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Posted 04-21-11

I am going to cross post this in hopes that somebody has went through the same
thing or can shed some light on this problem.

I have twins, they are 28 months old currently and I started potty training them
in February(I think) anyhow after a couple of weeks they were both potty trained
and had been completely potty trained through the night and everything. They
were only wearing panties and only occasionally had an accident and was upset
about it.

Then one of my daughters(Madison) started waking up either from naps or in the
morning, she wouldn't make any noise because sissy was still sleeping and she
would take off all her clothes and pee in the bed. She thought that was funny.
So I had to make sure I went in their room before she woke up and she would be
completely dry. But anytime I didn't get in there on time, she was naked and
peeing in the bed so I started putting her in a zip up sleeper she couldn't get
off. That worked at first but then she just started peeing in that on purpose.

Then she started peeing in her pants when she was awake and playing. When she
was first potty trained, if she had an occasional accident she would only pee a
tiny drop in her panties, get upset and tell me she had to pee and run to the
potty and finish peeing. But she started completely peeing in her pants and she
didn't even care, it was like she did it on purpose. And this would be right in
the middle of me reading them a story or right in the middle of us playing a
game or her watching cartoons, just all the normal things and every situation.
And at first after a full pee in her panties she would sit on the potty and TRY
to pee but now she just doesn't want to sit on the potty at all.

She is back in diapers all the time because she was constantly peeing on the
carpet, the furniture, in her bed, it just didn't matter. She will every once in
a while tell me she has to pee and will go pee on the potty but that is rare. I
can take her in there to pee or ask her to go pee, sometimes she will gladly go
and pee but most of the time she doesn't want to. She does NOT poop in her
diaper or pants, she always poops on the potty.

Does anyone have any NICE advice? Or anyone go through something like this? She
is very smart and it was great having both my girls potty trained and knowing
that she WAS completely potty trained and now isn't, it just drives me bonkers.

Please help...



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 * u
   Posted 04-21-11
   Hmmmm...perhaps go back to the "every half hour" take her whether she says
   she has to go or not? Does she mind being in diapers? I know DD would HATE
   being put back in diapers...but if she doesn't mind, maybe do the "well I'll
   interrupt you every half hour then if you won't tell me when you have to
 * a
   Posted 04-21-11
   Kind of sounds like she's seeing what you'll do about it. What do you do when
   she has an accident? I'm not sure what you should do, I'm just wondering.
   Reward chart? DD was fully PTed for 4 months then started pooping in her
   pants every day for about a week. I made a simple chart with three empty
   squares and a picture of an ice cream cone, and said if she pooped in the
   potty 3 times she would get an ice cream cone. She's pooped in the potty
   every time since.
   You could put a diaper over underwear so she still feels wet, or get a few
   cloth diapers. Can she get to a potty right when she wakes up, or is she
   having to wait until it's time to get up? That could be frustrating to her if
   she really has to go in the mornings.
 * sarasmama16
   Posted 04-21-11
   We've had a couple regressions with YDD. She'll pee on the couch, or the
   floor, and not even care. When it starts happening we go back to sitting on
   the potty at every 45min-1 hr and giving her a reward when she goes in the
   potty. That gets her back on track.
   We're having to do that now, in fact, because we went on vacation for a few
   days and it threw her off track.
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 * c
   Posted 04-22-11
   Ohhhhhh mom! She is testing her boundaries. I would not have put her back in
   diapers. My YDD went through a phase where she thought it was "funny" to pee
   on herself. She had been potty trained for about 3 months when it happened. I
   stuck it out. She no longer found it funny after a while. That phase lasted
   at least a month or a little more. Things went back to normal and we have not
   had anymore problems. I do have to add that we have hard wood floors
   throughout our house...easy clean-ups.
 * c
   Posted 05-01-11
   My daughter is 29 months, and has been pretty good about going on the potty
   for the past 3 months. She would tell us when she had to go, and she would
   get a sticker after. The stickers were very successful. Some days she would
   be completely dry all day. Now she wants nothing to do with it. She screams
   and kicks every time I put her on the potty. The past 3 days she hasn't gone
   in the potty once. I put her in underwear and she peed in it and didn't tell
   me. Usually she would run and tell me if she did that. She doesn't even tell
   me when she needs a new diaper, which she used to do all the time after she
   went. Im really frustrated because I know she can do it. I know at daycare
   all the little girls are training together, and we have been home this week,
   so maybe its because she isn't with all of her friends who are doing it with
   her? I know she isn't completely trained yet, and I would be thrilled if she
   went half of the time.
   LOL! As Im typing this, she just peed in the potty! I had her running around
   with no pants on to see if that would work. She put herself on. I made a big
   deal out of it - We danced around, got stickers, and jelly beans. I could
   tell she was proud of herself. Yaaay!
   Good luck everyone!
 * l
   Lovin my daughter
   Posted 05-01-11
   I am currently trying to potty train so I have no good advice but I'm so
   sorry! This must be so frustrating! Does she purely just think it's funny or
   is there something else going on that might cause her some stress that's
   making her regress? I know my mom said it was hard to potty train my bro
   because he had some emotional issues so could there be someone else in her
   life that's hurting her feelings? I know it's totally a shot in the dark but
   just thought I'd throw it out there.
 * odie's sons
   Posted 05-01-11
   I would put her in pull-ups until she learns to go to you to go potty. For
   her reward when she tells you she needs to go potty a sticker. It really
   helps me with my sons. Get the stickers at the Dollar Store.
 * amanda2010aug4
   Posted 05-01-11
   I wouldn't do diapers I would do pull ups
 * t
   Posted 05-01-11
   okay...i must be a bad mommy cause i havent seen my advise posted yet...but
   here it is.
   I started potty training my 2 year old son when he was 21 months. We did the
   whole 3 days without any clothing/ diapers and it about a month
   he was fully potty trained. Then several weeks later I started babysitting
   another boy his age, that is not potty trained so my son, thought he could
   pee in his pants since the other boy could. Well he started doing this, well
   after day 3 I was tired of it. I started putting him in time out everytime he
   peed his pants. It made him realize that it is quicker to go pee in the potty
   than to sit in time out for several min...then have to change his clothes. I
   made sure timeout was where he could see the other kids (his lil sister too)
   play. After 2 days of time out...he was done! He has not peed in his pants
 * c
   Posted 05-01-11
   I really don't have any advice other than to get her out of diapers ASAP. Do
   not go back once they're out of diapers. Now you'll have to potty train all
   over again! That's just more work for you, while they are testing you.

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Potty training: 10 tips for success
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
How to kick-start potty training in three days
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
What to do if your toddler refuses to potty train
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Potty training tips for boys
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist


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