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      <div class="banner holds-banner-text fr-view">
        <p style="text-align:center"><img src="" style="width:300px" class="fr-fic fr-dib"></p>
        <h1 style="text-align:center"><span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255)"><span style="font-size:72px"><strong>ViB<!-- --> <!-- -->Kibera<!-- --> <!-- -->Slum<!-- --> <!-- -->Fund</strong></span><br></span></h1>
        <p style="text-align:center"><span style="color:rgb(255, 255, 255)"><span
              style="font-size:24px"><u><strong>Sharing<!-- --> <!-- -->God's<!-- --> <!-- -->love<!-- --> <!-- -->through<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->gift<!-- --> <!-- -->of<!-- --> <!-- -->clean,<!-- --> <!-- -->safe,<!-- --> <!-- -->drinking<!-- --> <!-- -->water</strong></u></span></span>
        <p style="text-align:center"><br></p>
        <p style="text-align:center"><br></p>
  <div class="field-textParagraph header-field">
    <div class="form-width fr-view label-align">
      <p style="text-align:left"><strong>Friends,<!-- --> <!-- -->family<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->business<!-- --> <!-- -->associates,<!-- -->&nbsp;</strong></p>
      <p style="text-align:left">&nbsp;<!-- -->I<!-- --> <!-- -->just<!-- --> <!-- -->returned<!-- --> <!-- -->from<!-- --> <!-- -->a<!-- --> <!-- -->9-day<!-- --> <!-- -->trip<!-- --> <!-- -->to<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->Kibera<!-- -->
        <!-- -->slums<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->Nairobi,<!-- --> <!-- -->Kenya,<!-- --> <!-- -->where<!-- --> <!-- -->408,000<!-- --> <!-- -->people<!-- --> <!-- -->live<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->a<!-- --> <!-- -->3.5<!-- -->
        <!-- -->square<!-- --> <!-- -->mile<!-- --> <!-- -->radius.</p>
      <p style="text-align:left"><img src="" style="width:549px" class="fr-fic fr-dib"></p>
      <p style="text-align:left"><br></p>
      <p style="text-align:left">The<!-- --> <!-- -->trip<!-- --> <!-- -->was<!-- --> <!-- -->with<!-- --> <!-- -->The<!-- --> <!-- -->Bucket<!-- --> <!-- -->Ministry<!-- -->
        <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <!-- -->-<!-- --> <!-- -->they<!-- --> <!-- -->bring<!-- --> <!-- -->lifesaving<!-- --> <!-- -->clean<!-- --> <!-- -->water<!-- --> <!-- -->to<!-- -->
        <!-- -->those<!-- --> <!-- -->who<!-- --> <!-- -->need<!-- --> <!-- -->it.</p>
      <p style="text-align:left">&nbsp;<!-- -->The<!-- --> <!-- -->people<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->Kibera<!-- --> <!-- -->barely<!-- --> <!-- -->have<!-- --> <!-- -->enough<!-- --> <!-- -->food,<!-- --> <!-- -->live<!-- -->
        <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->"homes"<!-- --> <!-- -->that<!-- --> <!-- -->are<!-- --> <!-- -->8"<!-- --> <!-- -->x<!-- --> <!-- -->14"<!-- --> <!-- -->with<!-- --> <!-- -->3<!-- --> <!-- -->to<!-- --> <!-- -->8<!-- --> <!-- -->family<!-- -->
        <!-- -->members,<!-- --> <!-- -->with<!-- --> <!-- -->no<!-- --> <!-- -->sanitation<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->water<!-- --> <!-- -->that<!-- --> <!-- -->they<!-- --> <!-- -->buy<!-- --> <!-- -->is<!-- -->
        <!-- -->not<!-- --> <!-- -->clean<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->it<!-- --> <!-- -->is<!-- --> <!-- -->making<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->people<!-- --> <!-- -->very<!-- --> <!-- -->ill<!-- --> <!-- -->or<!-- -->
        <!-- -->killing<!-- --> <!-- -->them.</p>
      <p style="text-align:left">God<!-- --> <!-- -->has<!-- --> <!-- -->blessed<!-- --> <!-- -->me<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->ViB<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->many<!-- --> <!-- -->ways<!-- --> <!-- -->over<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- -->
        <!-- -->past<!-- --> <!-- -->15<!-- --> <!-- -->years.<!-- --> <!-- -->This<!-- --> <!-- -->is<!-- --> <!-- -->why<!-- --> <!-- -->I<!-- --> <!-- -->personally<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->VIB<!-- --> <!-- -->believe<!-- -->
        <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->giving<!-- --> <!-- -->back<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->helping<!-- --> <!-- -->those<!-- --> <!-- -->most<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->need<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->vulnerable.<!-- -->
        <!-- -->&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
      <p>Whether<!-- --> <!-- -->you<!-- --> <!-- -->believe<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->God<!-- --> <!-- -->or<!-- --> <!-- -->have<!-- --> <!-- -->been<!-- --> <!-- -->touched<!-- --> <!-- -->by<!-- --> <!-- -->Jesus,<!-- -->
        <!-- -->this<!-- --> <!-- -->organization<!-- --> <!-- -->saves<!-- --> <!-- -->lives<!-- --> <!-- -->by<!-- --> <!-- -->delivering<!-- --> <!-- -->life<!-- --> <!-- -->saving<!-- --> <!-- -->water<!-- --> <!-- -->filters<!-- -->
        <!-- -->to<!-- --> <!-- -->these<!-- --> <!-- -->people<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->need<!-- --> <!-- -->regardless<!-- --> <!-- -->of<!-- --> <!-- -->one's<!-- --> <!-- -->belief.</p>
