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URL: https://www.shoprythm.com/products/parasoft-dry-skin-cream-paraben-free-with-added-goodness-of-aloe-vera-500g?variant=1568...
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 * Best Selling
 * Parasoft Cream for Dry Skin Parasoft Cream for Dry Skin

20% Rs.153.00
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20 reviews

Product SKU: Parasoft_500_1


 * Parasoft cream is suitable for all skin types.
 * This cream has excellent spreadability.
 * Parasoft cream is non-greasy and non-sticky.
 * Dry skin

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Parasoft cream is a daily moisturizing cream enriched with highly effective
emollients and skin nourishers. It binds water to the skin, helping control
trans-epidermal water loss. Its intense moisturization makes it highly effective
in dry skin and scaly conditions. It not only helps manage extremely dry skin
conditions but also helps to keep the normal skin type soft and supple. This
cream for dry skin is non-sticky and makes it an ideal choice for winter care
(as well because this cream is suitable for all seasons) when skin gets more
prone to dryness. Parasoft cream is free from parabens, SLS, silicones, and
other toxic ingredients. Its USP lies in its being dermatologically tested and
hypoallergenic to the skin.


Parasoft Cream contains White Soft Paraffin and Light liquid Paraffin that are
great moisturizing agents that nourish the skin from deep inside.

White Soft Paraffin helps soothe and soften your skin. It penetrates deeply and
provides intense moisturization making your skin soft and supple.

Liquid paraffin helps lock moisture into the skin and forms a protective barrier
over it to not let the moisture evaporate. It keeps your skin hydrated restoring
the natural glow.Aloe verahelps repair the dry skin while extracting water from
within thereby helping in managing extreme dry skin conditions.


The ingredients of the cream help lock moisture into the skin and do not let it
evaporate to cause further dryness.


Paraffin is a natural emollient. It helps open pores and exfoliates dead skin
cells, exposing a rejuvenated skin.


This is a mild cream that does not stick to the skin leaving you to feel
refreshed throughout the day.


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 * All orders are processed within 1 business day. You can expect delivery of
   the order within 7-15 business days.



Custom Policy - Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item
price or the shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's responsibility.
Please check with your local customs authority to determine these additional
costs prior to bidding or buying. These charges are normally collected by the
delivering freight (shipping) company or when you pick the item up — please do
not confuse them for additional shipping charges.


Based on 20 reviews Write a review


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The best skin moisturizer cream in the market online. I'll recommend Parasoft
cream to all please try this product you will love it.
thank me later❤️😍

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Definitely one of the best, hypoallergenic, fragrance free moisturizers there
are. I'm surprised there isn't a hype.
Of course, not suitable for the face though i haven't tried and i don't want to
because it might be comedogenic.
But for the body, go for it!
I have extremely dry skin and after every bath i use this and trust me, it
retains moisture amazingly!
I've tried Vaseline, Nivea, and whatnot, those are still sitting on my shelf
unused and this product, parasoft, I'm loving it!

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sukuntala roy

Very effective for photo-sensitive skin; it's aloe vera, paraben free
formulation helps to keep the skin soft and supple, without causing any
irritation; have bought and used it twice and find it absolutely essential to
fight the harsh and dry winters of Northern India.
A big thumbs up to the manufacturer for providing the customer with a quality
product that is made in India and reasonably priced!

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i am having a low level Psoriasis . this is the only cream that works for me .
happy with this jumbo pack

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My mother had been using it for her varicose induced eczema and it has been
doing a marvellous job and the skin has almost totally cleared up and she has no

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