csmarket.gg Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:3032::ac43:de0e  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://csmarketggpay.com/
Effective URL: https://csmarket.gg/
Submission: On February 17 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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Text Content






By price (highest price first)

EMS Katowice 2014 Legends
49 845.44

Wild Lotus
21 765.98

21 668.23

Dragon Lore
20 948.18

19 770.75

19 735.54

Wild Lotus
17 182.34

13 679.14

★ Sport Gloves
13 330.29

12 696.83

Gold Arabesque
11 043.18

10 276.21

Dragon Lore
10 251.15

Dragon Lore
9 296.15

Butterfly Knife
9 118.32
Sticker | mousesports (Holo) | Katowice 2014
9 069.17

Gold Arabesque
8 340.94

★ Moto Gloves
8 240.59

Gold Arabesque
7 858.28

★ Sport Gloves
Pandora's Box
7 618.10

Akihabara Accept
7 373.39

★ Sport Gloves
Pandora's Box
6 892.56

★ Sport Gloves
6 696.09

Fire Serpent
6 672.75

Load more


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Whether you're scouring CS2 skin marketplaces for a specific item or just
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PAYPLAYSOFT LIMITED. Reg. Number: ΗΕ 454356. Legal address: Giannou Kranidioti &
Pargas 9, 1st floor, Flat/Office 102, 1065, Nicosia, Cyprus.

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What it is? close
P2P is a system for quickly selling and buying items at a great price. This
buy/sell system allows users to buy and sell items on the site without losing
money on commissions. The prices of items are set by a special algorithm that
checks not only the current price, but also the prices of the latest sales of
items, as well as discards suspicious jumps in the Steam marketplace. Item
pricing is now much nicer than it used to be and we're sure everyone will love
this news.
What are the advantages of buying items on the market?
The Market balance is displayed in Gems, which serves as the currency on
Take advantage of the active community and competitive pricing on the Market,
allowing you to engage in profitable trading and potentially earn real money.
Items do not have a trade hold.
If a seller fails to send a trade offer within 30 minutes, you have the option
to cancel your purchase and receive a refund.
What are the advantages of selling items on the market?
Sell directly to buyers for faster transactions.
Set flexible prices based on demand.

Reach more customers for quicker sales.
Enjoy secure transactions and peace of mind.
How do I make a purchase on the Market?
 * First, click on the "+" button at the top of the page to top up your Market
 * Select the desired item to purchase and wait for confirmation from the
   seller. Monitor the right sidebar for updates on the purchase status.
 * Once available, click on the "Accept trade" button.
 * Accept the trade request in the Steam application.

How do i sell an item on the Market?
 * Sign in to csmarket.gg using your Steam account.
 * Navigate to the "Market" and select the "Sell" tab.
 * List your items for sale by adding them to the Sell list and setting a price.
 * Click on the "Sell" button.
 * Your item is now available for sale!

General Rules
If you refuse to confirm the transaction, we will be forced to impose a
temporary ban on the deposit of the same item. 

We understand that you may just want to see how the system works, so the first
violation will not be counted, but the second and subsequent violations will
entail a time limit on the re-deposit of the item in 10 minutes. 
If the user continues to refuse to confirm the transaction, then each new
refusal will increase the time limit. 

The commission fee for exchanging digital items can differ for each case and
ranges from 0 to 20% of the item's declared value.

If you confirm your readiness for the transaction, having reached the stage of
receiving the item, and then do not accept the purchased item that the buyer has
already sent you, then we will be forced to fine you 10% of the item's value. 

If you confirm that you are willing to trade and then refuse to ship the item
sold, we will temporarily restrict your access to the P2P system. 

The anti-intruder system is designed in such a way in order to follow one, only
purpose - to save your time.

Send the exact item that you sold 

Be careful when selling and sending an item 
Send the exact item that you sold. 
Do not create several identical trades. If you cancel your first trade offer and
then create the exact same trade offer, the system will not be able to count it.
Our system only takes into account the originally created trade offer. 
During the sending process, be sure to check the position of the item in the
inventory, and if it is not a case / sticker, then check the float and the
presence of stickers on the item. 
This way you will protect yourself and only sell the item you wanted to sell. 
If the item for which the transaction is registered and the item that will be
sent by you does not have a matching ID, our system will not be able to count
the transaction as successful. 
Do not make your Steam profile private and do not change your Steam API key /
trade offer link during the transaction and for at least an hour after the
transaction is closed. 
You may lose your item and money for it if we detect an attempt to abuse the
Auction System
Our website has an auction system, which allows you to sell your items through
auctions. Instead of selling your item immediately, you can wait for other
traders to place bids and outbid the previous buyer. The same applies to
purchasing - you can outbid others to acquire the item you desire.

As all the items being sold on our website are from other traders, this auction
system applies to all listings.

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