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In the meantime if you are looking to find work for your truck(s),</span></p>\n<p><a href=\&quot;https://www.truxnow.com/schedule-demo-confirmation\&quot; rel=\&quot;noopener\&quot;>create a free Trux Drive account here!</a></p>&quot;,&quot;hsFormKey&quot;:&quot;d54d654a28235ec0cb7374837e605677&quot;,&quot;pageName&quot;:&quot;Dump Truck Logistics Software | Truck Hauling Management&quot;,&quot;rumScriptExecuteTime&quot;:2936,&quot;rumTotalRequestTime&quot;:3984.6000022888184,&quot;rumTotalRenderTime&quot;:4235.200000762939,&quot;rumServiceResponseTime&quot;:1048.6000022888184,&quot;rumFormRenderTime&quot;:250.5999984741211,&quot;connectionType&quot;:&quot;4g&quot;,&quot;firstContentfulPaint&quot;:0,&quot;largestContentfulPaint&quot;:0,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;en&quot;,&quot;timestamp&quot;:1719324753026,&quot;originalEmbedContext&quot;:{&quot;portalId&quot;:&quot;5857452&quot;,&quot;formId&quot;:&quot;08f76d25-c17c-4706-ad0d-49bada1ce065&quot;,&quot;region&quot;:&quot;na1&quot;,&quot;target&quot;:&quot;#hs_form_target_form_73587286&quot;,&quot;isBuilder&quot;:false,&quot;isTestPage&quot;:false,&quot;isPreview&quot;:false,&quot;formInstanceId&quot;:&quot;3391&quot;,&quot;formsBaseUrl&quot;:&quot;/_hcms/forms&quot;,&quot;css&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;inlineMessage&quot;:&quot;<p><span style=\&quot;color: #f2ede1;\&quot;>Thank you for requesting a demo!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\&quot;color: #f2ede1;\&quot;>Check your email for more information. In the meantime if you are looking to find work for your truck(s),</span></p>\n<p><a href=\&quot;https://www.truxnow.com/schedule-demo-confirmation\&quot; rel=\&quot;noopener\&quot;>create a free Trux Drive account here!</a></p>&quot;,&quot;isMobileResponsive&quot;:true,&quot;rawInlineMessage&quot;:&quot;<p><span style=\&quot;color: #f2ede1;\&quot;>Thank you for requesting a demo!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\&quot;color: #f2ede1;\&quot;>Check your email for more information. In the meantime if you are looking to find work for your truck(s),</span></p>\n<p><a href=\&quot;https://www.truxnow.com/schedule-demo-confirmation\&quot; rel=\&quot;noopener\&quot;>create a free Trux Drive account here!</a></p>&quot;,&quot;hsFormKey&quot;:&quot;d54d654a28235ec0cb7374837e605677&quot;,&quot;pageName&quot;:&quot;Dump Truck Logistics Software | Truck Hauling Management&quot;,&quot;pageId&quot;:&quot;39147441783&quot;,&quot;contentType&quot;:&quot;standard-page&quot;,&quot;formData&quot;:{&quot;cssClass&quot;:&quot;hs-form stacked hs-custom-form&quot;},&quot;isCMSModuleEmbed&quot;:true},&quot;correlationId&quot;:&quot;36140b6a-f670-43f6-957a-72bbff34ee61&quot;,&quot;renderedFieldsIds&quot;:[&quot;firstname&quot;,&quot;lastname&quot;,&quot;email&quot;,&quot;phone&quot;,&quot;company&quot;,&quot;state&quot;,&quot;zip&quot;,&quot;type_of_business&quot;,&quot;what_brings_you_to_trux_&quot;],&quot;captchaStatus&quot;:&quot;NOT_APPLICABLE&quot;,&quot;emailResubscribeStatus&quot;:&quot;NOT_APPLICABLE&quot;,&quot;isInsideCrossOriginFrame&quot;:false,&quot;source&quot;:&quot;forms-embed-1.5387&quot;,&quot;sourceName&quot;:&quot;forms-embed&quot;,&quot;sourceVersion&quot;:&quot;1.5387&quot;,&quot;sourceVersionMajor&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;sourceVersionMinor&quot;:&quot;5387&quot;,&quot;allPageIds&quot;:{&quot;embedContextPageId&quot;:&quot;39147441783&quot;,&quot;analyticsPageId&quot;:&quot;39147441783&quot;,&quot;contentPageId&quot;:39147441783,&quot;contentAnalyticsPageId&quot;:&quot;39147441783&quot;},&quot;_debug_embedLogLines&quot;:[{&quot;clientTimestamp&quot;:1719324751836,&quot;level&quot;:&quot;INFO&quot;,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;Retrieved customer callbacks used on embed context: [\&quot;getExtraMetaDataBeforeSubmit\&quot;]&quot;},{&quot;clientTimestamp&quot;:1719324751837,&quot;level&quot;:&quot;INFO&quot;,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;Retrieved pageContext values which may be overriden by the embed context: {\&quot;pageTitle\&quot;:\&quot;Dump Truck Logistics Software | Truck Hauling Management\&quot;,\&quot;pageUrl\&quot;:\&quot;https://www.truxnow.com/\&quot;,\&quot;userAgent\&quot;:\&quot;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\&quot;,\&quot;pageId\&quot;:\&quot;39147441783\&quot;,\&quot;contentAnalyticsPageId\&quot;:\&quot;39147441783\&quot;,\&quot;contentPageId\&quot;:39147441783,\&quot;isHubSpotCmsGeneratedPage\&quot;:true}&quot;},{&quot;clientTimestamp&quot;:1719324751838,&quot;level&quot;:&quot;INFO&quot;,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;Retrieved countryCode property from normalized embed definition response: \&quot;NL\&quot;&quot;},{&quot;clientTimestamp&quot;:1719324753022,&quot;level&quot;:&quot;INFO&quot;,&quot;message&quot;:&quot;Retrieved analytics values from API response which may be overriden by the embed context: {\&quot;hutk\&quot;:\&quot;6394db9e1fa13c038f3f59b367524ddb\&quot;,\&quot;canonicalUrl\&quot;:\&quot;https://www.truxnow.com\&quot;,\&quot;contentType\&quot;:\&quot;standard-page\&quot;,\&quot;pageId\&quot;:\&quot;39147441783\&quot;}&quot;}]}"><iframe
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Our dump truck logistics and dispatch software was designed to help you manage
all trucking logistics in one place -- including finding more trucks when you
need them through the nation's largest dump truck marketplace.






