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Submitted URL: https://link.jobberman.com.gh/click/32242017.125314/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuam9iYmVybWFuLmNvbS5naC9qb2JzP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9bmV3c2xldHRlci...
Effective URL: https://www.jobberman.com.gh/jobs?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=jobseeker-biweekly&utm_content=2023-07-31
Submission: On August 02 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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<form method="GET" action="https://www.jobberman.com.gh/jobs" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="search_form flex flex-col items-center md:flex-row w-full" x-data="TopSearch" x-on:submit="handleSubmit">
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Accounting, Auditing &amp; Finance
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">220</span>
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<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">141</span>
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Building &amp; Architecture
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">21</span>
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Consulting &amp; Strategy
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">31</span>
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Creative &amp; Design
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">46</span>
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Customer Service &amp; Support
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">73</span>
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Driver &amp; Transport Services
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">49</span>
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Engineering &amp; Technology
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">433</span>
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Estate Agents &amp; Property Management
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">6</span>
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Farming &amp; Agriculture
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">10</span>
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Food Services &amp; Catering
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">17</span>
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Hospitality &amp; Leisure
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Human Resources
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Legal Services
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Management &amp; Business Development
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Marketing &amp; Communications
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Medical &amp; Pharmaceutical
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Product &amp; Project Management
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Quality Control &amp; Assurance
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Research, Teaching &amp; Training
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Software &amp; Data
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">200</span>
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Supply Chain &amp; Procurement
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">34</span>
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Trades &amp; Services
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Advertising, Media &amp; Communications
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Agriculture, Fishing &amp; Forestry
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Automotive &amp; Aviation
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Banking, Finance &amp; Insurance
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Energy &amp; Utilities
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Entertainment, Events &amp; Sport
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Hospitality &amp; Hotel
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IT &amp; Telecoms
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Law &amp; Compliance
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Manufacturing &amp; Warehousing
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Mining, Energy &amp; Metals
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">4</span>
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NGO, NPO &amp; Charity
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Real Estate
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Retail, Fashion &amp; FMCG
<span class="text-xs flex items-center text-white py-1 px-2.5 leading-none text-center whitespace-nowrap align-baseline font-medium bg-gray-400 rounded-full">38</span>
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Shipping &amp; Logistics
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Tourism &amp; Travel
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Accra &amp; Tema Region
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2321 Jobs Found
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Sales Executive Female)


Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Sales


1 week ago


We are looking for a passionate sales executive to join our sales team. The
sales executive's responsibilities include generating leads, making sales calls,
continuously updating our CRM database, and meeting sales targets.


Mining Supervisor


Rest of Ghana (Eastern Region) Full Time GHS 3,600 - 4,200

Job Function : Engineering & Technology


2 days ago


Mining supervisors oversee mining and quarrying operations and directly
supervise and coordinate the activities of miners working in underground and
surface mines and quarries.


Operation Manager

Africa Health Supplies

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Admin & Office

1 month ago


Our expanding company is seeking to hire an operations manager to join our
leadership team. You will be in charge of providing inspired leadership for the
operation of one of our organization's lines of business, which involves making
important policy and strategic decisions, as well as the development and
implementation of operational policies ...

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Sales Executives

Dainess Foods

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Sales



Be the face of the company and grow the brand. Responsible for generating leads
to meet sales goals. Negotiate contract with potential clients. Relies as much
on product demonstrations.

Sales Executives

44 construction and wood ltd

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Sales




A Kitchen manufacturing and Interior design company based in Accra is looking
for passionate and competent *Sales Executives to join their team. The ideal
candidate will expand the company's brand products. He /She will create and
implement the marketing strategy offline and online to gain new customers. The
ideal candidate should be a self-mot ...

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Quantity Surveyor

Utility Engineering

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Building & Architecture



We are searching for a reliable quantity surveyor to join our capable team of
professionals. The quantity surveyor will be tasked with analyzing existing
budgets and making improvements, reviewing plans and preparing quantity
estimates, negotiating with various contractors and vendors, as well as building
relationships with clients and site man ...

Marketers/ Sales Engineer

Utility Engineering

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Marketing & Communications



As a Marketing/Sales Engineer you would be preparing detailed information
documents and marketing materials related to products and services. Maintaining
pricing information on specific products. Conceptualizing strategies to market
products, generate sales conversions and deliver a superior customer experience.

Loan Officer

Universal Microfinance

Rest of Ghana Full Time GHS 1,500 - 1,800

Job Function : Accounting, Auditing & Finance



We are searching for an experienced and detail-oriented loan officer to join our
growing institution. In this position, you will act as a liaison between
applicants and our financial institution, helping qualified applicants obtain
loans and set up payment plans. Your duties will include meeting with
applicants, preparing loan proposals, and ex ...



Accra & Tema Region Full Time GHS 600 - 900

Job Function : Food Services & Catering




We are looking for a dedicated cook to prepare high-quality meals in accordance
with food health and safety regulations and company standards. The cook’s
responsibilities include following instructions relating to the timely
preparation of food orders, organizing workstations, and assisting other cooks
as needed. You should also be able to ensu ...

