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Welcome to Quantum Brain, Quantum Mind & Quantum Consciousness
~ A Spin, Existence & Consciousness Research Group of QuantumDream, Inc.~


Invited Speaker at Physics Beyond Relativity in Prague, Czech Republic, held on
October 18-21, 2019: Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu, Experimental Evidence of Nonlocal
Gravitational Effect & Nature of Gravity Abstract; PDF of the Talk; and Youtube

Invited Speaker at Water Conference in Bulgaria on October 18-21, 2018 : Huping
Hu & Maoxin Wu, Experimental Evidence of Nonlocal Physical & Chemical Effects in
Water Abstract; and Youtube Video.


Released on September 15, 2019 40. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2019), Other Plausible
Mechanisms of Anesthetic Action within the Framework of Spin-Mediated
Consciousness Theory. JCER 10(8): pp. 700-721;viXra:1909.0303; preprint here.
Released on September 8, 2019 39. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2019), Mechanism of
Xenon Anesthetic Action in Spin-mediated Consciousness Theory & Its Experimental
Support. JCER 10(6): pp. 425-442; viXra:1909.0172; preprint here. Book Chapter
published in October, 2016 38. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2016), Quantum Spin
Formulism on Consciousness, in Biophysics of Consciousness (pp. 415-458),
Poznanski, R. R., Tuszynski, J. A. & Feinberg, T. E. Eds; World Scientific
Publishing Co.

Released on November 30, 2014 37. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Modeling Methods
Based on Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model. Prespacetime Journal 5(11): pp.
1295-1337, viXra:1412.0115; SciRePrints:ID264; preprint here.
36. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model II.
Prespacetime Journal 5(11): pp. 1244-1294, viXra:1412.0116; SciRePrints:ID263;
preprint here.
35. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model I.
Prespacetime Journal 5(12): pp. 1164-1243, viXra:1412.0117; SciRePrints:ID262;
preprint here.
34. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Modeling Methods Based on Premomentumenergy
Model. Prespacetime Journal 5(11): pp. 1143-1163, viXra:1412.0118;
SciRePrints:ID261; preprint here.
33. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Premomentumenergy Model II. Prespacetime
Journal 5(11): pp. 1111-1142, viXra:1412.0119; SciRePrints:ID260; preprint here.
32. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2014), Premomentumenergy Model I. Prespacetime
Journal 5(11): pp. 1042-1110 , viXra:1412.0120; SciRePrints:ID259; preprint

Released on December 29, 2013 31. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2013), What Is Quantum
Gravity? What Is Graviton? Prespacetime Journal 4(11): pp. 1003-1026,
viXra:1411.0588; SciRePrints:ID258; preprint here.

Released on July 8, 2013 30. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2013), Modeling Method Based
on Prespacetime Model II. Prespacetime Journal 4(6): pp. 641-660,
viXra:1411.0594; SciRePrints:ID257; preprint here.
29. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2013), Modeling Method Based on Prespacetime Model I.
Prespacetime Journal 4(6): pp. 641-660, viXra:1411.0590; SciRePrints:ID256;
preprint here.

Released on February 18, 2013 28. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2013), Human
Consciousness as Limited Version of Universal Consciousness. JCER 4(1): pp.
52-68; viXra:1311.0125; SciRePrints:ID242; preprint here.

Released on June 20, 2012 27. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2012), New Nonlocal
Biological Effect. NeuroQuantology 10(3): pp. 462-467; viXra:1206.0076;
SciRePrints:ID216; preprint here. Note: The findings reported above are subject
of a U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/492,830 filed on June 9, 2012 which is
a continuation-in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
11/670,996 filed on 02/04/2007.

Released on December 21, 2010 26. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2010), The Principle of
Existence II: Genesis of Matrix Law & Math of Ether. SGJ V1(9);
SciRePrints:ID162; preprint here.
25. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2010), Consciousness Medited Spin II: Genesis of
Matrix Law (alt. version of paper 1). JCER Vol 1 Issue 9; viXra:1012.0042;
preprint here.
24. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2010), Prespacetime Model II: Genesis of Matrix Law
(alt. version of paper 1). PSTJ Vol 1 Issue 10; viXra:1012.0043; preprint here.
Note: The models described in the above work are the subject of an U.S. patent
application (App. No. 12/973,633) filed with USPTO on 12/20/2010.

Released on November 10, 2010 23. H. Hu & M. Wu (2010), Landscape and Direction
of Quantum Brain Research. JCER V1(8): 888-897; viXra:1011.0020;
SciRePrints:ID150; preprint here.
22. H. Hu & M. Wu (2010), Experimental Support of Spin-mediated Consciousness
Theory. JCER V1(8): 907-936; viXra:1011.0021; SciRePrints:ID151; preprint here.
21. H. Hu & M. Wu (2010), Consciousness-mediated Spin Theory. JCER V1(8):
937-970; viXra:1011.0022; SciRePrints:ID152; preprint here.


