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Submission: On March 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM


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6.5752H43.6215L41.9472 13Z' fill='white'/%3E%3Cpath d='M45.7957 13V6.5752H46.846V13H45.7957Z' fill='white'/%3E%3Cpath d='M52.0258 13H50.9755V7.47607H49.0859V6.5752H53.9155V7.47607H52.0258V13Z' fill='white'/%3E%3Cpath d='M61.2312 13H60.1765V10.104H57.2146V13H56.1643V6.5752H57.2146V9.20312H60.1765V6.5752H61.2312V13Z' fill='white'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

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August 5, 2022August 5, 2022


I’ve been collecting my thoughts about my recent talk with Jedidiah Bila and a
few topics of discussion stood out in this show. People wonder why I don’t do
“debates” with every new influencer who wants to make a name for themselves by
challenging my character – rarely my work – and then proceed to talk over and
past me at every uncomfortable point I make. Going on Jedidiah’s show and then
playing ‘gotcha!’ with Ruslan for two hours on Adam Sosnick’s show reminded me
why I don’t bother with disingenuous critics.

Jed blanketed me with “Not all women are like that”  (NAWALT) responses to every
assertion I made. After 20 years in the sphere, the rationales and cope never
change. Women will always presume their experience is the universal one. Any
woman can speak for all women because solipsism is baked into their psyches. An
unflattering collective truth about women’s nature is an attack on the
individual woman’s ego. Whataboutism, thy name is woman.

One thing I was reminded of in my 3 hours and 10 minutes with Jedidiah was the
importance of never revealing the Game to women. It is always a mistake to
explain the game of intersexual dynamics to women. I’ve written essays about
this since 2014. Back then I added a caveat; never talk about Red Pill concepts
with women you want to get intimate with. If you didn’t care whether you ended
up in bed with her or you were trying to hold a woman accountable for whatever
reason, then have at it. By now you should know you’ll never reason a woman into
bed with you. Reason and virtue are anti-seductive because they rely on
logically convincing a woman to sleep with you. Seduction is about emotional
appeals. Women want to feel like they want to bang you. That means playing the
Game with them to prompt those feels. Explaining Game to women triggers the
observer effect.

Women want to play the Game, they don’t want to have the Game explained to them.

Even the women you don’t want to end up in bed with. This explanation has been
been the downfall of every Blue Pill guy who’s ever agonized over how his crush
just can’t see that he’s logically the best choice for her to invest her
sexuality in. These are the guys who do all the in-depth analyses and
spreadsheet breakdowns of their qualifiers that would make them a woman’s best
bet for future love, security, and parenting. They’re also the guys women want
nothing to do with because the very act of explaining why they should fall in
love with them, have sex with them, and reproduce with them grates against
women’s feminine intuition. Engaging her intuition is part of the play. Vox Day
once said that women can’t explain why they feel a barely repressible urge to
punch Gamma males in the face. That urge stems from the feeling that Gamma men
are trying to trick women into selecting him by logically explaining why he is
her best option. This is effectively negotiating desire with a woman that a
Gamma male isn’t in a relationship with. It’s like convincing her that she has
an obligation to fuck him and settle on him for the long term even if she has no
real desire for him. It’s akin to controlling her body and removing her choice
in the Hypergamous process.

Every time I’ve been on shows discussing Red Pill topics with women we always
reach the point of diminishing returns. The conversations begin with
explanations of female nature and the point-counterpoint proceeds from there.
This is usually the most productive phase of the ‘debate’, but eventually, we
get to the point where women run out of logical counterpoints to defend
themselves and the sisterhood. This is when we enter the NAWALT phase. This is
the phase where selection bias and individual qualities of real women enter the
conversation. Disqualifiers, No True Scotsman logical fallacies, and then
universalizing of personal anecdotes and “lived experiences” as the objective
truth usually crop up in this phase. This is when one woman speaks for all
women; or all women who are of the standard she believes she sets in the sexual

When these rationales fail we finally reach the point of the emotional reframe.
This is the point of diminishing returns. “Who hurt you?”, “Have you ever
actually been in love?”, and “What was your childhood like?” are all variations
of the emotional reframe. If you ever hear these questions or accusations in the
course of explaining the Red Pill to a woman, you’ve reached the point of
diminishing returns and nothing more productive will really come from continuing
the talk. If you continue past this you enter into the point of negative
returns. At best you’ll look like you’re beating up on helpless women with logic
they can’t refute. At worst your detractors will take the best 30-45 second
video clips of you out of context to use against you in a Reel, TikTok or
YouTube #short to build their own White Knight brand.

The mistake in all this is expecting any contrition on the part of women. Why?
Because you’re explaining the Game to them rather than playing the Game with
them. You’re essentially assuming the role of the Gamma male explaining to women
how they do their magic tricks. It’s not really magic. All their fascinating
tricks are explainable and have logical purposes that benefit them or have some
practical function. Explanations kill the faith and the feels necessary to play
the Game. All women cease to be special in the light of rational explanation.
Belief ceases to be faith when you explain the machine behind the magic. 

This is why women think you’re creepy and want to punch you in the face when you
explain the machine to them. They literally cannot argue against why you are the
right (or wrong) choice to fuck and procreate with. This is exactly why Mikhaila
Peterson complained of “Not getting a good feeling” after my talk with her back
in December of 2021. Contrary to popular opinion I don’t actually want to fuck
Mikhaila so I have no reason not to explain the Game to her. But I can’t make it
feel good after I do, nor would I want to. The point of the talk wasn’t to feel
good after the show; it’s to debate the strength of ideas. However, she’d
probably like to punch me in the face for ruining the magic for her.

Observing a process will change that process. This is called the observer
effect. It’s why there are certain phenomena that have to be observed in the
wild rather than in the lab. I honed my people-watching skills while working in
the casino marketing and liquor promo industries. This was my fieldwork for
decades. It’s also why I focused on behaviorism in college. Organic, unsolicited
behavior is a good metric for genuine desire. But negotiating desire or
discussing desire on a talk show triggers the observer effect. You cannot
negotiate genuine desire, but there are many ways of negotiating it that seem
like logical, female-correct methods of forming a healthy relationship. I’ve
heard every pop psychologist from Dr. Phill to Dr. Peterson blather off some
variation of negotiating desire as a key to a good relationship. I argue this is
the kiss of death to any relationship. Why? For all the reasons I learned and
described after debating Red Pill topics with a myriad of women whom I’ll never
have any desire to bang. 

Negotiating desire is always rooted in reasoning a woman into bed with you. Thus
the obligation to fuck you is based on the same reasoning.

Likewise, explaining the Red Pill to women is negotiating desire based on
similar logic.

July 2, 2021July 2, 2021


Hustlers and the Hustled

Today’s Hustle Economy is measured in market shares of ‘influence‘. How many
Followers do you have? How many subs (subscribers)? Comments? Likes? Views?
What’s your engagement like? In an age when anyone can have a free digital
soapbox to prosthelytize from our egos become our brand. So, when you attack an
idea you also attack the brand; and when you attack the brand you also attack
the ego whose identity is the brand.

Our livelihoods, our wellbeing, are vitally connected to with a Brand of Me
which in turn is intimately connected to the self. The separation between man
and brand becomes more difficult when his revenue stream(s) is dependent upon
man and brand being synonymous. That brand’s value is also quantified and
qualified by the platforms (soapbox) it’s based on. Lose followers, lose
viewers, lose money and lose self. As a result you get pathological hustlers
grifting on other pathological hustlers by selling them access to exposure,
influence and and insurance for their very precarious-but-lucrative brand of me.
In turn, this “insurance” is a buffer against losing an equally precarious sense
of self.

From 2000 to about 2015 organizing live events and conventions was a fairly
lucrative proposition in the burgeoning Hustle Economy. Being a speaker at a TED
talk held a certain gravitas for the Brand of Me who was invited to relate his
very important, self-affirming ideas to a rapt audience. Today, not so much. The
TEDx series saw to it that anyone could pay-to-play and thus debased any
legitimacy the original TEDs started with. I remember the pay-to-play grift that
destroyed the late 80s’ metal scene in Hollywood. Show promoters would buy out a
classic venue like Gazzari’s or the Troubadour for a night and then talk
“up-and-coming bands” into playing the gigs. All they had to do was sell enough
tickets to cover their portion of whatever the promoter had paid to reserve the
venue. Whether the bands decided to sell their tickets at a profit or a loss was
irrelevant to the promoters – they just had to cover the rent on the club for
that night. Most promoters were making their money on marking up that rent, and
a percentage of the alcohol sales they’d arrange with club owners. It didn’t
matter if the bands were great or they sucked, just that they covered the rent
with ticket sales – usually to friends and family to come watch them play on the
same stage that Van Halen and Ratt got their start on. The promoters weren’t
selling actual talent, they were selling the fantasy of playing on historic
stages in L.A. to guys who believed they were good enough to play them. By 1989
pay-to-play was killing what was once a vibrant music scene that naturally
culled the talentless bands from the great ones.

