www.bgreco.net Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.bgreco.net/
Effective URL: https://www.bgreco.net/
Submission: On June 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content


Welcome to my slowly-growing page where I put stuff I've worked on.



Abstract tiling image generator - With various options.
Background image generator 2 - Make a background out of one or more uploaded
Garfield Comic Generator - My own implementation of this ever-popular time
Element Speller - See if words can be spelled using only symbols from the
periodic table.
AsciiTube - Watch any YouTube video in ASCII art. With sound!
First-person Pacman - Play it in your browser! Chrome recommended. By Aaron
Bardolph and I for CS352.
Sound Player Web App - Easily call up my favorite sound clips on your
Band/Orchestra Seating Chart Generator - A simple tool to make semicircular
seating charts.
Whois - One that doesn't try to sell you domains when all you want is the whois
QR Code generator - Basic no-ads online QR code generator.
Plant tracker - Keep track of when when to water and fertilize your house


Windows command line aliases - Make aliases for the Windows command line,
because ls doesn't work on Windows.
WinBindKeys - Launch programs and play sounds using keyboard shortcuts.
Log View Screensaver - A Windows screen saver for monitoring remote logs in real
Wifi Automation - Automatically perform actions based on connections to and
disconnections from wifi networks.
Google Map Zoom Invert - Invert the one-finger zoom gesture in Google Maps for
QuickQR - Generate QR codes from anywhere with a keyboard shotcut.
Personal Server Monitor - Monitor Linux servers from your Windows desktop.


Mercurial Repositories - I've recently begun storing some of my code here.
PowerShell Snippets - Random code snippets for Windows PowerShell of varying
degrees of usefulness.
fortune for Windows PowerShell - Brighten your scripting day with amusing
Twitter to RSS - A PHP script to generate an RSS feed from a user's tweets or
your home timeline.
browsertail - Monitor server logs from your web browser.


Kid Radd (Mirror/Archive) - Kid Radd is an animated pseudo-sprite comic created
by Dan Miller. The original site has gone offline, so I've created an unofficial
mirror. Now updated for modern browsers!
Blog? - If you can call it that.
Mozambique 2010 - My thoughts and musings (such as they are) from my trip to
Mozambique with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
PNG Blog - Hey, 4 years later and I'm a Wycliffe member headed to Papua New
Misc - Stuff not worthy of the front page.
Links - Links to various places around the interblag.


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