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Erling Haaland hasn't played for Manchester City since the Premier League defeat
to Aston Villa last month but could return for the FA Cup tie against
Huddersfield Town

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Alex JamesFootball Writer
 * 15:12, 4 JAN 2024


Erling Haaland of Manchester City (Image: James Gill - Danehouse/Getty Images)

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Manchester City striker Erling Haaland is closing in on a return to action from
a foot injury.

The Norway international has been absent for nearly a month but was pictured
back in training on Wednesday ahead of a potential return to action. He had
previously been training individually as he works his way back to full fitness.

City are in FA Cup action this weekend when they face Championship strugglers
Huddersfield Town in the third round. With cup commitments and a winter break,
City play just one top-flight fixture between now and January 31. That comes
against Newcastle United next weekend.

ALSO READ: Three ways City can line up with Foden and De Bruyne

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Man City Training ahead of Red Star Belgrade



ALSO READ: Man City have two title advantages at just the right time

Haaland seems likely to be available for that fixture while he could be handed
minutes, most likely off the bench against Huddersfield to help regain his match

His return would provide an obvious boost to Pep Guardiola who saw Kevin de
Bruyne return to the matchday squad against Sheffield United as an unused sub.
Jeremy Doku is also closing in on a return to action at a time when other title
contenders, including Liverpool, lose key players to the Africa Cup of Nations.

Guardiola, speaking after the win over Sheffield United, labelled the impending
return of the key City trio as ‘incredible news’ ahead of the second half of the

Haaland has scored 19 goals in all completions this season but hasn’t featured
since City’s 1-0 defeat to Aston Villa in early December. City are third in the
table, five points behind leaders Liverpool but with a game in hand.


The transfer window has been a hectic one and City have been busy, with
high-profile signings and sales aplenty.

City snapped up Croatian pair Mateo Kovacic and Josko Gvardiol from Chelsea and
RB Leipzig respectively with the latest addition being Jeremy Doku. Wolves'
Matheus Nunes then joined the Blues on deadline day. In terms of outgoings,
Treble winner Ilkay Gundogan departed for Barcelona, Aymeric Laporte and Riyad
Mahrez moved to Saudi Arabia, and Cole Palmer completed a shock move to Chelsea.

Our team of City experts will be on top of all the goings-on at the Etihad
across deadline day and beyond, and you can get the latest updates and inside
information to your phone by joining our new free WhatsApp community below.



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 * Erik ten Hag has made a demand that Sir Jim Ratcliffe might not accept at
   Manchester United
 * Manchester United transfer news live Jadon Sancho exit close as loan deal
 * Alton Towers makes 'difficult decision' to close attraction after 21 years
 * Manchester United told former coach could return as manager after
   'phenomenal' spell away
 * Michael Olise arrival could force Marcus Rashford into unwanted Manchester
   United duty

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operations at Man United and INEOS will change the club's transfer policy.
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might not be the right one - especially for Rashford
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