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Division of Student Affairs
 * Care
 * Engage
 * Transform

This site
Appalachian State University


Our work creates a culture of care that builds a foundation for students to
thrive and be resilient.


Health and Wellness
 * Counseling & Psychological Services
 * Counseling for Faculty/Staff
 * Health Services
 * Intramural Sports
 * Intercultural Student Affairs
 * University Health and Safety Council
 * University Recreation
 * Wellness to Wellness & Prevention Services
 * Women's Center

Safety and Emergencies
 * AppCares
 * Campus Police
 * Interpersonal Violence
 * Prevent Suicide
 * Red Flag Campaign

Child Care
 * Camp UREC
 * Child Development


Our diverse, student-centered community fosters local-to-global learning,
leadership, engagement, and service.


Service and Involvement
 * Black Student Association
 * Club Council
 * Club Sports
 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Fraternity and Sorority Life
 * Outdoor Programs
 * Leadership at Appalachian State
 * Student Government Association
 * Trailhead Academies

 * Academic Integrity
 * Graduate Assistant Preview Program

 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Henderson Springs LGBT Center
 * Looking Glass Gallery
 * Multicultural Center
 * Reneweable Energy Initiative
 * Student Union
 * University Housing

 * Appalachian State Policy Manual
 * Engage
 * Parents and Family
 * Student Conduct


We transform students into dynamic leaders and lifelong learners who will make a
difference in their communities and throughout the world.


Support and Service
 * Alternative Service Experience
 * Legal Clinic
 * Off Campus
 * Off Campus Housing
 * Orientation
 * Plemmons Student Union

 * Campus Activities
 * Child Development
 * Community-Engaged Leadership
 * Counseling & Psychological Services
 * Electronic Student Services
 * Intercultural Student Affairs
 * Off-Campus Student Services
 * Office of Student Affairs
 * Office of the Dean of Students
 * Orientation
 * Parent and Family Services
 * Plemmons Student Union
 * Student Conduct
 * Student Health Services
 * Student Legal Services
 * University Housing
 * University Recreation
 * Wellness & Prevention Services

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Tab thru menu links. Enter key for site map
 * Students
   * Foundational Statement
   * 2024 Leadership and Legacy Awards
   * Student Leadership Opportunities
   * Impact Scholars Program
     * Meetings and Opportunities
 * Faculty & Staff
   * Student Travel
   * Health, Safety, & Wellness
   * Student Affairs Education, Engagement & Development Council
     * Committee Members
 * Opportunities
   * Spring 2024 Professional Development and Staff Well-being Opportunities
   * Summer 2023 Professional Development Opp
   * Spring 2023 Opportunities
   * New Employee Onboarding
     * Helpful Tips to Welcome New Employees
     * Onboarding Checklist for Supervisors
 * Learning Goals
   * Student Affairs Educational Priorities
     * Career Readiness
     * Inclusive Community
     * Personal Development
     * Wellbeing
     * Assessment Fellows
 * Strategic Plan
   * 2021-2026 SA Strategic Plan
   * Climate Concerns
     * Climate on Campus Concerns Committee
 * About Us
   * Mission and Vision
   * Office of Student Affairs Directory
   * Departmental Directory
   * Organizational Chart
   * Reports & Publications
     * 21-22 Student Affairs Impact Report
     * Student Affairs COVID-19 Impact Report
   * Student Affairs Award Recipients
   * Sustainability
   * Our History

 * Students
   * Foundational Statement
   * 2024 Leadership and Legacy Awards
   * Student Leadership Opportunities
   * Impact Scholars Program
     * Meetings and Opportunities
 * Faculty & Staff
   * Student Travel
   * Health, Safety, & Wellness
   * Student Affairs Education, Engagement & Development Council
     * Committee Members
 * Opportunities
   * Spring 2024 Professional Development and Staff Well-being Opportunities
   * Summer 2023 Professional Development Opp
   * Spring 2023 Opportunities
   * New Employee Onboarding
     * Helpful Tips to Welcome New Employees
     * Onboarding Checklist for Supervisors
 * Learning Goals
   * Student Affairs Educational Priorities
     * Career Readiness
     * Inclusive Community
     * Personal Development
     * Wellbeing
     * Assessment Fellows
 * Strategic Plan
   * 2021-2026 SA Strategic Plan
   * Climate Concerns
     * Climate on Campus Concerns Committee
 * About Us
   * Mission and Vision
   * Office of Student Affairs Directory
   * Departmental Directory
   * Organizational Chart
   * Reports & Publications
     * 21-22 Student Affairs Impact Report
     * Student Affairs COVID-19 Impact Report
   * Student Affairs Award Recipients
   * Sustainability
   * Our History

