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U.N. chief already shifts from 'global boiling' to new term and the media's
happy to help push it
Doug P.

Try not to laugh at Karine Jean-Pierre's spin on why Biden walked out of Medal
of Honor ceremony
Doug P.
The complete human rights disaster that is illegal immigration
Aaron Walker
KJP Claims Biden's Maskless, Abrupt Exit From Medal of Honor Ceremony Was 'Very
Twitchy Staff
Trump tells Hugh Hewitt he WILL testify at his trials ... and Twitter is SHOCKED

Gun safe manufacturer tries to explain why they gave the FBI a customer's access
Try not to laugh at Karine Jean-Pierre's spin on why Biden walked out of Medal
of Honor ceremony
U.N. chief already shifts from 'global boiling' to new term and the media's
happy to help push it
Chicago suburb holding 'poverty simulation event' and you CAN'T make this stuff
Loopy Leftist touts European bans on homeschooling and Americans aren't having
any of it
Senator Kennedy Confronts Biden Nominee With Past Radical Statements
Trump tells Hugh Hewitt he WILL testify at his trials ... and Twitter is SHOCKED
Senators Blackburn and Hawley Are Left Stunned by Soft on Crime Nominee
KJP Claims Biden's Maskless, Abrupt Exit From Medal of Honor Ceremony Was 'Very

Chicago suburb holding 'poverty simulation event' and you CAN'T make this stuff
Doug P.
Loopy Leftist touts European bans on homeschooling and Americans aren't having
any of it
Washington Post Columnist Rage Quits Hunter Biden Interview
Twitchy Staff
Do gamers care about pronouns? We don't think so.
Gun safe manufacturer tries to explain why they gave the FBI a customer's access
Doug P.
Senator Kennedy Confronts Biden Nominee With Past Radical Statements
Twitchy Staff
Riley Gaines and others call out Republican Women's group for failing to affirm
Senators Blackburn and Hawley Are Left Stunned by Soft on Crime Nominee
Twitchy Staff
NBC alerts us that there is a police officer shortage and everyone is in SHOCK
House Oversight drops damning evidence 'Biden’s VP staff colluded with Hunter’s
business partner'
Doug P.
Senator Kennedy Asks 'Tough Questions' to Woke Biden Nominees
Twitchy Staff
'Bidenomics' update: Yikes!
Doug P.


KJP Claims Biden's Maskless, Abrupt Exit From Medal of Honor Ceremony Was 'Very

Washington Post Columnist Rage Quits Hunter Biden Interview
Senator Kennedy Confronts Biden Nominee With Past Radical Statements
Senators Blackburn and Hawley Are Left Stunned by Soft on Crime Nominee


Schumer Slammed for Government Funding Scheme That's 'Designed to Fail'

Gun safe manufacturer tries to explain why they gave the FBI a customer's access

Twitter Wars: Roseanne Barr Flattens Rob Reiner

Most Pastors Preach the Gospel — Not This Guy

Mark Hamill shows his strength with the FARCE by weighing in on Trump
People are wondering if Biden had something more important to do during Medal of
Honor ceremony
Doug P.
*Adjusts TINFOIL* Alex Jones predicts COVID ramp-up days before FLOTUS tests
Gavin Newsom proves he suffers from foot-in-mouth disease weighing in on
Oklahoma education
California State Sen. Scott Wiener says we need high-speed rail nationwide
Brett T.

NBC News has noticed those people flying Nazi flags outside of Disney
Brett T.
Discuss: Those who betrayed Trump for DeSantis 'are not welcome BACK!'
Brett T.
Ex-Proud Boy sentenced to 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy
Brett T.
Schadenfreude: 'Their rules' hits the left with new RICO charges
Aaron Walker
Third graders getting ready to strap on masks again in Maryland
Brett T.

Peter Doocy asks KJP why everyone treats Joe Biden like a baby
Brett T.
New York Post: Elon Musk boosts 'antisemitic' bid to ban ADL from Twitter
Brett T.
Peter Doocy asks Karine Jean-Pierre Why White House Staff Treats Biden 'Like a
Twitchy Staff
Sec. of Ed. Miguel Cardona deletes R-RATED hip-hop bus tour playlist he shared
with KIDS (but we got it)
Sam J.
Jen Psaki now says that Democrats aren't, like, cheering for late-term abortions
Brett T.

Former service secretaries tell Sen. Tommy Tuberville to stop his 'dangerous'
hold on promotions
Brett T.
'Non-Binary' Woman Freaks Out After Bartender Calls Her and Her Partner 'Ladies'
Twitchy Staff
KJP's comments on Biden's actions now that Jill Biden has COVID set my 'OH HELL
NO' detectors off
Sam J.
Media Matters OFFICIALLY designates @Oilfield_Rando a 'right-wing troll' and his
reaction is PERFECTION
Sam J.
RIGHT into our veins: Californian BELLYACHING about moving to Texas the
hilarious schadenfreude you need
Sam J.

'The View' Body Shames Trump
Twitchy Staff
Tulsi Gabbard Has a New Name for 'The Associated Press'
Twitchy Staff
Bro, just SHUT IT DOWN! Sen. John Cornyn WALLOPED for whining about a possible
govt. shutdown
Sam J.
REEE! Rob Schneider calls out Dylan Mulvaney for 'gender appropriation' and
LOL-CUE the Lefty meltdown
Sam J.
Alexander Vindman LOSES it (again) in UNHINGED multi-tweet meltdown over Elon
Musk and anti-Semitism
Sam J.

Guess which Lincoln Project A*SCLOWN tried picking a fight with Republicans (and
lost) THIS time
Sam J.
BOOM --> Sharyl Attkisson's reaction to DOCTOR Jill Biden catching COVID again
will PISS off the crazies
Sam J.
WOW: Editor OUTS Biden in DAMNING thread for 'Mosaic Plagiarism' in article he
submitted on Civil Rights
Sam J.
Glenn Greenwald gets WAY too honest about what Democrats REALLY stand for and
Lefty just can't DEAL
Sam J.
Elon Musk to sue the Anti-Defamation League?
Aaron Walker

CEO is seeing a lot of hate speech on X lately, which is neither 'free' nor
protected speech
Brett T.
FBI has found 1,200 pages related to the unlawful targeting of 'radical
traditionalist' Christians
Brett T.
Biden biographer says he has insecurities about being 'perceived as stupid'
Brett T.
Joe Biden notes that his successor, the great real estate builder, didn't build
a damn thing
Brett T.

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