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for a paper alternative.

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this web address) the finalized document as a file in .pdf format. It will also
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I confirm that I am authorised to accept the terms of this document.

By clicking this button I hereby ACCEPT the terms of this document

Ref. No. : 784192 Name : Mr Jonathan Levy DOB : 00/00/0000 Address : Flat 1
Fairford Court
6 Holborn Close
Greater London
Postcode : NW7 4AZ Reg. No. :

Group : Group 1 Automotive
Dealer : MINI Stansted


Which finance company did you use to finance your last car purchase (PLEASE
LEAVE BLANK IF NONE)? Mini Financial Services What type of agreement did you
choose? Personal Contract Plan Do you have an outstanding settlement or Optional
Final Payment due on this agreement? yes How much are you currently paying per
month (GBP)? 255.37 Were you happy with this finance agreement and the funding
of the vehicle? If "Yes" please leave blank and if "no" please note the
customer's reasons why How many years do you plan to keep the vehicle? 3 What is
your planned annual mileage in 000s? (i.e. 8000)

Please note: If the type of finance agreement you choose is based on an annual
mileage and you exceed your declared total mileage, then you will be liable for
an excess mileage charge (plus VAT)

6000 Will the vehicle be funded personally (as opposed to in a business name)?

We will provide information on the finance agreement but as each business is
different you may wish to seek further tax advice relative to your specific
business from your accountant or a tax advisor)

no What monthly budget/repayment (GBP) are you aiming to achieve?

We may provide information on a 'deferred value' payable at the end of agreement
to help achieve your monthly budget/repayment (known as a Guaranteed Optional
Final Payment or Balloon Payment)

189 Do you know of any changes in your financial circumstances that should be
considered when arranging your finance agreement e.g. COVID-19, moving home,
planned retirement, change in occupation, dependants going to university,
increase in mileage etc.? Leave Blank if "none" Do you have any plans to settle
the agreement early? no Would you like to be made aware of any special
manufacturer finance company offers which may affect/influence our
recommendation to you? (such as subsidised service plans, deposit contributions
etc.) no


Group 1 Automotive takes the requirement to provide sufficient and accurate
information to our customers very seriously in order for you to make an informed
decision on your purchase. As mentioned in our initial disclosure to you we are
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the process we follow,
documentation prepared and information we provide is in accordance with the FCA
Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC). We would ask that the information you provide
is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Spire Automotive Limited Spire Lakeside Limited Beadles Sidcup Limited Think One
Limited Hodgson Automotive Limited Beadles Aylesford Limited Barons Automotive
Limited Beadles Medway Limited Beadles Maidstone Limited Beadles Dartford
Limited Beadles Coulsdon Limited

Following preparation of your Personal Finance Suitability Questionnaire we have
discussed the different funding options that are available to you and we have
prepared and presented quotations giving you the key financial information of
each agreement and you are now considering the following product:

Agreement Type: BMW and MINI Business Contract Purchase
Agreement Term: 36 months
Finance Company: Alphabet GB Limited
Monthly Budget: 189
Yearly Mileage: 6000

This agreement has been presented to you as it matches/is close to your planned
change cycle and/or desired monthly budget. This agreement has a deferred value
which is commonly referred to as the Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) which is
payable by you on settlement of the agreement or at the end of the term (should
you wish to own the car outright).

After consideration you have chosen the agreement presented

Important Terminology:-

 * Annual percentage rate (APR)
   The APR allows you to calculate the cost of borrowing money over a year on a
   credit agreement. It takes into consideration any fees and interest charges.
   You should use the APR to compare the cost of different finance options,
   although lease agreements will not show an APR.


 * Guaranteed Minimum Future Value / Guaranteed Future Value
   If you fund your vehicle with a PCP agreement, the lender will set a
   Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (GMFV) at the start of your finance
   agreement. This GFV will be determined by many factors including the duration
   of the agreement and the annual mileage you will do.
   You may hear this being referred to as the 'GMFV', 'GFV', 'the optional final
   payment' or the 'final balloon payment'. They all refer to the same thing. It
   is the amount of money still left for you to pay should you wish to purchase
   the vehicle outright (as this is one of the flexible options you have when
   funding via a PCP agreement).
   Note: If you choose to return the vehicle at the end of the agreement, the
   optional final payment will not be payable by you, however you will be liable
   for any excess mileage charges as well as any payment for any vehicle damage.
   (See your finance documentation for the mileage limits and vehicle


 * Early and Partial Settlement/Settlement Charges
   This is the option that allows you to either make a full payment to clear all
   outstanding credit OR the option to pay a sum of money to reduce the amount
   of credit, which will typically result in a lower monthly repayment and lower
   interest charges over the full term of the agreement.
   The amount of money that can be repaid for partial settlement will vary by
   lender. Note that partial settlements are only available on regulated
   contracts (i.e. private individuals borrowing less than GBP 60,260).
   This agreement will be liable for industry standard early settlement charges
   (Actuarial Settlement) if settled early.


