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OOC News

12 • 14 | The 12 Days of Ard-Mas is now live!

11 • 08 | Our annual Christmas Charity drive is now live! Ends on December 19,
11:59 PST.

10 • 16 | Our main Halloween event has launched here.

10 • 13 | We're kicking off our Halloween festivities with a little Pumpkin
Picking mini game! check it out!

09 • 05 | Winter of Year 19 has arrived! Don't forget to age up your characters
and take a peek at the new seasonal skill prompts!

05 • 15 | Please read our May Announcement.

12 • 14 | The 12 Days of Ardmas is now here!

11 • 12 | Check out our second ever Toys for Tots Charity Drive!

11 • 02 | The veil has dropped and with it, we begin the final week of the
Samhain festival. Come join in the festivities here

10 • 24 | Week two of the Samhain festival is now underway with various
activities of all risk levels to enjoy. Come join in the festivities here and
enjoy 8.5 days of double gems, as a result of your efforts!

10 • 17 | Samhain has officially begun! You can find the introductory thread

IC News

09 • 13 | Raiders Hollow is raiding Insomnia here! Take a look at the current

09 • 01 HEIðINN is raiding AVALON here! Take a look at the current Scoreboard!

08 • 31 | RAIDERS HOLLOW Is holding a mandatory meeting here The first round is
due September 7th.

08 • 13 | ARMADA is raiding RAIDERS HOLLOW here! Take a look at the current

06 • 16 | Three random events have popped up! One, two, and three!

03 • 14 | ETHNE is holding a mandatory meeting here. Posts due by March 27th.

02 • 15 | PIRATES PLUNDER is raiding VALHALLA here!

02 • 15 | PIRATES PLUNDER Yearling Party here! Well-intentioned pack wolves and
loners are welcome! No pups under 1 year please!

02 • 01 | THE HALLOWS is hosting their annual Bonfire Festival, open to all
allies and friends! Any who would like to join the celebration can make a
joining post here.

01 • 17 | The only constant is change... ETHYRIA has fallen and their pack land
lies abandoned. Who will be the next to rise in their place?

12 • 09 | ASHEN is holding a mandatory meeting here! Posts due December 15th.

12 • 06 | Medusa has won her challenge and is inviting anyone who would like to
join INSOMNIA here!

Summer, Year 20

As summer finally arrives on Boreas the sky will clear. It'll be a good year for
sun bathing as the weather will be pretty mild, aside from the desert where the
heat will be as expected. Most days will be warm but not too hot, a few clouds
to dot the sky and ensure the sun's heat is occasionally obscured. After such a
dismal spring it's a nice change of pace.

The battering winds of autumn finally bring winter to Auster, the wet season is
here and it's not being too shy. Along with a drop in temperature regular
showers will be a normal occurrence but unfortunately the wind has decided it
wants to stick around and driving rains will batter the continent for much of
the season. Flood prone areas are likely good to avoid for the time being as
there will be very few days where it does not rain.


Group Armada1416232/39 Ashen1117129/39 Avalon810018/26 Elysium910019/39
Ethne108018/26 The Hallows1520035/39 Heiðinn916126/26 Insomnia168226/26
Norad56314/26 Raiders Hollow 1511026/26 Tojo-kai1513129/39 Valta1210123/26
Syndicate Band56011/12 Loners991003202/∞

