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Home Health Systems


Image: Exit International

Posted By: Barbie Latza Nadeau via Yahoo! News December 7, 2021

Please Share This Story!


Readers will remember the 1973 movie, Soylent Green, staring Charlton Heston and
Leigh Taylor-Young, where Sol (Edward G. Robinson) voluntarily reports to an
assisted suicide center where he picks the music and scenery to accompany his
final exit.

Is there a market for assisted suicide where people make the mechanical means of
their own assistance? As in the Field of Dreams movie, “If they build it, they
will come.” Could people be unknowingly brainwashed into killing themselves?
Absolutely. ⁃ TN Editor

Switzerland has just legalized a new way to die by assisted suicide. The
country’s medical review board has authorized the use of the Sarco Suicide Pod,
which is a 3-D-printed portable coffin-like capsule with windows that can be
transported to a tranquil place for a person’s final moments of life.

Conventional assisted-suicide methods have generally involved a chemical
substance. Inventor Philip Nitschke of Exit International told the website
SwissInfo.ch that his “death pod” offers a different approach. “We want to
remove any kind of psychiatric review from the process and allow the individual
to control the method themselves,” he said. “Our aim is to develop an
artificial-intelligence screening system to establish the person’s mental
capacity. Naturally, there is a lot of skepticism, especially on the part of

The pod can be activated from inside and can give the person intending to die
various options for where they want to be for their final moments. “The machine
can be towed anywhere for the death,” he said. “It can be in an idyllic outdoor
setting or in the premises of an assisted-suicide organization, for example.”

To qualify to use the pod, the person who wants to die must answer an online
survey that is meant to prove whether they are making the decision of their own
accord. If they pass, they will be told the location of the pod and given an
access code.

Once inside, the person intending to end their life will have to answer
pre-recorded questions and press a button that will start the process of
flooding the interior with nitrogen, which will quickly reduce the oxygen level
inside from 21 percent to 1 percent. “The person will get into the capsule and
lie down,” he said, adding, “It’s very comfortable.”

He said the person will likely feel disorientated or euphoric. “The whole thing
takes about 30 seconds,” he said “Death takes place through hypoxia and
hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no
panic, no choking.”

Read full story here…

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Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green
Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and
co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the
late Antony C. Sutton.


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 * Psychology Today: Sex Robots And The End Of Civilization
 * HB57: Utah Now Requires Search Warrant To Access Electronic Data
 * PCR Tests Are Used To Cause Disease Panic
 * Shades Of Soylent: Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’
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 * Global Digital ID: Bum’s Rush To Inject Children Hides Technocrat Objective
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