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Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is an Open Access publisher, with more than
300 online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic

Brief introduction of SciencePG:

 * 300+
   Open Access Journals

 * 20,000+
   Editorial Board Members and Reviewers

 * 11,000+
   Served Universities and Institutions

 * 600,000+
   Registered Scholars

If you are interested, you could join by following the procedures outlined

Here are the procedures:

Step 1: If you don't have an English CV, you can download the provided CV
template for reference.

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Editorial Board

Benefits & Responsibilities for Editorial Board Members

As part of the community of SciencePG, our editorial board members hold a
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also contribute to the shaping and progression of our journals. As an editorial
board member with SciencePG, you can expect to be at the cutting edge of
developments in your field, interacting with peers, and gaining valuable
insights into the publishing landscape.

 * As an Editorial Board Member, You will Benefit from:
   Enhance your academic influence and enrich your resume.
   Receive a certificate acknowledging your contributions to the journal.
   Have your name listed on the journal website.
   Gain access to the latest research in advance and make new contacts in your
   research field.
   Network with other scholars in your field and broaden your academic
   Enjoy special discounts on Article Processing Charges.

 * The Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members:
   Advise on journal policy and scope.
   Review submitted manuscripts.
   Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims
   and submissions.
   Attract new authors and submissions.
   Promote the journal among your colleagues and peers.
   Assess the relevance and appropriateness of proposed Special Issues within
   the scope of the journal.
   Propose a Special Issue and serve as the lead guest editor.


Qualification & Requirements for Editorial Board Members

At SciencePG, we believe that our editorial board members play crucial roles in
maintaining the high standard and integrity of our journals. To ensure that we
have a team of competent and dedicated individuals steering the academic
direction of our publications, we have certain qualifications and requirements
that need to be met by potential applicants.

Our qualifications and requirements for a potential editorial board member are
as follows:

A minimum of 4 years of research or professional experience in the relevant
field of the applied journal.

A minimum of 5 publications on the same topic as the applied journal.

Priority will be given to applicants who hold the rank of associate professor or
higher, or who occupy an equivalent position in their field.

Having relevant working experience in editorial roles or similar positions will
be preferred.

By adhering to these criteria, we guarantee that our editorial board members are
well-prepared to guide the direction and uphold the quality of our diverse
scientific publications.


Benefits for Reviewers

Scholars will be entitled to the following benefits when working with SciencePG
as reviewers.

Enhance your professional reputation through peer review involvement.

Access cutting-edge research and expand your academic network.

Receive a personalized reviewer certificate for your contribution.

Enjoy exclusive discounts on Article Processing Charges when publishing with


Requirements and Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers play an indispensable role at SciencePG, as they bear significant
responsibility for upholding the integrity of scholarly content. Reviewers are
expected to provide a fair, objective, and timely evaluation of manuscripts.

 * Reviewers for SciencePG should meet the following criteria:
   A minimum of 3 years research or professional experience in the relevant
   field of the applied journal.
   A minimum of 3 publications on the same topic as the applied journal.
   Priority will be given to applicants who hold doctoral degrees.
   Preference will be given to those with relevant reviewing experience.

 * Reviewers for SciencePG are expected to:
   Assess the scientific quality of the manuscript with their expert knowledge.
   Prepare comprehensive and detailed review reports, and remain responsive
   throughout the peer review process.
   Uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, avoiding
   personal, financial, or intellectual biases, focusing solely on the research
   quality and written presentation of the manuscript.
   Preserve confidentiality throughout the review process, not disclosing or
   using any unpublished information or communicating the manuscript content
   without prior consent from SciencePG.
   Refrain from contacting the authors directly without SciencePG's permission.
   Suggest citations of the reviewer’s work only when they contribute to the
   manuscript's academic or technological relevance, not merely to increase
   citation count or enhance the visibility of the reviewer's work.
   Reviewers are asked to maintain their affiliation updated on their reviewer
   account to allow editors to identify potential conflicts of interest
   Complete the review process by providing the review reports within 7-10 days.
   If unable to adhere to this timeline or an extension is needed, please
   promptly communicate with the editorial team.

About Us

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is an Open Access publisher, with more than
300 online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic

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