world map

Recent Threads
Recent Threads

i see the pros, but what are the cons?
by Celeste in Stylianos Crypt 52 minutes ago
Last post by Celeste Fresh Poison Each Week
by Mariah in Rustling Thicket 6 hours ago
Last post by NPC My arrows go high in the sky, challenging destiny
by Bellamy in Aspen Dam 6 hours ago
Last post by NPC It Was A Dark And Stormy Night...
by Andromeda in The Wall 6 hours ago
Last post by NPC Finish Line
by Cloudburst in Time's Cavern 7 hours ago
Last post by NPC i dare not go, for if i do, my mother will say...
by Gilgamesh in Lazuli Falls 8 hours ago
Last post by Calliope At mér skyldi kaupa
by Víðarr in Cedar Falls 9 hours ago
Last post by Róta Chunka munk and candy galore
by Ikuchi in Obsidian Beach 10 hours ago
Last post by Ikuchi [fight assessment training] I'll take another hit to the
back bone
by Bae-Syl in Lazuli Falls 11 hours ago
Last post by Bae-Syl Baby Steps
by Cináed in The Forgotten Isle 11 hours ago
Last post by Satira Mountaineering
by Emberr in Fenrir's Maw Today, 04:47 AM
Last post by Emberr Battlecries!
by Garm in The Runestones Today, 03:33 AM
Last post by Garm Gathering Goblins
by Medusa in Whisperer's Gorge Today, 03:23 AM
Last post by Gruesome Fite me
by Beauregard in Cedar Falls Today, 03:14 AM
Last post by Garm You gotta be kitten me...
by Beauregard in Aspen Dam Today, 02:46 AM
Last post by Bellatrix beauty sleep
by Elara in Cryer's Ravine Today, 02:33 AM
Last post by Elara reap what you sow
by Sephiran in The Polar Sound Today, 02:16 AM
Last post by Yarrabelle Ssssssymbiotic Relationsshipssss
by Aurelia in Serpent Plains Today, 02:10 AM
Last post by Aurelia We were instantly friends
by Gavroche II in Lazuli Falls Today, 02:07 AM
Last post by Bellatrix Take a Bite and Let it Linger
by Aresenn in The Polar Sound Today, 02:04 AM
Last post by Ezekiel

Who's Online & Stats

Era, Meadowlark, Ronan

149 users active in the past 15 minutes (3 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and
146 guests). Our members have made a total of 269,766 posts in 44,261 threads.
Please welcome our newest member, Yujomarue!


This board acts as the site's center for information regarding updates, polls,
events, maintenance, and much more.


Updates / Events
Absences & Scarcity by Bunni 1 hour ago

The designated area for logging all character-related information, from open
adoptions, to post and character logs, and room to plot with fellow members!



Idalia: Behold the sun by Lia Today, 01:01 AM

This board can be used for discussion of any out-of-character matters, or
whatever else members wish to share with one another. No evidence of activity

IC Archives

Alpha check archives

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Old Character Forms

Old Store Purchases

OTMs Archive

Gemstone Transfer Archive

Disbanded Packs & Bands

Flee Attempts

Site Events Archive

Quinn by Nyx Yesterday, 07:50 PM

This is where you may affiliate or advertise with us. Only re-post your
advertisement only when your ad is off the first page. Please keep in mind that
every time you post here it entitles us to post a link back on your site.

To minimize spam, please log into the visitor account to post your ad:

Username: Visitor
Password: ardent


Shadow Weyr (newly opened... by Visitor 01-03-2024, 01:00 AM


The northern portion of Boreas is a harsh, inhospitable landscape. Strong
northern winds increase the farther up you travel. Snow also accumulates more
and more as you migrate north. Blizzards are common in this area, and the prey
that manages to survive the temperatures and weather here are quite often sturdy
and difficult to bring down.

Cathedral Point

Kennocha Lake

The Frozen Field

Submerged Woods

S.S. Antiox

The Marble Wash

Ardens Glácies

The Polar Sound

Sparse Pines

The Red Forest

Gale Gorge

Waterfall Peak

Devil's Spout

Caves of the Past

Dreamer's Col

Soul Sand Cove

Mile-High Woods

Northern Mines

Locus Obscuro

Atlantis Island

Hell's River

The Wall
It Was A Dark And Stormy ... by NPC 6 hours ago

Eastern Boreas is fertile and green. A massive mountain range rises up in the
east and travels into the north. Several rivers and water sources have taken up
root in the east, supporting a diverse ecosystem of prey that includes waterfowl
and fish alongside typical forest-dwelling creatures. The east is one of the
best hunting areas in all of Boreas.

