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Submitted URL: http://umu.com/
Effective URL: https://www.umu.com/home/
Submission: On June 24 via manual from US — Scanned from IS

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Text Content

UMU AI Exercise
Achieve effective training using AI for targeted practice and timely feedback
UMU AI Video
Unlock your virtual instructor, generate AI video courses in one click
UMU AI Gesture Exercise
Improve non-verbal expressiveness and hand gestures with smart coaching
UMU uShow
Fine-tune product introduction and sales pitch skills with standardized AI
Enterprise Learning
Enterprise Roles & Permissions
Micro page
On the Job Training
Learning Circles
Point Store
Periodic Training & Recurring Courses
Enterprise Learning Certificates
Instructor Management
Capability Models and Learning Maps
Safety & Security
Course Design
Course Builder
Audio Slides
Live Stream
Interactive Polling
Course Gamification
Health Industry
Retail Industry
Get UMU advanced features for you and your team

Book a DemoSign Up FREELog in
The AI-Driven Performance Learning Platform
UMU revolutionizes corporate training through AI technology and learning
science. Used across various industries, UMU helps enterprises boost
effectiveness, efficiency, employee performance, and drive revenue growth.

Redefine Learning

with UMU

A One-Stop Platform For Enterprise Learning

Put Knowledge
Into Practice

Coach, learn, practice, & assess
Synchronous/asynchronous learning
Knowledge transfer to skill application
Learning Platform

Learn anytime and anywhere
Smooth learning across all screens
Boost engagement with gamification
Simple & Adaptable
Platform Setup

No technical skills required
Adapt the platform to your workflow
Minimize setup & configuration costs
A Social Learning

Everyone participates & collaborates
Direct & tacit learning interactions
Multi-channel learning & training
Online Live

Combine content and interaction
Synchronous/asynchronous interaction
Readily available learning data
Based On
Learning Science

Quality resources constantly updated
Science-proven course templates
Flexibly adapt your training to UMU
Digitally Native
AI Features

AI-enhanced learning process
Cost-Effective Intelligent Training
A new AI-driven learning approach
Instructional Design

Design & assign courses in one place
Create entire courses in one click
Easy-to-use course creation tools
Skyrocket Performance
With Effective Learning
An Integrated Learning Solution

Easily design courses, create learning projects, and analyze learning data in
one platform. Assign tasks and update learners with platform notifications or
emails. Enhance training with enterprise-level certifications.
Course Creation ToolEntrerprise CertificatesRecurring Courses
Deliberate Practice & Instant Feedback

UMU AI empowers deliberate learning, providing instant feedback to improve
performance and ensuring a safe learning environment anytime, anywhere. This
way, learners can apply what they have learned on the job.
QuizAI PracticeuShowChatbotAI Gesture PracticeAssessment
Gamified Learning Journeys

Use the Point Store and Leaderboards to promote active participation and
collaborative learning in interactive discussions & exercises. Improve
self-efficacy and empower talents to reach their full potential.
Point StoreGamified Course Interfaces

Manage Learning
Effectively & Accurately
Maximize Results With Learning Data

Conduct flexible and comprehensive data analyses with automated dashboards and
learning data reports. Measure the effect of learning on business performance
and make enterprise-level decisions based on multidimensional data.
DashboardCustom Report
5 User Roles With Set Permissions

Set clear permissions with 5 different user roles across your enterprise to
collaborate more efficiently on the operations and management of your learning
Sub Admin
A Workflow To Learn, Assess & Coach

Front-line managers can use the department board to keep track of their team's
training data. Leverage OJT (On-the-Job Training) to help your team learn and
practice in the flow of work and drive organizational performance.
OJT (On-the-Job Training)
Manage Instructor Resources Efficiently

Create an instructor management system for your Enterprise to certify and
categorize your instructors while also quantifying their performance based on
online and in-person training data.
Instructor Management
Drive Learning Experiences
& Boost Motivation
Enterprise Learning Portal

On the homepage, enterprises can display their logo and name, as well as
recommend useful courses based on learners' learning needs or job requirements.
Customize micropages for your departments, groups, and activities.
Intelligent Learning Recommendations

Leverage AI to match learners with relevant learning resources in your knowledge
base regardless of its size. Provide personalized resource recommendations based
on organizational relationships and learning preferences.
AI Recommendations
Science-Based Learning Paths

Create a visual and systematic learning map for employees, utilizing learning
paths, capability models, and AI-powered learning resource recommendations for
targeted performance improvement.
Capability Models and Learning Map

