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        <div class="heading-popup"> Select Your Monthly Income </div> &gt;
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          <label for="" class="salary-label">Select Net Monthly Income</label>
          <select name="corporate" id="corporate" class="select-salary">
            <option selected="selected" value="0">Select</option>
            <option value="IR">Net Monthly Salary of 10,000-14,999K</option>
            <option value="IG">Net Monthly Salary of 15K-19,999</option>
            <option value="CR">Net Monthly Salary of 20K-24,999</option>
            <option value="NU">Net Monthly Salary of 25K-39,999</option>
            <option value="NY">Net Monthly Salary of 40K-49,999</option>
            <option value="NV">Net Monthly Salary of 50K-74,999</option>
            <option value="SL">Net Monthly Salary of 75K-1,24,999</option>
            <option value="EC">Net Monthly Salary of 1.25Lacs -2,49,999</option>
            <option value="DF">Net Monthly Salary of 4Lacs and Above</option>
            <option value="GZ">Net Monthly Salary of 2.5 Lacs-3,99,999</option>
          <span id="CorpSpan"></span>
        <p class="note">Choose the appropriate option to proceed with Account Opening</p>
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      <p class="title">Consent to Use, Share and Disclose Registered Communication Contact Details</p>
      <p>I/We hereby <strong>ACCEPT, AUTHORISE, CONFIRM AND PERMIT</strong> IndusInd Bank Limited ("Bank") to <strong>USE, SHARE AND DISCLOSE</strong> any/all of my/our registered communication contact addresses/details (postal, e-mail, mobile
        number, social media platforms/channels etc.), that I/we have willingly registered/shared with the Bank for the purpose of <strong>(A)</strong> receiving information, either from the Bank, Central KYC Registry and/or through any of the Bank's
        authorised Service Providers / Agency(ies)/Professional Advisors related to the operations of my/our account(s)/services availed by me /us from the Bank; and/or <strong>(B)</strong> API based authentication where my/our details are being auto
        fetched/ populated to process my banking requests/applications on/through the Bank's Web Applications/Systems; and/or <strong>(C)</strong> any kind of promotional/research/feedback based exercise about the Bank's products/services that I/we
        must/may be made aware for general consumption or to provide feedback as an existing customer of the Bank; until such time I request/notify the Bank to stop sending communication to any/all of my/our registered communication addresses/details
        as per the Bank's defined process and knowing that the Bank will ensure security and confidentiality to all my communication contact details provided by me/us. If I am /we are or become a Non Resident Indian (NRI) / foreign national, I
        confirm that the following consent is well within my capacity as a Non-Resident Indian and by doing so I do not violate or breach in any manner the regulations or statutes of the country of my residence as are applicable to me.</p>
      <p>Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, in case I/we opt out from the above and tick 'NO' below, the Bank shall be entitled to use/share/disclose my communication contact addresses/details to send me/us all communication either
        through select/mandated communication channels, those that are deemed necessary for the <strong>(A)</strong> smooth processing of my/our account operations/service request(s) <strong>(B)</strong> for general awareness and/or
        <strong>(C)</strong> any statutory action required to be undertaken by me/us as per the applicable laws and guidelines/regulations/directions/notifications prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance India,
        government/quasi-government authorities and any other authorities governing the financial and banking operations whether in India or outside India.</p>
      <div class="disclaimer">
        <p class="title">DISCLAIMER</p>
          <i>This material is for general informational purposes only and is not investment advice nor does it constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell a particular financial instrument. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, risk profile or the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this material. No representation is made that the information contained herein is accurate in all material respects, complete or up to date. Recipients of this document are to contact the representative in their local jurisdiction or contact details given in this document with regard to any matters or questions arising from, or in connection with, the document. The information contained herein is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject IndusInd Bank to additional licensing or registration requirements. It may not be copied, reproduced, posted, transmitted or redistributed in any form without the prior written consent of the Bank. This publication is for general information only, without addressing any particular needs of any individual or entity, and should not be relied upon without obtaining specific advice in the context of specific circumstances.</i>
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      <p>We recommend you select this checkbox. This will enable us to reach out to you for assisting with account opening process. Though you can still continue with the account opening journey.</p>
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Text Content