Travelers' Pitfall

Alias Island

Pyroduct Caves

The Rock Garden

The Stone Steppe

Firefly Lake

Crystallum Cliffs

Rustling Thicket

Serpent Plains

Monument Rapids

Fenrir's Maw

Moontouched Cliffs

Ibis Islands

Fontamo Bay

Mount Volkan

Stylianos Crypt

Redbud Nook

Kamui Delta

Sunset Falls

Lover's Mangrove

The Hot Springs
i see the pros, but what ... by Celeste 52 minutes ago

Southern Boreas is lush and moist, home to deltas and grand river systems that
lead directly to the open sea. The south is mostly flatland, though not quite as
flat as the west. A few rolling hills and dense forests add variety to the deep
south. Islands just off the coast are within easy reach. Prey is plentiful here
and some marine animals swim further inland - travelling the network of deltas
and rivers - than any other coast in Boreas.

Veteran's Plateau

Buffalo Knolls

The Range

The Orchard

The Rio Grande

Soulless Forest

Alabastrine Shrine

Tall Grass Plains

Weeping Woods

Daager Isle

Dove Island Archipelago

Sea's Plain

Corpseghoul Swamplands

Fern Gulley

Barren Hills

Algoma Prairie

Obsidian Beach

Time's Cavern

Faller's Fjord

Gambit Briar
Finish Line by NPC 7 hours ago

The western lands of Boreas are described most commonly as dry and arid. Though
some of the land has managed to sprout as green and fertile, much of it is brown
and dry as a bone. The west is mostly flatland, with very little rise or fall in
the landscape. The winds rip through here and can batter anyone who isn't
prepared for them.

The Deluge

Glowshroom Cavern

Whistling Willows

Emerald Valley

Barren Dunes

Wolfpaw Lake

Vericona Plains

Cryer's Ravine

Druid's Moor

Redwater Rocks


Traveler's Lake

Dancefloor of the Gods

Whisperer's Gorge

Tar Pits

Emerald Island

Sweetgrass Basin

Sand River

Illusions Oasis

Scaled Island

Avian Estuary

The Sycari Strip

Silver Island
Gathering Goblins by Gruesome Today, 03:23 AM

Rocks occasionally grace a lovely plain, and though the ponds and verdant blades
create a pleasant scenery it is stained with the blood of many. Roaming wolves,
rogues, and pups may be forced into packs if they are unfortunate enough to find
themselves here. This is also a place to find battles, both as minor as spars
and as major as pack challenges. Pack wolves under Tier 2 must steer clear of
the battlefield unless participating in or spectating a fight. hit me with your
best by Araneae Yesterday, 09:13 AM
The Battlefield

This is the land where characters who have died may interact with one another in
the afterlife. Living wolves can interact with the deceased through their
dreams, though there are some restrictions which are detailed inside the board.
Our house of memories by Bellamy Yesterday, 02:56 AM


Auster is a land that only became accessible to the wolves in Boreas following a
huge storm in the summer of Year 4. A large strip of sand connects the two
continents. Largely unexplored, the southernmost continent of Auster boats
plentiful game and abundant wildlife. Though adventure certainly awaits those
who wander south, travelers ought to be wary of the dangers that might lurk in
these unexplored lands.

The Bifröst

The Boneyard

Crystal Cathedral

The Ancient Oaks

Hermit's Cove

Grapevine Cathedral

Cattail Creek

Aspen Dam

The God's Garden

Wraith's Woods

The Runestones

Brimstone Lake

Bent Canyon

Amron's Castle

Dragon's Blood Grove

The Starlit Plains

Swallet Ring

Cedar Falls

Lazuli Falls

Fossil Ridge

The Forgotten Isle

Bamboo Maze

The Shimmering Shore

Hallucination Caves

Manatee Bay

Wildberry Grove
My arrows go high in the ... by NPC 6 hours ago

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