Hustle Economy conventions today are following the same pay-to-play graft. It
makes little difference what the niché is – masterminds, hotseats, summits, etc.
– conventions have become Brand Showcases replete with (gumroad) book signings
and the hot girl “Booth Candy” to prove proof-of-concept (i.e. Receipts).
Convention promoters care less about the messages of the personalities who speak
at their events and more about the gravitas it brings to their event (which is
also part of their own Brand of Me). And the loudest most extroverted
(pathological) brands of that year always draw attention.

What you get then is a competition of escalation. Punch the biggest guy in the
face as soon as you arrive in the prison yard or you’ll end up as his bitch. If
you want to make a name for yourself as a niché marketer (especially as a noob
in the Manosphere) you have to punch up. Call the biggest name in that sphere a
charlatan or a hack and some of his followers might defect to your cult out of
spite. Grifters sell other grifters programs and templates to ensure their
brand’s value, which increasingly is tied to their own sense of personal worth.
Mastermind sessions and “hot seat” workshops become psychotherapy for the Hustle
Economy “Guru“.

Insurance of personal brand value will be big business in this decade. It will
be sold using the same perception marketing that Instagram influencers use. It
will be based on the same insecurities the Hustler sells his products with.
Image is all – the Hustler becomes the hustled – but image is fleeting. Even
mediocre minds can figure out how to jump on a current trend. Copy & paste a
viral tag, aligning with something trending; all that is easy to do, but most
niché marketeers lack the talent and insight to understand (much less foresee) a
zeitgeist. Good hustlers borrow, great hustlers steal, but the true “ideas guys”
are exceptionally rare in the Hustle Economy. Innovators and New Thinkers are
the carrion that draws the Brand of Me vultures out in the open.

Ideas Guys

Hustle Economy carpet baggers live a very insecure and unpredictable existence.
They are not innovators – they are fast followers. Not only is their sense of
self fused to their brand, but their brand’s success is their metric of
self-esteem. Their (often tenuous) mental health is measured in Followers,
subscribers, views, comments, likes, engagement, analytics and clicks-per-minute
(CPM). It’s never quality of ideas that define value; it’s only numbers. Money
in the payment processor or number of email addresses on your list. It’s never
ultimate causes / effects, it’s only proximate causality. It’s the number of
trees over the health of the forest. But the numbers don’t lie, so the new
teachers give the Lost Boys cigarettes, candy bars and cheap booze – or their
emotionally proximate equivalents (hope). It’s what they really want, it’s what
makes you money and it’s what your ego-brand’s long term security needs.
Besides, if you don’t give the temporary salve for their miserable lives another
Influencer has already copy & pasted your tags to lap you on the Hustle Economy

Insecurity in self, brand, livelihood, sustainable ‘lifestyle creep’, even
family relations are what define the Hustle Economy today. Most personal brands
rarely last more than two years – at least in their initial incarnation. As
such, there is a constant need for belief pivots and “brand makeovers” for
influencers. Reinventing one’s “self” becomes a vital part of existence for the
career grifter. And there’s a lot of money waiting the clever guy who figures
out how to cater to this pivoting need. Those unable to adapt, or those who miss
the cues of the rapidly changing zeitgeist, will become extinct. Only true
innovators – the Ideas Guys – have any kind of real staying power, and that’s if
they can roll with the social changes; if they can put off the ennui of seeing
their ideas cannibalized and bastardized by the next wave of hustlers who will
plagiarize their work with impunity.

Continued in part III next week,…

June 25, 2021June 25, 2021


What exactly are we teaching the Lost Boys today?

I came across the term Lost Boys in 2016. It’s attributed to the fan base that
Dr. Jordan Peterson was generating around that time, but I had heard similar
references to “drop out” young men as early as 2014. The fem-stream media was
concerned that these 18-29 year old men were deliberately thwarting women’s
mating/life strategies by not preparing themselves for adulthood. Women were
concerned that fewer young men were going to be suitably ignorant-yet-dutiful
husband material by the time they were 30. Meanwhile, TradCon media
(predictably) made this crisis of masculinity all about men “shirking their
responsibilities” from a want to “perpetuate their adolescence”. As expected,
men assuming more masculine responsibility was the cure to solving this social
malaise. Both sides of the ideological spectrum have never had a real interest
in discerning the root causes for the now two generations of Lost Boys. To do so
would challenge both ideology’s base presumptions about innate sex differences,
feminism, gynocentrism and female empowerment stretching back to the sexual
revolution. Hannah Rosen called it the End of Men in The Atlantic back in 2012.
The Kidults and Peter Pan Men were an easily shamed novelty. Breitbart called
them the Drop Out Generation and we’re similarly dismissed as “lazy kids not
preparing themselves for being fathers and husbands.” Even I threw my hat in the
ring when I penned Are You Experienced.

In 2021 we are now two generations into the Lost Boys. Just like the latter half
of the Millennials, now Gen Z young men are becoming the next wave of guys
trying to find purpose in a life that has no need of them – or they’re endlessly
derided for not living up to an old order standard. As Rian Stone has said, they
are sheep in search of a shepherd – students with no teacher – young men who are
effectively rudderless in life. This is where the Red Pill, Manosphere, male
space or whatever we’re calling it now is stepping in to become the teachers
these young men have lacked. But what are we actually teaching the Lost Boys?
From what I see today, most “coaches” haven’t done much more than profit by
them. Today, they are more lost now than when Dr. Peterson identified them. What
will be the long-term human, societal, cost of two generations of young men
guided, taught and/or hustled into, or out of, embracing conventional

The Blind Lead the Blinder

“Who’s the more foolish, the Blue Pill chump or the chumps who follow him?”

If you’ve read my latest book The Rational Male, Religion you’ll already be
familiar with the concept of The Brand of Me. Today, everyone is their own
brand. From the frustrated soccer mom, to the 12-year-old girl interacting with
“friends” she’s never met, to OnlyFans girls, to niche marketing Gurus, everyone
you know is actively engaged in some form of personal brand management. Even
your grandmother on FaceBook is her own PR agent. Likewise,
masculinity/positivity gurus are their own personal brands. I’m emphasizing
‘are’ here because we live our own brand identity as our personal identity in
our day to day lives now.

It’s becoming exceedingly difficult to separate the ‘man‘ from his brand today.
In the Hustle Economy, managing brand identity, is managing livelihood, is
managing personal identity. Everyone is their brand. In the early 2000’s it was
the likes of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian who were the pioneers of being
famous for being famous. Neither had (has) any real exceptional talent that made
them celebrities; they simple were famous. There are other examples, but most of
that “fame” was generated via careful personal brand management in a time when
social media was nothing like it is today. Then, it took a lot more work and
money to curate fame for being famous. Now, in the new order, it’s never been
easier to create an easily believable perceptions of fame – even if it’s just a
low degree of it.

It’s all sizzle and no steak. E-Celebrity is now reality show entertainment that
virtually anyone, any demographic, can create for themselves. In my 2014 essay
Hysteria I detailed the social experiment of a guy who created his own instant

> Basically, the guy had a few friends follow him around the mall, one guy
> filming him and the other two guys (I can’t tell if any of his hired guns were
> women) acting as his “groupies” or entourage. He goes around identifying
> himself as “Thomas Elliot” when people, mostly women, ask him his name.
> Eventually, he begins to pile up admiring and gawking female attention, which
> only snowballs into more female attention. Apparently, not one of these
> starstruck chicks thought to question if Thomas Elliot was a real
> celebrity. That’s the power of preselection and fame; so powerful, it can
> disengage a woman’s neural logic circuitry.

Remember, the linked videos were produced in 2012. This experiment required a
film team, at least 2-3 collaborators to give the guy some legitimacy. You don’t
need this today. In fact you don’t even need great post-production or computer
skills now. All that’s required to create a similar video is a smart phone and
Instagram. Social proof, preselection, status, clout, prestige, indignation and
fame have never been easier to manufacture for average people than in the first
20 years of the 21st century.

Never have more people (and mostly women) been so rewarded for so little real
work, talent, virtuoso, education or creativity. And rewarded with money,
adulation, admiration, “respectability“, love, attention and importance. Today,
anyone can become influential – an influencer. Potentially, anyone can get paid
better and enjoy more status than the career they may have went to years of
college to get. As a result, the value of a formal real education is debased.

