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Submitted URL: http://www.kurevapes.com/
Effective URL: https://www.kurevapes.com/
Submission: On November 14 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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GET /search

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POST /contact#contact_form

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WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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We took our knowledge from the beginnings of the e-cigarette movement and set
the standard for the brick-and-mortar vape shop experience. Whether you're an
experienced vaper or looking to make the switch, Kure has what you’re looking
for: e-liquids, devices, disposables, hemp-derived CBD and Delta-8, kratom and
more! No matter your preferences, there’s no need to compromise your desire for

Our vaping experts have curated our collection to make sure we have exactly what
you are looking for. Find a store near you or shop online and check out all our
incredible services! With an in-store 2 Week You Love It Guarantee and the best
local prices around, Kure CBD & Vape promises to provide a fulfilling experience
that supports and prioritises you and your lifestyle.



Kure CBD & Vape is proud to offer our exclusive Prime Bar, featuring our
US-crafted, premium Prime E-Liquids. Pick from your favorites, poured on-demand
in-store; with over 200 flavor and strength combinations, we have an e-liquid
for every vape user! These mouth-watering e-liquid flavors have been specially
developed to deliver the perfect vape every single time.




Kure CBD & Vape offers the best selection of cutting-edge pod systems, box mods,
disposable vapes, and other hardware replacement parts and accessories. In
addition to our Prime Bar, Kure offers a wide selection of high-quality
pre-bottled e-liquids, selected for excellence. We also offer an extensive array
of botanical products, including CBD, Delta-8, hardware, and more.

What our guests love most of all is our industry-leading support team, here to
help in any way they can. Kure CBD & Vape is proud to be an Authorized Warranty
Center for both SMOK and Vaporesso.

Store photos courtesy of Wesley Jory • wesleyjory.design


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All prices and promotions are subject to change without notice and are not
guaranteed. Prices stated do not include any sales, use or excise tax or any
other tax, duty or charge which is now in effect or may be hereafter imposed by
any Federal, State or other authority.

WARNING: The products in this website are not intended for the sale or use by
anyone under 21 years of age. Products contain nicotine. Do not get on skin or
in eyes. Do not drink. Keep away from children and pets. In case of accidental
contact, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.

⚠️ CA PROP 65 WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals including
formaldehyde, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and
nicotine, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.


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