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Digital capacity exchange InsurX said it launched a platform in the direct and
facultative property market with the participation of London brokers and

Source: AM Best | Published on January 17, 2024

InsurX platform

Digital capacity exchange InsurX said it launched a platform in the direct and
facultative property market with the participation of London brokers and

With the launch, the algorithmic capacity exchange can allow multiple insurers
to use its platform to modernize the syndication of risk, InsurX said in a
statement. Property class leaders are gaining relevance by attracting
algorithmic follow capacity behind their terms and other insurers are adopting
algorithmic underwriting by using the platform to bind follow risks, the company

With the launch, brokers BMS, Cogent, Consilium, Gallagher and Miller now access
D&F capacity deployed according to underwriting preferences, which the capacity
providers can review and update at any time, InsurX said. The first property
risk to be traded through InsurX was placed by Miller and bound by a Lloyd’s

“After modernizing the way risk is syndicated in the London contingency market,
this move into the property market, which is so important to London, was the
logical next step for us,” Gilbert Harrap, chief executive officer, InsurX, said
in a statement. The company boosted the syndication process in the contingency
market in 2023 and now does this for the property market, with plans to roll out
the InsurX exchange to other specialty insurance classes in 2024, he said.

“London has been calling out for a better way to syndicate risk since the launch
of the Future at Lloyd’s in 2019,” he said.

Simon Clegg, head of property, Atrium Underwriting, said in a statement the
company acknowledges the power of syndication to offer coverage for complex
risks, and InsurX provides “a powerful way to deliver relevant capacity
solutions for our clients and brokers by partnering with follow capacity

Will Roscoe, active underwriter, Beazley Smart Tracker Syndicate 5623, said in a
statement InsurX Exchange’s algorithmic underwriting expansion is welcome to the
London Market.

Lloyd’s and technology provider Velonetic earlier agreed to delay the launch
date of phase two Blueprint Two digital services to April 2025 after a request
from the Lloyd’s Market Association’s board of directors. Phase two services
were to go live in October 2024 but will move to April 2025 in response to the
LMA request, Lloyd’s said at the time.

The Blueprint Two digitalization program will be delivered in two phases, with
phase one going live in a single market cutover on July 1. All market
participants are focused on the need to successfully cut over for phase one,
Lloyd’s said.

Lloyd’s and underwriting entities of Beazley plc have current Best’s Financial
Strength Ratings of A (Excellent).



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