 * Annual Mileage/Vehicle Condition
   This agreement is subject to your agreed annual mileage and vehicle condition
   - if you exceed the total mileage or the vehicle is returned with damage
   (other than fair wear and tear) you will be liable for an excess mileage
   charge/vehicle condition charge charged by the lender.

Pre-contract Consumer Credit Information.

You will be given a copy of your Pre-Contract Credit Information before you are
asked to sign a credit agreement or if you asked for a credit quotation. This is
an important document as it contains the key financial features and information
about the new credit agreement you are considering entering into.

You may take this information away with you and read its contents before you
sign the credit agreement .

Pre-Contractual Explanation (PCE).

The lenders PCE documentation may show certain text / paragraphs in bold font
which indicate important features of the credit agreement you are considering
entering into.

When the documents are presented to you, it is important that you read the whole
document carefully and give due consideration to the explanations provided to
satisfy yourself that you understand the key features of the credit agreement
and associated risks, prior to entering into the agreement. Please take as much
time as you need. Our trained staff can answer any questions you have before you
enter into your new credit agreement.

Commission Disclosure

We are a credit broker and not a lender. We are not an independent financial
advisor and we act in our own interests in respect of arranging finance. We do
not source the whole market and can only provide you with limited options when
introducing you to the lenders we work with. We will provide details of the
products available from the lenders we work with, but no advice or
recommendations will be made. You must decide whether the finance product is
right for you.

We operate with two lenders, a preferred lender and a secondary lender, both of
whom we have a pre-existing relationship with. Once we determine that our
preferred lender can provide suitable products to assist you with your vehicle
purchase, we will introduce you to that lender. If that lender refuses to grant
credit, then we can propose it to our second provider. In the event both lenders
choose not to provide credit, we will refer you to a broker with whom we have a
pre-existing relationship with to attempt to source credit for you. Note
however, the available terms from this broker may well be inferior to the two
lenders we initially introduced you to.

We do not charge you a fee for our services. Whichever lender we introduce you
to, we will receive commission from them (either a fixed fee or a fixed
percentage of the amount you borrow), which may vary by model. Some lenders may
also provide preferential rates to us for the funding of our vehicle stock and
also provide financial support for our training and marketing.

The lenders we work with could pay commission at different rates. However, the
amount of commission we receive from a lender does not have an effect on the
amount you pay to that lender under your credit agreement. Whilst the lender
will take into account the sum of interest charged when the interest rate is
set, we have no discretion to vary the interest charged by the lender.

For regulated agreements under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, prior to entering
into your credit agreement, you have the right to ask us to disclose the amount
of commission we will earn for arranging your credit agreement. If you would
like more information, please email your request to the email shown below within
the section for contact details.Please confirm the following before we propose
your details to the finance company for the agreement you have chosen:-

 1. You confirm you will be able to repay the agreed monthly payment, for the
    term of the agreement - as currently proposed.
 2. You confirm that to the best of your knowledge there are no foreseen changes
    in your personal circumstances,that may influence your ability to afford the
    monthly repayments or may need you to change the agreement/early settle.
 3. You confirm that if your proposal is declined or accepted but the terms of
    the agreement are changed by the finance company chosen, you are in
    agreement for us to re-propose your details to one of our secondary funding
    partners without referring the matter to you first, which will entail an
    additional credit search, this can have an affect on your credit score.
 4. The Health Safeguard. If you have any health issues that could affect your
    ability to fully understand (the product) or the commitment you are entering
    into, you should consider very carefully whether you need further time to
    consider this application or would like a family member or friend to help
    you make your decision. Please tell the Credit Intermediary if this is the

If you do not fully understand the type of finance agreement or the commitment
you are entering into, you should consider very carefully whether you need
further time to consider this application or if you would like a family member
or friend to help support you. Please let your sales representative know if you
feel you require extra time or support before entering into this new commitment.

PLEASE NOTE: The lender will set a maximum time limit for the acceptance of your
credit agreement (which will vary be lenders). In the event you are unable to
take delivery of your vehicle within this time limit, a further credit search
will be required. This ensures the lender has the most up to date credit
information available in order to proceed with your credit application. It is
your responsibility to inform us if you do not wish a further credit search to
be undertaken.


I confirm that I have read this Finance Explanation Document and it has been
fully explained to me.

I confirm that the regulatory documentation detailed above was prepared and
given to me. The Pre-Contract Explanation was fully explained and I was free to
ask any questions I had PRIOR to signing the new credit agreement.

I agree that the finance agreement chosen meets my requirements and I
acknowledge receipt of this document which has either been electronically
emailed to me or a copy handed to me

Customer's Signature

Dealer's Signature (Christian Clark, 24-06-2024 11:40 BST)





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