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The next generation Linux workstation, designed for reliability, performance,
and sustainability.

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Bluefin is a custom image of Fedora Silverblue. The best of both worlds: the
reliability and ease of use of a Chromebook, with the power of a GNOME desktop.

Applications by Flathub

Near-zero maintenance

Included GPU drivers

Featuring automatic image-based updates and a simple graphical application
store, Bluefin is designed to get out of your way. Get what you want without
sacrificing system stability. The Linux client has evolved. Check the
announcement blog post and introductory documentation for more information.

Images are available for PC, Framework and ASUS laptops, and Microsoft Surface
devices. M1/M2 Mac Support coming soon.

> “Evolution is a process of constant branching and expansion.” Stephen Jay
> Gould



Container focused workflows to get you started depending on where you're coming
from, or bring your own. Wield the industry's leading tools at your fingertips.

Visual Studio Code with devcontainers.

Ptyxis - Container focused terminal

Devpod - developer environments as code

Homebrew on-tap

The inclusion of a container runtime unlocks your team's potential. Like most
dromaeosaurs, she knows how to ship to production. Bluefin is designed to be
forked and extended depending on your requirements, using standard cloud-native
tools and techniques. Develop your application with the same stack you deploy to

We target Linux operators who don't use Linux on the desktop because it has
failed them. So we're taking the Linux desktop through its cloud-native journey
and building it as a community. There will be dinosaurs on this trip.

> Be the one who moves, not the one who is moved. Zavala



Bluefin is not just software, she is a new breed of animal, adapted to survive
the rigors of an ecosystem dominated by giants while protecting her family.

We believe that the desktop experience needs to change. Technology begins with
the local computer, the device that you touch, and it should be as essential as
the rest of the Linux ecosystem.

By introducing cloud-native patterns to the desktop we hope to ignite interest
in desktop computing while catering to the next generation of open-source
contributors. Bluefin is designed to be the tool you depend on to do what you do

Bluefin is about sustainability, encompassing the software, the hardware, and
the people.

> There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that
> reflects it. Edith Wharton

Or she may disembowel us on the way. Clever Girl.

Project Bluefin is not a finished product, she is an ongoing passion project
maintained by cloud-native enthusiasts who seek a more reliable and maintainable
Linux desktop experience.

She represents the state of the art … a fragile, beautiful, and unique creature.
A perfect predator for a world that will that will inevitably face challenges.
We must adapt. We can do it together.



Use the form below to get the correct ISO download link for your hardware and
use case.



If your questions remain unanswered, you can find us on our Discourse forum

What is this exactly? Why did you make a Linux distribution?

Bluefin utilizes Fedora's OCI container features to compose and build an OS
image. This process is overseen by a well-structured community that is committed
to automation and sustainability. The end result is akin to a configuration
management tool like Ansible or Salt, but without the typical challenges
associated with maintaining a custom distribution. We use the term "custom
image" to describe this approach.

Because it follows a cloud-native pattern, the end user has the flexibility to
rebase back to the stock Fedora or any Universal Blue image. It's more like
having someone install, configure, and maintain a polished Fedora setup for you.

What is a cloud native model?

Cloud Native Desktop Model OSTree Native Containers

How does this differ from other desktops?

We call Bluefin "an interpretation of the Ubuntu spirit built on Fedora
technology". We take the original mantra of Ubuntu's opinionated software
decisions and apply them to Fedora Silverblue. We remove choice paralysis for
users by presenting one well curated Flathub store, Homebrew, and minimize the
use of system packaging.

For developers we concentrate on a pure cloud-native developer workflow via

Or use any OCI container as your user space.

Distrobox Flathub Devcontainers Prompt

Where can I find more details on the features?

You can find detailed information in our GitHub repository.

GitHub Bluefin Documentation Developer Documentation

Why dinosaurs??

Bluefin is a Deinonychus antirrhopus, a theropod dinosaur whose name means
"terrible claw". Discovered in the 1960s, she revolutionized our understanding
of dinosaurs. Before Deinonychus, dinosaurs were often seen as slow, dim-witted
creatures. However, she shattered these misconceptions, offering insight into
the dynamic world of hot-blooded, rapidly evolving animals that were masters of
their domain. We aim for our desktop to embody a similar nimbleness. Power and


What if I want to use KDE?

Aurora is the same Bluefin but uses KDE instead. We hope that Bluefin and Aurora
act as inspiration for others to build their own communities around user
experiences. Also check out Bazzite if you want an enthusiast-grade gaming
experience, similar to SteamOS. Birds of a feather are stronger together.

Aurora Bazzite

What do the Asus, Framework, and Surface images do?

The Asus and Surface images ship the and linux-surface kernels,
respectively. The Framework image ships recommended power settings for the
Framework 13 laptop. All of them allow for user-overridden configuration.

Framework Surface Asus

I'm not interested in a desktop, can I just get the dinosaurs?

Bluefin was brought to life by Jacob Schnurr and Andy Frazer. The artwork is
free for you to use. It represents the delicate balance of life and is there to
remind us that open source is an ecosystem that needs to be sustained. The
software we make has an effect on the world: Bluefin might be put together by
technology nerds, but it took two humans to show us the importance of the
creativity of the human mind.

Wallpapers and Dinosaurs Jacob Schnurr Andy Frazer


Bluefin is built by a dedicated group of maintainers and contributors.

Powered By

Project Bluefin

Bluefin is built with Universal Blue, a community toolkit designed to reboot the
Linux desktop. Built for the love of the game. Welcome to indie Cloud Native.

 * GitHub


All artwork built by humans.

 * Website - Jan Dolanský & Kyle Gospodnetich
 * Logos and Wallpapers - Jacob Schnurr
 * Bluefin Illustrative Wallpaper - Andy Frazer, DragonsofWales
 * Special Thanks - Aaron Lake, Brian Ketelsen, Dustin Kirkland, and Marco Ceppi

Copyright 2024 © Project Bluefin and Universal Blue

 * For You
 * For Devs
 * Our Mission
 * Try Out
 * FAQ