YouTube Videos Released by Scientific GOD Inc.
04/24/2011: New Internationale in English & New Internationale in Chinese
12/25/2010: Mathematical Proof of Scientific GOD (Click here for the text)
Become a Friend of Scientific GOD Inc. on Facebook

YouTube Videos Released by QuantumDream, Inc.
12/25/2009: GOD's Scientific Truth Is Marching on (See lyrics)
12/25/2008: We Have a Dream


QuantumDream, Inc. publishes: ~~ DNA Decipher Journal ~~ Prespacetime Journal ~~
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research.

Scientific GOD Inc. ("SGI") publishes Scientific GOD Journal (SGI is a
not-for-profit organization. Please make a Financial Contribution)

Links: 1. Scientific GOD Prize 2. Scientific (GOD) (ALLAH) (Tao) (Buddhism)
Institute 3. Science Association for the NM 4. Scribd (SGInc)
5. Scribd (QDInc) 6. NeuroQuantology 7. Cogprints 8. arXiv.org 9. Medical
Hypotheses ~ Paper I ~ Paper II 10. viXra.org
11. PiP Paper I ~ PiP Paper II 12. Journal Psyche 13. SciRePrints 14. Alice Hu's
Music 15. My Grandmother


Released on December 21, 2009 20. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2009), The Principle of
Existence: Toward a Scientific Theory of Everything. SGJ Inaugural Issue;
viXra:0912.0047; preprint here.
19. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2010), Toward a Science of Consciousness (alternative
version of paper 7). JCER Inaugural Issue; SciRePrints:ID58; preprint here.
18. Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu (2010), Prespacetime Model of Elementary Particles
(alternative version of paper 7). PSTJ Inaugural Issue; viXra:1001.0011;
preprint here.
Note: The models and applications described in the above original work are the
subject of a provisional patent application (App. No. 61/288333) filed with
USPTO on 12/20/09.


On one hand, transcendental aspect of consciousness is the seat of spin; on the
other hand,
spin is the seat of [immanent] consciousness and the linchpin between mind and
the brain, that is, spin is the mind-pixel
Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D., Chief Investigator

I couldn't agree more! It seems that Nature has picked the perfect candidate as
mind-pixel - the quantum spin
Maoxin Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Collaborator

Talk at Quantum Mind 2007 in Salzburg Talk at Toward a Science of Consciousness
2007 in Budapest
Talk at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2006 in Tucson
Talk at Quantum Mind 2003 in Tucson ( Scenes from Quantum Mind 2003 )
Downloads: Monograph containing recent papers ~ A stripped-down version at arXiv
as quant-ph/0208068v5


Essays, Opinions & Reviews 17. Huping Hu (2008), Reflection 2008: The State of
Science, Religion and Consciousness. NeuroQuantology 6(4): 323-332 (2008); click
here for the preprint.
16. Huping Hu (2008), Quantum Enigma - Physics Encounters Consciousness (Book
Review). Appeared in Journal Psyche 15 (2009); Cogprints:ID6312; preprint here.
15. Huping Hu (2008), We Have a Dream PDF (also in html). Appeared as letter to
editor in NeuroQuantology 6(1): 75-79 (2008).

Papers, Summaries etc.

14. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2007), Concerning spin as mind-pixel: How mind
interacts with brain through electric spin effects. Appeared in NeuroQuantology
6(1): 26-31 (2008); Cogprints:ID5955; click here for the preprint.

13. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2007), Thinking outside the box III: How mind
influences brain through "proactive" spin. Appeared in NeuroQuantology 5(2):
205-213 (2007); Cogprints:ID5614; click here for the preprint.

Summary of Experimental Findings
(Experimental findings are subjects of US and PCT patent applications filed by
Huping Hu.)

12. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2006), Evidence of nonlocal chemical, thermal and
gravitational effects. Appeared in Progress in Physics, 2007, v.2, 17-24.

11. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2006), Evidence of non-local physical, chemical and
biological effects supports quantum brain. Appeared in NeuroQuantology 4(4):
291-306 (2006); Cogprints:ID5613. Also Part III in arXiv:quant-ph/020868v4.

10. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2006), Ed-Op: Thinking outside the box II: The
origin, implications and applications of gravity and its role in consciousness.
Appeared in NeuroQuantology 5(2): 190-196 (2007). Cogprints:ID5259; click here
for the article. We dedicate this article to the memories of Isaac Newton and
Ernst Mach – Our humble attempt at truth is only possible by standing on the
shoulders of these and other unnamed giants.

These experimental findings were presented at Quantum Mind 2007 in Salzburg
(click here for our talk) and Toward a Science of Consciousness 2007 in Budapest
(click here for our talk).

9. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2006), Nonlocal effects of chemical substances on
the brain produced through quantum entanglement. Appeared in Progress in
Physics, 2006, v.3.

8. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2006), Photon induced non-local effects of general
anaesthetics on the brain. Appeared in March 2006 Special Issue of
NeuroQuantology 4(1): 17-31(2006); Cogprints:ID4783; or click here. Also Part II
in arXiv:quant-ph/020868v4.

These experimental findings were presented at Toward a Science of Consciousness
2006 (April 4-8) at the Concurrent Talk Session (Please see our Updated
Abstract; Talk in webpage format; or Talk in PDF format).

7. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2005), Thinking outside the box: the essence and
implications of quantum entanglement. Appeared in March 2006 Special Issue of
NeuroQuantology 4(1): 5-16 (2006); Cogprints:ID4581; or click here.

6. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2004), Possible roles of neural electron spin
networks in memory and consciousness, Cogprints:ID3544; CDS:EXT-2004-027.

5. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2004), Action potential modulation of neural spin
networks suggests possible role of spin in memory and consciousness,
Cogprints:ID3458; CDS:EXT-2004-015; This paper has appeared in NeuroQuantology
2(4):309-317 (2004).

4. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2004), Spin-mediated consciousness theory: possible
roles of neural membrane nuclear spin ensembles and paramagnetic oxygen. This
fully integrated version has appeared in Medical Hypotheses 63(4): 633-646 and
is available online through ScienceDirect; Cogprints:ID6012.

3. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2003), Spin as primordial self-referential process
driving quantum mechanics, spacetime dynamics and consciousness,
Cogprints:ID2827. This paper has appeared in NeuroQuantology 2(1):41-49 (2004)
as an invited contribution.

2. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2002), Spin-mediated consciousness theory: possible
roles of oxygen unpaired electronic spins and neural membrane nuclear spin
ensemble in memory and consciousness, arXiv:quant-ph/0208068v1 (dualistic
approach); Cogprints:ID2579 (pan-protopsychic approach). The basic ideas
contained in these preprints were presented at Quantum Mind 2003 with
refinements (PDF). A fully integrated version has appeared in Medical Hypotheses
63(4): 633-646 with latest development and is available online through

1. Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu (2001), Mechanism of anesthetic action: oxygen
pathway perturbation hypothesis, Medical Hypotheses 57(5): 619-627;
arXiv:physics/0101083; Cogprints:ID6011.

Overview (dated 7/5/2003)

Contributions to Conferences
6. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2008 (April 8-12): Abstract "Concerning
Spin as Mind-pixel: How Mind Interacts with the Brain through Electric Spin

5. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2007: Abstract "Evidence of non-local
physical, chemical and biological effects supports quantum brain." Presented as
a concurrent talk. You can view our talk here in PDF.

4. Quantum Mind 2007:Abstract "Experimental Approach to Quantum Brain: Evidence
of Nonlocal Neural, Chemical, Thermal and Gravitational Effects." Presented as a
concurrent talk. You can view our talk here in PDF. For conference abstracts,
please click here.

3. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2006 (April 4-8): Updated Abstract
"Experiemtnal Testing of Spin-Mediated Consciousness Theory and Biological
Entanglement: Photon-induced non-local effects of general anesthetics on the
brain" (please click here for the original Abstract). You can view our talk here
as web pages or in PDF format.

2. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2004: Abstract "Action Potential Modulation
of Neural Spin Networks Suggests Possible Role of Spin in Cognition and Supports
Spin-Mediated Consciousness Theory."

1. Quantum Mind 2003: "Spin-Mediated Consciousness Theory" was presented with
latest developments at the first concurrent session. You can view our talk here
as web pages or download in PDF format. For conference abstracts, please click

News Articles
1. Mystery of Anesthetic Mechanism May Be Solved.
2. Come agisce l' anestesia generale? .

To read more about the authors, please click here.

P.S. If you need us, please send e-mail, thank you.


Spin is likely the primordial self-referential process driving quantum
mechanics, spacetime dynamics and [immanent] consciousness,
Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.

All things by immortal power, Near and Far, Hiddenly To each other linked are,
That thou canst not stir a flower Without troubling of a star. - Francis
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity
in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake


We Have a Dream

A Call to All Men and Women of Science and Religion to Rise Up!


Declaration of Scientific Principle
When in the course of scientific endeavor, it becomes apparent that deeper truth
exist, a decent respect to Nature requires that such truth be explored. We hold
these truth to be scientifically approachable, that all forms of existence are
interconnected, that they possess certain fundamental and unalienable
properties. That to describe this interconnectedness and these properties,
successive theories shall be constructed by mankind, deriving their explanatory
and predictive powers from the approximations of laws of Nature. That whenever
any theory becomes inadequate of these ends, it is the duties of mankind to
modify it or to abolish it, and to establish new ones, laying the foundation on
such principles and organizing the structures in such forms, as to mankind shall
seem most likely to reflect their understanding and knowledge of Nature (In
memory of Thomas Jefferson, October, 2003). No Science or Religion is higher
than truth (In memory of HPB)

The State of Scientific Journalism: Being the mouthpieces and servants of the
establishment sciences, the majority of mainstream science journals and
electronic archives reject almost everything which does not meet establishment’s
approval, although they speak of freedom and impartiality of scientific
journalism. In so doing, they have perverted editorial screening and peer-review
from impartial screening and review into instrumentations of suppression by the
establishment and double-layered veil for themselves to hide their hypocrisy and
servitude to the establishment. Dante Alighieri once said that "[t]he darkest
places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of
moral crisis."


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