www.lens.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.lens.org/
Effective URL: https://www.lens.org/
Submission: On March 06 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

<form ng-submit="search()" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
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  <!-- ngIf: vm.homeSearchTab === 'patent' -->
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                                        {{::'filters.date.type.filed' | message}}
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                                    <label class="radio">
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                                            <label class="input ">
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                                <ul class="dd-menu">
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                                            <label class="checkbox">
                                                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.filterMap[vm.patentFieldsMap[flag].filterName]">
                                                <span class="doc-count is-patent">{{::vm.fieldsMapByType.patent[flag].uniqueCount}}</span>
                                                {{::('filters.flag.' + flag) | message}}
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <label>{{::'home.form.jurisdictions' | message}}</label>
                        <a class="mock-select" tooltip-title tooltip-options="::{trigger: 'click', side: 'bottom'}" tooltip-content-selector="#patent-juridictions">
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                            {{filterDropdownLabel('j') || ('home.form.any' | message)}}
                        <div hidden>
                            <div id="patent-juridictions" class="heading-select--menu hst-flyout">
                                <div class="modify-chart-pane--search">
                                    <label class="input input-sm">
                                        <input placeholder="Search Jurisdictions" ng-model="vm.searchInput.jurisdiction" ng-change="jurisdictionAutocomplete()">
                                        <em class="far fa-search icon_append"></em>
                                <ul class="dd-menu">
                                    <li ng-repeat="item in vm.autocomplete.jurisdiction[vm.searchInput.jurisdiction] | limitTo:10" ng-hide="!vm.searchInput.jurisdiction">
                                            <label class="checkbox">
                                                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.filterMap.j[item.key]">
                                                <span lens-flag country="item.key"></span>
                                                <span class="doc-count" ng-if="::item.value || item.doc_count">{{::item.value || item.doc_count | customNumber}}</span>
                                                {{::vm.facetFormatters.jurisdiction(item.key) || item.key}}
                                    <li ng-repeat="item in vm.cannedPatentFacets.jurisdiction.buckets | limitTo:10" ng-hide="vm.autocomplete.jurisdiction[vm.searchInput.jurisdiction].length && vm.searchInput.jurisdiction">
                                            <label class="checkbox">
                                                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.filterMap.j[item.key]">
                                                <span lens-flag jurisdiction="item.key"></span>
                                                <span class="doc-count is-patent">{{::item.doc_count | customNumber}}</span>
                                                {{::item.label || vm.facetFormatters.jurisdiction(item.key) || item.key}}
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      <a href="/lens/search/patent/structured" class="ng-binding">Structured Search</a>
  </div><!-- end ngIf: vm.homeSearchTab === 'patent' -->
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  <!-- ngIf: vm.homeSearchTab === 'scholar' -->
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Text Content




With this release (V6.0) we have officially decided to end support for Internet
Explorer. We still fully support Microsoft Edge, along with all other modern and
standards compliant browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera).

