he could be even more successful in the future. </div>
      <div class="objectives_bottom">
    <h2 class="center">Please read the following information carefully.</h2>
    <div id="instructions">
      <h3>How does the survey work?</h3>
      <p>360° feedback works by providing the individual with a survey containing statements about the behaviours that are his/her key to success in the workplace. You will rate the extent to which the individual uses the behaviours described in each
        of the statements using the following rating scale:</p>
      <table id="scale-definitions-instr" summary="This table describes the rating scale used in the 360°feedback statements.">
        <caption>Rating scale</caption>
            <th scope="col">Rating scale</th>
            <td><b>1. Strongly disagree</b> </td>
            <td><b>2. Disagree</b> </td>
            <td><b>3. Neutral</b> </td>
            <td><b>4. Agree</b> </td>
            <td><b>5. Strongly Agree</b> </td>
      <p>The most effective way to respond to the statements in the survey is to think of actual situations in which you have seen the individual use the behaviours. It is essential that you give your honest view on if (s)he uses the behaviours
        described in each statement.</p>
      <p> Your responses and feedback are anonymous. You are therefore encouraged to be honest in your feedback. This is your opportunity to help the individual understand what they have done in the past that has enabled them to be more successful as
        well as the things they might develop in order to be even more successful in the future. </p>
      <h3>What happens at the end of the survey?</h3>
      <p>All the responses to this survey will be collated into a report. Ratings will be summarised at a group level (i.e. subordinates, peers, etc).</p>
        <li>You are rating the extent of which the individual uses the behaviour&nbsp;described in each statement.</li>
        <li>Please be totally honest and answer all the questions from your own point of view - as you see things.</li>
        <li>All responses will be treated as strictly confidential.&nbsp;The value of 360° feedback is in the accuracy of the ratings people give because their identity is protected.</li>
        <li>If you wish to take a break from completing the survey click the button at the bottom of the page labelled "save". This will save your answers. You can re-access your survey by clicking the link in the email you received.</li>
        <li>When you have finished completing the survey click the button at the bottom of the page labelled "submit". Your survey responses will not be processed until your do this.</li>
    <div id="post-instructions">
  <div id="side-nav-bar-right" class="side-nav-bar" onclick="(this.firstElementChild || this.children[0]).click();" onselectstart="event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;"><input type="image" name="BNEXT"
      src="/q/images/right-ez.png" alt="Next" title="Next" value="submit" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/q/images/right-orange.png';"></div>
  <div id="side-nav-bar-left" class="side-nav-bar hidden" onclick="(this.firstElementChild || this.children[0]).click();" onselectstart="event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;"><input type="image" name="BPREV"
      src="/q/images/left-ez.png" alt="Previous" title="Previous" value="submit" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/q/images/left-orange.png';" formnovalidate=""></div>
  <div id="progress-bar">
    <div id="navigation-buttons" align="center">
      <input type="submit" name="BINTRO" value="Introduction" style="display: none;" id="intro-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" formnovalidate=""><input type="submit" name="BPREV" value="Previous" style="display: none;" id="prev-button"
        onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" formnovalidate=""><input type="submit" name="BSAVE" value="Save" style="" id="save-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" formnovalidate=""><input type="submit" name="BFINISH" value="Finish"
        style="display: none;" id="finish-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);"><input type="submit" name="BNEXT" value="Next" style="" id="next-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);"><input type="submit" name="BNEXT" value="Next"
        style="display: none;" id="start-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);"><input type="submit" name="BSUBMIT" value="Submit" style="display: none;" id="submit-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);"><input type="submit"
        name="BRESUME" value="Resume" style="display: none;" id="resume-button" onclick="return doSubmit(this,event);" formnovalidate="">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var nextBtnId = "next-button";
    <table width="100%" border="0">
        <tr width="100%">
          <td align="left" id="progressbar-td">Page <span id="progressbar-current">1</span>/<span id="progressbar-total">29</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1&nbsp;<span class="progbar-fill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span
              class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span class="progbar-nofill">&nbsp;</span><span style="border-left: 1px solid black;">&nbsp;<span id="progressbar-finish">29</span></span></td>
          <td align="right"><a href="mailto:support@getfeedback.net">Support/Help</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; © <a href="http://www.egonzehnder.com/" target="_blank">Egon Zehnder</a> 2018</td>
          <td align="right">Assessment technology powered by Getfeedback</td>
    <div id="progress-bar-minimizer" title="Click to hide the progress bar."> - </div>

Text Content


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Please give a response to the highlighted question(s) before continuing
360° feedback provides a unique opportunity to find out how you perceive the way
him/her work. The survey is the first stage in a development journey as its
purpose is to help the individual understand what has made him/her successful in
the past and how (s)he could be even more successful in the future.



360° feedback works by providing the individual with a survey containing
statements about the behaviours that are his/her key to success in the
workplace. You will rate the extent to which the individual uses the behaviours
described in each of the statements using the following rating scale:

Rating scale Rating scale 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

The most effective way to respond to the statements in the survey is to think of
actual situations in which you have seen the individual use the behaviours. It
is essential that you give your honest view on if (s)he uses the behaviours
described in each statement.

Your responses and feedback are anonymous. You are therefore encouraged to be
honest in your feedback. This is your opportunity to help the individual
understand what they have done in the past that has enabled them to be more
successful as well as the things they might develop in order to be even more
successful in the future.


All the responses to this survey will be collated into a report. Ratings will be
summarised at a group level (i.e. subordinates, peers, etc).


 * You are rating the extent of which the individual uses the
   behaviour described in each statement.
 * Please be totally honest and answer all the questions from your own point of
   view - as you see things.
 * All responses will be treated as strictly confidential. The value of 360°
   feedback is in the accuracy of the ratings people give because their identity
   is protected.
 * If you wish to take a break from completing the survey click the button at
   the bottom of the page labelled "save". This will save your answers. You can
   re-access your survey by clicking the link in the email you received.
 * When you have finished completing the survey click the button at the bottom
   of the page labelled "submit". Your survey responses will not be processed
   until your do this.

Page 1/29   1                               29Support/Help |  © Egon Zehnder
2018  Assessment technology powered by Getfeedback


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