Make logistics a competitive advantage with increased throughput, improved
dispatching & plant efficiency, and a differentiated customer experience.

Learn more >


Salt producers and municipalities use Trux to manage the delivery of sand and
salt products as well as manage the removal of snow from commercial properties.

Learn more >


Contractors rely on Trux to manage their fleets, find more trucks for their
projects when they need them, and keep their projects on schedule and on budget.

Learn more >


We help fleet owners, independent operators, and brokers find more work,
dispatch, track, and manage their trucks, and get paid fast all within an
easy-to-use app.

Learn more >



Digital Dispatching
 * Digital Dispatching
 * Visibility & GPS Tracking
 * Paperless Ticketing
 * Customer Engagement
 * Find More Trucks
 * Hauler Payments


Save on average 30 minutes of dispatcher time per hauler per week with digital
scheduling, load stacking, and reassignment. Load planning tools automatically
calculate how many loads, trucks, or tons will be required to fill an order,
saving you time and ensuring you are never over- or under-trucked. When
integrated with your sales order and scale/ticketing systems, you can manage all
of your dispatching, delivery and truck tracking, ticketing, customer and hauler
communications in one place.


Monitor the progress, time-stamped route, current location, and ETA of all loads
and all trucks, in real-time and after delivery. Because haulers are using the
Trux Drive app to punch-in, complete loads, and punch-out, you and your
customers get real-time and historical tracking and delivery confirmation of
every truck and every load without any equipment.


Never lose time or money searching for lost paper load slips. Digital slips are
available directly from within Trux as soon as each load is completed. And full
E-ticketing is available with integrated scale systems, giving you and your
customers a complete picture of what's going on. Go paperless with all of the
digital documentation you need to invoice customers and pay your haulers for the


Delight customers and increase loyalty with a differentiated customer
experience. Full order delivery tracking, truck ETA to the job site,
E-ticketing, and delivery confirmation of every completed load gives your
customers a reason to keep doing business with you over your competitors. Job
site productivity tools ensure that the customer is prepared to receive each
load without causing delays, backups, and incurring wait time penalties. And
with material reordering, your customers have a frictionless solution to give
you repeat business.