Appalachian State University’s division of Student Affairs develops lifelong
learners and leaders by engaging and challenging students within a culture of
care and inclusion. We aspire to transform all students through a foundation of
care and engagement.

Our work creates a culture of care that builds a foundation for students to
thrive and be resilient. Our diverse, student-centered community fosters
local-to-global learning, leadership, engagement, and service. We transform
students into dynamic leaders and lifelong learners who will make a difference
in their communities and throughout the world.


The We Coach, Advocate, Refer, and Educate (WeCARE) student employees of
Wellness and

Prevention Services spend their hours in the office digging into the work of
public health for the sake of

their fellow students. Their ability to think broadly in brainstorming and get
involved in events on the

ground offers these young professionals a unique perspective on the workforce,
while benefitting their

peers on and off-campus. All of this, they would argue, is probably second in
importance to the

welcoming environment of the office, as well as the fun they get to have in
creatively approaching the

work that they do. These students have the capacity to truly learn through
experience working alongside

subject matter experts and campus partners. Just this semester, WeCARE has had
the opportunity to

create bulletin boards, flyers, and social media posts to promote the many
events and services they help

create and run, like The Mindful Meal, Take Back the Night, and the Condom
Fairy. One student, Brianna

Pressey, said about the work: “I love being a WeCARE Peer Educator! The work I
do with WPS makes a

huge impact on campus, and it is crucial now more than ever for students to be
educated on public

health issues.&quot; Wellness likewise benefits from the time and effort of
these students, and it is no

exaggeration to say the work would not be the same without them. Students
interested in working with

WeCARE should keep their eyes on Handshake each academic year, as well as the
WPS Engage page and

website to find more events and resources available through the department.

Apr 23

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Please view important dates:

 * Sunday, April 28th, 4:00pm: Glee Club and Gospel Choir Final Concert and
   other Hayes School of Music events
 * Wednesday, May 1st: Last Day of Classes
 * Thursday, May 2nd: Reading Day
 * Friday, May 3rd and 6th-9th: Final Exam period
 * Sunday, May 5th: Deadline to Nominate someone for Staff Senator
 * Friday & Saturday, May 10th-11th: Commencement Ceremonies
 * Friday, May 17th: University Staff Appreciation Day, Holmes Convocation
 * Wednesday & Thursday, May 22nd-23rd: UNC Board of Governors meeting
 * Monday, May 27th: State Holiday-University Closed
 * Friday & Saturday, June 14th-15th: 3rd Annual Boonerang Music and Arts
   Festival.  100-150 more Volunteers are needed to help.  Please sign up if you
   are interested.

Apr 23

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As we start the final push of the semester, I’m writing to share a few updates
and thoughts on several matters impacting our community. I hope you will take
the time to read this email, and forgive its length.

The Division of Student Affairs is committed to providing transformational
programming, events, and support for each of you. Each of you deserves our very
best to thrive in our community.

I’m writing to share a few updates that relate specifically to student life and
engagement at App State, for which my division is responsible.

Free Expression Working Group:

I appreciate the responses to the Free Expression Space Working Group email that
was sent last week. To date, we have had more than 50 applications to serve on
the working group. We will pull together the group to meet next week, and given
the responses will need to have some open dialogue sessions for those who are
not selected so everyone may participate as they are able in these discussions.
The most up-to-date information on the tunnel project can be found here.