But, who cares about college or education anyway, right? Even STEM fields and
the hard sciences have been infiltrated by Wokezis. Academia is rife with
socialists and Marxism at every level now. Post-modernism has owned the
humanities and the arts since at least the 1960s if not the late 1800s. True
education has become a grift too. Most universities are just very expensive
diploma mills that supply you with the paperwork necessary to allow you to be
considered for an entry-level job – usually determined by an underpaid Karen in
the HR department; likely with less “education” than what you paid for just to
get an audience with her. Now, is it any wonder that education and “preparing
oneself for life and responsibilities” is effectively worthless to the Lost Boys

> ‘Cause I’m a twenty-first century digital boy
> I don’t know how to live but I got a lot of toys
> My daddy’s a lazy middle-class intellectual
> My mommy’s on Valium, so ineffectual
> Ain’t life a mystery, yeah?
> Bad Religion, 21st Century Digital Boy, 1990

Damn, that song was prophetic. If an education’s purpose is to allow the
graduate access to the job (in the working world) he believes will profit him
best, and he’d have better results in the Hustle Economy, why bother with the
investment of time and student debt? If a young woman can make a fortune from
the minimum investment needed to be an OnlyFans influencer (sex worker) why
bother to study nursing? If a guy can make more money and be more attractive as
a “life coach” for far less investment than a degree in a suspicious major like
psychology what’s the incentive to be educated?

The motive is profit and the process is profit. In the New Order we’ve become
hyper-efficient at commodifying both motive and process. This has led to a
mistrust, if not disdain, of education, science (as a method), wisdom and
genuine creative inspiration.

“If it doesn’t lead to my first million dollars what’s the point of doing it?”
“Fuck it, I’ll just be a stripper OnlyFans girl or entrepreneur.”

As a result the Hustle Economy tends to attract pathological personalities. As
most of my readers know, crazy tends to draw more crazy into its orbit.
Pathological doesn’t always mean criminally insane. Guys like Steve Jobs or Elon
Musk had/have pathological reality distortion fields about them. And while they
are what we’d excuse as eccentric, maybe asocial, they weren’t destructive
malcontents. Unfortunately, they’re the rarer exceptions. Get rich quick, get
fit quick, get clout quick, get love, adoration, props, respectability,
attention, concern, empathy/sympathy, and commiseration instantly, with the
least amount of money and personal investment is an irresistible pull to
pathological personalities. In any other era, these guys would have to be
supremely creative and driven to get up and over the loser status barrier to
become more than they started as. And only then after a constant learning from
defeat and setbacks. For today’s TL;DR generation, if it can’t be delivered
instantaneously why else would you bother doing something?

“Only the insane have the strength to prosper. Only those who prosper truly
judge what is sane.”

Part II, next week,…

April 15, 2021April 15, 2021


For the past 12 years I’ve been asked some variation of this question:

“Rollo, why should a man bother with women at all today? All women today, yes
all women, are vain, self-important, narcissistic, hubristic and entitled. What
average man would ever want to have anything to do with the average woman? By
the time a girl reaches her late teens she’s already conditioned to expect a
High-Value Man is what she’s due in life. By the time she’s in her early 30s she
still hasn’t had the delusions of her entitlements dispelled for her – no matter
what the realities of her situation might hold up in her face. What’s the
average guy supposed to do about the average woman?”

Although I’ve been writing about intersexual dynamics for 20 years now, there’s
definitely been a sea change in those dynamics since the rise of social media.
While the last two generations of women have been the test experiments, it’s not
just a case of “Bro, women’s egos and assessments of their own SMV are blown out
of all proportion because of Instagram.” Men’s expectations (really
anticipation) of average women’s overblown egos is also part of the experiment.
We’ve come to a point where men don’t expect anything else from women than an
aggrandized sense of female self. The average guy has little recourse but to
accept this ego-appeasement and adapt to a sexual marketplace defined by women’s
hubris; or by choice, or necessity, (usually necessity) they simply opt out of
that marketplace – or they convince themselves they do. In fact, much of what
passes for dating now is really a form of personal brand management that has to
contend with the rigors of a global sexual marketplace. No one really “dates” in
this market. Without realizing it they simply look for strategic co-branding
opportunities that align with the changing perception of sociosexual value in
global society.

 * How will the images of me dating this guy increase my brand engagement?
 * How will the pics and video of him appearing in my feed impact my future
   opportunities to get with a hotter guy?
 * How many Simps (commodified Beta orbiters) funding my lifestyle will abandon
   my brand as a result?

While these (and more) may not be conscious concerns for women “dating” today,
the sociosexual context of this brand management is pervasive. It is the
acknowledged environment in which men and women have play the game.

In a Gynocentric global social order the sexual marketplace is by women, for
women’s short term and long term mating strategies. Men are simply the
replaceable accessories needed to optimize those strategies,…or to be used as
convenient foils when the consequences of those strategies become unignorable.
So, it’s hardly surprising then that we’re moving into the second generation of
Lost Boys. Young men with no real purposeful direction in life, less creative
drive and a generation-defining sense of existential ennui.

And what would be their incentive to prompt them to creativity or purpose?
Certainly not the long-term reward of an adoring woman or of sexual satisfaction
born of her genuine desire. Those rewards are reserved for the High Value Men
all women (young and old) believe are their due. Anything less is just brand
management now. In an age when girls are raised on the ideal that no woman ought
ever to do anything for the express pleasure of a man, doing something
pleasurable for one becomes an act of rebellion against the Strong Independent
Woman character they’re raised to emulate. Thus, any guy she’s motivated to go
against her Fempowerment programming for had better be extraordinarily,
confirmedly, high value. To paraphrase Patrice ‘O Neil, women want a man who’s
better looking, smarter, stronger, more dominant, educated, taller and richer
than they are, yet still wants him to think of her as his equal – or his Queen.
He’s the ideal Superman who still defers to her socially-mandated authority
(because he respects women) despite being her superior in every way she measures
high-value. Oh, and he still has to continually qualify for her intimate
approval even if he initially passes the average woman’s filters. Otherwise she
might begin to feel as if she settled on him.

One thing that our new order communication society has made unignorable is that
the truths we used to build the previous social orders on aren’t exactly what we
believed them to be. In some cases those presumptions were useful faiths in
truths we expected others to mutually accept; others were pretty-but-useful
lies. Regardless, we still cling to romantic ideals that were tenable in
previous eras despite the growing (easily accessible) research, data and
empirical evidence that puts the lie to that romanticism. What we’re left with
is a conflict of old order hope, faith, romance, emotionalism and the lives
shaped by these influences versus the often harsh, empirical, objective truths
about human nature that are unignorable in this age. Reason itself doesn’t
destroy comforting faith, but it does take the magic out of faith by explaining
it. Faith confirmed by reason only reinforces faith, but it can never go back to
being a faith again once it’s explained. This is a hard pill to swallow for
generations that have made a faith in emotionalism the guiding principle that
defines their personalities, entitlements and expectations of the opposite sex.
And this is to say nothing about the current global social order founded on
emotionalism (Feels Before Reals).

Long ago I wrote an essay titled The True Romantics where I asserted that it was
men, not women, who are the true romantics – of this age and those past. Men are
innate idealists. This idealism prompts us to the performance we use to
establish dominance and competence hierarchies amongst ourselves, but it also
incentivizes us to the romanticism we hope will solve our reproductive problem.
I’ve said in the past that this idealism is both our greatest strength and our
most exploitable weakness. For the past two generations this idealism has been a
liability for most men. When you make a man necessitous it’s his idealism that
makes him hopeful in hopelessness. It’s idealism that makes him a suicidal
nihilist or a pollyanna optimist. It’s idealism that keeps him going to work
each day in the hopes that his dedication to a proscribed rule-set he believes
everyone else is (or should) be playing by will earn him respectability. It’s
idealism that makes him a Black Pill Doomer when he can’t reconcile his old Blue
Pill conditioned hopes and goals with the Red Pill aware, new order data
confirmed for him every day on social media or is just a Google search away. And
it’s idealism that makes him hate the women who will never make those pleasant
Blue Pill fictions a reality, while he hates the men who brought him to that
despondency even more.

Both sexes are gravely, irreversibly, disillusioned today. Both would like to
return to some idyllic time where women could swoon for a dashing high-value man
who would become a husband they could admire (and be hot for) – and men could
find a suitable mate via an understandable and realizable performance,
acceptable responsibility, and actionable authority. But an underlying blind
faith in the Blank Slate, Social Constructionism, Emotionalism and Subjectivism
have made all this impossible. Progressivism, feminism, gynocentrism, (Wokeism)
and all of the fallacies that built them, are really old order faiths founded on
previously accepted presumptions – presumptions that are destroyed by new,
easily accessed, empirical data every day. The more empirical truth (or even the
questions that come from it) the more desperate the old social order becomes in
maintaining the frameworks its power relies on to sustain it. Red Pill awareness
of intersexual dynamics is one such catalyst that is disrupting those old order,
Blue Pill, false ideals. It exposes a game we all enjoyed playing up until
technology made public what the winners and losers had to do to be so. Women
want to play the game, they don’t want to be told they’re playing it is an old
maxim I’ve used for over a decade. Now we can apply this to the entirety of our
globalized social order; except being told we’re all playing an old game is
unavoidable. It makes playing it seem contrived, but it also calls into question
why we’d ever build our lives around the contrivance.