Security Man

Auto Plaza Limited

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Driver & Transport Services




We are looking for a fit and attentive security man to ensure that our property
is protected. The security man is responsible for recording the names of
visitors, patrolling the property and apprehending any trespassers.

Marketing Executive

Medsource limited

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Marketing & Communications




We are searching for an ambitious marketing executive to spearhead our marketing
campaigns. You will be required to coordinate with staff in other departments,
ensuring that each endeavor runs smoothly from inception to delivery. You should
also remain up-to-date with shifts in social media use.

Office Assistant

Succor Visas

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Admin & Office




The Office Assistant plays a crucial role in providing administrative support
and ensuring the smooth functioning of daily operations within the organization.
The individual in this role will work closely with various teams and departments
to facilitate communication, manage schedules, handle paperwork, and maintain a
well-organized office envi ...

Nursing Assistant

Succor Visas

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Health & Safety




The Nursing Assistant in the Eye and Dental Clinic plays a crucial role in
providing support and assistance to the healthcare team in delivering patient
care services. The primary focus of this position is to ensure the comfort,
safety, and well-being of patients undergoing eye and dental procedures. The
Nursing Assistant will work under the di ...

Sales Executive with Driving Experience

Ideas Printhouse

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Sales


2 days ago


We are currently seeking an enthusiastic and results-oriented Sales Executive
with driving experience to join our team. As a Sales Executive, you will be
responsible for generating new business opportunities, nurturing existing client
relationships, and promoting our comprehensive printing and design services.
Your role will involve both inside ...

Content Contributor/Volunteer

Anonymous Employer

Accra & Tema Region Part Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Creative & Design


2 days ago

We are an entertainment startup company focused on creating engaging content and
insightful perspectives on the music industry by way of the exploration of
different mediums within an increasingly more popular industry. As a content
contributor, you will have the opportunity to showcase and develop your writing
skills, gain industry exposure, a ...

Channel Supervisor

Jobberman Third Party

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Admin & Office


2 days ago

A Channel Supervisor is responsible for improving customer consumption; planning
and implementing customer presentations, overseeing account profiles, monitoring
competitor activity, help all communications with resellers, creating plans for
growing market share and communicating channel activities.

Remote Documentation Specialist and Technical Writer

Anonymous Employer

Accra & Tema Region Part Time GHS 1,200 - 1,500

Job Function : Consulting & Strategy


3 days ago

Remote Documentation Specialist and Technical Writer Company Overview: We are a
leading tech solutions company committed to delivering innovative solutions that
empower our customers and enhance their experiences. We take pride in our
talented and diverse team, dedicated to driving excellence and fostering a
culture of collaboration and cre ...

HR Business Partner

Jobberman Third Party

Accra & Tema Region Full Time ₵ Confidential

Job Function : Management & Business Development

New Popular

5 days ago

We are seeking an experienced and results-driven HR business partner to align
our HR initiatives and functions with business objectives and business needs.
Duties for the HR business partner will include aligning staff to business
objectives, recruiting the right talent, enhancing staff performance, supporting
employee development, enhancing re ...

Sales Associate

Filly Coder

Accra & Tema Region Full Time GHS 1,800 - 2,100

Job Function : Software & Data


5 days ago

We are looking for a result-driven retail Sales Associate to be responsible for
all sales job duties, from generating leads to closing sales.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 145 146


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Job Function
Accounting, Auditing & Finance 220 Admin & Office 141 Building & Architecture 21
Community & Social Services 19 Consulting & Strategy 31 Creative & Design 46
Customer Service & Support 73 Driver & Transport Services 49 Engineering &
Technology 433 Estate Agents & Property Management 6 Farming & Agriculture 10
Food Services & Catering 17 Health & Safety 30 Hospitality & Leisure 11 Human
Resources 104 Legal Services 39 Management & Business Development 88 Marketing &
Communications 248 Medical & Pharmaceutical 61 Product & Project Management 101
Quality Control & Assurance 13 Research, Teaching & Training 146 Sales 147
Software & Data 200 Supply Chain & Procurement 34 Trades & Services 33
Advertising, Media & Communications 17 Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry 7
Automotive & Aviation 3 Banking, Finance & Insurance 39 Construction 7 Education
49 Energy & Utilities 5 Entertainment, Events & Sport 69 Healthcare 116
Hospitality & Hotel 20 IT & Telecoms 837 Law & Compliance 31 Manufacturing &
Warehousing 15 Mining, Energy & Metals 4 NGO, NPO & Charity 19 Real Estate 6
Recruitment 35 Retail, Fashion & FMCG 38 Shipping & Logistics 11 Tourism &
Travel 14 Unspecified 979
Accra & Tema Region 190 Kumasi & Ashanti Region 10 Takoradi & Western Region 2
Tamale & Northern Region 6 Rest of Ghana 998 Outside Ghana 3 Remote (Work From
Home) 1112
Work Type
Contract 15 Full Time 2291 Internship & Graduate 4 Part Time 11
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