Henderson-Springs LGBTQ+ Center’s Spring Fest:

Since 2008, the Henderson-Springs LGBTQ+ Center has served as a place of
resource and support on our campus. Even prior to the center’s opening,
Appalachian State University has affirmed our LGBTQ+ community through student
organizations, various programming, and celebrations, including many in
celebration of LGBTQ+ pride. It is important to know we are holding several
events — through programming designed by students, faculty and staff — to affirm
to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community this week. The mission of the programming has
always been designed to “educate, empower, and unite Mountaineers of all
identities, especially our LGBTQ+ community of AppState.” This year, the annual
programming week is titled the Henderson Springs LGBTQ+ Center’s 2024 Spring
Fest. Bo Henderson and Ed Springs, for whom the Center was named, are valued and
important members of the university’s history. While the programs and the name
were created by members of the university community, I hear and understand the
concerns related to the title change of the week this year, and we will
absolutely take this into account as we plan events for next year.

Working through challenges now and in the future

The last few weeks have been filled with frustration for some in our community.
I hear the concerns being raised, and appreciate the voices that have come
forward to share their experiences and perspectives. App State has long been a
place of discussion and engagement in and outside of the classroom. As we face
these challenges, I have reflected upon the words written by App State Professor
of Creative Writing and former North Carolina poet laureate, Dr. Joseph
Bathanti, about the Appalachian State University experience.

“Appalachian State University — a place invested with a kind of mysticism,
certainly mystery and wonder, a portal that opened to them at a key moment in
their lives, beyond which was revealed to them the limitless possibilities for a
fully realized, purposefully committed, happy life, and the fact that the human
spirit, in all of its guises, is inextinguishable. Appalachian State University
has never been just a college, but a rare place where students, and faculty
alike, the entire university community, are not only educated and sustained, but
transformed.” (

The depth and breadth of programming through our departments and affiliated
organizations is designed to provide the transformational experiences Dr.
Bathanti references for all backgrounds, beliefs and identities within our
community. Appalachian State University has been here for 125 years, and will
continue to grow, and create new opportunities for students for at least 125
years to come.


As we look to the final few weeks of the semester, I encourage you to continue
to support one another. When you see someone who needs some support, offer it.
When you need support, ask for it. And when support is offered, take it. In
doing so, managing the challenges becomes easier. I will never forget what a
difference the support of others made for me as a college student, and I want to
be sure you have the best possible support available to you.

I’ve included several links below to some great resources we have that might
help you in the coming weeks. In addition to the resources listed below, there
are many, many others on campus that are here to help you navigate the
challenges of life, and the semester as well. Please don’t hesitate to ask for
help if you or someone you know needs it.

Counseling Center

Free Speech Responsible Officers

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan and Policy

Henderson Springs LGBTQ+ Center

Student Health Services

AppCares Resources website

University Tutoring Services

Academic Strategy Instruction

University Writing Center

I look forward to providing additional updates in the coming weeks, and thank
you for your contributions to our community.


JJ Brown
Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs

Apr 3

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Dear Students,

Thank you to the many of you who have shared your desire to have a space on
campus designated for painting/drawing/posting your messages of free expression,
and to those who joined the forum held by the Student Government Association
last night.

This message is to let you know that I will be working with Student Government
leadership to establish a group to engage in alternative options for free
expression, given the safety priorities and changes being made to the tunnels on
the Boone campus.

We will begin by establishing a Free Expression Space Working Group that will
meet weekly, beginning the week of April 8, throughout the end of this semester,
to discuss the needs expressed at last night’s student forum held by SGA, and to
help determine the best way to meet those needs. Further discussions will take
place over the summer and/or the fall as needed.

Jamie Parson and Jeff Cathey, App State’s Free Speech Responsible Officers, will
facilitate this group.

Next week, we will reach out to students with invitations to sit on this working
group. If you are interested in serving on this group, please complete this
Google Form. Our student body will also have an opportunity for feedback
sessions with this group in the coming weeks.

I will keep you updated on this project as it progresses.

I wish you all a restful and restorative weekend.

JJ Brown
Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
Appalachian State University

Mar 28

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Do you have a Student Success Story to share? We want to hear about our
students' growth and successes - contributions to campus; awards, recognition
and accolades; leadership experiences; employing resiliency to overcome
challenging situations; helping fellow students, etc. While we share these in
our annual reports, our students are having experiences all year round and it
would be helpful for Student Affairs leadership to know about these before the
end of the year.

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