      <p>&nbsp;<!-- -->Each<!-- --> <!-- -->follow<!-- --> <!-- -->up<!-- --> <!-- -->visit<!-- --> <!-- -->that<!-- --> <!-- -->we<!-- --> <!-- -->had<!-- --> <!-- -->with<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->people<!-- --> <!-- -->of<!-- -->
        <!-- -->Kibera<!-- --> <!-- -->(10<!-- --> <!-- -->days<!-- --> <!-- -->after<!-- --> <!-- -->using<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->water<!-- --> <!-- -->filter),<!-- --> <!-- -->&nbsp;<!-- -->we<!-- --> <!-- -->witnessed<!-- -->
        <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->same<!-- --> <!-- -->GOOD<!-- --> <!-- -->NEWS<!-- --> <!-- -->-<!-- --> <!-- -->they<!-- --> <!-- -->told<!-- --> <!-- -->us<!-- --> <!-- -->that<!-- --> <!-- -->they<!-- --> <!-- -->were<!-- -->
        <!-- -->no<!-- --> <!-- -->longer<!-- --> <!-- -->sick<!-- --> <!-- -->from<!-- --> <!-- -->drinking<!-- --> <!-- -->the<!-- --> <!-- -->water.</p>
      <p>&nbsp;<!-- -->Please<!-- --> <!-- -->join<!-- --> <!-- -->me<!-- --> <!-- -->in<!-- --> <!-- -->making<!-- --> <!-- -->a<!-- --> <!-- -->difference.</p>
      <p>&nbsp;<!-- -->God<!-- --> <!-- -->bless<!-- --> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <!-- -->thank<!-- --> <!-- -->you</p>
  <div id="top"></div>
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    <div class="field-donationField registrant-field field-registrant-0">
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            <div class="field-area multi-field">
              <div class="other-amount"><em class="currency-symbol">$</em><input type="text" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_amount0" aria-label="Amount" inputmode="decimal" maxlength="8" value="" required="" class=""></div>
          <div class="holds-recurring sub-field"><label id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0">Recurring<span class="required-field" aria-hidden="true">*</span></label>
            <div role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0">
              <ul class="field-area suggest-amounts">
                <li><label class="must-show"><input type="radio" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_onetime" value="" checked="" name="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_r" required=""> <!-- -->One Time</label></li>
                <li><label class="must-show"><input type="radio" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_weekly" value="weekly" name="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_r" required=""> <!-- -->Weekly</label></li>
                <li><label class="must-show"><input type="radio" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_biweekly" value="biweekly" name="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_r" required=""> <!-- -->Bi-Weekly</label></li>
                <li><label class="must-show"><input type="radio" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_monthly" value="monthly" name="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_interval0_r" required=""> <!-- -->Monthly</label></li>
        <div class="field-area offset holds-fee"><label class="must-show"><input type="checkbox" id="xe6dafb6d5fb7c9ec850c_fee" title="Credit card companies deduct fees on every transaction. You can increase your impact by offsetting those fees.">
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            data-hint="Credit card companies deduct fees on every transaction. You can increase your impact by offsetting those fees."><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></span></div>
    <div class="field-subtotal registrant-field field-registrant-1">
      <div class="holds-subtotal">
        <div class="label-like">Total</div>
        <div class="field-area">$0.00</div>
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  <section class="billing" id="billing-section"></section>

Text Content


Sharing God's love through the gift of clean, safe, drinking water

Friends, family and business associates, 

 I just returned from a 9-day trip to the Kibera slums in Nairobi, Kenya, where
408,000 people live in a 3.5 square mile radius.

The trip was with The Bucket Ministry - they
bring lifesaving clean water to those who need it.

 The people in Kibera barely have enough food, live in "homes" that are 8" x 14"
with 3 to 8 family members, with no sanitation and the water that they buy is
not clean and it is making the people very ill or killing them.

God has blessed me and ViB in many ways over the past 15 years. This is why I
personally and VIB believe in giving back and helping those most in need and

Whether you believe in God or have been touched by Jesus, this organization
saves lives by delivering life saving water filters to these people in need
regardless of one's belief.

 Each follow up visit that we had with the people of Kibera (10 days after using
the water filter),  we witnessed the same GOOD NEWS - they told us that they
were no longer sick from drinking the water.

 Please join me in making a difference.

 God bless and thank you

Donation Amount*
 * One Time
 * Weekly
 * Bi-Weekly
 * Monthly

Add 3% to my donation to cover credit card fees.

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