Scheduled Downtime: The Lens is scheduled for maintenance and downtime on Sunday
August 07, 2022, from 08:00 UTC. We will be conducting an Amazon server
migration that will affect all Lens apps. Note for API users: Both the Patent
and Scholarly API will be offline during the migration. Apologies for any
Dismiss  Learn More
 * Our Apps
     Search and Analysis
     Our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured
     search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting
     options to find the most relevant and important patents. Create
     collections, alerts and visualisations to be annotated and shared.
     Start Using Watch Video
     Patents Search and Analysis
     Search and Analysis
     Lens serves over 200 million scholarly records, compiled and harmonised
     from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and
     UnPaywall open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly
     citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.
     Start Using
     Scholarly Works Search and Analysis
   * API & DATA
     Bulk Data Access
     Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works, biological sequences and
     patents using the flexibility and convenience of an API or bulk downloads.
     Perform and combine API search operations to programmatically retrieve
     results or download bulk sequence listings.
     Start Using
     API & Data Bulk Data Access
     Explore Biological Sequences
     Search and analyse biological sequences disclosed in patents. This is the
     world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency
     metrics. Choose among the 5 apps to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and
     protein sequences found in patents.
     Start Using Watch Video
     PatSeq Biological Toolset
     Discover Experts & Collaborators
     Analyze linkages between academic research and inventions. Explore which
     scholarly works have influenced what patents and who is using scholarly
     work to build products and services. Visualise important linkages and
     explore networks of collaborations.
     Start Using Watch Video
     PatCite Citation Analysis
     User Profiles
     Lens Profiles are composite author/inventor profiles based on ORCID records
     and enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. Link your profile
     to update your ORCID record with additional scholarly works or patents from
     the Lens in just a few easy steps.
     Start Using
     Lens Profiles User Profiles
     Data Driven Report Builder
     Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable
     and reusable reports linked to real Lens data and analytics. The next
     evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your
     findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.
     Start Using
     Lens Reports
     Report Builder
   * IN4M
     Mapping Influence of Scholarship
     The International Industry & Innovation Influence Mapping (In4M) uses
     citation-based metrics to map the influence of academic research on
     academia and enterprise. In4M explores, exposes and ranks the degree to
     which scholarly work output influences outcomes.
     Start Using Watch Video
     In4M Measuring Influence
 * Release 9.0
   Release 9.0: Introducing the Aggregation API, Bulk data API, Persian & Korean
   localisation and more!...
   Read Release Notes
 * Pricing
 * Feature Tour
 * About
   * Collective Action
   * Institutional Toolkit
   * Lens Labs
   * What is the Lens
   * Release Notes
   * Lens Use Cases
   * Our News
   * Policies
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 * English - EN
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   * Deutsch - DE
   * 日本語 - JA
   * Bahasa Indonesia - IN
   * العَرَبِيَّة‎‎ - AR
   * فارسی - FA
 * Register Login


 * Patents
 * Scholarly Works
 * Profiles
 * Collections
 * Reports
 * Classifications
 * Climate Landscapes

Show Classifications Show Field Tips Structured Search


The Lens serves integrated scholarly and patent knowledge as a public good to
inform science and technology enabled problem solving.

Watch Explainer Video   Take Tour  


Discover, analyse, and map global innovation knowledge. Bridging the cultures of
scholarly research with invention and industry, the Lens offers the following

   million patent records from over 95 different jurisdictions.

   million scholarly works, compiled and harmonised.

   Create, annotate and share collections of patent and scholarship portfolios.

   Search, analyse and share the biological sequences disclosed in patents.

   Explore which articles influence what patents and who is building products.

   Measure the influence of published scholarship on things that matter.

   Present and share your patent and scholarly work output coupled with CV


Our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured
search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options
to find the most relevant and important patents.

Start Using Watch Video


Lens serves over 200 million scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from
Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall
open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is
provided for the first time as an open public resource.

Start Using


Explore which scholarly works have influenced what patents and who is using
scholarly work to build products and services. Dynamic and interrogable,
identify and visualise important linkages and explore networks of
collaborations, leading to better partnerships and delivering outcomes of value.

Start Using Watch Video


The International Industry & Innovation Influence Mapping (In4M) uses
citation-based metrics to map the influence of academic research on academia and
enterprise. In4M explores, exposes and ranks the degree to which scholarly work
output influences outcomes for society.

Start Using Watch Video


Create, annotate and personalize collections of your patent and scholarly works
with new avatars. Dynamic collections are auto-updated with linked saved
queries, and can be tracked to follow who does what, when and where, who
influences whom: to inform decision-making for partnering, for investing or for
research trajectories.

Read More


This is the world’s largest publicly available database with internal
transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps available to you to search and
analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents and how these can
inform innovation or shape strategies for research or product development.

