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URL: https://www.tincheck.com/pages/bulk
Submission: On November 17 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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TINCheck offers TINPlus Bulk Processing for users that don’t need real-time
results and have bulk files that require validation. Our TINPlus service allows
users to upload their bulk files through the TINCheck website. TINPlus bulk
results can take anywhere from 1 to 48 hours from your request.


To create a bulk file, begin by preparing a text (.txt) file containing the
following information, separated by semicolons: TIN TYPE;TIN NUMBER;TIN

 * Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Type is a one-digit number;
   "1" represents an Employer Identification Number (EIN)
   "2" represents a Social Security Number (SSN),
   "3" represents an "unknown" TIN type
 * TIN Number is the nine-digit SSN or EIN for the taxpayer
 * TIN Name is the taxpayer's full name or business name up to 40 characters. if
   an individuals name exceeds 40 characters use the first 40 characters of the
   individual's name in the last name-first name format.
 * Account Number is an optional field which may contain a payer-provided number
   which will help you interpret your Bulk TIN results. Use this field to
   identify, for example, a bank account number.


For example, the following bulk data file shows a query of the database by a
payer with account number 89765 for a match for TIN matches on two taxpayers:

 * Matthew Mulberry, who provided an SSN of 183-24-1111
 * Acme Incorporated, who provided an EIN of 562-61-1111

Data in ".txt" file:

 * 2;183421111;Matthew Mulberry;89765
 * 1;562611111;Acme Incorporated;89765

Download a sample request file: TINPlusSample.txt


In order to use the TINPlus bulk upload process it must be allowed for your
company by a TINCheck representative. Once allowed, the company administrator
account will have the option of enabling the "Bulk Upload" feature on each user
profile. Once enabled, the user will have a "Bulk Upload" option at the bottom
of their TINCheck validation page.


In addition to the security provided by HTTPS/SSL, users have the added option
of PGP encrypting their upload and result files. In order to use PGP, users

(1) Enter/paste their public PGP key into the "Bulk Upload" tab of the "Admin"
area and
(2) Encrypt their upload files using TINCheck's Public Key.

These steps will allow you to upload an encrypted request file using our public
PGP key and then download your result files encrypted using your public PGP key.


Your results will be available in the TINCheck bulk upload area. The results of
each request line item will be appended to the original request. A few new
fields will be added to describe your results. The separator is a TAB. The
result file includes a header row with the following titles:

 * Type<TAB>: TIN Type from original request.
 * Tin<TAB>: TIN from original request.
 * Name<TAB>: Name from original request.
 * Reference<TAB> (Optional): Account from original request if passed in.
 * Irs<TAB>: IRS TIN/Name matching results:
   0 = TIN and Name match.
   1 = TIN was missing or was entered incorrectly.
   2 = TIN entered is not currently issued.
   3 = TIN and Name do not match.
   4 = Invalid TIN matching request.
   5 = Duplicate TIN matching request.
   6 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS SSN records.
   7 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS EIN records.
   8 = TIN and Name combination matches IRS SSN and EIN records.
 * DMF<TAB>: SSA Death master match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * OFAC<TAB>: OFAC match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * NV<TAB>: NV state match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * MS<TAB>: MS state match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * IL<TAB>: IL state match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * MO<TAB>: MO state match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * NJ<TAB>: NJ state match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * DP<TAB>: Denied persons list match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit
 * EPL: Excluded parties list match result.
   Blank = No List Match
   1 = List Match/Hit


For example, the following bulk data result file shows the results for this
request file:

 * 2;183421111;Matthew Mulberry;89765
 * 1;562611111;Acme Incorporated;89765

Result file, <T> equals TAB delimiter:

 * Type<T>Tin<T>Name<T>Reference<T>Irs<T>DMF<T>OFAC<T>NV<T>MS<T>IL<T>MO
 * 2<T>562611111<T>Acme Incorporated<T>89765<T>7<T><T>1<T>1<T>1<T>1<T><T>
 * 1<T>183421111<T>Matthew Mulberry<T>89765<T>2<T>1<T><T><T><T>1<T><T>

Download a sample result file: TINPlusSample-Result.txt

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