Women and men are being dragged from this comfortable game based on
emotionalism, false potentials of a Blank Slate and social constructivism. They
are being forced to take the Red Pill and cross an abyss very few will have any
idea how to deal with. We need new paradigms of thinking, and new ways of
inter-relating with each other that align with an empirical understanding of our
natures. This will require an acceptance of Red Pill awareness, and innovation
and creativity that is sorely lacking in these generations.

January 19, 2021


After 3 years the time has finally arrived. I pushed the button on the official
publication of The Rational Male – Religion on January 4th, 2021. I know, I
know, it’s been a long time, and try as I might I think the blog suffered a bit
for it. The good news is I’ll be getting back to my writing here on the regular
again, but I will admit this project consumed me more than I had ever
anticipated. The process of writing a book of this caliber taught me a lot of
valuable lessons, not just as a writer, but as a researcher and a thinker (if
you’ll grant me that). I bit off way too much for me to chew in a lot of ways
when I embarked on this project. I’m proud to say I had the commitment to chew
it all eventually, but writing a book more or less from whole cloth was
something I was less prepared for than my previous 3 books. So, for this Return
to the Blog post I’m going to tell you about the book itself, my approach to it,
the process of researching and developing it, and what I learned along the way.

The Rational Male – Religion has been available on Amazon (print) and Kindle for
a little over 2 weeks now. It’s been the #1 New Release in the Science and
Religion category since I published it, and it’s been #1 through #6 in some of
the Religious subcategories as well. This is a big compliment to me since my
intent from the beginning was to open the Red Pill up to an audience that wasn’t
likely to be savvy of the Manosphere. Thus far the dozen or so reviews have all
been 5 star, but moreover the comments have been overwhelmingly positive – to
the point that some are calling it my best work since the first book. Flattering
as that is, it’s the result of a degree of planning, research, discussion and
attention to detail that I’ve learned is needed to have anyone outside the
‘sphere take Red Pill praxeology seriously. It’s one thing to discuss the often
unflattering truths about women’s nature and the latent purposes of mating
strategies; it’s quite another to assert that our personal beliefs and religious
faiths are intertwined with them. I knew from the start that I’d be navigating a
minefield of readers’ preconceptions, and ego-investments in them. This was my
challenge: convey the Red Pill praxeology of intersexual dynamics in the context
of personal beliefs while being mindful that the past four generations have had
Blue Pill conditioning inform a lot of these beliefs. I also had to bear in mind
that the convictions, values and faiths being informed by Blue Pill conditioning
aren’t just limited to those with a belief in God.

This was my prime directive in writing Religion. I wasn’t about to sugarcoat or
dance around the tough, ego-investment challenging aspects of the Red Pill. I
have an obligation to objective truth, but I also didn’t want the book to become
a “Rollo bashes religion in this one” effort. The most common hesitation I get
from people curious about this 400 page book is “Hey man, I’m an Atheist,
religion is just a bullshit cope, should I just skip this one?” Likewise, I have
Believers ask me, “Is this book just about bashing Christianity and traditional
values?” The answer to both is ‘No’. In fact from the Introduction I anticipated
this response. It’s why I wrote the book actually. The Rational Male – Religion
is an exploration of human intersexual dynamics and their influence on spiritual
belief, religion and social values. Empiricists and Believers alike will get a
lot from this book. It is a Red Pill look under the hood at the roots of men and
women’s “need to believe” in love, God and the metaphysical to solve our mating
imperatives. I don’t try to convert anyone to religion, nor do I try to convince
you to abandon your beliefs. As always, it’s about connecting dots and seeing

Religion is structured differently than any of my previous books. The Rational
Male was originally a collection of what I believe are the most imperative Red
Pill truths for men to understand in this new era of information. These were
drawn from my past essays on this blog, which were prompted by long discussion
threads on the SoSuave and other forum posts from as far back as 2002. I then
reworked and curated these essays into what is now the Bible of the Red Pill.
For Religion I had to take a new approach. Although I drew upon some prior
essays, the majority of this book I wrote from scratch. Dalrock of course was a
major influence throughout the book, but even for the older ideas it was
necessary to rewrite the concepts both to modernize them for the coming decade
and to make them accessible to a reader who may not be familiar with the Red
Pill we take for granted now. This meant that I had to start from a point of
explaining Red Pill root concepts in the beginning chapters and build chapter by
chapter to the greater concepts. The overarching theme of the book is the need
to recognize that we are now 20 years into a New Age of Enlightenment brought
about by the internet, social media and an accessibility to information
unprecedented in human history. I make a distinction between old order thinking
versus a new order understanding that challenges (and confirms) those old order
belief sets. This is the first hurdle most unfamiliar readers will have to
consider. Most old order thinking is what constitutes our beliefs, convictions
and values, but the data age (for better or worse) access to information
(accurate or not) is challenging these ego-investments. Whether or not you think
these challenges confirm your beliefs isn’t the point; the point is that this
new order information is forcing the past 4 generations – and future generations
– to reassess how we’ll progress as a globalized society by accepting new truths
or clinging to old order thinking.

The book builds chapter by chapter up to the most salient parts in the final
chapters. This is by design. I needed old and new readers to digest the way I
come to the bigger concepts of the book before I get to them. This book is by
far the most meticulously researched and sources-cited book I’ve ever written.
In my prior books and on this blog I’m accused of not having peer-reviewed, har
data to back up my assertions. Most of this is just disingenuous filibustering
by lazy critics who don’t have the time to click on the links I put in my
essays. However, I wasn’t going to have that in this book. I footnote every
source I used in the research of this book. If you’re wondering why a book like
this took 3 years to produce, a good portion of that time was spent reading and
archiving the research. I should add that this aspect of the book is something I
don’t see any writers in this sphere doing to such a degree. This process taught
me to be very detail conscious about what I was writing. Most people don’t
really care about the sources you cite, they just want to know you did look
something up. In the TL;DR generation no one will take the time to read through
the 20 page, peer-reviewed, meta-analysis they require from you to prove your
assertion. They just find one study that reinforces their beliefs, link it, and
dismiss you. So, my intent in citing sources in this book was more in the
interests of thoroughness and less about trying to change anyones mind about
their beliefs.

On Authorship

The biggest change you’ll note in this book is my writing style. I’ve learned to
kill my darlings and only rarely pepper in a $10 word when I thought it served.
This came from my reading Writing without Bullshit by Josh Bernoff. This book
made me realize the importance of presenting my ideas with clarity. The cardinal
rule of writing is this; never waste the reader’s time. In the past I’ve used
some complex terms and, lets just say long-form, sentence structures to get an
idea across. Too many people thought that I was trying to sound intelligent by
using words they had to look up afterwards, but I’ve always thought that the
English language was too rich to be limited to basic ‘caveman’ words. I don’t
write for the 8th grade reading level most journalists are taught to do,
however, I realized my ideas were too important not to be accessible to
everyone. This book is 400 pages of tight, concise, cohesive writing in a way I
really had to retrain myself for. Gone are the superlatives, qualifiers and
needless reinforcer adjectives I used to think were useful. I had ample material
to use and I knew where I wanted to go with the book from the start, so content
wasn’t going to be a problem. The challenge was making it intelligible to all
readers, not just the ones who already knew the Red Pill lingo. My purpose then
became making the read engaging enough to give readers an Ah-ha! moment about
the prior chapter when they got into the following chapter. It became an effort
in knowing what to throw out, what to keep and how to simplify saying the same
thing in fewer words. As a result, my outlines and my drafts are littered with
dead darlings that I wouldn’t have thought twice about keeping in my prior

I feel like I’m a better writer for it now. Most of my essays average between
1,800 and 2,800 words. My process usually starts with a hand written outline of
concepts I want to hit on and I go from there. Some of these outlines can get
really complex as I move from point to point, which create further concepts
sometimes. I’ve learned that I don’t necessarily need to cram all of the outline
into one essay or one chapter. While I’ve always crafted each post on this blog,
I recognize the need for brevity now. The Red Pill praxeology and intersexual
dynamics span many subfields, and while I try to be comprehensive in relating
the data that makes up Red Pill concepts, at some point I have to trust my
readers to get it. Either that, or I have to link what I can and let the bigger
ideas carry the concepts into future posts. My challenge now is balancing being
thorough with being concise – and all while considering what counterarguments
will arise.

