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Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


<form class="search-form form-search content-search" role="search" action="/" method="post" id="search-block-form" accept-charset="UTF-8" target="_self">
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POST /en/feedback-form

<form class="webform-client-form webform-client-form-75 webform-conditional-processed" id="webform-uuid-40762e9b-1cb2-4aa7-8e18-12375d4e843e" action="/en/feedback-form" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">
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    <input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="webform_client_form_75">
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Text Content

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 * Français





 * Content and designview child links
   * Accessibility
   * Brand standardsview child links
     * Apply for a brand exemption
     * Badges
     * Brand applications
     * Colour and palette for digital services
     * Colour and palettes for print
     * Government of Yukon logo
     * Illustration guidelines
     * Photography guidelines
     * Request a new supporting graphic
     * Supporting graphics
     * Typography
     * Design System for websites and online servicesview child links
       * Get styles and components
   * Creating contentview child links
     * Archive and delete a service or website
     * Data visualization and presentationview child links
       * How to apply colour and hues to charts and graphs
       * How to determine what chart type to use
       * Options for presenting data online
       * Standards for creating charts and graphs
       * When to use a chart or graph
     * Guidelines for Yukon.caview child links
       * Content strategy and design
       * Links
       * Naming files
       * New government activity or policy: content types to use
       * URL standards for
       * What to publish on
       * When and how to use use tables
       * Where to put guidance content on
       * Writing to style
     * How to get an online serviceview child links
       * How to name your service
     * How to request a campaign site
     * Kiosks and large-format digital displays
     * Request a branded template
     * Track your service or website's performanceview child links
       * Measure and improve completion rate
       * Measure and improve digital uptake
       * Measure and improve user satisfaction
     * Translate your service or website
     * Writing for the webview child links
       * Designing content not creating copy
       * Designing to avoid duplication
       * How people read
       * Know your audience
       * Page summaries (meta descriptions)
       * Structuring content
       * Titles
       * Writing well for specialists
       * Writing well for the web
     * content typesview child links
       * Basic page
       * Blog
       * Campaigns
       * Campground directory record
       * Department page
       * Document page
       * Events
       * Homepage
       * In-page alert
       * Landing page
       * Multi-step page
       * News
       * Places record
       * Public engagement
       * Site-wide alert
       * Topics page
   * Exceptions for public-facing digital services and websites
   * Formsview child links
     * Request a new form
     * Revise an existing form
     * Creating content for government formsview child links
       * Content standards for formsview child links
         * Common form content errors
       * Data input options for forms
       * Parts of government formsview child links
         * Cover page
         * Header
         * Introduction
         * Instructions
         * Data collection notice
         * Body
         * Contact us
         * Office use only
         * Consent
         * Signature
         * Disclaimers, acknowledgements and declarations
         * Footer
     * Form design standardsview child links
       * Online design patternsview child links
         * Account pages
         * Back link
         * Button
         * Check answers page
         * Confirmation page
         * Data collection notice
         * Email receipt messages
         * Error message
         * Feedback form
         * Payment page
         * Service unavailable message
         * Start page
         * Warning message
     * Plan your forms projectview child links
       * Forms prescribed into acts and regulations
       * Get your form translated
       * Official and unofficial government forms
       * Publishing and printing forms
       * Roles and responsibilities for producing forms
       * What type of form should I request?
     * User experience (UX) standards for formsview child links
       * How to help people recover from a form error
       * How to help people use your form
       * How to indicate formatting or input requirements in your form
       * How to keep your form as short as possible
   * Government of Yukon style guideview child links
     * A to Z of styleview child links
       * A to C
       * Abbreviations and acronyms
       * Ampersand
       * Appendices
       * Bullet point lists
       * Capitalization
       * Commas
