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          <div class="QouteText"> I wish to express my gratitude to&nbsp; CEEMAN for this recognition [which] belongs not only to me, but also to all collaborators in Estonian Business School and other schools and research institutions.<br>
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            <h1>Champions 2018</h1>
            <h2><strong>Innovative Pedagogy</strong></h2>
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              <div class="contactImage"><img width="100" title="Zoltan Buzady_Champion 2018" src="/images/default-source/person-portraits/zoltan-buzady_champion-2018.jpg?sfvrsn=0"></div>
              <div class="contactText"><strong>Zoltan Buzady</strong>Corvinus Business School, Hungary</div>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Dr. Zoltan Buzady (BA-Law, MBA, PhD-Strategy) is Associate Professor of Leadership. At Corvinus University and at CEU Business School he had served as Faculty Director of MBA programs. Zoltan is an expert
              in participant-centered education and is the first person to have won twice the CEEMAN case competition awards. Guided by the motto "Learning, Leading, Leapfrogging", Zoltan has a quarter-century of experimentation and innovation at the
              interface of Leadership, Cross-cultural People Management and Organizational Strategy.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Together with Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, founder of positive psychology, and other colleagues they have developed FLIGBY, <a href="http://www.fligby.com">www.fligby.com</a>, the global #1-award-winning
              and official Flow-Leadership Development Simulation Game. FLIGBY is a great pedagogical innovation and opens new vistas for training and leadership research: As Director of the ‘Leadership &amp; Flow Global Research Network’,
              <a href="https://flowleadership.org/">www.flowleadership.org</a>, his current research focuses on combining Self-Development and Change Management ideas, aiming to further Leadership Development that is applicable in different cultural
              and situational contexts. Corporations and business schools now use this newly gained insights for better Talent Management and Staffing Strategies, based on modern big-data and predictive HR analysis. Zoltan is FLIGBY Ambassador for
              the former-Soviet Union region.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Zoltan has been selected by Google as an official Google+Create member and they now globally promote his innovative and thought-leading Google+ collections on Leadership, Flow-theory, Design Thinking, Case
              Method Teaching and on Effective Management Education. Contact him - follow him on Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook. He, his wife and their twin teenagers live in beautiful Budapest.</p>
            <h2><strong>Responsible Management Education</strong></h2>
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              <div class="contactImage"><img width="100" title="Daniil Muravski_Champion 2018" src="/images/default-source/person-portraits/daniil-muravski_champion-2018.jpg?sfvrsn=0"></div>
              <div class="contactText"><strong>Daniil Muravskii</strong>Institute of Business Studies (IBS-Moscow), RANEPA, Russia</div>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Daniil Muravskii is a senior lecturer at IBS-Moscow, RANEPA. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the St. Petersburg University. He has been teaching marketing since 2012 and has over 20 scientific
              publications. Coming from a reach background in managing consulting projects for the largest international companies, in his teaching practice he strives to align modern marketing science with current industry demand. Together with the
              Chief Digital Officer at L'Oreal Russia he launched the first "Digital marketing management" course in Russia, which is aimed at preparing future specialists to deal with the challenges of planning and managing digital marketing
              campaigns in international organisations.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Daniil actively applies modern educational technologies, such as gamification, blended format courses, and flipped classroom approaches. As the Director of Digital marketing and online education studio
              (GSOM studio) he managed the creation of numerous online courses for his colleagues and large Russian companies. His training "Gamification for managers" received critical acclaim, and has been used to educate both students and managers
              in using gamification and other non-material incentives to increase the motivation and efficiency of staff.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">He is also the founder of MOST (MObile STudents) - a student project targeted at creating friendly environment and accessible facilities in the sphere of higher education for people with restricted
              mobility. MOST organized educational, entertaining and sports events engaging thousands of students and encouraging them to interact freely with successful, interesting and inspiring people with disabilities.</p>
            <h2><strong>Institutional Management</strong></h2>
            <div class="contactPerson">
              <div class="contactImage"><img width="100" title="Sophia Opatska_Champion 2018" src="/images/default-source/person-portraits/sophia-opatska_champion-2018.jpg?sfvrsn=0"></div>
              <div class="contactText"><strong>Sophia Opatska</strong>Lviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine</div>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Sophia Opatska is the Founding Dean and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS) and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Being a mother of
              two, she tirelessly and devotedly develops the environment in which she works and, at the same time, she grows professionally. Sophia is a vivid example of women's leadership, the idea that LvBS is constantly promoting and supporting in
              its programs.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Her areas of expertise are Organizational Behavior and Learning Organizations, Organization Development, Entrepreneurship. With this expertise background, during the time of economic crisis in 2008, she
              became one of the founders of Lviv Business School of UCU, aiming the idea to bring the community of business people inside Ukraine together with a common goal of promoting the «brand» of Ukraine outside the country. This is where the
              mission of LvBS originates from: putting «Ukraine on the World Business-map». During this decade under the leadership of Sophia Opatska LvBS has developed from a small start-up to a truly successful institution and now LvBS is one of
              the three best business schools in Ukraine. Starting from one program Key Executive MBA in 2008, LvBS has now 3 more: MSc in Technology Management, MA in Human Resources and Organization Development and MSc in Innovations. Up to 20
              names of open-enrollment programs of Executive Education run every year in different Ukrainian cities. Within the process of reforming the country, LvBS has being involved with educating of 1000 Ukrainian state officials for the last 4
              years. In 2016 the School was internationally acknowledged by CEEMAN IQA accreditation. LvBS now has 82 faculty from 15 countries who work full time or are visiting professors on regular basis. 96,3% of LvBS graduates said that studies
              at LvBS was valuable investement.</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">But it’s not about education only. Lviv Business School is an organization which grows companies by growing people. That is why at the very beginning of the school’s founding, the Community of LvBS was
              created: a unique platform for business development, an environment for networking that stay in close contact with LvBS thanks to special meetings and events that are aimed at life-long learning. Community participants develop
              partnerships not only in their businesses, but also in social projects (social entrepreneurship, scholarships for UCU students and LvBS students, etc).</p>
            <p style="text-align: justify;">Currently, Sophia is taking care of the School’s development strategies from the position of a member of the Supervisory Board, having stepped away from daily management activities after she accepted an
              offer for the position of Academic Vice-Rector at UCU. She has shaped a reliable team that she can trust. But she is always there, if there is a need of advice or support.</p>
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The International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies
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I wish to express my gratitude to  CEEMAN for this recognition [which] belongs
not only to me, but also to all collaborators in Estonian Business School and
other schools and research institutions.