I finally feel like an author now. To be an author requires a certain amount of
conceit. You read that right; in order to be an author you’ve got to be at least
somewhat conceited. Not necessarily in a bad way, but you’ve got to make some
presumptions about yourself before you can get past the sticking point of
actually typing out ideas on a blank page. The first presumption is the hardest.
You have to ask yourself, “Do I actually think I’m so important, worldly or wise
that anyone should take me seriously enough to care about what I have to say?”
Even if you’re just blogging about something you know well enough, or you just
like the topic enough, you have to get past the the hesitation in thinking other
people who know better, or are bigger fans than yourself about something you
love might be considered better authorities or authors than you.

I don’t really believe in fear being the biggest stumbling block for would-be
writers. Most people aren’t fearful of failure or ridicule when it comes to
becoming an author. Fear is a stupidly common theme for motivational speakers.
Fear is the easiest rationale to target for the ‘go getters’ trying to build a
brand on positivity. Fear just sounds like something people would deal with.
Athletes, artists writers, everyone’s fearful of failure, right? Wrong. It’s
about hesitation in thinking anyone should take you seriously. Then hesitation
turns into procrastination and would-be authors turn into pundits or critics, or
else they endlessly pontificate about how wrong other authors are and how
they’ll correct them in the book they’ll eventually write,…eventually. If you
think would-be authors are fearful of failure just look at how easily people
blather on for multi-Tweet threads on Twitter, 280 characters at a time. The
truth is, damn near anyone can write, but few people are actually authors.

Getting past that hesitation is becoming much easier in the internet age. First
it was user groups, then discussion forums, then blogging was the thing that got
us past the hesitation. We had to presume that someone, somewhere, might
actually read our thoughts and care about them. While social media and Twitter
destroyed our critical thinking and insight about what we were writing, it did
help to kill any hesitation about presuming someone might think we were
unqualified to have an opinion on anything. Fan fiction was one of the first
genres of writing to evolve along with the internet. 50 Shades of Grey was
literally the work of an amateur fan fiction writer who took the time to become
an actual author. Her book was roundly criticized as fan pablum by critics, but
you couldn’t argue with the numbers. At some stage a writer has to say screw it
and just go for broke. Readers and critics be damned, when we become and author
we write a book we want to read.

Once you get past the hesitation, and trot your ideas out in the open it comes
down to honing your craft.  The craft of writing is the next stumbling block to
becoming an author. Anyone can write Tweet or a blog post and be entertaining.
It takes an author to hold a reader’s attention for 300 pages. Most writers
today are little more than word processors. The self-published “authors” of
today were the cubicle jockeys of yesterday writing fan fiction or political
screeds from their workstations on company time when they got bored. Just the
self-appointed title of author has a romance to it. Few writers today actually
know the craft of writing or storytelling, much less a comprehensive knowledge
of what they’re relating most of the time. Even learned professors with lots of
letters in their degree’s titles who find a new popularity in the Hustle Economy
really have a grasp of how to write well.

I’ve often wonder when I could start thinking of myself as a real author. One
book? Three books? How many pages do those ‘books’ need to have for me to be
considered legitimate? Hemingway’s, Old Man and the Sea is 128 pages long.
Hmm,…so, not pages. What about word count? 27,000 for that book. Nope, not word
count. Damn, what makes a book a book and a writer an author? Inspiration?
Sincerity? Drive, moxie, perseverance? Probably all of those and a few more
adjectives I can muster, but when should a guy start calling himself an author?
The best answer I can come to is when he’s honest with himself. When you’re
honest with yourself about the reasons why you write, why you feel you need to
write, when you have mental conversations with yourself about what you’re going
to write, all without the pretense of how anyone will misinterpret your words or
any thought to what your grandchildren will think about you in the future –
that’s when you’re an author. When you’ve filled your 7th little notebook to
remember ideas in because your sick of forgetting the brilliant things that came
to you at 2am when you woke up to take a piss in the middle of the night, that’s
when you’re an author. When you write to yourself and not for your readers,
that’s when you’re an author. When you sit down at your iMac with no inspiration
and write for 4 hours anyway, then you proof read the brilliant, inspired, words
that came to you during the last 30 minutes, that’s when you’re an author.

That’s all very prosaic, but being an author needs to be defined now more than
ever. It’s easy to write — it’s a calling to be an author. Lord knows, I never
planned to be an author. The Rational Male wasn’t published until I was 45 years
old. It took a lifetime to come to the knowledge and craft necessary to write
it. Few people actually read books today. They’d rather listen to them, or they
skim through them, watch the movie or just read the outline to form an opinion
of the ideas or material. I’ve called this the TL;DR Generation – Too Long;
Didn’t Read. Feed me the salient points so I can see if you’re full of shit,
call you on it or give you praise, and then move on to the next post. Actually
writing something that stops a reader in their tracks is the hallmark of an
author. Writing something that inspires genuine conversation, debate or writing
a story that a reader can lose themselves in is the craft of an author. Writing
something a reader actually internalizes, especially in this generation, is a
rare, practiced, gift of an author. Being an author is difficult today. The
distractions are endless. It’s not enough to just write ideas and relate them
with skill, you have to be engaging and accessible to your readers in ways that
authors from past eras never imagined. This is why most writers never become
authors. Writers lose themselves in the distractions. They get lost in building
identities, brands and images of themselves they believe their fans expect of
them. Authors write in spite of themselves. Authors are so enveloped in their
ideas and craft that they don’t care if they come off as assholes for ignoring
distractions. Writers get off on the image of being writers, authors are too
busy exploring and relating ideas.

October 15, 2020October 16, 2020


My colleague and friend, Rian Stone, took it upon himself to breakdown the
brilliant simplicity of a common Manosphere idiom:

> She was never yours, it was just your turn.

This phrase has been around since the earliest days of the Pickup Artists’ (PUA)
online communities. And like many of the old wisdoms of that time the reasoning
for it gets distorted by the various factions of what’s become the Manosphere
today. In 2020 the more extreme end of MGTOW communities – Black Pill, Doomers,
and VolCels – are what most mainstream audiences conflate with Red Pill. What
they, along with Success Porn niche marketers, have done is pick and pull the
parts of Red Pill praxeology that resonates with their personal beliefs and
circumstances and demonize what doesn’t. Both factions have an interest in
misconstruing what the Red Pill has taken 20 years to develop. It doesn’t really
serve the ends of either perspective to spend too much time thinking about a
contentious Red Pill principle when misrepresenting it is more valuable in
confirming their belief sets – especially when doing so generates views, subs
and ad revenue.

To the Doomer mindset She’s not yours… is confirmation of women’s duplicitous,
fickle or evil nature. That’s not to say the nihilistic perspective doesn’t
approach women’s nature from an objective Red Pill understanding, it just means
they focus on surrendering to it and giving up on women. This confirmation bias
also gets mixed up in the Doomer understanding of Hypergamy. Hypergamy resonates
with them because it confirms the idea that all women will dump a guy at the
first sign of his losing an Alpha Frame veneer; an act which he must constantly
maintain in a world of endless options and online attention for women. Slip up
once too often and at the first opportunity she’s gone. It’s the fallacy of
Hypergamy as a straight jacket, and She’s not yours… justifies the defeatism.
You will never find a lasting contentment with a woman because she holds first
right of refusal in any intimate relationship (i.e. Briffault’s Law). Ergo,
sooner or later your turn will be over and all the effort, time and emotion you
invested in her will be for nothing (i.e. Sunk Cost, Relational Equity). In
fact, it may be worse than nothing when you consider the opportunity cost of
having bothered with trying to make her yours in the first place. While the
juice might taste really good in the short term, it’s never really worth the
squeeze in the long term. This conclusion is what really upsets the Success
gurus because it’s a hard logic to refute – at least from their own Man Up!

That’s the Doom Pill interpretation. It’s based on reflexive, immutable binary
extremes – the default reaction of this generation – because it confirms a
hopelessness that defines them. Ironically, it was the very PUAs of the 2000s
they despise so much who originally coined the phrase. Back then it served as a
reminder to guys to never get too attached to one particular woman while dating
several women concurrently. It was almost a mantra to ward off ONEitis because
they were spinning plates and “catching feelings” for one girl tended to end up
destroying them. It was a maxim that worked best as a preventive medicine since
most practitioners of Game saw it as a means to achieve the monogamy their Blue
Pill social conditioning convinced them was possible. Average men build lives
around serial monogamy; it’s always been the surest way to solve the average
man’s reproductive problem. So when you open them up to an abundance of
sexual/intimate potential via Game they tend to use it to get their Dream Girl
and ignore what the Red Pill says about women’s nature.