       * Contact information
       * D to F
       * Date and time
       * Emails
       * G to I
       * Headings
       * Hyphens and dashes
       * ISBN
       * Internet and digital terms
       * J to L
       * Latin names
       * M to O
       * Northwest Territories
       * Numbers
       * Outside
       * P to R
       * Page numbers
       * Periods
       * Public engagement
       * Quotation marks
       * S to U
       * Slashes
       * Spelling
       * Titles
       * W to Z
     * Government referencesview child links
       * Boards and Committees
       * Cabinet
       * Commitments
       * Consultation
       * Crown
       * Departments
       * Flag
       * Government of Canada
       * Government of Yukon
       * Indigenous Peoples
       * Legislative Assembly and Legislature
       * Management Board
       * Ministerial Order
       * Order-in-Council
       * Precedence (Table of precedence)
       * Yukon and the Yukon
     * Languageview child links
       * Communicating about violence
       * Disabilities
       * Grammar
       * Tone of voice
       * Writing inclusively
       * Writing technical and scientific reports
     * Legislation
     * What's new in the style guide
   * Maps and geospatial data
   * User experience (UX) guideview child links
     * Consent
     * How to conduct user research throughout the service delivery processview
       child links
       * User research in Conception and ideation
       * User research in Discovery
       * User research in Prototype development (Alpha)
       * User research in Beta testing and live
     * Options to meet the digital service standards for usability
     * Recruiting participants for user research
     * Types of research
     * UX Office Hours
     * User research the government routinely conducts
     * What is user research?
 * Project management and procurementview child links
   * Digital service standards
   * Information for government staffview child links
     * How to purchase digital tools and productsview child links
       * Evaluate digital tools and vendors through the procurement process
     * Start additional phases of work to improve your service
   * Information for vendorsview child links
     * Common terms and definitions
     * Contacting vendors for work and estimates
     * Get an accountview child links
       * Get a account
       * GitLab
       * Network access
     * How to close a projectview child links
       * Client survey
       * Vendor survey
     * Project budget status tracker
     * Project status and budget tracking and reporting
     * Project team roles
     * Submit an invoice
   * Service delivery processview child links
     * 1. Conception and ideation
     * 2. Pre-discovery and planning
     * 3. Discoveryview child links
       * Hire and onboard a vendor
       * Identifying user needs in discovery
       * Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
     * 4. Prototype development (Alpha)view child links
       * Change management
       * Measuring user needs
     * 5. Beta testing and liveview child links
       * Develop a Beta
       * Pre-launch checklist
       * Private beta testing
       * Public beta testing and live
     * 6. Sustainment
 * Technologyview child links
   * Captchas
   * Code management and deploymentview child links
     * Best practices
     * Code review process
     * Deployment process
     * Development environments and workflow
     * How to make a merge request
     * Release notes
     * Release types
   * Common platform componentsview child links
     * Technical and platform exceptions
   * Get a domain nameview child links
     * Choose a domain name
     * Purchase a domain name
     * Renew an existing domain name
     * Transfer a domain name
   * Report a bug or request an improvement
   * Service maturity assessmentsview child links
     * Discovery service maturity assessment
     * Prototype development (Alpha) service maturity assessment
     * Beta service maturity assessment
   * Technical and legal assessments

Council Services





The Digital Service Delivery Guide is a collection of best-practice guidance and
processes for designing and delivering government services that are simple, fast
and strive to improve the user experience.

We've developed this advice to help project teams and vendors build consistent
digital services and websites that work for citizens.


 * Brand standards
 * Data visualization and presentation
 * How to get an online service
 * Forms (PDF and web forms/online services)
 * Style Guide
 * User experience (UX) guide


 * Code management and deployment
 * Service maturity assessments
 * Technical and legal assessments
 * Common platform components
 * Report a bug or request an improvement
 * Get a domain name


 * Digital service standards
 * Information for vendors
 * Get an account
 * Procurement
 * How to purchase digital tools and products
 * Project process (Service delivery process)


 * Exceptions for public-facing digital services and websites
 * Style Guide
 * Evaluate digital tools and vendors through the procurement process
 * Service maturity assessments
 * Creating content
 * UX Office Hours

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