Start Using Watch Video


Lens Profiles are composite author/inventor profiles based on ORCID records and
enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. Easily find and claim
additional works or patents in the Lens and sync these with your ORCID Record.
Use your Lens profile to share your work output including Employment, Education,
Co-Authors, Mentions and Links.

Find A Profile


Ambiguity is inherent in the digital records of entities such as patents,
scholarly works, human names, or institutions. We use the MetaRecord (MeR)
concept along with the open LensID identifier to begin linking and mapping the
one to many relationships among these data elements.

Learn More
489.9M Sequences 268.1M Scholarly Works 57M Open Access 39.5M Authors 17.5M
Applicants 1.6M Owners 86.2M Families 153.2M Patents 2.1B Citations 417M
Citations 5.2M Works Cited in Patents


Scholarly Works

Lens serves 268.1M scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft
Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall open access
information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is provided
for the first time as an open public resource.

Start Searching Scholarly Works


Patent Records

Lens serves 153.2M patent records from over 95 different jurisdictions. Our
patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured search,
biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options to find
the most relevant and important patents.

Start Searching Patents


Biological Sequences

Lens serves 489,892,152 sequences, in the world’s largest publicly available
database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps available
to you to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents
and how these can inform innovation or shape strategies for research or product

Start Searching Biological Sequences


Open Access Articles

Lens provides Open Access information for more than 57M scholarly works,
including granular licensing information and a colour system to define modes of
open access. Open access status is determined using a combination of Unpaywall
data, the DOAJ journal list (where the work is published after the journal DOAJ
listing date) or listing in PubMed Central.

Start Searching Scholarly Works


Scholarly Authors

Search over 39.5M scholarly authors in Lens; with autosuggest name search and
granular faceting for first and last author, author counts, author identifiers
and the author's affiliated institutions. Explore the profiles of more than 4.2M
authors with ORCID identifiers linked to over 24M scholarly works.

Start Searching Scholarly Works


Patent Applicants

Search 17.5M patent applicants in Lens; The “applicant” is the person and/or
entity that submits a patent application to a national or international patent
office. Applicants are typically the inventors along with the institution that
sponsored the research, such as the university or company for which one or more
of the inventor’s work.

Start Searching Patents


Patent Owners

Search 1.6M patent owners in Lens; The patent "owner" is the entity who has
authority to file patent applications and take action in a pending application.
the owner of a patent enjoys significant commercial benefits, as they have the
right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or
importing the claimed invention.

Start Searching Patents


Simple Patent Families

Search over 86.2M Simple Patent Families. A patent family is a collection of
patent applications covering the same or similar technical content. The family
information gives you an understanding of the document’s international
applicability through simple family members.

Start Searching Patents


Lens collaborates with the major open access scholarly and open data
initiatives, and we embed our services in major global public resources like
PubMed. Our supporters over the years include many of the great foundations that
have played leading roles in harnessing science and innovation for the
public-good. And our growing registry of subscribing institutions are signaling
their support for Collection Action based on open and verifiable data.

Learn More Visit Institutions Registry









Institutional Toolkits (ITK's) provide a collection of tools and features that
help institutions discover, analyse and manage innovation knowledge, and
increases the visibility of potential collaborators and partners, enabling new
partnerships to be formed based on open and shared evidence. Open, transparent
and verifiable knowledge from The Lens provides an alternative to closed,
proprietary services that restrict access rather than encourage it. Support
Collective Action and enable your institution with an ITK.

View The Toolkit Learn About Subscriptions
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The Collective Action Project (CAP) is a multi-year initiative to shift how we
work together to solve problems - the big ones. This initiative bridges the
boundaries and removes roadblocks to science- and technology-enabled problem
solving and the partnering it requires. CAP levels the playing field with
universal and equitable access to open innovation knowledge.

Learn More


Our promise to you when using this website, we will always provide the best we
have at no cost, to be used and shared by anyone with absolute peace of mind no
one is watching.