In today’s ‘sphere, She was never yours, it was just your turn is a salve for
guys who’ve already invested in a woman and she dumped or divorced them. The
presumption is that despite all their best Blue Pill qualifications or their
Game savvy, Hypergamy gets the best of all women and she’ll move on to the
bigger and better deal. This perspective presupposes a stable monogamy, not
spinning plates, is the goal-state for every guy. Notice the maxim here is cast
in the past tense. She was never yours,…At some stage a man believes she is his
(or should be) and she no longer is now. Thus, She was never yours becomes a
post-facto rationalization to the guy who’s probably feeling gutted by his
breakup. The real issue is the guy’s want for a permanent solution to his desire
for intimacy. We see this all the time among simps who spend small fortunes
(monthly) to achieve some kind of virtual intimacy with his favorite OnlyFans
cam-girl. In this case, She was never yours is reconfirmed for simps over and
over as they move from one cam-girl obsession to the next.

For the Success Porn guru, all this is grist for the mill. On one hand, men
struggling with confidence (see social skills), achieving intimacy/sex and
finding purpose are their bread and butter. On the other hand, what they’re
usually selling is the Blue Pill ideal of a sustainable contentment for
otherwise discontent men. That contentment includes the hope that a permanent,
loving and monogamous relationship with one woman is not only possible, but is
also a sign of his authentic manhood. When Dr. Phil sells this hope we write him
off as a naive Pollyanna and old order thinker. However, this same Blue Pill
hope is repackaged and sold online as a return to masculine virtue by today’s
Life Coaches in the Hustle Economy. The permanence of your contentment amounts
to your ability to qualify for it and sustain it with their (usually repackaged)
concept of masculine virtue. Any discontent on the part of the client is
reflective of his own lack of determination or hard work to achieve it. 80’s
Televangelists and 90’s Multi-level Marketing hustlers used similar graft. It’s
really a monetized version of the philosophy of personal responsibility — which
has always been a darling of traditional conservatism and now a staple of
personal development. Any failure of the concept is always attributable to the
man’s deficient effort and investment, which can then be attached to his
character. This isn’t to say that all personal development guys are unscrupulous
hustlers, just that the true responsibility of education rests with the student.

She’s not yours, it was just your turn, and other unignorable truths that the
Red Pill makes men aware of, defeats the self-reinforcing circular logic of the
personal responsibility hustle. It forces the hustler to admit that something
outside men’s control might have an effect on a their lives. Rather than accept
this and work within the framework, the response is more of the same; deny the
phenomenon exists, or presume that even acknowledging it is indicative of a
defeatist mentality – thus, a shirking of personal responsibility which
completes the circular logic.

This is the origin of the “Truthful Anger” fallacy. Around 2015 the instructors
working for Real Social Dynamics (RSD) started getting a lot of questions about
the material in The Rational Male from students attending RSD seminars. At some
point they had to address these questions, but to do so would mean acknowledging
the validity of the concepts in my book – concepts that challenged the
positivity grift they were rapidly converting over to during this time. The
solution was to acknowledge the truth in my work, but tacitly disqualify it by
presuming it came from a place of anger. They then cautioned against
internalizing it at the risk of becoming angry or bitter against women — both
presumptions commonly used by mainstream gynocentric norms. It was misconstrued
as “truthful anger”; poignantly true, but best not to dwell on it if a guy wants
to be happy. In other words, would you rather be happy or would you rather be
right? Happiness is always easier to sell than truth.

Now that we understand the opposing sides of the impermanence of women debate,
we also have to consider the Lie of Individuation that usually gets thrown into
the mix to dismiss the She’s not yours maxim. The Individuation Fallacy is most
easily understood as:

> “People are all individually special cases; each a unique product of their
> environments and experiences, and are far too individually complex to
> understand via generalizations according to sex, etc.”

The individual supersedes any commonalities attributable to biology or
evolution, and usually focuses solely on social constructionism and personal
circumstance as a basis for motivating behavior, developing personality and
influencing others accordingly. The supremacy of the individual is the natural
extension of an underlying belief in The Blank Slate. When you start from a
belief that we’re all functional equals everyone is an angel or a devil
according to the choices they made. But depending on the person’s circumstances
they can be forgiven or damned for the consequences of those choices according
to how we interpret their character as individuals. This is how we get
rationales like, not all women are like that and “People are too complex to
categorize” to dismiss the unignorable commonalities we see in men and women in
the information age. No one likes to think they aren’t in some way unique as
much as they don’t like to think determinism has influenced (in some way) what
they think makes them unique. And since I’m sure you’ve made this connection
already, yes, the Individuation Fallacy dovetails nicely into a doctrine of
personal responsibility.

When we read some example of a woman opting out of a relationship (or sex) with
one guy to take up with another, the reflexive response is to individualize her
behavior according to her individualized circumstances. She’s damaged, she’s got
Daddy Issues, she’s insecure because you weren’t Man Enough, etc. — any and
every consideration that points away from categorizing her actions as
commonalities in women’s innate nature are the reflexive thought process. She’s
not yours, it was just your turn defines her actions in a concrete visceral
understanding of women’s nature that conflicts with the Blank Slate‘s
individualism. In this case the maxim is a description, not a prescription.

Men have an evolved need to know paternity. Unhindered by social strictures or
women’s Hypergamous filtering men would opt for unlimited access to unlimited
sexuality as our innate and preferred mating strategy. I’ve written a lot about
this so I wont belabor it here, but a majority of men, over the course of
history, will never be able to actualize this strategy. Ergo, socially enforced
monogamy became the best mating strategy compromise for men as modified by the
selection pressures of women’s mating strategies. The risk in this compromise is
the assurance of paternity. If a man is going to compromise mating opportunities
with many women to parentally invest in one woman, the deal must come with one
condition: the child must be his genetic stock or the compromise invalidates his
existence (evolutionarily speaking). To ensure this men evolved a mental
firmware that predisposes us to jealousy, mate guarding and desire to possess a
woman. This is why we develop a A Sense of Ownership with our girlfriends, wives
and children. The dynamics of Kin Selection and Kin Altruism all find their root
in men’s imperative to ascertain their paternity and protect their genetic

The need to control women’s sexuality is nothing less than men’s evolutionary
compulsion to ensure that their compromise in parental investment is not for
nothing. In a social order where masculine responsibility to wife and children
was balanced with a commensurate masculine authority to enforce those
responsibilities, men could nominally control the reproductive process. Part of
that process included possessing a woman. This was both an evolutionary
imperative and a social imperative.

Every man loves a slut, he just wants her to be his slut.

In today’s gynocentric social order the thought of owning a woman is an affront
to the female-primary sensibilities that stem from individuation. Feminism and
gynocentrism have conditioned generations of women to believe they are
autonomous ‘things‘ with no need for anything outside themselves – least of all
men – to find true contentment. They are Strong Independent® women who believe
their fulfillment comes from self-ownership. Eschewing a man’s surname in
marriage, or even marriage at all, is a sign of independence and stiff middle
finger to the idea of passive femininity or notions of ever submitting to a
man’s authority. The evolved complementarity between men and women is replaced
with the social contrivance of an idealized egalitarianism. Husband and wife is
replaced with “Equal Partners“.

For women, the problem with this equalist fantasy is biology and evolved impulse
are excused, if not encouraged, in a social order that prioritizes women’s
mating strategies. Literally anything goes when the worst consequences of
women’s Hypergamy can (enthusiastically) always be attributed to men’s inability
to accept them as individuals.

The problem for men is that we still have an innate want to possess a woman to
ensure our paternity and invest in our genetic legacies. As mentioned, this
desire for permanency with one woman was both an evolutionary imperative and a
social imperative in a patriarchal social order. In a gynocentric social order
the evolutionary imperative to possess a woman still remains, but the social
imperative says…

She was, is, will, never be yours, it was just your turn.

And that is why this maxim rubs so many men the wrong way.

August 11, 2020


Tomi Lahren vs. Rollo Tomassi.

I’ve had a lot of my YouTube subscribers tell me that my admittedly “long form”
live stream videos are being chopped off at the 2 hour mark. I’ve been aware of
this problem for a month now and as much as I’d like to suspect it’s
YouTube/Google censorship, it’s really a compiling error between StreamYard (my
streaming app) and how YouTube saves the video after it streams. I had to search
for a fix right after the Will Smith / Jada Pinkett breakdown video I did was
likewise chopped at the beginning. That was easily my most popular and best
watched video on the channel and people wanted the whole damn thing.

