haxor.id Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://haxor.id/archive/mirror/201669
Submission: On July 13 via api from RU — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

REQUEST /search

<form class="form-inline" action="/search" method="REQUEST">
  <div class="search-element">
    <input type="search" class="form-control header-search" name="q" placeholder="Search attacker, team, URL" aria-label="Search" tabindex="1" value="">
    <button class="btn btn-primary-color" type="submit">
      <svg class="header-icon search-icon" x="1008" y="1248" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="100%" width="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" focusable="false">
        <path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"></path>
          d="M15.5 14h-.79l-.28-.27C15.41 12.59 16 11.11 16 9.5 16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16c1.61 0 3.09-.59 4.23-1.57l.27.28v.79l5 4.99L20.49 19l-4.99-5zm-6 0C7.01 14 5 11.99 5 9.5S7.01 5 9.5 5 14 7.01 14 9.5 11.99 14 9.5 14z">

Text Content

HaxorID v1.3 (Cenderawasih)

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Saved on: 2024-07-07 19:19:54

Status: Archived

Web IP:

Server: LiteSpeed

Attacker: Riski Haxor

Team: Esteem Restoration Eagle

PoC: brute force attack

Reason: Revenge against that website

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