Ruth Alas,
Estonian Business School, Estonia
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 * Champions 2018



Zoltan BuzadyCorvinus Business School, Hungary

Dr. Zoltan Buzady (BA-Law, MBA, PhD-Strategy) is Associate Professor of
Leadership. At Corvinus University and at CEU Business School he had served as
Faculty Director of MBA programs. Zoltan is an expert in participant-centered
education and is the first person to have won twice the CEEMAN case competition
awards. Guided by the motto "Learning, Leading, Leapfrogging", Zoltan has a
quarter-century of experimentation and innovation at the interface of
Leadership, Cross-cultural People Management and Organizational Strategy.

Together with Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, founder of positive psychology, and
other colleagues they have developed FLIGBY, www.fligby.com, the global
#1-award-winning and official Flow-Leadership Development Simulation Game.
FLIGBY is a great pedagogical innovation and opens new vistas for training and
leadership research: As Director of the ‘Leadership & Flow Global Research
Network’, www.flowleadership.org, his current research focuses on combining
Self-Development and Change Management ideas, aiming to further Leadership
Development that is applicable in different cultural and situational contexts.
Corporations and business schools now use this newly gained insights for better
Talent Management and Staffing Strategies, based on modern big-data and
predictive HR analysis. Zoltan is FLIGBY Ambassador for the former-Soviet Union

Zoltan has been selected by Google as an official Google+Create member and they
now globally promote his innovative and thought-leading Google+ collections on
Leadership, Flow-theory, Design Thinking, Case Method Teaching and on Effective
Management Education. Contact him - follow him on Google+, LinkedIn and
Facebook. He, his wife and their twin teenagers live in beautiful Budapest.