I discovered a workaround. I noticed the entire video was in fact compiled on
YouTube when I opened it in their editor software. However, the playback was
limited to only 2 hours from the end of the clip back up to wherever the 2 hour
mark was. The fix was simple: delete about 6-10 seconds of the silence before
the intro music starts and then resave/recompile the video. Presto! The whole
video is now watchable. Well, not exactly Presto!, it takes about half a day to
recompile a 2:45:00 video on YouTube’s very slow encoders.

Needless to say, this is kind of frustrating when I dig into videos like Will
Smith and now my dissection of Tomi Lahren’s dating/men ragequit video. Tomi’s
fem-screech has been all the rage du jour in the Manosphere and on ProRevenge
doompill YouTube since last Wednesday. You just can’t pass on that kind of Grade
A, USDA Choice, Red Meat. Even Trad-Con women holding “legitimate” opinionist
positions at some of the bigger news aggregate blogs had to put something out
about raging Tomi’s meltdown. And as expected they were either piling on with
her frustration about men not “living up to the responsibility of being Real
Men®“ or else it was more unwitting anti-feminist feminism; the same thing Tomi
has suffered from since she was 20.

Even with that ‘fix’ of recompiling the original video I’m still getting guys
emailing/Tweeting to me that they can’t watch the whole thing on various formats
(mobile, web, tablet, etc.). Maybe that’s because they need to clear their video
cache, I don’t know, but I’ve taken it upon myself to host the full video on my
own server here. This is the whole analysis of Tomi’s PSA to Boyish Men.

The Empress has no Clothes

This task gave me an occasion to review the whole thing in a better light.
There’s so much going on in this video it’s hard to sum it up. Tomi’s will be 28
this month (August 2020). She’s right on schedule for her Epiphany Phase, and as
a Farm League celebrity who happens to be reasonably attractive the end of her
20s are weighing heavy on her ego. For the record, I’ve been privy to some DMs
from guys in my and Jon MLD’s communities who’ve dated (banged) Tomi and had
some interesting details as to what prompted her to this ragequit. I’m not going
to make these public. Honestly, it’s TMZ style salaciousness, but these
conversations confirmed my initial assessment: Tomi is barreling headlong into
the Epiphany Phase and it’s not pretty.

In the video I mention that Tomi needs to find some kind of humility. She’s
arrogant, entitled, self-aggrandized and completely oblivious to the fact that
her opinions of herself and her “attractive” girl-friends are in fact the
product of the feminism she claims to despise. Insight, humility, grace and
poise are among the many conventionally feminine characteristic the women of
Tomi’s generation (and older) desperately lack. I’m sure Tomi and Co. would
disagree, but increasingly more men today are realizing the Empress has no
Clothes. Women today like to believe they already have these feminine traits –
this is part of the Fempowerment narrative that teaches women they uniquely hold
the attributes that make a woman a Quality woman, while also possessing all the
best traits that make men admirable and respectable.

As mentioned in An Essay for Women, feminist ideology and gynocentrism has
conditioned four generations of women to believe they can be the embodiment of
the best of both genders. Self-fulfilling, independent and needing for nothing
outside themselves (“You are enough girl.”), the women of Tomi’s generation are
now discovering that the elite men they desire the most have the least use for
them. Why would they? I’m not talking about MGTOW here, I’m talking about high
SMV men in the global sexual marketplace who are in the Game and would like to
eventually start a family with a devoted wife who needs him. If the best a woman
of can be is a self-fulfilled, ego-assured, independent thing with no needs
outside herself, why would she ever seek out an elite man? Why would a man be
attracted to a woman who screeches at the top of her lungs,…

> “It’ll be a cold day in Hell before I EVER CHASE A MAN!”

By definition, high value men – the men with their “shit together“, the men with
a plan, the men who “value value” – have no attraction for a woman who publicly
expresses she doesn’t need him. Now, Tomi and her Sisters doth protest too much.
Her frustration with men is the result of her inability to accept that she does,
in fact, need men; and her standards would predictably crumble given the right
incentives. Granted, Tomi correctly assesses that the men of today are
increasingly more effeminate, pussified, rudderless and apathetic than any
generation that came before them. But ironically, she misses that the sad state
of men today should make her even more hyperaware that her bitchy, self-entitled
and decidedly masculinized sense of self is unattractive to the elite men she
believes she and her sisters deserve.

The prime directive of feminism is:

> Never do anything for the express pleasure of a man.

Since the post-Sexual Revolution rise of gynocentrism, this feminist maxim has
played well with women’s empowerment messaging. There was a time (from the late
60s to late 90s) when men identifying with the feminine – getting in touch with
their emotions – was a form of Game. Misguided as it was, men were taught that
by supporting, identifying with, and empowering women they would be adapting to
that era’s sexual marketplace. Today, this is old order thinking, but the legacy
of those generations’ beliefs about women are what is causing such frustration
in Tomi’s generation.

It’s too easy to just dismiss her as another entitled, stuck up bitch heading
for her date with the Epiphany Phase and the Wall. The problem, and the solution
to it, is right in front of her generation’s face. No man needs a woman who has
no need for him. Men and women evolved to be complements to one another. This
Complementarity and gender interdependence is one of the greatest adaptive
strengths of our species, yet the surest way to debase and destroy it is to
foment the idea of autonomous, androgynous, independence of one sex.

Tomi Lahren is a Feminist in the truest sense of the term. In one breath she
screams men are trash, and in the next she claims to love men. This is the
cognitive dissonance that generations of feminism embeds in women. Years of
socio-psychological upbringing trains them to distrust, despise and emancipate
themselves from men, while at the same time their evolved, biological, mental
firmware cries in frustration for a need of men to love, protect, provide and
sexually satisfy them.

This inner conflict becomes more and more stressful as this generation of young
women approach the Epiphany Phase. One conflicting shift I see among this crop
of young women is a greater, and earlier, awareness that they will be less
likely to optimize Hypergamy with an acceptable, elite, man they are taught to
believe they all deserve. Settling for anything less than optimal is anathema to
the Strong Independent Woman ideal; settling for a suboptimal man is the main
source of inner conflict for the Equal-but-Better expectations women place on
today’s admittedly lacking men.

This is what Tomi is screaming and crying about.

July 22, 2020


Back in January of this year I published a bit from my upcoming 4th book in The
New Age of Enlightenment. As I get closer to publication the current events of
2020 have made me consider a new dynamic in regard to how, in an unprecedented
way, the new power of cancel culture has given rise to what I’ve called the
Hustle Economy.

> How many YouTube content producers rely on their channel as a ’side hustle’
> revenue to pay their bills today? How many self-published authors have quit
> their day jobs to write for their new employer, Amazon, today (Amazon owns 86%
> of the publishing market today)? How many former cubicle workers decided it
> was more lucrative to start an internet business than continue slaving away at
> a corporate gig that only made their bosses rich? Today, we’ll readily shift
> to the digital world to sustain us financially – in the end we don’t have much
> choice – but it’s the old order thinking that pervades this new “reality” and
> causes problems.

I write this at a time when several prominent names in the Manosphere (and other
spheres) with large subscriber bases are having their channels erased by
YouTube/Google. In some cases this erasure is a complete deletion from
mainstream social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even WordPress). I’m
not a fortuneteller, but I did predict this happening as far back as my State of
the Manosphere address in 2018 and as recently as a defunct convention I spoke
at back in May of 2019. I said a storm was coming. I saw then that a mainstream
Village would need convenient foils, easy targets, to defeat in the 2020
election cycle; and the “Red Pill” – as subjectively defined by every online
ideologue-grifter – would make the perfect, easy-to-hate, villains to bring down
to prove a point. Purging long-overdue “hate accounts” would seem like a
necessary and needed step to prove ideological virtue to the ‘woke’ masses.

Well, that storm is upon us now, and the people who convinced themselves they
were entrepreneurs, and a much more profitable side hustle was their true
calling in life, are looking around with a bit of nervous hesitancy now. Even
the guys with the temerity to start an online business in the wake of the Corona
Virus eliminating their jobs are now realizing they may not be as anti-fragile
as they thought. Cancel Culture isn’t just about getting ideological enemies
fired from their day jobs. It’s about total personal assassination, and stealing
that person’s bread in the form of denying them any future ability to exist
online, much less generate revenue, is the real objective. Right now, the
Cancelled are just faceless randoms online losing jobs and tenured university
staff who got too comfortable in the belief that they could never be fired. But
in the coming months the Cancelled are going to look like an army of
dispossessed with nothing to lose by hunting down the ones responsible for
canceling them.