Change Behaviors With Performance Learning Tools
Experience effective learning and scientific course design through UMU's
methodology and course creation tool. Coach, learn, practice, and assess.
Instructional Design: Create Effective Content

Enhance your instructional design with UMU's diverse content tools, including
Video, Audio Slides, Live Stream, Infographics, and more. Our data-driven
approach optimizes learning outcomes for all, online or offline.
AI VideoAudio SlidesVideoArticleInfographicDocument
Interactive Learning: Engagement Via Participation

Bring learning science into instructional design using a wide range of content
creation tools, like Video, Audio Slides, Live Streams, Infographics, and more.
Deliver online, live, and face-to-face courses with UMU.
Q&ADiscussionSurveyFlipchart SlidesLearning Circle
Intelligent Practice: Practice Makes Performance

Boost your presentation, sales pitch, and body gesture skills with AI. Receive
structured real-time feedback to improve and drive performance, anytime and
QuizAI PracticeuShowChatbotAI Gesture Practice
Instant Feedback: Feedback Shapes Practice

Enhance learners' performance through various feedback tools, like mid-course
and multi-dimensional assessments. Instructors and peers offer tailored feedback
to support learners and boost their progress.
AI PracticeAssessmentOJT (On-the-Job Training)
From Knowledge Acquisition
To Behavior Change
Learning Science

Science-Based Course Design & Instruction
UMU blends learning science with course design, delivers learner-centric
learning tools, and facilitates comprehension, retention, and application via
the train, practice and assess learning cycle.
Design Effective Learning With Instructional Science
UMU combines learning science with technological innovation to empower
instructors to develop effective courses. With diverse science-proven course
templates, instructors can facilitate effective practice and trigger behavioral
Improve Work Performance With Scientific Assessments
UMU integrates AI technology and assessment science to improve learners’
practical business capabilities with targeted learning paths, practice
activities and instant feedback based on work performance evaluations.

Revolutionize Learning with AI-Powered Technology
UMU AI breaks through the "impossible triangle" of effectiveness, cost, and
efficiency, by improving performance by making instruction easier, learning more
effective, and practice more intelligent.
Efficient & Effective

Cost-Effective Intelligent Training
UMU has established expertise and secured patents in AI fields like computer
vision and natural language processing, which are utilized to facilitate
efficient corporate training, minimizes manual input and maximizes
Enterprise Learning Insights
Using advanced technology and course design, UMU facilitates the effectiveness,
cost, and efficiency, and assessing loop within Enterprise learning scenarios.
AI makes content creation efficient, coaching smarter, and feedback more
AI Solutions That Deliver Results
Customers from a wide range of industries use UMU’s AI to learn, practice and
drive organizational growth. These solutions are widely used in various business
scenarios such as sales enablement, product introduction, presentation training,
soft skills improvement, resolving sales disputes, among others.
UMU Learning Solutions

UMU offers AI-driven solutions for the healthcare industry, so it can be

UMU helps the retail industry increase digitalization and update learning

UMU supports the development trend of business in the field of intelligent
UMU matches the needs of the financial industry and promotes its digital upgrade
of learning.
Sales Enablement
UMU enables large-scale, intelligent sales enablement through AI-driven practice
and feedback.
Manager Training
Use Learning Circles to establish a community-based learning approach to enhance
managers' learning, application, and skill migration.
Customers Who Vouch For US

Novo Nordisk
Find out how uShow helps Novo Nordisk improve sales training performance.
Find out how UMU helps Novartis’ medical sales reps drive real behavioral

Davco employees learn more effectively thanks to UMU's digital learning tools.

Meet Our Other Clients


Create Innovative Training & Learning Experiences

 * UMU AI Exercise
 * UMU AI Video
 * UMU AI Gesture Exercise
 * UMU uShow
 * UMU AI Technology

 * Enterprise
 * Enterprise Roles & Permissions
 * Micro page
 * On the Job Training
 * Assessment
 * Learning Circles
 * Point Store
 * Periodic Training & Recurring Courses
 * Enterprise Learning Certificates
 * Instructor Management
 * Capability Models and Learning Maps

 * Course Builder
 * Audio Slides
 * Video
 * Quiz
 * Live Stream
 * Interactive Polling
 * Course Gamification
 * Pricing

 * Health Industry
 * Retail Industry

 * Blog
 * YouTube
 * Linkedin
 * Future of learning
 * Microlearning 101
 * AI in Learning and Talent Development Report
 * Download UMU App

 * About Us
 * Contact UMU

Terms & Conditions
Service-Level Agreement (SLA)
Privacy Policy
Safety & Security
© 2014 - 2023 UMU Technology Co., Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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