With us, everyone can access and use the website at no cost . We don't do
'Freemium'. Everybody uses Lens for free. We think the ability for anyone to
create new value should not be constrained by access to critical knowledge.


Our core datasets are open, global and can be accessed, used and shared by
anyone. We don't discriminate by who you are or where you are; we aspire to help
problem solvers in any jurisdiction and any language.


Privacy matters...your Lens use is your business and yours alone. We don't share
or sell any knowledge of your use of The Lens. We don't keep track of what you
do (unless you ask us to). We don't advertise or let others advertise on Lens.
We avoid any third party software that could expose your use to others.


Since its founding as the Patent Lens in 1999, The Lens has been the longest
continuously-operating open facility serving innovation knowledge for over two
decades. The Lens has evolved to become a platform to bridge the cultures of
scholarly research, invention, enterprise and industry.


Join our newsletter to receive frequent news updates, and notice on feature
releases. We don't share or sell your information ever.

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Informed by evidence and inspired by imagination.

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> In the patent world, many excellent databases are closed off to all but those
> with large budgets. Lens.Org is an exception to this rule, providing global
> data of the highest calibre that anyone can access, enabling any research to
> be tested by third parties.”
> Dr. Kathleen Liddell Director fo the LML, University of Cambridge

> Lens has been an invaluable tool for our IP research. Its user-friendly
> interface, flexible search capabilities, and vast array of features to analyse
> patent data have facilitated the task of performing legal empirical studies
> and draw insightful conclusions based on data. These have led to
> evidence-based IP publications in top journals, including featured patent
> articles in Nature Biotechnology.”
> Prof. Mateo Aboy LML, University of Cambridge

> The Lens provides an open innovation platform researchers use to search for
> ideas to solve technology problems. Through their ORCID integration, The Lens
> also makes it more possible to identify collaborators, an essential component
> of any research project.”
> Laure Haak Executive Director, ORCID

> I used Lens to run patent analyses for my PhD and it was a critical factor of
> my successful thesis. The UX is phenomenal and you are a pro after 5 minutes
> The database is reliable - I did several validation checks with proprietary
> databases and found no inconsistencies... Thanks Lens.”
> Dr. Giulio Barth McKinsey & Company, Inc

> The Lens is becoming the go to database to combine analysis of the scientific
> and patent literature to inform international policy debates on trends in
> science and technology... For those of us who care about transparent and
> robust methods to inform decision making the open nature of the Lens is a huge
> plus.”
> Dr. Paul Oldham One World Analytics & Responsible Research and Innovation
> Group, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR)

> We find lens.org to be accurate, fast and intuitive to use. It enables us to
> quickly assess portfolios and focus on the most relevant assets”
> Paul Carpenter Partner, QipWorks

> Lens is a powerful product. Aggregating scholarly and patent records provides
> us with an extensive dataset for bibliometric analysis. The customisable
> analytics are unrivalled and provide fast and dynamic access to key insights.”
> Joshua Rodgers Associate Director | Management Consulting | KPMG

> I would like to express my gratitude to your team for establishing such a
> useful tool for academics and grant funders. I’d like to highlight the
> Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) of Malaysia’s utilisation of lens.org to
> instil the values of innovation and intellectual property in the applications
> for MOHE’s fundamental research grant schemes ... The tool’s accessibility was
> critical in raising awareness and understanding of their proposal’s
> originality. For academics who are not skilled in intellectual property
> search, the intuitive interface and graphical nature made comprehending the
> result and using lens.org simple. Thank you very much, and please keep up the
> wonderful work.”
> Mohd Shahir Shamsir UTHM, Malaysia

> The Lens is a highly valuable and accessible resources for studying scholarly
> communication and technical innovations. It stands out because of its
> broad-ranging coverage, high-quality data content, and multi-level
> accessibility. I am grateful to The Lens and its supporters for making
> Lens.org a unique asset to the our society."
> Professor Chaomei Chen College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University.