An Economy of Hustlers

The Hustle Economy came about because the barriers to entry into that economy
have never been lower. For roughly 7-8 years anyone with a laptop, webcam and a
basic understanding of social media and WordPress could join the hustle
revolution of online “influencers“. Who wouldn’t want to make more money than
the shitty 9-5 corporate cubicle job they spent 4 years in college to get into?
Is it any wonder that for a decade the various ‘spheres have been dissuading
young men from attending college, to get worthless degrees, in order to get into
one of these jobs? Why bother with the “leftist indoctrination” we call
education when you can make six figures in a couple of years online if you learn
how to leverage SEO, engagement, grow an email list and pitch offers and merch?
Hell, you can pretend to be a dog online and make more money than that job you
thought assuming all that student debt for would be so rewarding.

The Hustle Economy was a natural progression from the Gig Economy. A lot of
companies understood the sense in ‘retaining’ at-home employees, or
project/contract workers. No benefits, next to no overhead, productivity was up
to the freelancer completing the tasks on time (instead of monitoring hourlies’
productivity in a cube farm) and all for about the same, if not less,
compensation. Don’t like your gig? Fine, just fire your “employer” and go back
to your service advertising site to pick up a new one. For being a hired gun or
contractual employee working from home most smart pros saw the freedom of the
Hustle Economy almost immediately. Cut the middleman out and have the “jobs”
come to you in the form of a potentially worldwide clientele.

Around 2014 the online Coaching/Guru hustle really began to develop into a
template that anyone with a bit of social media savvy could follow. ‘Smart’ men
and women quit their dead-end cubicle jobs or rearranged their Gig Economy jobs,
for the more lucrative positivity hustle dollars that only required the small
investment of a laptop, webcam and a willingness to parrot the scripts of Tony
Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill or Norman Vincent Peale. To be fair, this new
Hustle Economy isn’t unique to the Manosphere; the Lost Boys Generation – this
generation of directionless young men – niche market is just one among many
lucrative markets today. Health & Fitness, “Entrepreneurs”,
dating/relationship/marriage, personal empowerment, motivational positivity, the
Law of Attraction, these are just a sampling of what I’ve called the Success
Porn industry in the past. And new order technology makes all the old order
grifts seem novel to a generation that’s never experienced them before. This
Hustle Economy online template is cross-cultural and largely globalized now.
Religion, psychology, motivation, business, philosophy, fitness,
medicine/health, dating/relationship, marriage, child-rearing, or even just
catering to the red meat needs of others’ desire for affirmation in their own
despondency; all of these and more are now the spheres of the Hustle Economy.

Old Order Mastery vs. New Order Hustle

In 2015 I had a guy approach me at the Man in Demand conference who wanted to
thank me for my work and The Rational Male. He said he’d come to reading it at
the suggestion of his (male) therapist while he was recovering from a nasty
divorce. This was the first time I had ever been told that a legitimate clinical
psychologist had been using my book as a part of their therapy practice. The
significance of this was profound for me then, but I don’t think I fully
appreciated it until I had more men relate a similar beginning to reading my
work in 2017 up to today. Here were real psychologists with doctorate degrees
using The Rational Male as a reference in their practices. It was at this time I
began to pay more attention to doctors and scholars and legitimate business pros
who were aligning themselves with the various influencers of the new order

Psychologists are the best example of this because of the diversity of fields
they can involve themselves in. Take a guy like Gad Saad, easily one of my
favorite evolutionary psychology researchers. He’s a bonafide doctor and
evo-psych scientist who’s found a new celebrity in various Hustle Economy
sub-spheres on Twitter and elsewhere. His YouTube channel is pushing 180K subs
and he managed to leverage himself as an e-personality. But Gad is one of the
few legitimate psychologists to successfully transition to the new order hustle.
More psychologists struggle with it because they still cling to an old order
thinking that their pre-New Enlightenment educations were founded upon. They may
still hold private clinical practices that they developed some 10-20 years ago.
That’s the way you did it as a therapist in the old order. In fact, one reason I
never pursued a postgraduate in behavioral psychology was because the only way
to make any “real money” was to get a doctorate and start a practice. Masters
degrees would get a you a job as a social worker.

Today, legitimate psychologists must actively compete in the Hustle Economy to
make the hard work, time and money they invested in their degrees pay off as
well as an online self-help Guru or Coach‘s hustle; some of whom have had their
own practice open online with a 99 page “e-book” available filled with
positivity pablum lifted from The Secret, going for as long as they’ve been in
school. When WebMD first launched in the late 2000s doctors everywhere had to
contend with their patients diagnosing themselves with whatever disorder they
believed their symptoms indicated according to what they read on the site. The
age of the self-educator had begun in this regard and online “clinicians“, both
certified and holistic, saw the opportunity to profit from the symptomatic fears
of people about their health. Real doctors had to either fight a losing battle
of reeducating and allaying the fears of increasingly more people’s health
concerns one by one, or find their own angle in the Hustle Economy and leverage
their title and credentials to add validity to it. Today, an honorific is
respected in name, but it’s by no means the path to earning potential – at least
in the short term.

I occasionally encounter the critic who will claim I don’t site sources or my
own work is speculative or just opinion. Wherever possible I do in fact cite
sources, stats and research, but in the new order information age quoting stats
or correlating studies has become an exercise in “dueling research”. And that’s
assuming a critic has the time and interest enough to consider what you’re
citing and counter it with their own. If you’re diligent enough it’s likely you
can counter even the most basic of scientific presumptions with some research,
TED talk or meta-study data. The truth is most people simply don’t develop their
personal belief sets based on the data of multiple peer-reviewed, independently
funded, experimental research PDFs someone links them online. They usually go
with experience, emotional resonance and what “sounds right” according to how
they were raised. If anything, rationality and critical thinking – the kind of
mental presence sorely needed in higher education – is distrusted above all else
in the Hustle Economy.

So, I can certainly see the frustration most old order career professionals have
with the online template success models of their new order competitors. Add to
this that they are both vying for the very sparse attention of the same
customers – all of whom are little experts themselves – and you begin to see the
practicality of, “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”. Thus far I’ve used
psychology as the illustration, but this Hustle Economy dynamic applies to all
old order businesses, academia, government systems, and religion. Religion in
particular (as I’m writing about) was, and is, one of the first spheres to
eagerly embrace the Hustle Economy. With everyone online being a little expert
and everyone having some relative platform on which to prove it, religion,
spirituality and magical thinking were easily monetized and template-formed. And
their profitability is made all the better when one sphere’s template (religion)
complements or amplifies another (government, psychology, fitness, sex, etc.).

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Kicking and screaming will the old order thinkers be dragged into the Hustle
Economy of this new age of digital enlightenment. Back in the late 2000s I can
remember being told that to make ends meet a family needed two incomes and a
side hustle. Now that side hustle is the main thing. The old plan of going to 4,
maybe 8 years, of college to get a good job that paid well is hard to sell in
the age of hustles that can pay far more than a formal degree does. Don’t think
for a moment I’m in any way celebrating this development. A good education
should be its own reward. Being well versed in a variety of areas, and
understanding critical thinking and how to learn should be a priority for
well-educated people. But even our institutions of higher learning, our esteemed
universities, must also contend with the Hustle Economy. As COVID forces us to
stay home, and classes, and jobs, are moved online, people are only now
realizing just how unprepared their schools and employers are to deal with the
new order way of learning and working. They’re beginning to see how many hours
of their lives they waste in pointless formalities and commutes, but more so,
they see how antiquated the old order systems they relied upon for security for
so long really are. And in turn, those universities and corporation must now
enter the Hustle Economy themselves if they want to survive.

This is the essence of the Red Pill. While I believe that Red Pill ought to only
be used for intersexual dynamics, I do see the parallels in transitioning from a
reliance on old order thinking to seeing how deceptively false the premises of
that thinking are in light of new order, readily accessible, information today.
We are presently in a state of radical transition – made all the worse because
most of the last 4 generations neither realize it nor understand how to deal
with it – and the old systems based on old presumptions are failing right before
our eyes. These generations are ill prepared because all they know, all they’ve
been taught, are failed, failing or outmoded ideas of the old order.


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Tick Tock
by James Patterson
The Rational Male - The Players Handbook: A Red Pill Guide to Game
by Rollo Tomassi
The Rational Male – Religion
by Rollo Tomassi
The Rational Male® – Religion is an exploration of human intersexual dynamics
and their influence on spiritual belief, religion, and social values.
The Rational Male: Positive Masculinity
by Rollo Tomassi

The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine
by Rollo Tomassi

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 * Explaining Game to Women
 * Sizzle & Steak: Hustling the Hustlers
 * Sizzle & Steak: Evangelism in the Hustle Economy
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PalmaSailor on Field Reportsbob on The Best of Rational Male – Ye…M Ahsan on The
Feminine Imperative in Cor…snmpanel on The Feminine Imperative in Cor…Justice
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