It's not uncommon to find ourself short of trucks for the job. Even worse, you
may find yourelf losing out on bids or avoiding them altogether out of concerns
that you won't be able to secure adequate trucking with your existing fleet.
With Trux, you can find more 3rd-party trucks when you need them from the
nations largest dump truck marketplace. Dispatch, track, and communicate with
3rd party haulers just as you do with our internal, employed haulers.


Paying haulers for the work they complete for you represents a significant time
burden and cost for your business office. Especially when you are using a lot of
3rd party/subcontracted haulers. That's why Trux pays the haulers you use for
you and sends you a single, consolidated invoice, saving you up to 1.5 hours per
hauler per week. And with digital punch-in, punch-out, and load complete, you
have the data you need to validate you are getting what you paid for.



More Work
 * More Work
 * Weekly Payment
 * Earnings Tracking
 * Easy To Use App

Each day, 30 haulers take their first shift from the Trux Marketplace. And the
average Trux customer sources 30 haulers from 22 different hauling companies.
Trux helps keep your fleet's schedule full.


Trux pays you weekly for the work you complete from the Trux Marketplace. No
more invoicing and waiting 30 days, 60 days, or more to get paid. We take care
of that for you and pay you directly.


Keep track, in real-time, of all completed work and earnings by job, by hauler,
and by week. Go paperless with digital ticket uploads directly from within the
Trux Drive app. Once uploaded, you have immediate access to all digital tickets
to reconcile and validate completed loads and payments.


Haulers rate Trux Drive a 4.7 out of 5.0 stars on the App Store for its
simplicity, ease of navigation, and user-friendly layout. A straightforward and
intuitive design make it easy to find, assign, and manage work for your haulers.



 * Trux Materials
 * Trux Construction
 * Trux Drive



 * 7% increase in aggregate tons

 * 10% increase in asphalt tons

 * 8% increase in average capacity per driver/day


 * 15% decrease in truck load time

 * 13% increase in loads per hour

 * 10% faster plant turnaround time

 * 20% faster job site turnaround time



 * 60,000+ haulers

 * 23,000+ hauling companies

 * ~30 haulers taking their first shift each day


 * $1.3 B+ in hauler payments

 * No invoicing


 * 4.7 out of 5.0 stars on the App Stores (3.6 average score)

 * Best-in-class customer satisfaction ratings




Each day, 30 haulers take their first shift from the Trux Marketplace. And the
average Trux customer sources 30 haulers from 22 different hauling companies.
Trux helps keep your fleet's schedule full.

Trux has made over $1.3B in weekly hauler payments. You complete the work, and
we pay you directly each week. Trux takes care of invoicing your customer, so
you don't have to wait for 30, 60, 90 days or more to get paid for the work.

Haulers rate Trux Drive best-in-class for ease of use and support. Learn more
about their feedback and use of the app in our recent survey.

Trux makes it easy for you to track of all of your earnings and digital loads
slips by hauler, by job, by week. All at your fingertips.



 * 30 minutes of dispatcher time saved per hauler/week

 * 1.5 hours of business office savings per hauler/week

 * 6% reduction in billing errors and delays


> We knew we needed to find more reliable trucking. Rather than focusing on the
> problem, we knew the only way to get ahead was to find a solution. Harness is
> solution and results-driven, Trux is the solution that works best for our
> business. By leveraging Trux's platform, we are able to reliably find trucks
> when we need them, ensure material is delivered to the job site on time, and
> remain nimble as changes to our schedules occur.

John Carney
Foreman at Harness Solutions LLC
> Our partnership with Trux over the past 2 years has allowed my team to vastly
> improve our trucking operations. Trux gives us the ability to efficiently
> manage out fleet, get additional dump trucks when we need them, monitor
> performance, get digital copies of our tickets and gain access to cost data in
> real-time. Trux has helped provide quality control over our trucking
> operations as we can deliver on our commitments to our clients.

Michael Musto
CEO & President at U.S. Pavement Services



Want to try Trux? Complete this form and have one of our experts walk you
through a demo.


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Choose the option that most closely resembles your business*
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What product are you most interested in?*
 * Trux
 * Trux Drive (Find and Complete Dump Truck Work)

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