> The Lens is an amazing search tool. We have used it for searching R&D on
> biological resources where there may be associated Indigenous knowledge. We
> create basic patent landscapes that we've used in several publications to
> highlight patent trends, and to inform the implementation of the Nagoya
> Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Lens search and
> analysis tools have been extremely useful”
> Professor Daniel Robinson Environment and Society Group, UNSW.

> The Lens is a brilliant tool to create IP transparency and enable open
> innovation strategies around digital sequence information. It provides a
> utility which otherwise can only be achieved with expensive subscription tools
> and is a “must have” for users both in the public and private sector. I am
> proud that in a former role as Head IP for Syngenta I could contribute to the
> success of The Lens. As the potential of The Lens is not even closely
> exhausted, I encourage all to consider donations and project sponsorship to
> move The Lens to the next level.”
> Dr Michael Kock Founder, dr. kock consulting; Vice President, Innovation
> Catalyst at Inari

> I tried the Lens for the first time when I worked for FB Rice in Melbourne and
> was very impressed, never stopped talking about it with colleagues since then.
> I am a former biologist and a patent attorney and searcher and am using all
> the commercial databases and I have to tell you that in all the searches I
> did, the Lens always got all the results I needed- never got anything in the
> commercial ones that the Lens did not identify. I really appreciate what you
> are doing, I will continue spreading the word about the Lens so people in this
> part of the world will use it more.”
> Daniela Bar El Co-Founder at D&Y IP, Patent attorney, Information Specialist,
> Israel

> I love using Lens.org. One of my favorite layouts is to show a list of patents
> with "Expand All" and "Hide Preview Analysis." With all the patents expanded,
> there's a handy "Document Preview" on the far right-hand side. It's very handy
> to be able to page through the figures at a glance while reviewing the
> patents.”
> Mark Henderson Patent Attorney at Simplify Intellectual Property Law, PLLC

> Lens is a real breakthrough in a world where data is the new oil. In my
> day-to-day work, Lens has been instrumental due to its amazing data quality,
> user-friendly interface and extremely useful API feature. The matching of its
> rich bibliometric data with patent data makes it the leading data source for
> anyone working in science and technology. In line with its great service and
> technical support, I admire its commitment to the open science cause. In
> simple terms, Lens is absolutely excellent.”
> Diogo Machado Senior Consultant / Economist at Technopolis-Group

> In the patent world, many excellent databases are closed off to all but those
> with large budgets. Lens.Org is an exception to this rule, providing global
> data of the highest calibre that anyone can access, enabling any research to
> be tested by third parties.”
> Dr. Kathleen Liddell Director fo the LML, University of Cambridge

> Lens has been an invaluable tool for our IP research. Its user-friendly
> interface, flexible search capabilities, and vast array of features to analyse
> patent data have facilitated the task of performing legal empirical studies
> and draw insightful conclusions based on data. These have led to
> evidence-based IP publications in top journals, including featured patent
> articles in Nature Biotechnology.”
> Prof. Mateo Aboy LML, University of Cambridge

> The Lens provides an open innovation platform researchers use to search for
> ideas to solve technology problems. Through their ORCID integration, The Lens
> also makes it more possible to identify collaborators, an essential component
> of any research project.”
> Laure Haak Executive Director, ORCID

> I used Lens to run patent analyses for my PhD and it was a critical factor of
> my successful thesis. The UX is phenomenal and you are a pro after 5 minutes
> The database is reliable - I did several validation checks with proprietary
> databases and found no inconsistencies... Thanks Lens.”
> Dr. Giulio Barth McKinsey & Company, Inc

> The Lens is becoming the go to database to combine analysis of the scientific
> and patent literature to inform international policy debates on trends in
> science and technology... For those of us who care about transparent and
> robust methods to inform decision making the open nature of the Lens is a huge
> plus.”
> Dr. Paul Oldham One World Analytics & Responsible Research and Innovation
> Group, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR)