 * 1860 267 7777


Select Your Monthly Income
Select Net Monthly Income Select Net Monthly Salary of 10,000-14,999K Net
Monthly Salary of 15K-19,999 Net Monthly Salary of 20K-24,999 Net Monthly Salary
of 25K-39,999 Net Monthly Salary of 40K-49,999 Net Monthly Salary of 50K-74,999
Net Monthly Salary of 75K-1,24,999 Net Monthly Salary of 1.25Lacs -2,49,999 Net
Monthly Salary of 4Lacs and Above Net Monthly Salary of 2.5 Lacs-3,99,999

Choose the appropriate option to proceed with Account Opening

Consent to Use, Share and Disclose Registered Communication Contact Details

I/We hereby ACCEPT, AUTHORISE, CONFIRM AND PERMIT IndusInd Bank Limited ("Bank")
to USE, SHARE AND DISCLOSE any/all of my/our registered communication contact
addresses/details (postal, e-mail, mobile number, social media
platforms/channels etc.), that I/we have willingly registered/shared with the
Bank for the purpose of (A) receiving information, either from the Bank, Central
KYC Registry and/or through any of the Bank's authorised Service Providers /
Agency(ies)/Professional Advisors related to the operations of my/our
account(s)/services availed by me /us from the Bank; and/or (B) API based
authentication where my/our details are being auto fetched/ populated to process
my banking requests/applications on/through the Bank's Web Applications/Systems;
and/or (C) any kind of promotional/research/feedback based exercise about the
Bank's products/services that I/we must/may be made aware for general
consumption or to provide feedback as an existing customer of the Bank; until
such time I request/notify the Bank to stop sending communication to any/all of
my/our registered communication addresses/details as per the Bank's defined
process and knowing that the Bank will ensure security and confidentiality to
all my communication contact details provided by me/us. If I am /we are or
become a Non Resident Indian (NRI) / foreign national, I confirm that the
following consent is well within my capacity as a Non-Resident Indian and by
doing so I do not violate or breach in any manner the regulations or statutes of
the country of my residence as are applicable to me.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, in case I/we opt out from the
above and tick 'NO' below, the Bank shall be entitled to use/share/disclose my
communication contact addresses/details to send me/us all communication either
through select/mandated communication channels, those that are deemed necessary
for the (A) smooth processing of my/our account operations/service request(s)
(B) for general awareness and/or (C) any statutory action required to be
undertaken by me/us as per the applicable laws and
guidelines/regulations/directions/notifications prescribed by the Reserve Bank
of India, Ministry of Finance India, government/quasi-government authorities and
any other authorities governing the financial and banking operations whether in
India or outside India.


This material is for general informational purposes only and is not investment
advice nor does it constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or
sell a particular financial instrument. It does not have regard to the specific
investment objectives, financial situation, risk profile or the particular needs
of any specific person who may receive this material. No representation is made
that the information contained herein is accurate in all material respects,
complete or up to date. Recipients of this document are to contact the
representative in their local jurisdiction or contact details given in this
document with regard to any matters or questions arising from, or in connection
with, the document. The information contained herein is not intended for
distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such
distribution or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which
would subject IndusInd Bank to additional licensing or registration
requirements. It may not be copied, reproduced, posted, transmitted or
redistributed in any form without the prior written consent of the Bank. This
publication is for general information only, without addressing any particular
needs of any individual or entity, and should not be relied upon without
obtaining specific advice in the context of specific circumstances.

We recommend you select this checkbox. This will enable us to reach out to you
for assisting with account opening process. Though you can still continue with
the account opening journey.

Get in touch with us

 * ☎ 1860 267 7777
 * ☎ 022 44066666
 * Copyrights © Indusind Bank 2023