Daniil MuravskiiInstitute of Business Studies (IBS-Moscow), RANEPA, Russia

Daniil Muravskii is a senior lecturer at IBS-Moscow, RANEPA. He holds a Doctor
of Philosophy Degree from the St. Petersburg University. He has been teaching
marketing since 2012 and has over 20 scientific publications. Coming from a
reach background in managing consulting projects for the largest international
companies, in his teaching practice he strives to align modern marketing science
with current industry demand. Together with the Chief Digital Officer at L'Oreal
Russia he launched the first "Digital marketing management" course in Russia,
which is aimed at preparing future specialists to deal with the challenges of
planning and managing digital marketing campaigns in international

Daniil actively applies modern educational technologies, such as gamification,
blended format courses, and flipped classroom approaches. As the Director of
Digital marketing and online education studio (GSOM studio) he managed the
creation of numerous online courses for his colleagues and large Russian
companies. His training "Gamification for managers" received critical acclaim,
and has been used to educate both students and managers in using gamification
and other non-material incentives to increase the motivation and efficiency of

He is also the founder of MOST (MObile STudents) - a student project targeted at
creating friendly environment and accessible facilities in the sphere of higher
education for people with restricted mobility. MOST organized educational,
entertaining and sports events engaging thousands of students and encouraging
them to interact freely with successful, interesting and inspiring people with



Sophia OpatskaLviv Business School of Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine

Sophia Opatska is the Founding Dean and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of
Lviv Business School of UCU (LvBS) and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the
Ukrainian Catholic University. Being a mother of two, she tirelessly and
devotedly develops the environment in which she works and, at the same time, she
grows professionally. Sophia is a vivid example of women's leadership, the idea
that LvBS is constantly promoting and supporting in its programs.

Her areas of expertise are Organizational Behavior and Learning Organizations,
Organization Development, Entrepreneurship. With this expertise background,
during the time of economic crisis in 2008, she became one of the founders of
Lviv Business School of UCU, aiming the idea to bring the community of business
people inside Ukraine together with a common goal of promoting the «brand» of
Ukraine outside the country. This is where the mission of LvBS originates from:
putting «Ukraine on the World Business-map». During this decade under the
leadership of Sophia Opatska LvBS has developed from a small start-up to a truly
successful institution and now LvBS is one of the three best business schools in
Ukraine. Starting from one program Key Executive MBA in 2008, LvBS has now 3
more: MSc in Technology Management, MA in Human Resources and Organization
Development and MSc in Innovations. Up to 20 names of open-enrollment programs
of Executive Education run every year in different Ukrainian cities. Within the
process of reforming the country, LvBS has being involved with educating of 1000
Ukrainian state officials for the last 4 years. In 2016 the School was
internationally acknowledged by CEEMAN IQA accreditation. LvBS now has 82
faculty from 15 countries who work full time or are visiting professors on
regular basis. 96,3% of LvBS graduates said that studies at LvBS was valuable

But it’s not about education only. Lviv Business School is an organization which
grows companies by growing people. That is why at the very beginning of the
school’s founding, the Community of LvBS was created: a unique platform for
business development, an environment for networking that stay in close contact
with LvBS thanks to special meetings and events that are aimed at life-long
learning. Community participants develop partnerships not only in their
businesses, but also in social projects (social entrepreneurship, scholarships
for UCU students and LvBS students, etc).

Currently, Sophia is taking care of the School’s development strategies from the
position of a member of the Supervisory Board, having stepped away from daily
management activities after she accepted an offer for the position of Academic
Vice-Rector at UCU. She has shaped a reliable team that she can trust. But she
is always there, if there is a need of advice or support.

 * Competitions & Awards
    * Case Writing Competition
       * Previous Winners
    * CEEMAN Champion Awards
       * Champions 2022
       * Champions 2021
       * Champions 2020
       * Champions 2019
       * Champions 2018
       * Champions 2017
       * Champions 2016
       * Champions 2015
       * Champions 2014
       * Champions 2013
       * Champions 2012
       * Champions 2011
       * Champions 2010

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 * Student competitions

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