> We find lens.org to be accurate, fast and intuitive to use. It enables us to
> quickly assess portfolios and focus on the most relevant assets”
> Paul Carpenter Partner, QipWorks

> Lens is a powerful product. Aggregating scholarly and patent records provides
> us with an extensive dataset for bibliometric analysis. The customisable
> analytics are unrivalled and provide fast and dynamic access to key insights.”
> Joshua Rodgers Associate Director | Management Consulting | KPMG

> I would like to express my gratitude to your team for establishing such a
> useful tool for academics and grant funders. I’d like to highlight the
> Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) of Malaysia’s utilisation of lens.org to
> instil the values of innovation and intellectual property in the applications
> for MOHE’s fundamental research grant schemes ... The tool’s accessibility was
> critical in raising awareness and understanding of their proposal’s
> originality. For academics who are not skilled in intellectual property
> search, the intuitive interface and graphical nature made comprehending the
> result and using lens.org simple. Thank you very much, and please keep up the
> wonderful work.”
> Mohd Shahir Shamsir UTHM, Malaysia

> The Lens is a highly valuable and accessible resources for studying scholarly
> communication and technical innovations. It stands out because of its
> broad-ranging coverage, high-quality data content, and multi-level
> accessibility. I am grateful to The Lens and its supporters for making
> Lens.org a unique asset to the our society."
> Professor Chaomei Chen College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University.

> The Lens is an amazing search tool. We have used it for searching R&D on
> biological resources where there may be associated Indigenous knowledge. We
> create basic patent landscapes that we've used in several publications to
> highlight patent trends, and to inform the implementation of the Nagoya
> Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Lens search and
> analysis tools have been extremely useful”
> Professor Daniel Robinson Environment and Society Group, UNSW.

> The Lens is a brilliant tool to create IP transparency and enable open
> innovation strategies around digital sequence information. It provides a
> utility which otherwise can only be achieved with expensive subscription tools
> and is a “must have” for users both in the public and private sector. I am
> proud that in a former role as Head IP for Syngenta I could contribute to the
> success of The Lens. As the potential of The Lens is not even closely
> exhausted, I encourage all to consider donations and project sponsorship to
> move The Lens to the next level.”
> Dr Michael Kock Founder, dr. kock consulting; Vice President, Innovation
> Catalyst at Inari

> I tried the Lens for the first time when I worked for FB Rice in Melbourne and
> was very impressed, never stopped talking about it with colleagues since then.
> I am a former biologist and a patent attorney and searcher and am using all
> the commercial databases and I have to tell you that in all the searches I
> did, the Lens always got all the results I needed- never got anything in the
> commercial ones that the Lens did not identify. I really appreciate what you
> are doing, I will continue spreading the word about the Lens so people in this
> part of the world will use it more.”
> Daniela Bar El Co-Founder at D&Y IP, Patent attorney, Information Specialist,
> Israel

> I love using Lens.org. One of my favorite layouts is to show a list of patents
> with "Expand All" and "Hide Preview Analysis." With all the patents expanded,
> there's a handy "Document Preview" on the far right-hand side. It's very handy
> to be able to page through the figures at a glance while reviewing the
> patents.”
> Mark Henderson Patent Attorney at Simplify Intellectual Property Law, PLLC

> Lens is a real breakthrough in a world where data is the new oil. In my
> day-to-day work, Lens has been instrumental due to its amazing data quality,
> user-friendly interface and extremely useful API feature. The matching of its
> rich bibliometric data with patent data makes it the leading data source for
> anyone working in science and technology. In line with its great service and
> technical support, I admire its commitment to the open science cause. In
> simple terms, Lens is absolutely excellent.”
> Diogo Machado Senior Consultant / Economist at Technopolis-Group



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